Past papers
On this page, you'll find past papers for MA34110 - Partial Differential Equations.
A few things to be aware of:
- Always revise from a mixture of lecture notes, assignment questions, and past exam papers, arguably in that order of importance (the most important being first). If you are familiar with all the material in the lecture notes, you should expect to do well in the exam. Those who have not attempted the assignments will inevitably find the exam very difficult indeed.
- There is no guarantee that this year's exam paper will bear a strong resemblance to those have gone before.
- In line with departmental policy, only two sets of solutions will be made available. This will occur after solutions to the final assignment are made available.
- The course changes a little from year to year; some old papers contain questions relating to material no longer in the module.
- I've made a course outline document that might help you to structure your revision. I do not claim it is exhaustive.
- I've also added a festive problem that might be a fun way to revise the method of characteristics.
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