Last modified Awst 7ed, 2012. Maintained by G.W. Griffith, Prifysgol Aberystywth
Cynhadledd Microbioleg Cymru/Gorllewin Lloegr, Prifysgol Abertawe
Swansea University, Thurs 13th - Fri 14th September 2012
Please note that the deadline for abstracts is 28th August 2012.
For further details please contact Geertje van Keulen at the Institute of Life Science, Swansea University.
Click here to see the programme of the inaugural PM-W meeting in 2011. For previous meetings at All-Wales Microbiology meetings at Gregynog (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 or Plant Science Wales (2007 and 2009). The origins of these meetings back in the early 1970s are described here.
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Draft details of the programme are given below but for latest details, please click here.
Provisional Programme
Thursday 13th September: ILS and Grove building
08.00-09.00 ILS Monthly Bio-breakfast, Hub ILS2 ‘From plants to products’ Professor Diane Kelly (BEACON at the ILS)
08.30-09.30 Registration Opens / Arrival and pickup abstract books and badges
09.35-09.45 Official Welcome (Hilary Lappin-Scott) and housekeeping issues (Tom Wilkinson)
09.45-10.30 David Leak (Bath), sponsored by BEACON
Novel pathways and enzymes for ethanol production in thermophiles
10.30-11.15 Richard Titball (Exeter)
Old and new toxins from Clostridium perfringens
11.15-11.45 Break and coffee
11.45-12.30 Eshwar Mahenthiralingam (Cardiff)
Burkholderia antibiotics: getting cures for infection from pathogenic bacteria
12.30-13.15 Introducing larger microbiology projects at Swansea University
12.30-12.45 Angharad P Davies
Collaborative studies with the UK Cryptosporidium Reference Unit
12.45-13.00 Sam Sheppard (Swansea / Oxford)
Bacterial population genomics: The limitations of species concepts
13.00-13.15 Martin Sheldon (Swansea)
Mechanisms of infection and immunity in the female genital tract - a tale of two bacterial toxins
13.15-15.15 Lunch and Themed posters (Themes to be decided upon receipt of abstracts)
15.15-16.00 Martina Lahmann (Bangor)
Title to be confirmed
16.00-16.15 MWG/Eurofinns
16.15-16.45 Break, coffee with welsh platter
16.45-17.00 Junior researcher presentation 1
17.15-17.30 Junior researcher presentation 2
17.30-17.45 Junior researcher presentation 3
17.45-18.00 Junior researcher presentation 4
Details of previous meetings can be found at,, and