Last modified February 18, 2007. Maintained by G.W. Griffith, UW Aberystywth
Cynhadledd Microbioleg Cenedlaethol
Gregynog Hall, Mon 19th - Wed 21st March 2007
Sponsored by:-
Society for General Microbiology/Society for Applied Microbiology Regional Meetings Fund,
Department for Enterprise, Innovation and Networks (National Assembly of Wales)
University of Wales Gregynog Staff Colloquia Fund.
Organised by Paul Dyson and Gareth Griffith. For further details please contact Paul Dyson, UW Swansea.
Click here for details of past meetings held in 2004, 2005 and 2006.
16.00 Arrive in time for tea in the Blaney Room.
19.00 Dinner
20.00 Quiz. An ice-breaker.
21.00 The final question: Is the bar open?
Session 1 - Chair: Esh Mahenthiralingam(UC)
9.00 |
Guest : David Lamb (UWS) |
Evaluating Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) cytochrome P450s as a model system for the generation of novel antibiotics |
9.30 |
David Yanez-Ruiz (UWA) |
Effect of the absence of protozoa in the rumen on the ruminal microbial ecology |
9.50 |
Jasmine Sharp (UWA) |
Profiling bacterial communities from the marine Bryozoa |
10.10 |
Kelly Cheeseman (UC) |
Staphylococcus aureus in Welsh Intensive Therapy Units |
10.30 |
Elisabeth Steiner (UWA) |
How do Clostridia phosphorylate Spo0A? |
10.50 TEABREAK |
Session 2 - Chair: Gareth Griffith (UWA)
11.20 |
Guest: Emily Roberts (UWS) |
Biochemical prey recognition by planktonic protozoa |
11.50 |
Simon Gregory (UWS) |
Bacterial communities in model wetlands treating aquaculture wastewater |
12.10 |
Kierran Shah (UWS) |
The exploitation of bacteria for nanotechnologies |
12.30 |
Joan Edwards (IGER) |
Dynamics of microbial colonisation of fresh forage in the rumen ecosystem |
1.00 LUNCH |
16.00 Tea
16.30 Guest : Geertje van Keulen (UWS): Nitrate respiration, fermentation and flotation (NIFFTI): novel traits of Streptomyces coelicolor deprived for oxygen
17.00 Industry Guest speaker: David Walker (Cultech Ltd., Port Talbot). Cultech a successful company based on research into Nutrition and probiotics
17.35 Guest : Rick Lewis (Newcastle Uni). Structural studies of the stress response of Bacillus subtilis
19.00 Dinner
20.00 After Dinner Guest Speaker: Tom Curtis (Engineering, Newcastle Uni).
Theory and Microbial Ecology.
21.00 Sampling expedition to the bar.
Session 3 - Chair: Paul Dyson (UWS)
9.00 |
Federica Pinto (UC) |
Effects of PHMB-based biocides on viruses |
9.20 |
Heather Moore (UWA) |
Quorum sensing and Bioluminescent screening in Chromobacterium violaceum |
9.40 |
Olga Majorga (IGER) |
Microbial colonization and subsequent biofilm formation by ruminal microorganisms on fresh perennial ryegrass |
10.00 |
Michelle Finnegan (UC) |
Biocidal oxidation of macromolecules |
10.20 |
Bob Lovitt (UWS) |
Wine and cider maturation using lactic acid bacteria |
Session 4 - Chair: Mike Young (UWA)
11.15 |
Mark Malpass (UWB) |
Chicken Wing Microbiology: Finger Licking Good? |
11.30 |
Hugo Jimenez (IGER) |
Anaerobic fungi in the ruminant digestive tract |
11.45 |
Bhavesh Mistry (UWS) |
FtsW is required for sporulation septation in Streptomyces coelicolor |
12.00 |
Sandra Pierre (UWA) |
Proteomic analysis of the cacao pathogen Crinipellis perniciosa |
12.15 |
Esh Mahenthiralingam (UC) |
Bacterial probiotics: The Good, The Bad and The “Poopy” |
1.00 LUNCH (then depart)
We are grateful to the SGM/SfAM, DEIN (NAW) and UW for sponsorship of this meeting. As part of the sponsorship there is a prize (£200) awarded for the best talk given by a postgraduate or 'younger' scientist.
Details of previus meetings can be found at, and
STAYING BOTH NIGHTS (50 + 4Mon + 4Tues)
Jean-Yves Maillard (UC)
David R Yanez-Ruiz (UWA)
Alexandre Magno Anesio (UWA)
Sara Rassner (UWA)
Special dietary requirements:- (Vegan: Detheridge, Roderick)(Vegetarian:- Cheeseman [fish OK], Dunn [no eggs], Mistry,Sharpe)