Last modified February 7th, 2008. Maintained by G.W. Griffith, UW Aberystywth
Cynhadledd Microbioleg Cenedlaethol
Gregynog Hall, Mon 3rd - Wed 5th March 2008
Sponsored by:-
Welsh Assembly Government (Dept. Economy and Transport), Labtech International and University of Wales Gregynog Staff Colloquia Fund.
For further details please contact Gareth Griffith, Aberystwyth University.
Click here for details of past meetings held in 2004, 2005 and 2006 and 2007.
16.00 Arrive in time for tea in the Blaney Room.
19.00 Dinner
20.00 Quiz. An ice-breaker.
21.00 The final question: Is the bar open?
Session 1 - Chair: Davey Jones (BU)
9.00 |
Prysor Williams (BU) |
How to compost a sheep |
9.20 |
Lorena Fernández (SU) |
Developmental osmoadaptation in Streptomyces coelicolor |
9.40 |
Naheed Kaderbhai (AU) |
Metabolite profiling of E.coli tryptophan mutants |
10.00 |
Phil Hexley (AU) |
Monitoring Yeast Viability Using Dielectric Spectroscopy |
10.20 |
Gareth Williams (CU) |
Can we wipe out MRSA from Intensive Therapy Units? |
10.40 TEABREAK |
Session 2 - Chair: Ed Dudley (SU)
11.20 |
Mark Farrell (BU) |
Stimulation of microbial activity in contaminated soil |
11.50 |
Victoria Gray (CU) |
You are what you eat : even if you're Salmonella |
12.10 |
Dilara Sharif (SU) |
Quorum sensing in cyanobacteria |
12.30 |
David Whitworth (AU) |
Signalling networks of social predators |
1.00 LUNCH |
16.30 Tea
17.00 Industry Guest speaker: Kevin Owen (Ipsen Biopharm Ltd., Wrexham). Manufacture and uses of Botulinum toxin
18.00 Professor Les Baillie (Pharmacy, Cardiff) :
"A cup of tea is the answer to everything-including the threat of bioterrorism"
19.00 Dinner
20.00 After Dinner Guest Speaker: Dr. Peter Crittenden (Nottingham University).
Sitting gathering dust: Lichens and nutrients.
21.00 Sampling expedition to the bar.
Session 3 - Chair: Mike Winson (AU)
9.00 |
Kevin Roderick (AU) |
Ecology of grassland macrofungi |
9.20 |
Lovleen Tina Joshi (CU) |
Oxidative radical exposure induces the movement of insertion sequences in Burkholderia cenocepacia |
9.40 |
Hugo Jimenez (IGER/AU) |
In vitro degradation of fresh forage by anaerobic fungi |
10.00 |
Hannah Toberman (BU) |
Role of extracellular phenol oxidase activity in the short-term increase of DOC and water colouration following peatland drain blockage |
10.20 |
Neil McEwan (AU) |
Gut bacteria/Frankia |
Session 4 - Chair: Al Venables (CU)
11.15 |
Mustak Kaderbhai (AU) |
Porphyric bacteria |
11.30 |
Eric Pinloche (AU) |
New techniques of molecular biology to caracterise the bacterial population of the rumen |
11.45 |
Ed Dudley (SU) |
Targeted matabolmic analysis of cyclic peptide production by fungi |
12.00 |
David Lloyd (CU) |
Biological time is fractal |
1.00 LUNCH (then depart)
We are grateful to thw Welsh Assembly Government (Department Economy and Transport) and the University of Wales Gregynog Staff Colloquia Fund for sponsorship of this meeting.
There is a prize (£100) awarded by Labtech International for the best talk given by a postgraduate or 'younger' scientist.
Details of previus meetings can be found at,, and
Accommodation List
STAYING BOTH NIGHTS (35 + 2Mon + 3Tues + 5Day)
IGER (2)BU (2)
Hannah Toberman
Mark Farrell
CU (11)
Les Baillie
Andrew Gad
Victoria Grey
Lovleen Tina Joshi
David Lloyd
Coralie Millet
Nicola Pratt
Nansi Reynolds
Gareth Williams
Ceri Dawn Wilmot
Al Venables
SU (6)
Kate Bell
Ed Dudley
Lorena Fernandez
Simon Gregory
Lindsay Parkes
Dilara Sharif
Tina Blackmore AU
Jo Porter AU
Peter Crittenden Nottm
Special dietary requirements:- (Vegan: Detheridge, Edwards, Roderick, Toberman)(Vegetarian:- Reynolds)