Tahlina Borradaile

Second Year Solar Physics PhD Student at Aberystwyth University funded by the STFC.

NAM '24
See my work


Hi! I'm a current second year solar physics PhD student studying Alfvén waves under supervision of Dr Yeghiazar Taroyan at Aberystwyth University, funded by the STFC. I am focussing on their propagation from the photosphere to the corona, investigating the level of reflection seen at the transition region. I demonstrate for 2nd year undergraduate physics students in Python and numerical techniques workshops.



NAM July 2024

Below is my poster as presented at the National Astronomy Meeting 2024 at Hull University.


PGR Conference July 2024

Below is my poster as presented at the Aberystwyth University FBAPS PGR conference.


Research Update June 2024

I presented a research update to the Aberstywth University Solar Physics Group on 5th of June.

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Ludlow College STEM Careers Day Presentation March 2024

I presented a talk "The Path to the Sun" to Ludlow College students as part of their STEM careers day on the 1st of March.

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Research Update February 2024

I presented a research update to the Aberstywth University Solar Physics Group on 7th of February.

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NAM July 2023

Below is my poster as presented at the National Astronomy Meeting 2023 at Cardiff University.


Research Update June 2023

I presented a research update to the Aberstywth University Solar Physics Group on 15th of June.

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