This series of challenges will take us through the programming basics for Lego Mindstorms EV3 units of different designs.
It has been designed for those who do not have direct access to the robots.
The learning outcomes will hopefully be:
We have two options for the software to program our EV3 units:
For full functionality, the official software is the best option. However, this is designed for beginners with no programming experience, those with some experience tend to prefer the MakeCode option.
For links to, screenshots and help pages please read this Getting Started pdf.
Can anyone hear me?
I am Supervisor Tango Alpha Lima Lima Yankee of Deep Mine #31313
In need of assistance
Systems and Structural Damage
Must retrieve all EV3 worker units
Remote control systems damaged
Need programs for each unit to return to control
Programming software damaged
Someone please assist by sending me programs to upload
Transmitting requirements for each unit's retrieval
I just hope someone out there is receiving this