
Tudur Davies

Contact information

email: itd at aber dot ac dot uk
Department of Mathematics
Aberystwyth University
Telephone: +44(0)1970622813


My research interests are mainly in modelling complex fluids such as aqueous foams, materials that are widely used domestically and in industry.
Most of my reseach so far uses a quasi-static model and the Surface Evolver software for bubble-scale simulations of foams. In particular, I have focused on studying how thin films and foams interact with solid objects, a process that is important in applications such as mineral separation by froth flotation.

PhD Projects

Contact me if you're interested in possible PhD projects in the above field. Suitable students will have a background in applied mathematics or related fields and some programming experience.

Research Articles

I.T. Davies and C. Raufaste (2021). Effect of gravity on the orientation and detachment of cubic particles adsorbed at soap film or liquid interfaces. Soft Matter, 17, 6964-6971. Preprint

S.J. Cox and I.T. Davies (2021). The evolution of numerical methods for predicting the distribution of surfactant in the bubble-scale dynamics of foams. Curr. Opin. Coll. Interf. Sci. 53, June 2021, 101440. Preprint

S.J. Cox and I.T. Davies (2020). Bubble entrainment by a sphere falling through a horizontal soap foam. EPL. 130: 14002. Preprint

I.T. Davies (2018). Simulating the interaction between a descending super-quadric solid object and a soap film. P Roy Soc A-Math Phy, 474(2218), p.20180533. Draft (pdf) version

S.J. Cox and I.T. Davies (2016). Simulations of quasi-static foam flow through a diverging-converging channel. Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 28: 181. Draft (pdf) version

I.T. Davies, L. Garratt and S.J. Cox (2015). Rhaniad arwynebedd lleiaf silindr yn dair rhan. Gwerddon, 20, Hydref 2015, 30-43. Draft (pdf) version

D.R. Lipsa, R.S. Laramee, S.J. Cox and I.T. Davies (2013). Visualizing 3D Time-Dependent Foam Simulation Data. Advances in Visual Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8033:255-265.Preprint

I.T. Davies, S.J. Cox and J. Lambert (2013). Reconstruction of tomographic images of dry aqueous foams. Coll. Surf. A, 438:33-40. Preprint

S.J. Cox, D.R. Lipsa, I.T. Davies and R.S. Laramee (2013). Visualizing the dynamics of two-dimensional foams with FoamVis. Coll. Surf. A 438:28-32. Preprint

I.T. Davies and S.J. Cox (2012). Sphere motion in ordered three-dimensional foams. Journal of Rheology 56:473-483. Preprint

D.R. Lipsa, R.S. Larammee, S.J. Cox and I.T. Davies (2011). FoamVis: Visualization of 2D Foam Simulation Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17:2096-2105. Preprint

I.T. Davies and S.J. Cox (2010). Sedimentation of an elliptical object in a two-dimensional foam. J. Non-Newt. Fl. Mech. 165:793-799. Preprint

I.T. Davies and S.J. Cox (2009). Sedimenting discs in a two-dimensional foam. Coll. Surf. A 344:8-14. Draft (pdf) version.

A. Wyn, I.T. Davies and S.J. Cox (2008). Simulations of two-dimensional foam rheology: localization in linear Couette flow and the interaction of settling discs . Euro. Phys. J. E 26:81-89.Draft (pdf) version.


I currently contribute towards teaching the following modules:

Year 1

MT10110 Geometreg Gyfesurynnol a Fectoraidd
MT10310 Tebygoleg
MT10610 Calcwlws
MP10610 Calculus
MT11010 Algebra a Chalcwlws Pellach
MT11310 Ystadegaeth
MA15210 Games, Puzzles and Strategies 2

Year 2

MT21510 Dadansoddiad Cymhlyg
MA25220 Introduction to Numerical Analysis and its Applications
MT25220 Cyflwyniad i Ddadansoddiad Rhifiadol a'i Gymhwysiadau
MT25610 Hydrodynameg 1

Year 3

MT34210 Dulliau Asymptotig mewn Mecaneg
MT39020 Cyflwyniad i Addysgu Mathemateg mewn Ysgol Uwchradd

Year 4

MTM9720 Prosiect Llai
MAM9720 Minor Project
MTM9840 Prif Brosiect
MAM9840 Major Project

I've also contributed to the teaching of the following modules in recent years:

MA10510 Algebra
MT34110 Hafaliadau Differol Rhannol


I offer the following sessions to schools as part of the outreach activities of the Department of Mathematics:

Mathematics with Bubbles

A foam or a cluster of bubbles naturally minimize their total surface area, and as a result their structure obeys some mathematical rules (such as Platerau's laws and the Laplace-Young law). In this presentation, we will visually observe these mathematical rules. We will go on to use bubbles to solve the Steiner Problem. The objective of this problem is to connect sites such as cities together in the most efficient way, that is by building the shortest possible set of roads or railway track.

This presentation includes trigonomteric calculations, using Pythagoras' theorem, and some differentiation. It can be adapted so that it is suitable to learners from any secondary school year. The presentation has been adapted to a website due to Covid-19 restrictions on school visits.

Mathematics and Sport

I also have a keen interests in many types of sport. There are many problems in sport which can be thought of in terms of mathematics, for example:


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