Bob Morris Jones' Personal Homepage at Aberystwyth University

Fersiwn Gymraeg / Welsh Version



Born 20th November, 1942, Rhostyllen, Wrexham, Denbighshire (as it was), Wales

Education and Early Work

1947-1949 Infants School, Rhostyllen, Wrexham, Denbighshire (as it was), Wales

1949-1954 Junior School, Bersham, Wrexham, Denbighshire (as it was), Wales

1954-1961 Grove Park Grammar School, Wrexham, Denbighshire (as it was), Wales

1961-1963 Royal Insurance Company, Chester, Cheshire, England (not gap years but the real thing)

1963-1966 BA in English Literature, University College of North Wales (now Bangor University)

1966-1967 MA in Linguistics, University of Reading

Academic Career

1967-1974 Linguistics Department, University College of North Wales (now Bangor University)

1967-1968 Research Assistant on the Survey of Cultured Welsh

1968-1972 Research Officer on Schools Council Project

1972-1973 Research Assistant

1973-1974 Research Fellow Board of Celtic Studies

1974-2008 Education Department, University College of Wales Aberystwyth (now Aberystwyth University)

1974-1977 Leading Research Officer on Welsh Office funded project, Concept and Language Development

1977-???? Senior Research Associate, specializing in Linguistics

????-2008 Reader, specializing in Linguistics (retired 2008)

Nowadays  Retired, honorary member of staff in School of Education, UA

Research projects

1967-1968 Survey of Cultured Welsh

1968-1972 Schools Council Project 1968-1972

1974-1978 Welsh Office funded project 1974-1978, Concept and Language Development

1996 Acquisition of the Welsh Language

1999-2000 ESRC funded project transcribing in CHILDES format recorded material collected for the Concept and Language Development project


Articles in journals and chapters in books (ordered chronologically):

1.       Jones, M. (1970). ‘A Preliminary Outline of the Finite Verbal Phrase in Welsh’, Studia Celtica V: 94–147.

2.       Jones, M. (1974). ‘Literary and Colloquial Welsh: some points of divergence’, Studia Celtica Japonica, 8: 1–14.

3.       Jones, M. (1972). ‘The Items byth and erioed’, Studia Celtica VII: 93–119.

4.       Jones, M. (1973). ‘The Present Condition of the Welsh Language’, in Meic Stephens (editor), The Welsh Language Today, Llandysul: Gomer Press, 110–126.

5.       Jones, M. (1977). ‘COCOA and a Linguistic Description of Child Language Development of Welsh and English Speakers in Wales’, UMRCC Journal 4/2: 11-16.

6.       Jones, M. (1979). ‘The Present Condition of the Welsh Language’, in Meic Stephens (editor), The Welsh Language Today, revised edition, Llandysul: Gomer Press.

7.       Jones, M. (1983/84). ‘Automatic Tagging and Lemmatization: using SPITBOL as an Aid in Lexical and Grammatical Analysis of Welsh Texts’, Studia Celtica XVIII–XIX: 287–310.

8.       Jones, B.M. (1987-8). "The Discourse Acts Of Five-Year-Olds Speaking Welsh", Studia Celtica, XXII-XXIII, 176-199.

9.       Jones, B.M. (1990). "Variation In The Use Of Pronouns In Verbnoun Phrases And Genitive Noun Phrases In Child Language", Celtic Linguistics, Martin J. Ball et al, 53-76, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co..

10.    Jones, B.M. (1990). ‘Welsh Influence on Children’s English’, in Nikolas Coupland (editor), English in Wales: Diversity, Conflict and Change, Clevedon; Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters Ltd: 195–231.

11.    Jones, B.M. (1990). "Linguistic Causes Of Change In Pronominalization In Children's Welsh", BBCS XXXVII, 43-70.

12.    Jones, B.M. (1990). "Constraints On Welsh English Tags: Some Evidence From Children's Language", English World-Wide, 11:2, 173-193.

13.    Jones, B.M. (1991–92). 'The Definite Article in Welsh', Studia Celtica XXVI-XVII: 175-201.

14.    Jones, B.M. (1994). ‘Wales: Language Education Policy’, in R.E. Asher (Editor-in-Chief) and J.M.Y. Simpson (Coordinating Editor), The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, vol. 9, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 4960–4961.

15.    Jones, B.M. (1994). 'The Genitive of Respect in Welsh', Research Papers In Welsh Syntax, 5: 78-91, Department of Linguistics, University of Wales, Bangor.

16.    Jones, B.M. (1995). ‘Schools And Speech Communities In A Bilingual Setting’, in Jones and Ghuman (editors), pp. 79-107.

17.    Jones, B.M. (1997). ‘Necessity and Obligation: Part 1, Adult Welsh’, Studia Celtica XXXI: 239–267.

18.    Aldridge, B.M., R.D. Borsley, S. Clack, G. Creunant, and B.M. Jones (1998). ‘The Acquisition of Noun Phrases in Welsh’, in Language Acquisition: Knowledge Representation and Processing, Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh.

19.    Jones, B.M. (1998). ‘Necessity and Obligation: Part 2, Children’s Welsh’, Studia Celtica XXXII: 231–269.

20.    Borsley, R.D. and B.M. Jones (2000). ‘The Syntax of Welsh Negation’, Transactions of the Philological Society, vol. 98, 1: 15–47, Oxford: Blackwell. Papers from the Salford Negation conference, published for the Society by Blackwell.

21.    Borsley, R.D. and B. Morris Jones (2001). ‘Negation in colloquial Welsh’, in R. Cann, C. Grover and P. Miller (eds.), Grammatical Interfaces in HPSG, Stanford: CSLI Publications, 33-50.

22.    Borsley, R.D. and B. Morris Jones (2001). ‘The Development of Finiteness in Early Welsh’, Journal of Celtic Language Learning, 6, 9-20.

23.    Borsley, R.D. and B.M. Jones (2004). 'The distribution and interpretation of Welsh n-words', in Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 5, Olivier Bonami and Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (editors), papers presented at the Fifth Syntax and Semantics Conference, Paris, 2003. Pp. 7-25.

24.    Jones, B.M. (2004). ‘The licensing powers of mood and negation in spoken Welsh: full and contracted forms of the present tense of bod ‘be’’, Journal of Celtic Linguistics, 8, 87–107.

25.    Jones, B.M. (2006). ‘The syntax of Welsh piau clauses’, Journal of Celtic Linguistics 10: 17–84.

26.    Jones, Bob Morris (2008). ‘The core and the periphery: the syntax of the Welsh ‘genitive of respect’’,  Journal of Celtic Linguistics 12: 39–86.

27.    Jones, Bob Morris (2008). ‘Floating quantifiers in Welsh’, Lublin Studies in Celtic Languages 5, Department of Celtic, Catholic University of Lublin.

28.    Jones, Bob Morris (2009). ‘The Modification of Adjectives in Welsh’,  Journal of Celtic Linguistics 12: 45–116.

29.    Jones, Robert Morris (2024). ‘Non-canonical Syntax: Predicative Demonstrative Clauses in Welsh’,  Journal of Celtic Linguistics Vol 24 Num 1: 177-230.

Books — authored and edited — and monographs (ordered chronologically):

1.       Jones, M. and Alan R. Thomas (1972a). Linguistic Source Book, Part 1 – Introduction to the Study of Language, unpublished manuscript for the Schools Council, Department of Linguistics, University College of North Wales, Bangor.

2.       Jones, M. and Alan R. Thomas (1972a). Linguistic Source Book, Part 3 – Language Variation, unpublished manuscript for the Schools Council, Department of Linguistics, University College of North Wales, Bangor.

3.       Jones, M. and Alan R. Thomas (1977). The Welsh Language, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, for The Schools Council.

4.       Jones, B.M. (1986). Agweddau Ar Ystyron A Phatrymau Iaith Plant Pump Oed, Aberystwyth: Y Gyfadran Addysg.

5.       Jones, B.M. (1988). Beth Yw Gwall Mewn Iaith Plant?, Aberystwyth: CAA.

6.       Jones, B.M. (1992). Linguistic Performance And Language Background, Aberystwyth: CAA, 1992. (169 pp.)

7.       Jones, B.M. (1993). Ar Lafar Ac Ar Bapur: cyflwyniad i'r berthynas rhwng yr iaith lafar a'r iaith ysgrifenedig. Aberystwyth: CAA (282 pp.)

8.       Jones, B.M. (1993). Ascriptive And Equative Sentences In Children’s Welsh, Aberystwyth Education Papers, (109 pp.)

9.       Jones B.M. (1994). Possessive Sentences In Children’s Welsh, Aberystwyth Education Papers, (86 pp.)

10.    Jones, B.M. and Paul A. S. Ghuman (editors) (1995). Bilingualism, Education and Identity, Cardiff: University of Wales Press (1995). (267 pp.). Also co-wrote ‘Introduction’ and contributed one chapter (Jones B.M. 1995).

11.    Jones, B.M. (1999). The Welsh Answering System, Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter (360 pp.)

12.    Borsley, Robert D. and Bob Morris Jones (2005). Welsh Negation and Grammatical Theory, Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

13.    Jones, B.M. (2010). Tense and Aspect in Informal Welsh, Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Unpublished work on the Web­ see below


Unpublished work and other material on the Web

Unpublished work

Clause Types and Negative Preverbal Particles in Informal Welsh

The complementizer system in informal Welsh

Non-canonical syntax: a presentative clause in Welsh

Copula-less clauses in Welsh

Copular clauses in Welsh

The Acquisition of Negation in Welsh

The Acquisition of Adjective Phrases in Welsh: The Input Language

The Acquisition of Adjective Phrases in Welsh: The Children's Language

Mutation in Spoken Welsh

Focus and Degree Modifiers

Other material

Welsh Dialect Syntax

Guidelines on Formal Welsh Grammar


Gender of nouns

Gender and number forms of adjectives

Apostrophe ess (’s) in English