Uses of Class

Packages that use Template

Uses of Template in Facemorph

Methods in Facemorph that return Template
static Template Template.autoDelineate(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template averageTemplate, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float leftEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float rightEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float mouth, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, int mouthIndex, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, PCA pca)
          Automatically delineates the image given returning a Template outlining the facial features
 Template AveragerApplet.autoDelineate(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.Point[] points)
          Method to autodelineate a new image, using 3 points specified by the user.
 Template KnockedUpApplet.autoDelineate(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.Point[] points)
          Method to autodelineate a new image, using 3 points specified by the user.
 Template<Template> templates, int normalisation, int[] normalisationPoints)
          Builds a PCA from the set of Templates given
 Template Template.clone()
 Template PCA.combine(PCA pca1, Template average1, PCA pca2, Template average2)
          Combine two PCA models into a single one.
 Template PCA.combine2(PCA pca1, Template average1, PCA pca2, Template average2)
          Combine two PCA models into a single one.
static Template Template.complexAverage(java.util.ArrayList<Template> origTemplates)
          Calculates the full procrustes average using complex maths
 Template ASM.delineate(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float... points)
          Delineate an image using this ASM
 Template[] PCA.getIntersection(Template average1, Template average2, PCA pca, double alpha, double beta)
          Find the least squares intersection between the two PCA models
 Template ASM.getTemplate()
          Gets the average Template
 Template PCI.getTemplate()
          Retrieve the average template that defines the shape of this PCI
 Template PCA.normaliseEyes(Template average, Template average2)
          Rotates this PCA so that it aligns with the new average
 Template PCA.project(Template tem, Template av)
          Projects the given Template into the closest approximation in the PCA space
 Template PCA.project(Template tem, Template av, boolean cap, double capval)
          Projects the given Template into the closest approximation in the PCA space
 Template PCA.project(Template tem, Template av, int left, int right, boolean cap, double capval)
          Projects the given Template into the closest approximation in the PCA space
 Template ASM.reconstruct(float[] params)
          Reconstructs a Template from a set of shape parameters
 Template PCA.replaceMean(Template newMean, Template oldMean, int left, int right, boolean closest)
          Replaces the mean of this PCA with a new mean aligned to the old using 2 point normalisation
 Template Template.scale(double s)
          Return a new Template as a copy of this one scaled by s
 Template Template.subtract(Template rhs)
          Creates a new template by subtracting the positions of two input templates output = this - rhs
 Template Template.transform(Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, double s, float scale)
          Transforms this Template using the formula this = this + s*(sourceTemplate - destTemplate)
 Template Template.transform(Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, double s, float scale, boolean conts)
          Transforms this Template using the formula this = this + s*(sourceTemplate - destTemplate)
 Template Template.transform(Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, double s, float scale, boolean conts, int normalisation, int[] normPoints)
          Transforms this Template using the formula this = this + s*(sourceTemplate - destTemplate)
 Template Template.transformChimeric(Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, float l1, float l2, float w)
          Transforms the left and right face sides separately
static Template Template.weightedAverage(java.util.List<Template> templates, float[] weights, int iterations)
          Makes a weighted average of the templates given
static Template Template.weightedAverage(Template t1, float w1, Template t2, float w2)
          Makes a weighted average of the templates given

Methods in Facemorph that return types with arguments of type Template
 java.util.ArrayList<Template><java.util.ArrayList<Template>> templateSets)
          Builds a PCA from a set of template sets.
 java.util.ArrayList<Template> PCA.buildTemplateSet(java.lang.String fileName)
          Builds a PCA from a set of template sets.
 java.util.Vector<java.util.ArrayList<Template>> PCA.getTemplateSet(java.lang.String fileName)
          Reads sets of templates from file into a Vector of ArrayList of Templates
 java.util.Vector<java.util.ArrayList<Template>> PCA.makeMatchingSets(java.util.Vector<java.util.ArrayList<Template>> templateSets, java.util.ArrayList<Template> averages, double varianceToExplain)
          Creates a set of matching sets from a set of Template sets.
 java.util.Vector<java.util.ArrayList<Template>> PCA.makeMatchingTemplateSets(java.lang.String fileName, double pcVar)
          Creates a set of matching sets from a set of Template sets.

Methods in Facemorph with parameters of type Template
 int Template.addChimeric(Template t, float l1, float l2, float w)
          Adds different amounts to the left and right side the points 0 and 1 are used to define the eyes, and hence the symmetry line
 boolean Template.addToAverage(Template t, int n)
          Adds the n'th template to this average
static void PCA.addToAverage(Template average1, PCA pca1, Template currentAverage, int n, int start, BigMat data)
          Incrementally updates the data matrix and currentAverage by adding the PCA data to them
 void Template.addWeighted(Template t, Complex z)
          this = this + z*t
 void Template.addWeighted(Template t, float s)
          this = this + s*t
 float[][] Template.affineFit(Template tem, int[] normalisationPoints)
          Performs an affine fit of this to Template tem using the normalisation points specified
 double[] PCA.analyse(Template tem, Template avTem)
          Analyse a template to find the PCA weights
 double[] PCA.analyse(Template tem, Template avTem, int normalisation, int[] normalisationPoints)
          Analyse a template to find the PCA weights
static Template Template.autoDelineate(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template averageTemplate, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float leftEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float rightEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float mouth, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, int mouthIndex, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, PCA pca)
          Automatically delineates the image given returning a Template outlining the facial features
 int Template.average(Template[] t)
          Constructs the average of the array of templates given
 int Template.average(Template[] templates, boolean normalise)
          Calculates the average of the Templates
static java.awt.Image Transformer_1.averageImages(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize)
          Method to create an average from a set of delineated images.
static java.awt.Image Transformer_1.averageImages(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize)
          Method to create an average from a set of delineated images.
static java.awt.Image Transformer.averageImages(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize, int normalisation)
          Average a set of images
static java.awt.Image Transformer.averageImages(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize, int normalisation)
          Average a set of images
static java.awt.Image Transformer.averageImages(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize, int normalisation, TransformerListener warpListener, TransformerListener averageListener)
          Method to create an average from a set of delineated images.
static java.awt.Image Transformer.averageImages(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize, int normalisation, TransformerListener warpListener, TransformerListener averageListener)
          Method to create an average from a set of delineated images.
static java.awt.Image Transformer.averageImagesTexture(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, Filter[] filters, int bm, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize, int normalisation)
          Method to create an average from a set of delineated images.
static java.awt.Image Transformer.averageImagesTexture(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, Filter[] filters, int bm, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize, int normalisation)
          Method to create an average from a set of delineated images.
static java.awt.Image Transformer.averageImagesTexture(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, Filter[] filters, int bm, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize, int normalisation, TransformerListener warpListener, TransformerListener averageListener)
          Method to create an average from a set of delineated images.
static java.awt.Image Transformer.averageImagesTexture(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, Filter[] filters, int bm, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize, int normalisation, TransformerListener warpListener, TransformerListener averageListener)
          Method to create an average from a set of delineated images.
static java.awt.Image Transformer_1.averageImagesTexture(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize)
          Method to create an average from a set of delineated images.
static java.awt.Image Transformer_1.averageImagesTexture(java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, Template averageTemplate, int outW, int outH, java.awt.image.ImageObserver obs, boolean autoSize)
          Method to create an average from a set of delineated images.
 int<Template> templates, Template avTem, int normalisation, int[] normalisationPoints)
          Builds a PCA from the set of Templates given
 void avTem, FloatImage[] avImg, java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, FloatImage mask, double varianceToExplain)
          Method to create a PCI from a set of delineated images.
 void avTem, FloatImage[] avImg, java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, FloatImage mask, double varianceToExplain)
          Method to create a PCI from a set of delineated images.
 void avTem, java.awt.Image avImg, java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, MaskInterface mask, double varianceToExplain)
          Builds a PCI from the data given
 void avTem, java.awt.Image avImg, java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, MaskInterface mask, double varianceToExplain)
          Builds a PCI from the data given
 double Template.calculateRigidBodyFit(Template tmplt, double[][] R, double[] T)
          Calculates and performs a least-square error rigid-body transform on this Template
 void BSplineQuadTree.calculateWarp(int levs, Template t1, Template t2)
          Calculate a warp from the constraints given as two Templates
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage Transformer.caricatureChimeric(java.awt.image.BufferedImage subImg, java.awt.image.BufferedImage cimg1, java.awt.image.BufferedImage cimg2, Template tmplt, float l1, float l2, float wid)
          Half face transform on the image (no warping)
 Template PCA.combine(PCA pca1, Template average1, PCA pca2, Template average2)
          Combine two PCA models into a single one.
 BigMat PCI.combine(PCI[] pci, Template targetShape, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, MaskInterface mask)
          Builds a PCI by combining a set of PCIs
 Template PCA.combine2(PCA pca1, Template average1, PCA pca2, Template average2)
          Combine two PCA models into a single one.
 void Template.complexAverage(Template[] templates)
          Calculates the full procrustes average using complex maths
 Complex Template.complexDotProduct(Template t)
          Complex dot product of this with t, treating (x,y) coords of each point as complex number x+iy
 FloatImage[] Template.constructMultilinearFitter(int warpType, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, MaskInterface mask, Multilinear shapeMultilinear, Multilinear imageMultilinear, float scale)
          Constructs the data needed for fitting a multilinear AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, with linear projection model, includes colour information
 void Template.copy(Template t)
          Copies the Template given into this
 boolean Template.copySamples(Template t)
          Make each contour have the same number of samples as Template t
 double Template.dotProduct(Template t)
          Calcualtes the dot product of the templates given
 void TransformerListener.drawAverage(java.awt.Image img, Template tem, int i, int count)
          Called when the average needs to be redrawn
 void TransformerListener.drawImage(java.awt.Image img, Template tem, boolean warped)
          Called when the image needs to be drawn
 void Template.fitAAMshape(int warpType, FloatImage average, FloatImage subject, Template avrg, MaskInterface mask, PCA pca, float scale)
          First attempt at fitting an AAM to an image, does not include colour information, not recommended to use!
 void Template.fitMultilinear(java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, MaskInterface mask, Multilinear shapeMultilinear, Multilinear imageMultilinear, FloatImage[] diffImg, float scale)
          Uses a multilinear fitting model to try a fit a template to the image
 void Template.fitMultilinear(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, MaskInterface mask, Multilinear shapeMultilinear, Multilinear imageMultilinear, float scale)
          Attempt at fitting an Multilinear AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, with linear projection model, includes colour information
 void Template.fitPCA(FloatImage average, FloatImage subject, Template avrg, PCA pca)
          Fits a Template to this FloatImage
 void Template.fitPCA(FloatImage average, FloatImage subject, Template avrg, PCA pca, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, int mouthIndex)
          Fits a Template to this FloatImage
 boolean Template.fitPCA(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template averageTemplate, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float leftEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float rightEye, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, PCA pca)
          Automatically delineates the image given using this Template to outline the facial features
 boolean Template.fitPCA(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template averageTemplate, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float leftEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float rightEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float mouth, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, int mouthIndex, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, PCA pca)
          Automatically delineates the image given using this Template to outline the facial features
 boolean Template.fitPCAColourSegment(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template averageTemplate, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float leftEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float rightEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float mouth, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, int mouthIndex, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, PCA pca, MaskInterface mask)
          Automatically delineates the image given using this Template to outline the facial features Tries to segment out the face from the background using colour to help
 boolean Template.fitPCARigid(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template averageTemplate, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float leftEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float rightEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float mouth, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, int mouthIndex, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, PCA pca)
          Automatically delineates the image given using this Template to outline the facial features
 void Template.fitTensor(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, MaskInterface mask, Tensor shapeTensor, Tensor imageTensor, BigMat shapeLinearModel, BigMat shapeAverage, BigMat imageLinearModel, BigMat imageAverage, float scale)
          Attempt at fitting an Tensor AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, with linear projection model, includes colour information
 FloatImage Mask.getAsFloatImage(Template tem, int w, int h, float min, float max)
static FloatImage Mask.getAsFloatImage(Template tem, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Integer> maskDirections, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Integer> maskConts, int w, int h, float min, float max)
 Template[] PCA.getIntersection(Template average1, Template average2, PCA pca, double alpha, double beta)
          Find the least squares intersection between the two PCA models
 java.awt.Polygon Mask.getMask(Template tem, int xoff, int yoff, float zoom)
          Constructs a masking polygon from this Template and MaskInterface
 float[] Template.getPCAandNormParameters(PCA pca, Template average, int normalisation, int[] normPoints)
          Gets the pca and normalisation parameters in a single vector
 float[] Template.getPCAandRBparameters(PCA pca, Template average)
          Analyses this Template using a set of principal components
 float[] Template.getPCAparameters(PCA pca, Template average, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, int mouthIndex)
          Analyses this Template using a set of principal components
 double[] Template.getTensorandRBparameters(BigMat shapeModel, BigMat shapeAverage, Template average, Tensor shapeTensor)
          Analyses this Template using a tensor model
 boolean MultiscaleWarpRB.interpolate(Template tmp1, Template tmp2, boolean sample, boolean borders)
          Interpolate this warping function from tmp1 to tmp2
 boolean Warp.interpolate(Template tmp1, Template tmp2, boolean sample, boolean borders)
          Interpolate this warping function from tmp1 to tmp2
 boolean Warp.interpolate(Template tmp1, Template tmp2, boolean sample, boolean borders, boolean overlap)
          Interpolate this warping function from tmp1 to tmp2
static void Transformer.mask(Template newTemplate, MaskInterface mask, java.awt.image.BufferedImage warped, java.awt.image.BufferedImage transformed)
          MaskInterface the colour changes to the array specified
 FloatImage Mask.maskImage(FloatImage img, Template tem, java.awt.Color col, boolean reverse)
          Masks an image using the mask object specified/
 java.awt.Image Mask.maskImage(java.awt.Image img, Template tem, java.awt.Color col, boolean reverse)
          Masks an image using the mask object specified/
static java.util.Vector<java.awt.Image> Transformer_1.morph(java.awt.Image img1, Template tmp1, java.awt.Image img2, Template tmp2, int steps, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob)
          Creates a Morph between two delineated images
static java.util.Vector<java.awt.Image> Transformer.morph(java.awt.Image img1, Template tmp1, java.awt.Image img2, Template tmp2, int steps, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, boolean fast)
          Creates a Morph between two delineated images
static java.util.Vector<java.awt.Image> Transformer.morph(java.awt.Image img1, Template tmp1, java.awt.Image img2, Template tmp2, int steps, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, boolean fast, java.util.Vector<Template> templates, TransformerListener listener)
          Creates a Morph between two delineated images
static void Transformer.normaliseColours(Template newTemplate, MaskInterface mask, java.awt.image.BufferedImage warped, java.awt.image.BufferedImage transformed)
          Normalise the mean and standard deviation of colours in the masked area
 float[][] Template.normaliseEyes(Template target)
          Performs 2 point normalisation using points 0 and 1
 float[][] Template.normaliseEyes(Template target, int[] normPoints)
          Performs 2 point normalisation using the points indicated in the normPoints array
 Template PCA.normaliseEyes(Template average, Template average2)
          Rotates this PCA so that it aligns with the new average
 void Mask.paint(Template tem, java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Color col, int xoff, int yoff, int width, int height, float zoom)
          Paint the mask using the supplied Graphics component
 void Mask.paint(Template tem, java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Color col, int xoff, int yoff, int width, int height, float zoom, boolean invert)
 Template PCA.project(Template tem, Template av)
          Projects the given Template into the closest approximation in the PCA space
 Template PCA.project(Template tem, Template av, boolean cap, double capval)
          Projects the given Template into the closest approximation in the PCA space
 Template PCA.project(Template tem, Template av, int left, int right, boolean cap, double capval)
          Projects the given Template into the closest approximation in the PCA space
 boolean Template.readPCA( in, Template average, PCA pca, int le, int re, int m)
          Reads in 3 normalisation points and some PCA parameters and reconstructs the Template (I think!)
 void Template.reconstructMultilinearandRB(Multilinear shapeMultilinear, Template average, double[] PCAandRBparams, boolean edgeOnly)
          Builds a Template from a set of Multilinear and Rigid Body parameters and data
 void Template.reconstructPCA(PCA pca, Template average, float[] pcaParams, int toskip)
          Reconstruct this Template from PCA data
 void Template.reconstructPCA(PCA pca, Template average, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float left, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float right, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float mouth, float[] pcaParams, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, int mouthIndex)
          Builds a Template from a set of PCA parameters and data
 void Template.reconstructPCAandNorm(PCA pca, Template average, float[] PCAandRBparams, int normalisation, int[] normPoints)
          Reconstructs this Template from the PCA data using the parameters and normalisation specified
 void Template.reconstructPCAandRB(PCA pca, Template average, float[] PCAandRBparams)
          Builds a Template from a set of PCA and Rigid Body parameters and data
 void Template.reconstructTensorandRB(Tensor shapeTensor, Template average, double[] PCAandRBparams)
          Builds a Template from a set of Tensor and Rigid Body parameters and data
 void PCI.replaceMean(java.awt.Image newMean, Template temp, boolean project)
          Replace the mean image with that specified
 void ASM.replaceMean(Template temp, boolean project)
          Replaces the mean with the Template specified
 Template PCA.replaceMean(Template newMean, Template oldMean, int left, int right, boolean closest)
          Replaces the mean of this PCA with a new mean aligned to the old using 2 point normalisation
 double Template.rigidBodyFit(Template tmplt, double[][] R, double[] T)
          Calculates and performs a least-square error rigid-body transform on this Template
 void ASM.setTemplate(Template template)
          Changes the average shape to the provided template.
 Template Template.subtract(Template rhs)
          Creates a new template by subtracting the positions of two input templates output = this - rhs
 void Template.symmetrise(Template t, int[] plist, int w)
          Makes this template a symmetrical version of t
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage Transformer.testTransform(int warpType, Template subTem, Template srcTem, Template dstTem, Template outTem, java.awt.image.BufferedImage subImg, java.awt.image.BufferedImage srcImg, java.awt.image.BufferedImage dstImg, double shapeAmount, double colourAmount, double textureAmount, Filter[] filters, int bm, MaskInterface mask, boolean samples, boolean borders, boolean matchCols, int normalisation, int[] normPoints)
          Face transform method, more modular version
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage Transformer.testTransform(int warpType, Template subTem, Template srcTem, Template dstTem, Template outTem, java.awt.Image subImg, java.awt.Image srcImg, java.awt.Image dstImg, double shapeAmount, double colourAmount, double textureAmount, Filter[] filters, int bm, MaskInterface mask, boolean samples, boolean borders, boolean matchCols, int normalisation, int[] normPoints)
          Face transform method, more modular version
 void Template.trackASM(FloatImage average, FloatImage subject, Template avrg, PCA pca, float scale, int its, int[] normalisePointIndex)
          Fits a PCA model to an image using edge normal profiles
 Template Template.transform(Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, double s, float scale)
          Transforms this Template using the formula this = this + s*(sourceTemplate - destTemplate)
 Template Template.transform(Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, double s, float scale, boolean conts)
          Transforms this Template using the formula this = this + s*(sourceTemplate - destTemplate)
 Template Template.transform(Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, double s, float scale, boolean conts, int normalisation, int[] normPoints)
          Transforms this Template using the formula this = this + s*(sourceTemplate - destTemplate)
static java.awt.Image Transformer.transform(Template subjectTemplate, Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, Template newTemplate, java.awt.Image subjectImg, java.awt.Image sourceImg, java.awt.Image destImg, double shape, double colour, double texture, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, MaskInterface mask, Filter[] filters, int bm, boolean fast, boolean conts)
          Transforms subjectImage using the prototypes given and returns the result.
static java.awt.Image Transformer_1.transform(Template subjectTemplate, Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, Template newTemplate, java.awt.Image subjectImg, java.awt.Image sourceImg, java.awt.Image destImg, double s, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob)
          Transforms subjectImage using the prototypes given and returns the result.
static java.awt.Image Transformer.transform(Template subjectTemplate, Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, Template newTemplate, java.awt.Image subjectImg, java.awt.Image sourceImg, java.awt.Image destImg, double s, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, boolean fast)
          Transforms subjectImage using the prototypes given and returns the result.
static java.awt.Image Transformer.transform(Template subjectTemplate, Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, Template newTemplate, java.awt.Image subjectImg, java.awt.Image sourceImg, java.awt.Image destImg, double s, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, MaskInterface mask, boolean fast)
          Transforms subjectImage using the prototypes given and returns the result.
static java.awt.Image Transformer.transformBald(Template subjectTemplate, Template avTemplate, Template rotAvTemplate, Template baldAvTemplate, Template rotBaldAvTemplate, Template hairAvTemplate, Template rotHairAvTemplate, Template newTemplate, java.awt.Image subjectImg, java.awt.Image sourceImg, java.awt.Image destImg, double s, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, boolean colour, boolean fast)
          Transforms subjectImage using the prototypes given and returns the result.
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage Transformer.transformChimeric(int warpType, Template subTem, Template srcTem, Template dstTem, Template outTem, java.awt.image.BufferedImage subImg, java.awt.image.BufferedImage srcImg, java.awt.image.BufferedImage dstImg, float leftAmount, float rightAmount, float width, boolean samples, boolean borders)
          Half face transform method
 Template Template.transformChimeric(Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, float l1, float l2, float w)
          Transforms the left and right face sides separately
static java.awt.Image Transformer_1.transformMasked(Template subjectTemplate, Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, Template newTemplate, java.awt.Image subjectImg, java.awt.Image sourceImg, java.awt.Image destImg, double s, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, Mask mask)
          Transforms subjectImage using the prototypes given and returns the result.
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage Transformer.warp(int warpType, java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, Template start, Template end, int outW, int outH, boolean samples, boolean borders)
          Image warp method
static FloatImage Transformer.warp(int warpType, FloatImage fimg, Template start, Template end, int outW, int outH, boolean samples, boolean borders)
          Image warp method
 BigMat PCI.warp(Template targetShape, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, MaskInterface mask)
          Warps this PCI into targetShape
 java.awt.Image LinearWarp_1.warpImage(Template t1, Template t2, boolean borders, java.awt.Image inImage)
          Warps inImage from shape t1 to shape t2
static Template Template.weightedAverage(Template t1, float w1, Template t2, float w2)
          Makes a weighted average of the templates given

Method parameters in Facemorph with type arguments of type Template
 int Template.average(java.util.ArrayList<Template> t, boolean normalise)
          Constructs the average of the array of templates given
 int Template.average(java.util.ArrayList<Template> t, int normalise, int[] normPoints)
          Constructs the average of the array of templates given
 Template<Template> templates, int normalisation, int[] normalisationPoints)
          Builds a PCA from the set of Templates given
 int<Template> templates, Template avTem, int normalisation, int[] normalisationPoints)
          Builds a PCA from the set of Templates given
 java.util.ArrayList<Template><java.util.ArrayList<Template>> templateSets)
          Builds a PCA from a set of template sets.
static Template Template.complexAverage(java.util.ArrayList<Template> origTemplates)
          Calculates the full procrustes average using complex maths
 java.util.Vector<java.util.ArrayList<Template>> PCA.makeMatchingSets(java.util.Vector<java.util.ArrayList<Template>> templateSets, java.util.ArrayList<Template> averages, double varianceToExplain)
          Creates a set of matching sets from a set of Template sets.
 java.util.Vector<java.util.ArrayList<Template>> PCA.makeMatchingSets(java.util.Vector<java.util.ArrayList<Template>> templateSets, java.util.ArrayList<Template> averages, double varianceToExplain)
          Creates a set of matching sets from a set of Template sets.
static java.util.Vector<java.awt.Image> Transformer.morph(java.awt.Image img1, Template tmp1, java.awt.Image img2, Template tmp2, int steps, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, boolean fast, java.util.Vector<Template> templates, TransformerListener listener)
          Creates a Morph between two delineated images
static Template Template.weightedAverage(java.util.List<Template> templates, float[] weights, int iterations)
          Makes a weighted average of the templates given

Constructors in Facemorph with parameters of type Template
ASM(Template template, PCA pca, java.awt.Image image, int normalisation, int[] pindex)
          Creates a new instance of an ASM using the data specified

Uses of Template in Facemorph.aam

Methods in Facemorph.aam that return Template
 Template CLM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLM
 Template CLMLR.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLMLR and the convex quadratic fitting method (CQF)
 Template CLMSVM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLMSVM using the convex quadratic fitting (CQF) method
 Template CLMLR.delineateELS(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLMLR using the exhaustive local search (ELS) method
 Template MultiscaleAAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template)
          Fit a multiscale AAM
 Template MultiscaleOpenGLAAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template)
          Fit the AAM to an image
 Template AAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the currently selected method
 Template GLAAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the currently selected method
 Template MultiscaleAAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Fit a multiscale AAM
 Template MultiscaleOpenGLAAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Fit the AAM to an image
 Template AAM.fitAAMappearance(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the APPEARANCE method
 Template GLAAM.fitAAMappearance(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the APPEARANCE method
 Template AAM.fitAAMSimultaneous(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the SIMULTANEOUS method
 Template GLAAM.fitAAMSimultaneous(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the SIMULTANEOUS method
 Template AAM.fitAAMspan(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the SPAN method
 Template GLAAM.fitAAMspan(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the SPAN method
 Template AAM.fitCAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the CAAM method
 Template GLAAM.fitCAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the CAAM method
 Template AAM.fitCAAMshape(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the CAAMSHAPE method
 Template GLAAM.fitCAAMshape(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the CAAMSHAPE method
 Template CAAMPowell.solve(int maxAppIts, int maxits, double converged)
          Estimate the template iteratively
 Template CAAMPowell.solveSingle(int maxits, double converged)
          A single iteration of the detection process

Methods in Facemorph.aam with parameters of type Template
static float[] GLAAM.concatenateParameters(float[] newparams, Template template, Template avrg)
          Concatenate the parameters
 Template CLM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLM
 Template CLMLR.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLMLR and the convex quadratic fitting method (CQF)
 Template CLMSVM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLMSVM using the convex quadratic fitting (CQF) method
 Template CLMLR.delineateELS(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLMLR using the exhaustive local search (ELS) method
 Template MultiscaleAAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template)
          Fit a multiscale AAM
 Template MultiscaleOpenGLAAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template)
          Fit the AAM to an image
 Template AAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the currently selected method
 Template GLAAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the currently selected method
 Template MultiscaleAAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Fit a multiscale AAM
 Template MultiscaleOpenGLAAM.fitAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Fit the AAM to an image
 Template AAM.fitAAMappearance(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the APPEARANCE method
 Template GLAAM.fitAAMappearance(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the APPEARANCE method
 Template AAM.fitAAMSimultaneous(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the SIMULTANEOUS method
 Template GLAAM.fitAAMSimultaneous(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the SIMULTANEOUS method
 Template AAM.fitAAMspan(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the SPAN method
 Template GLAAM.fitAAMspan(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the SPAN method
 Template AAM.fitCAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the CAAM method
 Template GLAAM.fitCAAM(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int maxLoops, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the CAAM method
 Template AAM.fitCAAMshape(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the CAAMSHAPE method
 Template GLAAM.fitCAAMshape(java.awt.Image subject, Template template, float scale, int maxIts, int start)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using the CAAMSHAPE method
 FloatImage CLM.getStrip(Template tem, FloatImage fimg, java.awt.Rectangle rect)
          Gets the patches from all points arranged in a strip
 FloatImage[] CLMLR.getStrip(Template tem, FloatImage fimg, java.awt.Rectangle rect, int minOffset, int maxOffset)
          Gets the patches from all points arranged in a strip
 FloatImage[] CLMSVM.getStrip(Template tem, FloatImage fimg, java.awt.Rectangle rect, int minOffset, int maxOffset)
          Gets the patches from all points arranged in a strip

Constructors in Facemorph.aam with parameters of type Template
AAMTracker(Template template, MaskInterface mask, ASM asm, PCI pci, java.lang.String fileRoot, java.lang.String url)
          Creates a new instance of AAMTracker
CAAMPowell(MaskInterface mask, PCA pca, PCI pci, java.awt.Image subject, Template template)
          Constructor for CAAMPowell

Uses of Template in Facemorph.DataBase

Fields in Facemorph.DataBase declared as Template
 Template BatchProcessData.templateIn
 Template BatchProcessData.templateOut

Uses of Template in Facemorph.glmorph

Fields in Facemorph.glmorph declared as Template
protected  Template IO.temp
          The Template

Methods in Facemorph.glmorph that return Template
 Template JMorphApplet.autoDelineate(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.Point[] points)
          Method to autodelineate a new image, using 3 points specified by the user.

Methods in Facemorph.glmorph with parameters of type Template
 void HardwareMorph.setData(java.awt.Image leftImage, Template leftTemplate, java.awt.Image rightImage, Template rightTemplate)
          Set the morphing data
 void HardwareTransform.setData(java.awt.Image subjectImage, Template subjectTemplate, java.awt.Image leftImage, Template leftTemplate, java.awt.Image rightImage, Template rightTemplate, float min, float max)
          Sets the transform data
 void HardwareTransformNoAccum.setData(java.awt.Image subjectImage, Template subjectTemplate, java.awt.Image leftImage, Template leftTemplate, java.awt.Image rightImage, Template rightTemplate, float min, float max)
          Sets the transform data
 void IO.setTemplate(Template temp)
          Set the Template

Uses of Template in Facemorph.mask

Methods in Facemorph.mask with parameters of type Template
 FloatImage BitmapMask.getAsFloatImage(Template tem, int w, int h, float min, float max)
 FloatImage MaskInterface.getAsFloatImage(Template tem, int w, int h, float min, float max)
          Constructs a FloatImage with values of 0 (masked) and max (not masked)
 FloatImage VectorMask.getAsFloatImage(Template tem, int w, int h, float min, float max)
static FloatImage VectorMask.getAsFloatImage(Template tem, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Integer> maskDirections, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Integer> maskConts, int w, int h, float min, float max)
 java.awt.Polygon VectorMask.getMask(Template tem, int xoff, int yoff, float zoom)
          Constructs a masking polygon from this Template and MaskInterface
 FloatImage BitmapMask.maskImage(FloatImage img, Template tem, java.awt.Color col, boolean reverse)
 FloatImage MaskInterface.maskImage(FloatImage img, Template tem, java.awt.Color col, boolean reverse)
          Masks an image using the template object specified/
 FloatImage VectorMask.maskImage(FloatImage img, Template tem, java.awt.Color col, boolean reverse)
          Masks an image using the mask object specified/
 java.awt.Image BitmapMask.maskImage(java.awt.Image img, Template tem, java.awt.Color col, boolean reverse)
 java.awt.Image MaskInterface.maskImage(java.awt.Image img, Template tem, java.awt.Color col, boolean reverse)
          Masks an image using the template object specified/
 java.awt.Image VectorMask.maskImage(java.awt.Image img, Template tem, java.awt.Color col, boolean reverse)
          Masks an image using the mask object specified/
 void BitmapMask.paint(Template tem, java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Color col, int xoff, int yoff, int width, int height, float zoom)
 void MaskInterface.paint(Template tem, java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Color col, int xoff, int yoff, int width, int height, float zoom)
          Paint the mask using the supplied Graphics component
 void VectorMask.paint(Template tem, java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Color col, int xoff, int yoff, int width, int height, float zoom)
          Paint the mask using the supplied Graphics component
 void BitmapMask.paint(Template tem, java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Color col, int xoff, int yoff, int width, int height, float zoom, boolean invert)
 void MaskInterface.paint(Template tem, java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Color col, int xoff, int yoff, int width, int height, float zoom, boolean invert)
          Paint the mask using the supplied Graphics component, with option to invert the mask
 void VectorMask.paint(Template tem, java.awt.Graphics g, java.awt.Color col, int xoff, int yoff, int width, int height, float zoom, boolean invert)

Uses of Template in Facemorph.mdl

Methods in Facemorph.mdl that return Template
 Template SpecificityTemplateTest.makeRandom(int comps)
          Makes a random Template from the model

Methods in Facemorph.mdl that return types with arguments of type Template
 java.util.ArrayList<Template> TemplatePatchMDL.getTemplates()
          Get the template array
 java.util.ArrayList<Template> multiScaleEdgeMDL.getTemplates(Template tem)
          Apply the estimated warps to the give Template
 java.util.ArrayList<Template> multiScaleEdgeMDLFile.getTemplates(Template tem)
          Warp the given template using the current warping functions

Methods in Facemorph.mdl with parameters of type Template
 double SpecificityTemplateTest.calculateError(Template tem1, Template tem2)
          Calculates the error between two Templates
static void multiScaleEdgeMDLFile.createTemplates(Template tem, java.lang.String baseDir, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> outNames)
          Warps the given templates into a set of templates and writes the results to disk
static void multiScaleEdgeMDLFile.createTemplates(Template tem, java.lang.String baseDir, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> imageNames, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> outNames)
          Warps the given templates into a set of templates and writes the results to disk
 double SpecificityTemplateTest.findMinError(Template testTem)
          Find the minimum error from the set of Templates
 java.util.ArrayList<Template> multiScaleEdgeMDL.getTemplates(Template tem)
          Apply the estimated warps to the give Template
 java.util.ArrayList<Template> multiScaleEdgeMDLFile.getTemplates(Template tem)
          Warp the given template using the current warping functions

Method parameters in Facemorph.mdl with type arguments of type Template
static void MDL2D.readImagesAndTemplates(java.lang.String listFile, java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.image.BufferedImage> images, java.util.ArrayList<Template> templates)
          Read the images and Template from a list file

Constructors in Facemorph.mdl with parameters of type Template
SpecificityCombinedTest(java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.image.BufferedImage> bimages, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> warpNames, Template average, MaskInterface mask)
          Constructor for SpecificityCombinedTestFile
SpecificityCombinedTestFile(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> imageNames, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> warpNames, Template average, MaskInterface mask)
          Constructor for SpecificityCombinedTestFile
SpecificityTemplateTest(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> warpNames, Template average)
          Constructs the test object
TemplatePatchMDL(java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.image.BufferedImage> images, Template template, int patchsize, int windowSize)
          TemplatePatchMDL constructor

Uses of Template in Facemorph.oesf

Methods in Facemorph.oesf that return Template
 Template ORASM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, double[] fit, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an exhaustive local search ELS based method
 Template ORASM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an exhaustive local search ELS based method
 Template ORASM.delineateCLM(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an constrain local model (CLM) style search
 Template ORASM.delineateCQF(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an convex quadratic fitting (CQF) based method
 Template ORASM.delineateCQF(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp, int iterations, boolean tuning)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an convex quadratic fitting (CQF) based method
 Template ORASM.getPriorTemplate()
static Template ORASM3D.to2D(Template3D t3d, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Boolean> active)
          Convert a 3D template to a 2d one

Methods in Facemorph.oesf with parameters of type Template
 Template ORASM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, double[] fit, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an exhaustive local search ELS based method
 Template ORASM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an exhaustive local search ELS based method
 Template3D ORASM3D.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean combine, boolean weighted, int iterations)
          Delineate an image using this 3D ORASM model
 Template ORASM.delineateCLM(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an constrain local model (CLM) style search
 Template ORASM.delineateCQF(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an convex quadratic fitting (CQF) based method
 Template ORASM.delineateCQF(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp, int iterations, boolean tuning)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an convex quadratic fitting (CQF) based method
 boolean Template3D.fitTo2DOrtho(Template template, int width, int height, Vector3 centre, BigMat R, double[] T, double[] scale)
static Complex[] OESF.getMultiResponse(Template tem, int[] plist, int[] dim)
          Get an idealised response image for all listed features in the Template

Uses of Template in Facemorph.psm

Methods in Facemorph.psm that return Template
 Template PSMNode.getFeatures(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar)
          Detect the deature in the image using this model

Methods in Facemorph.psm with parameters of type Template
 double PSMNode.shapeError(java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> detectedPoints, Template template, int[] pointList)
          Find the RMS error

Uses of Template in Facemorph.psychomorph

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph that return Template
 Template Average.getAverageTemplate()
          Get the average template
 Template PsychoMorphForm.getLeftTemplate()
          Get the left template
 Template PsychoMorphForm.getRightTemplate()
          Get the right template
 Template ImageZoomPanel.getTemplate()
          Return the Template
 Template DelineatorForm.initialisePSM(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> pts, Template tem)

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph that return types with arguments of type Template
 java.util.ArrayList<Template> Average.getTemplates()
          Get the set of templates to average
 java.util.Stack<Template> DelineatorForm.getTemplateUndoStack()
 java.util.Stack<Template> ImageZoomPanel.getUndoStack()
          Get the undo stack for templates

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph with parameters of type Template
 void ImageZoomPanel.drawAverage(java.awt.Image img, Template tem, int i, int count)
 void PsychoMorphForm.drawAverage(java.awt.Image img, Template tem, int i, int count)
          Draw the (partial or completed) average on the right hand side
 void ImageZoomPanel.drawImage(java.awt.Image img, Template tem, boolean warped)
 void PsychoMorphForm.drawImage(java.awt.Image img, Template tem, boolean warped)
          Draw the image on the left side
static void DelineatorForm.drawMaskOnImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage original, Template template, MaskInterface mask, java.awt.Color outside, int smooth, boolean invert)
          Draw the mask on the image
static void DelineatorForm.drawMaskOnImage(FloatImage[] original, Template template, MaskInterface mask, java.awt.Color outside, int smooth, boolean invert)
          Draw the mask on the image
 Template DelineatorForm.initialisePSM(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> pts, Template tem)
 void Average.setAverageTemplate(Template tem)
          Set the average template
 void ImageZoomPanel.setTemplate(Template t)
          Set the Template
static boolean DelineatorForm.writeImage(java.awt.Image img, f, java.awt.Component parent, Template tem, boolean autoSaveTem)
          Write an image to file
static boolean DelineatorForm.writeImage(ImageZoomPanel izp, f, java.awt.Component parent, Template tem, boolean autoSaveTem)
          Write an image to file

Method parameters in Facemorph.psychomorph with type arguments of type Template
 void ImageZoomPanel.setUndoStack(java.util.Stack<Template> undoStack)
          Set the undo stack for templates

Constructors in Facemorph.psychomorph with parameters of type Template
Average(PsychoMorphForm parent, f, boolean mrfTransform, Template avTem, boolean overlap)
          Constructor for averages
ImageZoomPanel(java.awt.Image img, Template tmplt)
          Constructor for Image Zoom Panel

Uses of Template in Facemorph.psychomorph.videomorph

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph.videomorph that return Template
 Template VideoMorph.getTemplate1(int i)
          Get the ith template from set 1
 Template VideoMorph.getTemplate2(int i)
          Get the ith template from set 2

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph.videomorph that return types with arguments of type Template
 java.util.ArrayList<Template> VideoMorph.getMorphTemplates()
          Get the templates, should only be called after getMorph

Method parameters in Facemorph.psychomorph.videomorph with type arguments of type Template
static void VideoMorph.readImagesAndTemplates(java.lang.String listFile, java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.image.BufferedImage> images, java.util.ArrayList<Template> templates)
          Read images and templates from a file
 void VideoMorph.writeTemplates(java.util.ArrayList<Template> templates, java.lang.String outputRoot)
          Write the sequence templates

Uses of Template in Facemorph.tensor

Method parameters in Facemorph.tensor with type arguments of type Template
static Multilinear Multilinear.getTemplateMultilinear(int[] dims, java.util.Vector<Template> templates, double maxvar)
          Get a MultiLinear object from the Templates
static Tensor Tensor.getTemplateTensor(int[] dims, java.util.Vector<Template> templates)
          Get A Tensor from a set of Templates
static int[] Multilinear.readImagesAndTemplates(java.lang.String listFile, java.util.Vector<Template> templates, java.util.Vector<java.awt.Image> images, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> temNames, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> imgNames)
          Read images and templates from a file