of Management and Business, Aberystwyth
University Aberystwyth,
Ceredigion, Wales, SY23 3DD Tel: 01970 622217 Skype: mike.christie5 Email: Twitter: Follow @MikeChristieUni |
Professor of Environmental and Ecological Economics Note that I have moved to Aber Uni’s School of Management
and Business I
am a Professor of Environmental and Ecological Economics, specialising in the
economic and social valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Although I utilise a wide range of non-market valuation methods, my
speciality is in the use of stated preference method (choice experiments). I
am also interested in exploring ways in which these methods might be enhanced
by e.g. incorporating participatory and deliberative approaches to improve
people’s preference revelation. Other areas of expertise include: outdoor
recreation, tourism, agri-environment, and economic impact. Recent
research projects have been funded by NERC’s VNN, BESS and ESPA programmes,
as well more applied Defra research on e.g. the ecosystem service value of
the UK BAP and SSSIs. Increasingly, I am focusing my research to examine the
human welfare impacts of biodiversity loss in developing countries, with
recent studies in Malawi, Nigeria, Ghana, the Solomon Islands and the
Caribbean. I also contributed to TEEB and the UK National Ecosystem
Click here for details of
my |
Current Projects
Recent Publications
(Click on the ‘Papers’ or ‘Reports’ hyperlink above to access full list
of publication, including abstracts and links to publications)
Christie M,
Fazey I, Cooper R, Hyde H and Kenter JO. (2012) An
Evaluation of Monetary and Non-monetary Techniques for Assessing the Importance
of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services to People in countries with developing
economies. Ecological Economics, 83,
de Groot RS, Brander L,
van der Ploeg S, Costanza R, Bernard F, Braat L, Christie M, Crossman N,
Ghermandi A, and Hein L, Kumar, P, McVittie, A, Portela, R, Rodriguez, L C, ten
Brink, P, and van Beukering, P (2012). Global estimates of the value of
ecosystems and their services in monetary units. Ecosystem Services. 1 (1), 50 –
Christie M and Rayment M (2012) An economic assessment of the ecosystem service benefits
derived from the SSSI biodiversity conservation policy in England and Wales. Ecosystem Services 1(1), 70-84.
Schader C, Lampkin N, Christie
M, Nemecek T, Gaillard G, Stolze M (2012)
Economic evaluation of organic farming support as an agri-environmental measure
at Swiss agricultural sector level. Land
Use Policy (In Press)
Whitfield, S.; Reed, M.S.;
Thomson, K.; Christie, M.; Stringer, L.C.; Quinn, C.H.; Anderson, R.; Moxey, A.; Hubacek, K. (2011). Managing Peatland Ecosystem Services: Current UK policy and future
challenges in a changing world. Scottish Geographical Journal. 127, 209-230
Christie M and Gibbons J (2011) The effect of individual ‘ability to choose’ (scale
heterogeneity) on the valuation of environmental goods. Ecological Economics, 70, 2250-2257
Conrad L, Cassar LF, Christie
M and Fazey I (2011). Hearing but not listening? A
participatory assessment of public participation in planning. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. 29(5),
761-782. (Editor’s choice)
Conrad L, Fazey I and Christie M (2011) Is research keeping up
with changes in landscape policy? A review of the literature.
Journal of
Environmental Management. 92(9), 2097-2108.
M, Christie M and Minter R (2011). Benefits of Sites of Special
Scientific Interest. Defra: London. Report
Christie M, Hyde T,
Cooper R, Fazey I, Dennis P, Warren, Colombo S and Hanley N (2011). Economic valuation of the
Benefits of Ecosystem Services delivered by the UK Biodiversity Action Plan.
Defra: London. Report
Kenter J, Hyde T, Christie M and Fazey I (2011). The importance of deliberation in valuing
ecosystem services in developing countries – evidence from the Solomon Islands.
Global Environmental Change Human and
Policy Dimensions 21(2), 505-521.
Cassar, Jones, Eiter, Izakovicova, Barankova, Christie
and Fazey (2011) Rhetoric and Reporting of Public
Participation in Landscape Policy. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning.
13(1), 23 – 47.
L, Christie, M, and Fazey, I (2011). Evaluating public perceptions of landscape: Case study from Gozo Malta. Applied Geography. 31, 159 - 170
Fazey, I, Kesby, M, Evely,
A, Latham, I, Wagatora, D, Hagasua,
J-E, Reed, M, S, Christie, M (2010). A three-tiered approach to participatory vulnerability assessment
in the Solomon Islands. Global Environmental Change. 20, 713-728.
Fazey, I, Gamarra, JGPJ,
Fischer, J, Reed, MS, Stringer, LC, Christie, M (2010) Adaptive
strategies to reduce vulnerability to future environmental change. Frontiers in Ecology and the
Environment. 8 (8) 414-422.
Christie M
and Azevedo C (2009). Testing the Consistency Between
Standard Contingent Valuation, Repeated Contingent Valuation, and Choice
Experiments. Journal of Agricultural
Economics 60(1), 154-170.
Christie M, Hanley, N and Hynes S.
(2007). Valuing enhancements to forest recreation using
choice experiments and contingent behaviour methods. Journal of Forest Economics.
13(2), 75-102.
Christie M (2007) An
examination of the disparity between hypothetical and actual willingness to pay
for Red Kite conservation using the contingent valuation method. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics
55, 159-169.
Christie M, Hanley, N, Warren, J,
Murphy K, Wright R and Hyde T. (2006) Valuing the diversity of biodiversity Ecological Economics. 58(2), 304-317.