AberLED shield library
Library for the bicolor LED (and TFT screen) shield used in CS12020
Classes | Macros | Typedefs
TFT_FastPin.h File Reference
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <Arduino.h>

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class  CMinWait< FASTPIN_WAIT >
class  Selectable
class  Pin
class  OutputPin
class  InputPin
class  FastPin< PIN >
 The simplest level of Pin class. This relies on runtime functions durinig initialization to get the port/pin mask for the pin. Most of the accesses involve references to these static globals that get set up. This won't be the fastest set of pin operations, but it will provide pin level access on pretty much all arduino environments. In addition, it includes some methods to help optimize access in various ways. Namely, the versions of hi, lo, and fastset that take the port register as a passed in register variable (saving a global dereference), since these functions are aggressively inlined, that can help collapse out a lot of extraneous memory loads/dereferences. More...
class  _AVRPIN< PIN, _MASK, _PORT, _DDR, _PIN >
 Class definition for a Pin where we know the port registers at compile time for said pin. This allows us to make a lot of optimizations, as the inlined hi/lo methods will devolve to a single io register write/bitset. More...
 Template definition for teensy 3.0 style ARM pins, providing direct access to the various GPIO registers. Note that this uses the full port GPIO registers. In theory, in some way, bit-band register access -should- be faster, however I have found that something about the way gcc does register allocation results in the bit-band code being slower. It will need more fine tuning. More...
 Template definition for teensy 3.0 style ARM pins using bit banding, providing direct access to the various GPIO registers. GCC does a poor job of optimizing around these accesses so they are not being used just yet. More...


#define NO_PIN   255
#define _CYCLES(_PIN)   ((_PIN >= 24) ? 2 : 1)
#define _R(T)   struct __gen_struct_ ## T
#define _RD8(T)   struct __gen_struct_ ## T { static inline reg8_t r() { return T; }};
#define _IO(L)   _RD8(DDR ## L); _RD8(PORT ## L); _RD8(PIN ## L);
#define _DEFPIN_AVR(PIN, MASK, L)   template<> class FastPin<PIN> : public _AVRPIN<PIN, MASK, _R(PORT ## L), _R(DDR ## L), _R(PIN ## L)> {};
#define GPIO_BITBAND_ADDR(reg, bit)   (((uint32_t)&(reg) - 0x40000000) * 32 + (bit) * 4 + 0x42000000)
#define GPIO_BITBAND_PTR(reg, bit)   ((uint32_t *)GPIO_BITBAND_ADDR((reg), (bit)))
#define _RD32(T)
#define _IO32(L)   _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PDOR); _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PSOR); _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PCOR); _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PTOR); _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PDIR); _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PDDR);
#define _DEFPIN_ARM(PIN, BIT, L)


typedef volatile uint8_t & reg8_t
 AVR definitions for pins. Getting around the fact that I can't pass GPIO register addresses in as template arguments by instead creating a custom type for each GPIO register with a single, static, aggressively inlined function that returns that specific GPIO register. A similar trick is used a bit further below for the ARM GPIO registers (of which there are far more than on AVR!) More...
typedef volatile uint32_t & reg32_t
typedef volatile uint32_t * ptr_reg32_t

Macro Definition Documentation

#define _CYCLES (   _PIN)    ((_PIN >= 24) ? 2 : 1)

Definition at line 66 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

#define _DEFPIN_ARM (   PIN,
template<> class FastPin<PIN> : public _ARMPIN<PIN, 1 << BIT, _R(GPIO ## L ## _PDOR), _R(GPIO ## L ## _PSOR), _R(GPIO ## L ## _PCOR), \
_R(GPIO ## L ## _PTOR), _R(GPIO ## L ## _PDIR), _R(GPIO ## L ## _PDDR)> {};
Template definition for teensy 3.0 style ARM pins, providing direct access to the various GPIO regist...
Definition: TFT_FastPin.h:202
The simplest level of Pin class. This relies on runtime functions durinig initialization to get the p...
Definition: TFT_FastPin.h:139

Definition at line 276 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

#define _DEFPIN_AVR (   PIN,
)    template<> class FastPin<PIN> : public _AVRPIN<PIN, MASK, _R(PORT ## L), _R(DDR ## L), _R(PIN ## L)> {};

Definition at line 263 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

#define _IO (   L)    _RD8(DDR ## L); _RD8(PORT ## L); _RD8(PIN ## L);

Definition at line 262 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

#define _IO32 (   L)    _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PDOR); _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PSOR); _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PCOR); _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PTOR); _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PDIR); _RD32(GPIO ## L ## _PDDR);

Definition at line 274 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

#define _R (   T)    struct __gen_struct_ ## T

Definition at line 260 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

#define _RD32 (   T)
struct __gen_struct_ ## T { static __attribute__((always_inline)) inline reg32_t r() { return T; } \
template<int BIT> static __attribute__((always_inline)) inline ptr_reg32_t rx() { return GPIO_BITBAND_PTR(T, BIT); } };
#define GPIO_BITBAND_PTR(reg, bit)
Definition: TFT_FastPin.h:267
volatile uint32_t & reg32_t
Definition: TFT_FastPin.h:269
volatile uint32_t * ptr_reg32_t
Definition: TFT_FastPin.h:270

Definition at line 272 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

#define _RD8 (   T)    struct __gen_struct_ ## T { static inline reg8_t r() { return T; }};

Definition at line 261 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

#define GPIO_BITBAND_ADDR (   reg,
)    (((uint32_t)&(reg) - 0x40000000) * 32 + (bit) * 4 + 0x42000000)

Definition at line 266 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

#define GPIO_BITBAND_PTR (   reg,
)    ((uint32_t *)GPIO_BITBAND_ADDR((reg), (bit)))

Definition at line 267 of file TFT_FastPin.h.


Definition at line 480 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

#define NO_PIN   255

Definition at line 38 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef volatile uint32_t* ptr_reg32_t

Definition at line 270 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

typedef volatile uint32_t& reg32_t

Definition at line 269 of file TFT_FastPin.h.

typedef volatile uint8_t& reg8_t

AVR definitions for pins. Getting around the fact that I can't pass GPIO register addresses in as template arguments by instead creating a custom type for each GPIO register with a single, static, aggressively inlined function that returns that specific GPIO register. A similar trick is used a bit further below for the ARM GPIO registers (of which there are far more than on AVR!)

Definition at line 259 of file TFT_FastPin.h.