Uses of Class

Packages that use Batch

Uses of Batch in Facemorph.DataBase

Methods in Facemorph.DataBase that return Batch
 Batch DataSetPanel.getBatch()

Methods in Facemorph.DataBase with parameters of type Batch
static void EnhancedBatchProcess.process(EnhancedBatchable batchFunction, Batch file, int[] numberIndices, boolean threaded)
          Loop through each record in the Batch file and run a EnhancedBatchable function on each.
 void DataSetPanel.setBatch(Batch batch)

Constructors in Facemorph.DataBase with parameters of type Batch
Batch(Batch other, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Boolean> filter)
          Copy a subset of the Batch defined by the filter
DataSetPanel.BatchTableModel(Batch batch)
EnhancedBatchProcess(EnhancedBatchable batchFunction, Batch file, int[] numberIndices)

Uses of Batch in Facemorph.Stats

Fields in Facemorph.Stats declared as Batch
 Batch Model.ImageSetDescription.batch
          A batch file containing a list of images and templates
protected  Batch ImagePLS.imageFiles
          A set of image files to process.

Methods in Facemorph.Stats with parameters of type Batch
 void ImageDataHandler.setIndependentData(Batch images)
          Supply a set of images to use as the dependent variables of the PLS decomposition
 void ImagePLS.setIndependentData(Batch images)
          Supply a set of images to use as the dependent variables of the PLS decomposition