Projection Links

Projection Control and Manipulation

Madmapper - Projection Mapping Control Software

There is a free limited demo available, this gives you all the features with the exception of saving. All outputs are also watermarked.

Qlab - Video and Sound Control for Mac

Qlab is the industry go to piece of software for controlling sound and basic projection. There are many manipulation tools built in, however, many of these require a licence. The demo version allows you to control stereo sound and have one video output.

VPT8 - Free Video Projection Tool

VPT8 is a free piece of software for projection mapping and video control. There are guides and tutorials available online

Projection Mapping Central

Various Resources for projection Mapping

Lightform Software and Hardware

Software specific to the Lightform projectors and computers

House Mapping Software

A simple app to draw 'house' maps for use in other software


Korsakow is not just a piece of software, it's a tool for storytelling in a non linear way. It allows the viewew to follow any one of your predefined paths through your narrative.

Stock Content

Mitch Martinez - Free 4k stock footage

Mitch Martinez is a cinematographer who has masses of 4k stock footage that is free to use. You will need to credit him in your work if you use his footage

Clean PNG - Free PNG Images

CleanPNG has a vast aray of PNG images which have tranparent backgrounds. these are perfect for adding on top of other projections to add depth to the image - A massive collection of historical videos, pictures and sounds has pretty much everything you could ask for. It has many different sections for images, videos and sounds, as well as the way back machine to look at historical versions of websites.

Projector Throw Calculator

Click the link below to access my excel spreadsheet, this allows you to select the departmental projector from a dropdown list and enter the distance away from the screen the projector will be and will return various dimensions for the final image.

Click Here

This calculator assumes a 4:3 aspect ratio

The information provided on this and other pages by me, Stephen Griffiths (, is under my own personal responsibility and not that of the Aberystwyth University. Similarly, any opinions expressed are my own and are in no way to be taken as those of Aberystwyth University.