Technical Information

Updated 22nd March, 2004

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ELLSA details

This page is dedicated to any technical matters that may arise for users of ELLSA. There are very few technical details that it is necessary to write about, but if you do experience any technical problems, contact John Morgan <>

If you find specific problems that you are able to solve, also please send an e-mail to describe the problem and the solution. Such information will be included on this page for the benefit of other ELLSA users.

ELLSA has been designed to facilitate use by as many internet users as possible. That is to say that you don't have to have the most up to date computer equipment and software to be able to use ELLSA. It should work reasonably quickly with low bandwidth telephone lines and slow modem connections. All graphic links have an equivalent text link on the same page in case of very slow connections.

ELLSA is intended to work with older browsers, though such users may experience problems with the layout of the site. It is recommended that ELLSA users have a minimum of a version 4.0 browser (Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer).

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Links to browser download pages

It is also recommended that you take the time to upgrade to the latest browsers, which can be downloaded, free of charge, from:


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Link to Adobe Acrobat download page

Downloadable versions of the lessons are also available on this site in two formats, Microsoft Word for Windows, and Adobe Acrobat PDF, for Windows or Macintosh. If you want to use the PDF versions, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded, free of charge, from:


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