Introduction to Programming
This page contains material for students in the Graphics and Games stream of CS12020.
AberLED library
The library for controlling the LED matrix shield can be downloaded from this link, or (probably better) from the CS12020 area on Blackboard.
Automatically generated documentation is available from here.
Downloading and installing a new version of the library
The latest version is 3.2, dated 16th November 2023 and codenamed ETERNAL EVENING. If you have a TFT display, it will show the version when it start up. If you have a bicolor LED matrix, you will need to look for the version() function in AberLED.cpp inside the library.
To install the latest version:
- Find your libraries directory - it should be something like Documents/Arduino/libraries in your home directory.
- Delete the existing AberLED directory.
- Download and reinstall the AberLED library as described in the first worksheet, using either the link above or from Blackboard.
- Check that your programs still compile and run.
If you have any problems with this, please email me as soon as possible.
Arduino cheatsheet
Here is a (hopefully) useful cheatsheet describing almost the entire Arduino C language on 4 sides of A4. It might make a useful reference or revision aid.