
Introduction to Programming

This page contains material for students in the Graphics and Games stream of CS12020.

AberLED library

  • The library for controlling the LED matrix shield can be downloaded from this link, or (probably better) from the CS12020 area on Blackboard.

  • Automatically generated documentation is available from here.

Downloading and installing a new version of the library

The latest version is 3.2, dated 16th November 2023 and codenamed ETERNAL EVENING. If you have a TFT display, it will show the version when it start up. If you have a bicolor LED matrix, you will need to look for the version() function in AberLED.cpp inside the library.

To install the latest version:

  • Find your libraries directory - it should be something like Documents/Arduino/libraries in your home directory.
  • Delete the existing AberLED directory.
  • Download and reinstall the AberLED library as described in the first worksheet, using either the link above or from Blackboard.
  • Check that your programs still compile and run.

If you have any problems with this, please email me as soon as possible.

Arduino cheatsheet

Here is a (hopefully) useful cheatsheet describing almost the entire Arduino C language on 4 sides of A4. It might make a useful reference or revision aid.

James Finnis
James Finnis
Lecturer in Computer Science

Research interests: artificial neuroendocrine systems, unusual neural network architectures, autonomous off-road driving, image processing.