AberLED shield library
Library for the bicolor LED (and TFT screen) shield used in CS12020
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file AberLED.cpp
3  * @brief Implementation of the bicolor LED library.
4  * @author Jim Finnis (jcf1@aber.ac.uk)
5  * @version 3.3
6  * @date 6 November 2023
7  * @copyright Aberstwyth University
8  *
9  * This file implements the AberLED class. Stylistically it's somewhat horrific,
10  * using global variables all over the place. This is because (a) it keeps
11  * implementation details (private variables) out of the include file, and (b)
12  * the class is always used as a singleton.
13  */
17 /*
18  * These two libraries are for the ST7735 TFT display. You'll also need the BusIO and Seesaw
19  * libraries installed.
20  */
22 #include "TFT_ST7735.h"
23 #include <SPI.h>
25 #include "AberLED.h"
27 const char *AberLEDClass::version(){
28  // which line of the LED we'll be drawn on
29  // 00000000000000000000011111111
30  return "v3.3 ETERNAL EVENING 16-11-23";
31 }
34 // pin mappings - the actual refresh code uses direct
35 // port manipulation, so YOU MUST CHANGE THAT TOO IF YOU
38 // pins for the row shift register
39 #define RDATA 2
40 #define RLATCH 3
41 #define RCLOCK 4
43 // pins for the column shift registers
44 #define CDATA 5
45 #define CCLOCK 6
46 #define CLATCH 7
50 // these are the two buffers.
51 static uint16_t bufferA[8];
52 static uint16_t bufferB[8];
54 // these are pointers to the back and front buffers
55 static uint16_t *backBuffer;
56 static uint16_t *frontBuffer;
58 // button variables
59 static byte buttonStates[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // set in swap()
60 static byte debouncedButtonStates[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // set in interrupt
61 static byte buttonDebounceCounters[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
62 static byte buttonWentDown[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
63 static byte buttonWentDownInLastLoop[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
64 static int boardRev = -1;
66 int ticks = 0;
67 bool interruptRunning = false;
68 volatile int interruptTicks = 0;
69 bool isTFT;
71 #define MAXTEXTLEN 32
72 // we only render text when it has changed, so we keep the previously rendered text
73 static char prevTxtBuffer[MAXTEXTLEN];
74 static char txtBuffer[MAXTEXTLEN];
78 /*
79  * This is stuff for the TFT - it should be OK to declare and even construct the TFT,
80  * provided you don't initialise it.
81  */
89 {
90  boardRev = rev;
91  if (rev == REV01)
92  {
93  UP = 1;
94  DOWN = 2;
95  LEFT = 4;
96  RIGHT = 3;
97  FIRE = 5;
98  }
99  else
100  {
101  UP = 2;
102  DOWN = 4;
103  LEFT = 1;
104  RIGHT = 3;
105  FIRE = 5;
106  }
107 }
110 {
111  return ticks;
112 }
114 // these are faster routines for doing the shift register writes
116 static void fastShiftOutRows(byte n)
117 {
118  PORTD &= ~(1 << 2); // data off
119  for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
120  {
121  PORTD &= ~(1 << 4); // clock off
122  if (n & (1 << i))
123  PORTD |= 1 << 2; // data on if true
124  else
125  PORTD &= ~(1 << 2); // data off if true
126  PORTD |= 1 << 4; // clock on
128  PORTD &= ~(1 << 2); // data off (to prevent bleed through)
129  }
130  PORTD &= ~(1 << 4); // clock off
131 }
133 static void fastShiftOutCols(uint16_t n)
134 {
135  PORTD &= ~(1 << 5); // data off
136  for (int i = 15; i >= 0; --i)
137  {
138  PORTD &= ~(1 << 6); // clock off
139  if (n & (1 << i))
140  PORTD |= 1 << 5; // data on if true
141  else
142  PORTD &= ~(1 << 5); // data off if true
143  PORTD |= 1 << 6; // clock on
144  PORTD &= ~(1 << 5); // data off (to prevent bleed through)
145  }
146  PORTD &= ~(1 << 6); // clock off
147 }
149 static void setupInterrupt();
152 // this is the colour map for the TFT display. It's an array of 16 bits per colour in a 565 format
153 // (5 bits red, 6 bits green, 5 bits blue). It is initialised with the colours black, green, red
154 // and yellow, but you can change it if you want to by calling AberLED.begin() with a colour map.
156 static uint16_t cols[] = {ST7735_BLACK, ST7735_GREEN, ST7735_RED, ST7735_YELLOW};
158 void AberLEDClass::begin(AberLEDFlags flags, uint8_t *colourMap){
160  isTFT = (flags & AF_TFTDISPLAY) != 0;
162  // set all the shift register pins to output
163  if (isTFT) {
164  // Use this initializer if you're using a 1.44" TFT
165  tft.init();
166  tft.setRotation(2);
167  tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK);
169  tft.setCursor(4, 4);
170  tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE);
171  tft.setTextWrap(true);
172  tft.print("Arduino LED\n\n");
173  tft.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN);
174  tft.print(version());
175  delay(2000);
177  tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK);
179  if(colourMap){
180  for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
181  uint16_t r = (*colourMap++ >> 3) & 0x1f; // chop down frop 8 bits to 5
182  r <<= 11; // put into the right place
183  uint16_t g = (*colourMap++ >> 2) & 0x3f; // chop down frop 8 bits to 6
184  g <<= 5; // put into the right place
185  uint16_t b = (*colourMap++ >> 3) & 0x1f; // chop down frop 8 bits to 5
186  cols[i] = r | g | b;
187  }
188  }
191  } else {
192  // this initialiser is used when using a bicolor LED display
193  pinMode(CLATCH, OUTPUT);
194  pinMode(CDATA, OUTPUT);
195  pinMode(CCLOCK, OUTPUT);
196  pinMode(RLATCH, OUTPUT);
197  pinMode(RDATA, OUTPUT);
198  pinMode(RCLOCK, OUTPUT);
200  // clear the SRs
202  digitalWrite(RLATCH, LOW);
203  fastShiftOutRows(0);
204  digitalWrite(RLATCH, HIGH);
206  digitalWrite(CLATCH, LOW);
207  fastShiftOutCols(0);
208  digitalWrite(CLATCH, HIGH);
209  }
211  // set up the switch inputs
212  pinMode(A0, INPUT_PULLUP);
213  pinMode(A1, INPUT_PULLUP);
214  pinMode(A2, INPUT_PULLUP);
215  pinMode(A3, INPUT_PULLUP);
216  pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP);
217  // and the default LED
218  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
220  // set up the initial buffers and clear them
222  backBuffer = bufferA;
223  frontBuffer = bufferB;
225  memset(backBuffer, 0, 16);
226  memset(frontBuffer, 0, 16);
228  txtBuffer[0] = 0;
229  prevTxtBuffer[0] = 0;
232  if (!(flags & AF_NOINTERRUPT))
233  setupInterrupt();
234 }
236 // render the text to the screen, if it is not the same text as was previously rendered.
237 static void renderText(){
238  if(strcmp(txtBuffer, prevTxtBuffer)){
239  Serial.println(txtBuffer);
240  strcpy(prevTxtBuffer, txtBuffer);
241  tft.fillRect(0, 150, 128, 16, TFT_BLACK);
242  // we display the text in the front buffer
243  if(txtBuffer[0]){
244  tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE);
245  tft.setCursor(4, 150);
246  tft.print(txtBuffer);
247  }
248  }
249 }
252 // The user calls this code when they have finished writing to
253 // the back buffer. It swaps the back and front buffer, so that
254 // the newly written buffer becomes the front buffer and is
255 // displayed. This is done by swapping the pointers, not the data.
256 // Interrupts are disabled to avoid the "tearing" effect produced
257 // by the buffers being swapped during redraw.
260 {
261  uint16_t *t;
263  cli();
264  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
265  {
266  buttonWentDownInLastLoop[i] = buttonWentDown[i];
267  buttonWentDown[i] = 0;
268  buttonStates[i] = debouncedButtonStates[i];
269  }
272  interruptTicks = 0;
274  t = frontBuffer;
275  frontBuffer = backBuffer;
276  backBuffer = t;
278  // render text to the screen if it has changed. Will do nothing if not using a TFT.
279  if(isTFT)
280  renderText();
282  sei();
283  if (interruptRunning)
284  {
285  while (interruptTicks < 2)
286  {
287  }
288  }
289 }
292  if(isTFT){
293  cli(); // disable interrupts
294  // clear the text buffer
295  txtBuffer[0] = 0;
296  sei(); // re-enable interrupts
297  }
298 }
300 void AberLEDClass::addToText(const char *s){
301  if(isTFT){
302  cli();
304  // is the length of this string, plus the length of the
305  // current string, plus the null terminator, less than the
306  // maximum length? If so, we can concatenate the strings.
307  if(strlen(txtBuffer) + strlen(s) + 1 < MAXTEXTLEN){
308  strcat(txtBuffer, s);
309  }
310  sei();
311  }
312 }
315  // write the number to a temporary string, taking care not to overflow the buffer.
316  char tmp[16];
317  snprintf(tmp, 16, "%d", n);
318  addToText(tmp);
319 }
321 int AberLEDClass::getButton(unsigned char c)
322 {
323  return buttonStates[c - 1];
324 }
326 int AberLEDClass::getButtonDown(unsigned char c)
327 {
328  return buttonWentDownInLastLoop[c - 1];
329 }
331 // The user calls this before writing to the back buffer, to
332 // get its pointer to write to.
335 {
336  return backBuffer;
337 }
339 // set a pixel in the back buffer to a given colour
341 void AberLEDClass::set(int x, int y, unsigned char col)
342 {
343  if (x < 8 && y < 8 && x >= 0 && y >= 0)
344  { // check we're in range
345  uint16_t *p = backBuffer + y; // get row pointer
346  x *= 2; // double x to get the column bit index
347  // clear the bits first
348  *p &= ~(3 << x);
349  // then set the new colour
350  *p |= col << x;
351  }
352 }
354 // sets the entire back buffer to zero
357 {
358  memset(backBuffer, 0, 16);
359 }
362 // called periodically by the interrupt, this writes the front
363 // buffer data out to the screen. The front buffer is the one
364 // which is not being drawn to.
366 static int refrow = 0;
367 inline void refreshNextRow()
368 {
369  if(isTFT) {
370  // using a TFT, so we draw rectangles instead of using the shift registers (which
371  // don't exist on the TFT boards)
373  uint16_t v = *(frontBuffer + refrow); // get row pointer
374 // uint16_t vold = *(backBuffer + refrow); // get row pointer
376  for(int x=0;x<8;x++){
377  uint16_t q = (v >> (x*2)) & 3;
378  tft.fillRect(16*x+2, 16*refrow+2, 12, 12, cols[q]);
379  }
380  } else {
381  // this code is used for the older LED boards, and use the shift registers -
382  // we directly manipulate the port registers for speed.
384  if (!refrow)
385  PORTD |= 1 << 2; // turn on the row data line to get the first bit set
387  // set latches low
388  PORTD &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 7));
390  // tick the row clock to move the next bit in (high on
391  // the first row, low after that)
392  PORTD |= (1 << 4);
393  PORTD &= ~(1 << 4);
395  // and turn off the row data line
396  PORTD &= ~(1 << 2);
398  // now the appropriate row is set high, set the column
399  // bits low for the pixels we want.
401  fastShiftOutCols(~(frontBuffer[refrow]));
402  // and latch the registers
404  PORTD |= ((1 << 3) | (1 << 7));
405  }
407  refrow = (refrow + 1) % 8;
408 }
410 // refresh the entire display BY HAND. This IS NOT CALLED BY THE INTERRUPT!!!!
412 {
413  refrow = 0;
414  refreshNextRow();
415  refreshNextRow();
416  refreshNextRow();
417  refreshNextRow();
418  refreshNextRow();
419  refreshNextRow();
420  refreshNextRow();
421  refreshNextRow();
423  if(!isTFT){
424  // hold the last line for a little while
425  for (int volatile i = 0; i < 30; i++)
426  {
427  __asm__ __volatile__("nop\n\t");
428  }
430  // // latch off values into the columns, to avoid last row bright.
431  PORTD &= ~((1 << 3) | (1 << 7));
432  fastShiftOutCols(0xffff);
433  PORTD |= ((1 << 3) | (1 << 7));
434  }
435 }
437 // this is the interrupt service routine for the timer interrupt
439 ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect)
440 {
441  interruptTicks++;
443  // draw the next row
444  refreshNextRow();
446  static byte trueButtonStates[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
447  static byte button = 0;
448  // and process the next button
450  byte bstate;
451  if (boardRev == REV00)
452  {
453  switch (button)
454  {
455  case 0:
456  bstate = PINC & 2;
457  break;
458  case 1:
459  bstate = PINC & 1;
460  break;
461  case 2:
462  bstate = PINC & 4;
463  break;
464  case 3:
465  bstate = PINC & 8;
466  break;
467  case 4:
468  bstate = PINB & 2;
469  break;
470  }
471  }
472  else
473  {
474  switch (button)
475  {
476  case 0:
477  bstate = PINC & 1;
478  break;
479  case 1:
480  bstate = PINC & 8;
481  break;
482  case 2:
483  bstate = PINC & 4;
484  break;
485  case 3:
486  bstate = PINC & 2;
487  break;
488  case 4:
489  bstate = PINB & 2;
490  break;
491  }
492  }
494  bstate = bstate ? 0 : 1; // make booleanesque and invert
496  if (bstate != trueButtonStates[button])
497  {
498  buttonDebounceCounters[button] = 0;
499  if (bstate)
500  buttonWentDown[button] = 1;
501  }
502  else if (++buttonDebounceCounters[button] == 4)
503  {
504  buttonDebounceCounters[button] = 0;
505  debouncedButtonStates[button] = bstate;
506  }
507  trueButtonStates[button] = bstate;
509  button = (button + 1) % 5;
510 }
512 // Set up a 1kHz interrupt handler - the code for the interrupt
513 // is in the TIMER1_COMPA_vect() function.
515 static void setupInterrupt()
516 {
517  cli(); // disable all interrupts
519  // some very hardware-specific code, setting registers
520  // inside the ATMega328p processor.
522  // set timer1 interrupt at 500Hz or slower for the TFT
523  TCCR1A = 0; // set entire TCCR1A register to 0
524  TCCR1B = 0; // same for TCCR1B
525  TCNT1 = 0; // initialize counter value to 0
526  if(isTFT) {
527  // 200 Hz
528  OCR1A = 1249;
529  TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12);
530  TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10);
531  } else {
532  // set compare match register for correct frequency
533  // (16*10^6) / (500*8) - 1 gives 3999 (for 500Hz)
534  OCR1A = 3999;
535  // turn on CTC mode
536  TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12);
537  // Set prescaler to 8
538  TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11);
539  }
540  // enable timer compare interrupt
541  TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);
542  interruptRunning = true;
543  sei(); // re-enable interrupts
544 }
void clear()
Set all pixels in the back buffer to black.
Definition: AberLED.cpp:356
#define RLATCH
Definition: AberLED.cpp:40
#define ST7735_GREEN
Definition: TFT_ST7735.h:200
#define CDATA
Definition: AberLED.cpp:44
void setRotation(uint8_t r)
Use a TFT screen display (this is the default)
Definition: AberLED.h:53
int UP
the number for button S1, the "up" button
Definition: AberLED.cpp:48
void begin(AberLEDFlags flags=AF_TFTDISPLAY, uint8_t *colourMap=NULL)
Initialises all pin modes, clears the buffers, starts the interrupt and begins to output data to the ...
Definition: AberLED.cpp:158
void fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h, uint16_t color)
int getButtonDown(unsigned char c)
Return nonzero if the button has been pressed since the last swap(). It&#39;s better to use the UP...
Definition: AberLED.cpp:326
bool interruptRunning
Definition: AberLED.cpp:67
static void setRevision(int rev)
Call this to set the revision, after AberLED.begin() (which will set it to REV01 by default)...
Definition: AberLED.cpp:88
AberLEDClass AberLED
this is the single instance of the LED class - for documentation see AberLEDClass.
Definition: AberLED.cpp:76
#define RDATA
Definition: AberLED.cpp:39
#define ST7735_YELLOW
Definition: TFT_ST7735.h:204
void clearText()
clear the string which is written to the text area on a TFT display.
Definition: AberLED.cpp:291
int ticks
Definition: AberLED.cpp:66
static void refresh()
Use only when interrupts are disabled - copies the front buffer to the display.
Definition: AberLED.cpp:411
void init(void)
Definition: TFT_ST7735.cpp:210
#define ST7735_BLACK
Definition: TFT_ST7735.h:190
void setCursor(int16_t x, int16_t y)
Definition: TFT_ST7735.cpp:808
The declaration for the AberLED class. Many implementation details are inside the AberLED implementat...
The class for the AberLED shield. One object of this class, called AberLED, is automatically created ...
Definition: AberLED.h:87
Definition: AberLED.cpp:71
#define TFT_BLACK
Definition: TFT_ST7735.h:169
Do not set up the interrupt. The screen will not be refreshed automatically. You will need to do by c...
Definition: AberLED.h:56
void fillScreen(uint16_t color)
Definition: TFT_ST7735.cpp:647
#define REV00
Definition: AberLED.h:32
Definition: AberLED.cpp:439
#define RCLOCK
Definition: AberLED.cpp:41
int getButton(unsigned char c)
Return nonzero if a given switch is pressed - switches are numbered 1 to 5, which is against my Golde...
Definition: AberLED.cpp:321
#define TFT_WHITE
Definition: TFT_ST7735.h:184
bool isTFT
Definition: AberLED.cpp:69
#define ST7735_RED
Definition: TFT_ST7735.h:202
static const char * version()
return the version string
Definition: AberLED.cpp:27
uint16_t * getBuffer()
Call this to write to the back buffer directly. It returns a pointer to the buffer: a set of 8 16-bit...
Definition: AberLED.cpp:334
void setTextColor(uint16_t color)
Definition: TFT_ST7735.cpp:848
int FIRE
the number for button S5, the "action" or "fire" button
Definition: AberLED.cpp:48
int LEFT
the number for button S3, the "right" button
Definition: AberLED.cpp:48
#define REV01
Definition: AberLED.h:34
void addToText(const char *s)
Append a string to the text area on a TFT display. Does nothing if the display is not a TFT display...
Definition: AberLED.cpp:300
void swap()
Call this code to finish drawing operations. It swaps the back and front buffer, so that the newly wr...
Definition: AberLED.cpp:259
void setTextWrap(boolean wrap)
Definition: TFT_ST7735.cpp:869
volatile int interruptTicks
Definition: AberLED.cpp:68
#define CLATCH
Definition: AberLED.cpp:46
void refreshNextRow()
Definition: AberLED.cpp:367
int DOWN
the number for button S2, the "down" button
Definition: AberLED.cpp:48
void set(int x, int y, unsigned char col)
This sets the given pixel in the back buffer to the given value. The pixel values are 0 (off)...
Definition: AberLED.cpp:341
#define CCLOCK
Definition: AberLED.cpp:45
#define TFT_GREEN
Definition: TFT_ST7735.h:179
int getTicks()
Return the number of interrupt ticks which occurred in the last swap()-swap() cycle.
Definition: AberLED.cpp:109
Definition: AberLED.h:49
TFT_ST7735 tft
Definition: AberLED.cpp:85
the number for button S4, the "left" button
Definition: AberLED.cpp:48