Uses of Interface

Packages that use MaskInterface

Uses of MaskInterface in Facemorph

Classes in Facemorph that implement MaskInterface
 class Mask
          Defines a mask file (a list of which contours to follow in a Template and in which directions).

Methods in Facemorph with parameters of type MaskInterface
 void avTem, java.awt.Image avImg, java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, MaskInterface mask, double varianceToExplain)
          Builds a PCI from the data given
 BigMat PCI.combine(PCI[] pci, Template targetShape, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, MaskInterface mask)
          Builds a PCI by combining a set of PCIs
 FloatImage[] Template.constructMultilinearFitter(int warpType, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, MaskInterface mask, Multilinear shapeMultilinear, Multilinear imageMultilinear, float scale)
          Constructs the data needed for fitting a multilinear AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, with linear projection model, includes colour information
 void Template.fitAAM(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image average, MaskInterface mask, PCA pca, PCI pci)
          Fits a Template to this FloatImage using a multiscale method
 void Template.fitAAMappearance(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImg, MaskInterface mask, PCA pca, PCI pci, float scale)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, includes colour information
 void Template.fitAAMbayesian(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImg, MaskInterface mask, PCA pca, PCI pci, float scale)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, includes colour information
 void Template.fitAAMforward(java.awt.Image subjectImg, java.awt.Image averageImg, MaskInterface mask, PCA pca, PCI pci, float scale)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using inefficient, but more reliable forward method, includes colour information
 void Template.fitAAMshape(int warpType, FloatImage average, FloatImage subject, Template avrg, MaskInterface mask, PCA pca, float scale)
          First attempt at fitting an AAM to an image, does not include colour information, not recommended to use!
 int Template.fitAAMspan(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImg, MaskInterface mask, PCA pca, PCI pci, FloatImage[] smallPCIcomps, float scale, int counter)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, colour information is projected out
 int Template.fitAAMspanLM(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImg, MaskInterface mask, PCA pca, PCI pci, float scale, int counter)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, includes colour information
 void Template.fitMultilinear(java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, MaskInterface mask, Multilinear shapeMultilinear, Multilinear imageMultilinear, FloatImage[] diffImg, float scale)
          Uses a multilinear fitting model to try a fit a template to the image
 void Template.fitMultilinear(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, MaskInterface mask, Multilinear shapeMultilinear, Multilinear imageMultilinear, float scale)
          Attempt at fitting an Multilinear AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, with linear projection model, includes colour information
 boolean Template.fitPCAColourSegment(java.awt.Image subjectImage, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template averageTemplate, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float leftEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float rightEye, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float mouth, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, int mouthIndex, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, PCA pca, MaskInterface mask)
          Automatically delineates the image given using this Template to outline the facial features Tries to segment out the face from the background using colour to help
 void Template.fitTensor(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, MaskInterface mask, Tensor shapeTensor, Tensor imageTensor, BigMat shapeLinearModel, BigMat shapeAverage, BigMat imageLinearModel, BigMat imageAverage, float scale)
          Attempt at fitting an Tensor AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, with linear projection model, includes colour information
 FloatImage[][] PCI.getIntersection(PCI pci, MaskInterface mask)
          Gets the intersection or closest point between two PCIs
 FloatImage[][] PCI.getIntersectionIterative(PCI pci, MaskInterface mask)
          Gets the intersection or closest point between two PCIs
 BigMat PCI.getReduced(PCI pci, float[] filter, int m, MaskInterface mask)
          Shrinks by a factor of 2 using filter to downsample
static void Transformer.mask(Template newTemplate, MaskInterface mask, java.awt.image.BufferedImage warped, java.awt.image.BufferedImage transformed)
          MaskInterface the colour changes to the array specified
 java.awt.Image Template.maskImage(java.awt.Image img, MaskInterface mask, java.awt.Color col, boolean reverse)
          Deprecated. This method will removed in the near future.
static void Transformer.normaliseColours(Template newTemplate, MaskInterface mask, java.awt.image.BufferedImage warped, java.awt.image.BufferedImage transformed)
          Normalise the mean and standard deviation of colours in the masked area
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage Transformer.testTransform(int warpType, Template subTem, Template srcTem, Template dstTem, Template outTem, java.awt.image.BufferedImage subImg, java.awt.image.BufferedImage srcImg, java.awt.image.BufferedImage dstImg, double shapeAmount, double colourAmount, double textureAmount, Filter[] filters, int bm, MaskInterface mask, boolean samples, boolean borders, boolean matchCols, int normalisation, int[] normPoints)
          Face transform method, more modular version
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage Transformer.testTransform(int warpType, Template subTem, Template srcTem, Template dstTem, Template outTem, java.awt.Image subImg, java.awt.Image srcImg, java.awt.Image dstImg, double shapeAmount, double colourAmount, double textureAmount, Filter[] filters, int bm, MaskInterface mask, boolean samples, boolean borders, boolean matchCols, int normalisation, int[] normPoints)
          Face transform method, more modular version
static java.awt.Image Transformer.transform(Template subjectTemplate, Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, Template newTemplate, java.awt.Image subjectImg, java.awt.Image sourceImg, java.awt.Image destImg, double shape, double colour, double texture, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, MaskInterface mask, Filter[] filters, int bm, boolean fast, boolean conts)
          Transforms subjectImage using the prototypes given and returns the result.
static java.awt.Image Transformer.transform(Template subjectTemplate, Template sourceTemplate, Template destTemplate, Template newTemplate, java.awt.Image subjectImg, java.awt.Image sourceImg, java.awt.Image destImg, double s, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob, MaskInterface mask, boolean fast)
          Transforms subjectImage using the prototypes given and returns the result.
 BigMat PCI.warp(Template targetShape, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, MaskInterface mask)
          Warps this PCI into targetShape

Constructors in Facemorph with parameters of type MaskInterface
MDL(java.lang.String listFile, int w, int h, MaskInterface mask, double var)
          Creates a new instance of MDL

Uses of MaskInterface in Facemorph.aam

Methods in Facemorph.aam with parameters of type MaskInterface
static void CAAMPowell.test(java.lang.String listFile, java.lang.String resFile, PCI pci, PCA pca, MaskInterface mask)
          Test method

Constructors in Facemorph.aam with parameters of type MaskInterface
AAM(MaskInterface mask, ASM asm, PCI pci, int type, int warpType)
          Creates a new instance of AAM
AAMTracker(Template template, MaskInterface mask, ASM asm, PCI pci, java.lang.String fileRoot, java.lang.String url)
          Creates a new instance of AAMTracker
CAAMPowell(MaskInterface mask, PCA pca, PCI pci, java.awt.Image subject, Template template)
          Constructor for CAAMPowell
GLAAM(MaskInterface mask, ASM asm, PCI pci, int type)
          Creates a new instance of AAM
GLAAM(MaskInterface mask, ASM asm, PCI pci, int type, canv)
          Creates a new instance of AAM
MultiscaleAAM(MaskInterface mask, ASM asm, PCI pci, int type, int warpType)
          Creates a new instance of MultiscaleAAM
MultiscaleOpenGLAAM(MaskInterface mask, ASM asm, PCI pci, int type)
          Creates a new instance of MultiscaleAAM
MultiscaleOpenGLAAM(MaskInterface mask, ASM asm, PCI pci, int type, canvas)
          Creates a new instance of MultiscaleAAM

Uses of MaskInterface in Facemorph.mask

Classes in Facemorph.mask that implement MaskInterface
 class BitmapMask
          Extends the MaskInterface class to allow for bitmap based masking
 class VectorMask
          Defines a mask file (a list of which contours to follow in a Template and in which directions).

Methods in Facemorph.mask that return MaskInterface
 MaskInterface BitmapMask.clone()
 MaskInterface MaskInterface.clone()
          Creates and returns a copy of this object.
static MaskInterface fopen)
          Open the given file and return a MaskInterface object of the correct type

Uses of MaskInterface in Facemorph.mdl

Constructors in Facemorph.mdl with parameters of type MaskInterface
SpecificityCombinedTest(java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.image.BufferedImage> bimages, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> warpNames, Template average, MaskInterface mask)
          Constructor for SpecificityCombinedTestFile
SpecificityCombinedTestFile(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> imageNames, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> warpNames, Template average, MaskInterface mask)
          Constructor for SpecificityCombinedTestFile

Uses of MaskInterface in Facemorph.psychomorph

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph that return MaskInterface
 MaskInterface ImageZoomPanel.getMaskInterface()
          Get the current MaskInterface

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph with parameters of type MaskInterface
static void DelineatorForm.drawMaskOnImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage original, Template template, MaskInterface mask, java.awt.Color outside, int smooth, boolean invert)
          Draw the mask on the image
static void DelineatorForm.drawMaskOnImage(FloatImage[] original, Template template, MaskInterface mask, java.awt.Color outside, int smooth, boolean invert)
          Draw the mask on the image
 void ImageZoomPanel.setMask(MaskInterface mask)
          Set the mask

Uses of MaskInterface in Facemorph.psychomorph.pca

Constructors in Facemorph.psychomorph.pca with parameters of type MaskInterface
ImagePCA(java.awt.Component parent, f, outDir, double varianceToExplain, MaskInterface mask, PsychoMorphForm psychomorph)
ImagePCAAnalyse(PCI pci, MaskInterface mask, outputFile)