Uses of Class

Packages that use Face

Uses of Face in Facemorph.haar

Methods in Facemorph.haar that return Face
static Face HaarCascade.average(java.util.ArrayList<Face> faces)
          Finds the average of a groupd of object boxes
static Face FeatureFinder.getBiggest(java.util.List<Face> faces)
          Get the biggest from the list

Methods in Facemorph.haar that return types with arguments of type Face
 java.util.List<Face> HaarCascade.doCascade(HaarReader haar, double stepSize, double shift, double minScale, double maxScale, int xstart, int ystart, int scanWidth, int scanHeight, boolean group)
          Performs the cascade referenced by haar on the picture in this object.
 java.util.List<Face> HaarCascade.doCascade(HaarReader haar, double stepSize, double shift, double minScale, double maxScale, java.util.List<Face> faces, int xstart, int ystart, int scanWidth, int scanHeight, boolean flip, boolean group)
          Performs the cascade referenced by haar on the picture in this object.
 java.util.List<Face> HaarCascade.groupResults(java.util.List<Face> inlist, int baseSize)
          Groups overlapping boxes
 java.util.List<Face> FeatureFinder.haarDetect(BufferedImg img, HaarReader haar, int xstart, int ystart, int width, int height)
          Haar detector

Methods in Facemorph.haar with parameters of type Face
 java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double[] FeatureFinder.eyeRect(Face face, float ratio, boolean left, int baseWidth, int baseHeight)
          Estimates a search box for the eyes given the face rectangle
 boolean HaarCascade.overlap(Face f1, Face f2, int baseSize)
          boolean test to see if 2 boxes are overlapping by some amount

Method parameters in Facemorph.haar with type arguments of type Face
static Face HaarCascade.average(java.util.ArrayList<Face> faces)
          Finds the average of a groupd of object boxes
 java.util.List<Face> HaarCascade.doCascade(HaarReader haar, double stepSize, double shift, double minScale, double maxScale, java.util.List<Face> faces, int xstart, int ystart, int scanWidth, int scanHeight, boolean flip, boolean group)
          Performs the cascade referenced by haar on the picture in this object.
static Face FeatureFinder.getBiggest(java.util.List<Face> faces)
          Get the biggest from the list
static void DisjointSets.groupRectangles(java.util.List<Face> rectList, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> weights, int groupThreshold, double eps)
          Group a set of rectangle
static void DisjointSets.groupRectangles(java.util.List<Face> rectList, int groupThreshold, double eps)
          Group a set of rectangle
static void DisjointSets.groupRectangles(java.util.List<Face> rectList, int groupThreshold, double eps, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> weights)
          Group a set of rectangle
 java.util.List<Face> HaarCascade.groupResults(java.util.List<Face> inlist, int baseSize)
          Groups overlapping boxes