Uses of Class

Packages that use Tensor

Uses of Tensor in Facemorph

Methods in Facemorph with parameters of type Tensor
 void Template.fitTensor(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, Mask mask, Tensor shapeTensor, Tensor imageTensor, BigMat shapeLinearModel, BigMat shapeAverage, BigMat imageLinearModel, BigMat imageAverage, float scale)
          Attempt at fitting an Tensor AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, with linear projection model, includes colour information
 double[] Template.getTensorandRBparameters(BigMat shapeModel, BigMat shapeAverage, Template average, Tensor shapeTensor)
          Analyses this Template using a tensor model
 void Template.reconstructTensorandRB(Tensor shapeTensor, Template average, double[] PCAandRBparams)
          Builds a Template from a set of Tensor and Rigid Body parameters and data

Uses of Tensor in Facemorph.tensor

Methods in Facemorph.tensor that return Tensor
static Tensor Tensor.getImageTensor(int[] dims, java.util.Vector<java.awt.Image> images)
          Create a Tensor from a set of images
static Tensor Tensor.getOuterProduct(double[][] vecs)
          Gets the outer product tensor from the array of vectors
static Tensor Tensor.getOuterProductAppend1(double[][] vecs)
          Gets the outer product tensor when each parameter vector has 1 appended/prepended at the start
 Tensor Tensor.getRowAverage(int row)
          Gets the row average
static Tensor Tensor.getTemplateTensor(int[] dims, java.util.Vector<Template> templates)
          Get A Tensor from a set of Templates
 Tensor Tensor.multiply(int i, BigMat M)
          multiply method for N-mode product with M along row i
 Tensor Tensor.reconstruct(BigMat[] U)
          Tensor reconstruction method
 Tensor Tensor.rowAverages(int dim, int dataDim, boolean subtract)
          Calculates the averages along rows indexed by dim
 Tensor Tensor.subtractAverage(int row)
          Subtract the row average from each element in that row

Methods in Facemorph.tensor with parameters of type Tensor
 void Tensor.addRowAverages(Tensor rowAvs, int dim, int dataDim)
          Add row average
 void Tensor.addRowAveragesInPlace(Tensor average, int row)
          Add the row average for each row to each element along that row
 void Tensor.copy(Tensor rhs)
          Copy another Tensor

Constructors in Facemorph.tensor with parameters of type Tensor
Multilinear(Tensor T, int dataDim, double maxvar)
          Creates a new instance of Multilinear Performs PCA along each of the plane average vectors Replace residuals with best linear fit etc etc