Uses of Class

Packages that use ImageZoomPanel

Uses of ImageZoomPanel in Facemorph.aam

Methods in Facemorph.aam with parameters of type ImageZoomPanel
 Template CLM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLM
 Template CLMLR.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLMLR and the convex quadratic fitting method (CQF)
 Template CLMSVM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLMSVM using the convex quadratic fitting (CQF) method
 Template CLMLR.delineateELS(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate am image using this CLMLR using the exhaustive local search (ELS) method

Uses of ImageZoomPanel in Facemorph.oesf

Methods in Facemorph.oesf with parameters of type ImageZoomPanel
 Template ORASM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, double[] fit, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an exhaustive local search ELS based method
 Template ORASM.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an exhaustive local search ELS based method
 Template3D ORASM3D.delineate(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean combine, boolean weighted, int iterations)
          Delineate an image using this 3D ORASM model
 Template ORASM.delineateCLM(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an constrain local model (CLM) style search
 Template ORASM.delineateCQF(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an convex quadratic fitting (CQF) based method
 Template ORASM.delineateCQF(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, HaarReader haar, Template template, ImageZoomPanel izp, int iterations, boolean tuning)
          Delineate using this ORASM using an convex quadratic fitting (CQF) based method

Uses of ImageZoomPanel in Facemorph.psychomorph

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph that return ImageZoomPanel
 ImageZoomPanel DelineatorForm.getIZP()
          Get the ImageZoomPanel
 ImageZoomPanel PsychoMorphForm.getLeftImagePanel()
          Get the left image panel
 ImageZoomPanel PsychoMorphForm.getRightImagePanel()
          Get the right image panel

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph with parameters of type ImageZoomPanel
static void DelineatorForm.batchProcess(Batchable batchable, java.lang.String append, java.awt.Component parent, javax.swing.JFileChooser jFileChooser1, f, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Batch processing method
static void DelineatorForm.batchProcess(Batchable batchable, java.lang.String append, java.awt.Component parent, javax.swing.JFileChooser jFileChooser1, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Batch processing method
 void DelineatorForm.flip(ImageZoomPanel izp, int[] plist)
          Flip an image horizontally with optional mirroring of the template
 boolean Average.process(ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean single)
 boolean Batchable.process(ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean single)
          The process method is called for each image in the list, or for the current image in single mode

Constructors in Facemorph.psychomorph with parameters of type ImageZoomPanel
BatchProcess(Batchable batchable, java.lang.String append, java.awt.Component parent, javax.swing.JFileChooser jFileChooser1, f, ImageZoomPanel izp)
          Create a batch processing thread

Uses of ImageZoomPanel in Facemorph.psychomorph.batchable

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph.batchable with parameters of type ImageZoomPanel
 boolean BatchCategoriseImage.process(ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean single)
 boolean BatchChimericTransform.process(ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean single)
 boolean BatchColourCalibrate.process(ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean single)
 boolean BatchCorrectMouth.process(ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean single)
 boolean BatchCorrectTemplate.process(ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean single)
 boolean BatchExtraPoints.process(ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean single)
 boolean BatchMRFTransform.process(ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean single)
 boolean BatchSymmetrise.process(ImageZoomPanel izp, boolean single)