Uses of Class

Packages that use Warp

Uses of Warp in Facemorph

Subclasses of Warp in Facemorph
 class LinearWarp
          Performs triangulated linear interpolation for image warping
 class MultiscaleWarp
          Implements a multi-scale interpolation algorithm
 class MultiscaleWarpRB
          Implements a multi-scale interpolation algorithm
 class TPSWarp
          Thin plate spline warping class

Methods in Facemorph that return Warp
static Warp Warp.createWarp(int type, int w, int h, int ow, int oh, boolean r)
          Factory method for creating a warp of the specified type

Methods in Facemorph with parameters of type Warp
 void MultiscaleWarp.concatenate(Warp warp)
 void Warp.concatenate(Warp warp)
          Concatenates warp with this
 void Warp.concatenate(Warp warp1, Warp warp2)
          Concatenates the two warps and puts the result in this
 int Warp.iterate(int n, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float[] source, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float[] dest, Warp tmp, float minJ, boolean borders)
          Implements an overlap control algorithm
 void Template.warp(Warp warp)
          Warp the template with the warp given