Uses of Class

Packages that use Gaussian

Uses of Gaussian in Facemorph

Methods in Facemorph that return Gaussian
 Gaussian GMM.getCluster(int i)
          Get the ith cluster
 Gaussian Gaussian.slice(double[] sample, double[] weight)
          Takes a slice through the Gaussian, to produce a new Gaussian first "fixed" elements are fixed remaining elements of the Gaussian are used in the new Gaussian

Methods in Facemorph with parameters of type Gaussian
 void GMM.random(java.util.Random rand, Gaussian gauss)
          Initialises a bunch of random centres
 void GMM.set(int i, Gaussian g, double w)
          sets the covariance, mean and weight of cluster i
 double Gaussian.T_squared(Gaussian g, double weight1, double weight2)
          Hotelling's T^2 statistic (the N-D t-test equivalent)