Uses of Class

Packages that use Complex

Uses of Complex in Facemorph

Methods in Facemorph that return Complex
 Complex Complex.add(Complex z)
          Add z to this and return the result as a new complex number
 Complex Template.complexDotProduct(Template t)
          Complex dot product of this with t, treating (x,y) coords of each point as complex number x+iy
 Complex Complex.conjugate()
          Conjugate the complex number
 Complex Complex.copy()
          Returns a new copy of this complex number
 Complex Complex.divide(Complex z)
          Multiply this by z (result = this*z) and return the result as a new complex number
 Complex Complex.dotProduct(Complex z)
          Returns the complex dot product of this with z
static Complex Complex.exp(Complex val)
          Calculate complex exponential
static Complex[] Complex.fft1d(Complex[] data, boolean inverse)
          1D FFT
static Complex[] Complex.fftNd(Complex[] data, int[] dim, boolean inverse)
          Multidimensional FFT, note input data is destroyed by running this and the answer will end up in data, and is also returned
static Complex[] Complex.ft1d(Complex[] data, boolean inverse)
          Slow direct calculation of fourier transform.
 Complex Complex.multiply(Complex z)
          Multiply this by z (result = this*z) and return the result as a new complex number
 Complex Complex.subtract(Complex z)
          Add z to this and return the result as a new complex number

Methods in Facemorph with parameters of type Complex
 Complex Complex.add(Complex z)
          Add z to this and return the result as a new complex number
 void Template.addWeighted(Template t, Complex z)
          this = this + z*t
 Complex Complex.divide(Complex z)
          Multiply this by z (result = this*z) and return the result as a new complex number
 Complex Complex.dotProduct(Complex z)
          Returns the complex dot product of this with z
static Complex Complex.exp(Complex val)
          Calculate complex exponential
static Complex[] Complex.fft1d(Complex[] data, boolean inverse)
          1D FFT
static void Complex.fft1d(Complex[] data, Complex[] fft, int N, int step, int start, int out, boolean inverse)
          FFT using Danielson-Lancoz lemma to make O(NlogN)
static void Complex.fft1d(Complex[] data, Complex[] fft, int N, int step, int start, int out, boolean inverse)
          FFT using Danielson-Lancoz lemma to make O(NlogN)
static Complex[] Complex.fftNd(Complex[] data, int[] dim, boolean inverse)
          Multidimensional FFT, note input data is destroyed by running this and the answer will end up in data, and is also returned
static Complex[] Complex.ft1d(Complex[] data, boolean inverse)
          Slow direct calculation of fourier transform.
 Complex Complex.multiply(Complex z)
          Multiply this by z (result = this*z) and return the result as a new complex number
 Complex Complex.subtract(Complex z)
          Add z to this and return the result as a new complex number

Uses of Complex in Facemorph.multifilter

Methods in Facemorph.multifilter that return Complex
 Complex[] FourierDecompose.reconstruct(java.util.ArrayList<Complex[]> responses)
          Reconstruct in the Fourier domain

Methods in Facemorph.multifilter with parameters of type Complex
 java.util.ArrayList<Complex[]> FourierDecompose.analyse(Complex[] data)
          Analyse the image as a Complex array and return the result as a set of Complex responses
 void FourierDecompose.imposeSymmetry(Complex[] response)
          Impose conjugate symmetry on the complex response

Uses of Complex in Facemorph.oesf

Methods in Facemorph.oesf that return Complex
static Complex[] OESF.convert(FloatImage fimg)
          Scan converts a FloatImage to an array of Complex
static Complex[] OESF.convert(FloatImage[] fimg)
          Converts a pair of FloatImages {real, imaginary} into a Complex array
 Complex[] FilterSet.getFilter(int i)
          Get the ith filter
static Complex[] OESF.getMultiResponse(Template tem, int[] plist, int[] dim)
          Get an idealised response image for all listed features in the Template
static Complex[] OESF.getResponse(float x, float y, double angle, int[] dim)
          Get the response image with orientation information (trying to detect orientation doesn't seem to work all that well)
static Complex[] OESF.getResponse(float x, float y, int[] dim)
          Create an idealised response image

Methods in Facemorph.oesf with parameters of type Complex
 void FilterSet.addFilter(Complex[] filt, double[] prior)
          Add a flter to the set
static FloatImage OESF.convert(Complex[] a, int w, int h)
          Converts an array of Complex back into a FloatImage, discarding imaginary components
static FloatImage[] OESF.convertComplex(Complex[] a, int w, int h)
          Convert a Complex array into a pair of FloatImages {real, imaginary}
static FloatImage OESF.filter(FloatImage fimg, Complex[] filt, int[] dim)
          Apply a filter to an image
static FloatImage[] OESF.filterComplex(FloatImage fimg, Complex[] filt, int[] dim)
          Filters a real image with a complex filter