Infoamal workshop on Foam Coarsening, Paris, January 2013

Laboratoire "Matière et Systèmes Complexes" (MSC), Université Paris 7 Diderot

(details of how to get there)

Discussion notes

A workshop open to anyone who is actively working, or who has worked, on diffusion-driven coarsening and/or Ostwald ripening

Please note that participants are responsible for finding their own accommodation in Paris, and that we are unable to guarantee any funding.

Scroll down for the registration form

Scientific questions


NameResearch interestsDates
9th, pm10th, am10th, pm11th, am
Frederic Bauer Technical surfactants and their impact to foam stabilization/destabilization in their complex, dynamic and continuously changing detergent & cleaner related application environment
Min Chen Influence of milk composition and processing conditions on stability of milk foam against coarsening, drainage,coalesence and disproportion.
Sylvie Cohen-Addad Coarsening induced dynamics, coarsening of particle laden foams, rheology-coarsening interplay, rheology-interfacial rheology coupling
Simon CoxSimulations of foam structure, prediction of growth rates
Nikolai DenkovRelation between surface and foam properties; bio-surfactants
Myfanwy Evans Geometry of foam cells in coarsening and shear simulations of random 3D foams
Ismael Fortuna Potts model for coarsening of wet foams
Francois GranerSelf-similar growth regime, wet-to-dry transition
Paul Grassia `diffusive transport of curvature' and `diffusive transport of surfactant' along films in fast foam flows -- and how these relate to bubble shapes and thereby bubble rheology; possible analogies with `diffusive transport of gas' in coarsening systems.
Deniz GunesFoam coarsening control by structure, and interfacial as well as bulk rheology
Manish Gupta Emulsions and foams, Ostwald ripening, Interfacial Rheology, Microfluidics
Sascha Hilgenfeldt Foam structure and its relation to coarsening by diffusion and coalescence, statistics of cellular packings and tilings
Andreas Hofmann Continuous foam fractionation of protein solutions; Hydrodynamics of wet foams
Reinhard Hohler Dynamics of bubble rearrangements, impact of interfacial rheology; Link between coarsening and rheology; Coarsening induced bubble collapse due to gas condensation
Marie-Caroline JullienFoam coarsening in microfluidic systems
Mohammadreza KhalesiEnrichment of biosurfactant using foam fractionation system
Jerome Lambertself-similar growth regime in 3D foams
Dominique Langevin foams, foam films, liquid surfaces; dependence of coarsening rate on surfactant concentration and nature
Frederik Lech Food and Protein foams; stability of thin liquid films
Elise Lorenceau Foam rupture, Oil laden Foams
Peter Martin Foam fractionation with reflux: experiments, simulations and application to bioproduct separations. Food foams including bread and ice cream: product and production characterisation.
Marie Le Merrer Bubble rearrangements dynamics. Coarsening in particle-laden foams
Marcel Meinders General interest in (modeling) the relation between molecular properties of surfactants and foam and bubble stability.
Vincent Miralles Control and minimization of foam coarsening using microfluidic tools
Rajmund Mokso X-ray tomography; foam dynamics in 3D
Francesca Ravera Surface properties of mixed particle-surfactant layers and particle stabilized foams; interfacial rheology
Gerd Schröder-Turk Diffusive Coarsening; Foam Structure; Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces
Simeon StoyanovSuper-stable foams in complex, liquid food matrix in presence of other surface active species
Cosima Stubenrauch Foam stability, influence of gas mixtures and of bubble size distribution on coarsening, relation between coarsening and gas permeability of the surfactant layer
Nicolas Taccoen Particle stabilization of foam, behavior of armored bubbles alone or in a foam
Gilberto ThomasNumerical simulation of coarsening
Hans TrompProtein foams and microbubbles; ways to detect bulk properties of foams by light and neutron scattering
Denny VitasariDrainage of foam lamella and the effect of surfactant and/or protein adsorption on it
Denis WeaireFoams (general)

Discussion notes

weds 14h (viscoelasticity) weds 15h (single bubble) weds 16h (statistics/scaling)
thurs 10h (PBs vs films) thurs 11h (micelles) thurs 11h (reconstruction)
thurs 14h (mixed gas) thurs 14h (nanoparticles) thurs 15h (scaling state) thurs 15h (confinement) thurs 16h (bubble shape)
fri 10h (grain growth) fri 11h (growth law)

Short talks

Other useful information

To get to the workshop:

Please read carefully the following explanations and print the maps.

The "Paris Rive Gauche" campus of University Paris 7 "Denis Diderot" is in the south-east of Paris (XIIIth district), between the National Library and the ringroad. It can be accessed from the station "Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand" of RER C or subway line 14, by buses 89, 62, 64, 325, and by the "velib" bicycles (see map of stations).

The Condorcet building is close to the Seine river and has a distinct orange color. From subway line 14, RER C or bus 89 (arrêt "Bibliotèque François Mitterrand") go to the Seine by walking downhill, then turn right. See the map of the district and the detailed map of the building. On these maps, green dots label the building entrances.

Caution: these streets are new. Some commercial maps or GPS systems have not yet incorporated them. Watt street, which is almost identical to Alice Domon and Léonie Duquet, is normally always indicated.

Caution again: this building is subdivided into two subunits, Condorcet A and Condorcet B, which are connected only at the ground floor (as well as a footbridge at 4th floor and another one at 6th floor).

Caution again: at night it is only possible to leave this building through the guarded door on 10 rue Alice Domon and Léonie Duquet, close to the river.

The workshop will be held in room 646A ("Mondrian") of the laboratory Matière et Systèmes Complexes (MSC), on the 6th floor of bâtiment Condorcet A.