Uses of Class

Packages that use Pyramid

Uses of Pyramid in Facemorph

Methods in Facemorph that return Pyramid
 Pyramid Pyramid.copy(boolean copySmooth)
          Create a copy of this pyramid.
 Pyramid PCW.getAverage()
          Get the mean pyramid
 Pyramid PCW.getComponent(int i)
          Get the ith component
 Pyramid PCW.reconstruct(double[] w)
          Build a Pyramid using the weights given
 Pyramid PCW.reconstruct(float[] w)
          Build a Pyramid using the weights given

Methods in Facemorph with parameters of type Pyramid
 boolean Pyramid.adaptAverage(Pyramid magPyr, boolean smooth)
          Multiplies this by the ratio of magPyr / variance(this)
 boolean Pyramid.adaptComplexAverage(Pyramid imag, Pyramid magPyr)
          Treats this as the real part and imag as the imaginary part and converts the values by multiplying by the ratio of complex magnitudes
 boolean Pyramid.adaptVariance(Pyramid varPyr, boolean smooth)
          Modifies this by multiplying by the ratio of varPyr over variance of this
 boolean Pyramid.add_to_average(Pyramid pyr, int n)
          Add pyr to this as part of constructing an average
 boolean Pyramid.add_to_variance(Pyramid pyr, int n)
          Adds pyr to this as part of estimating the average absolute value
 boolean Pyramid.add_to_varianceSquared(Pyramid pyr, int n)
          Adds pyr to this as part of estimating the variance squared
 void Pyramid.add(Pyramid pyr, boolean applyToSmooth)
          Adds to the value of each subband of this Pyramid with the corresponding subband in the other Pyramid
 boolean Pyramid.addToComplexMagnitudeAverage(Pyramid real, Pyramid imag, int n)
          Adds real and image to this as part of making an average magnitude
 boolean Pyramid.addWeighted(Pyramid pyr, float w)
          Adds a weighted amount of pyr to this
 double[] PCW.analyse(Pyramid pyr)
          Finds the best weights for the given Pyramid
 double[] PCW.analyseMasked(Pyramid pyr, FloatImage mask)
          Finds the weights of this Pyramid after masking
 void Pyramid.copy(Pyramid pyr)
          Copy the given pyramid into this, including the low pass residual
 void Pyramid.copy(Pyramid pyr, boolean copySmooth)
          Copy the given Pyramis into this
 boolean Pyramid.copySubband(Pyramid pyr, int lev)
          Copy a subband of the given pyramid
 double Pyramid.dotProduct(Pyramid pyr)
          Dot product, each level's contribution scaled up to match largest
 double Pyramid.dotProduct(Pyramid pyr, FloatImage mask)
          Dot product, each level's contribution scaled up to match largest
 int Pyramid.MRFTransform(Pyramid original, java.util.ArrayList<Pyramid> source, java.util.ArrayList<Pyramid> target, float min, float max, int bins, double[] coefs, boolean weighted)
          Pyramid based MRF transformation
 void Pyramid.subtract(Pyramid pyr, boolean applyToSmooth)
          Adds to the value of each subband of this Pyramid with the corresponding subband in the other Pyramid
 boolean Pyramid.transformTexture(Pyramid oldPyr, Pyramid source, Pyramid destination, float shift)
          Transform using the magnitude
 boolean Pyramid.transformTextureSquared(Pyramid oldPyr, Pyramid source, Pyramid destination, float shift)
          Performs a texture transform using the squared magnitude values.

Method parameters in Facemorph with type arguments of type Pyramid
 int Pyramid.calculateVariance(java.util.ArrayList<Pyramid> pyr, int count)
          Calculates the pixelwise variance of a set of Pyramids
 int Pyramid.MRFTransform(Pyramid original, java.util.ArrayList<Pyramid> source, java.util.ArrayList<Pyramid> target, float min, float max, int bins, double[] coefs, boolean weighted)
          Pyramid based MRF transformation
 int Pyramid.MRFTransform(Pyramid original, java.util.ArrayList<Pyramid> source, java.util.ArrayList<Pyramid> target, float min, float max, int bins, double[] coefs, boolean weighted)
          Pyramid based MRF transformation