Uses of Class

Packages that use MultiscaleWarp

Uses of MultiscaleWarp in Facemorph

Methods in Facemorph with parameters of type MultiscaleWarp
 void MultiscaleWarp.concatenate(MultiscaleWarp warp1, MultiscaleWarp warp2)
          Concatenates 2 MultiscaleWarps
 void MultiscaleWarp.copy(MultiscaleWarp warp)
          Copy the given warp
 void FloatImage.edgeWarp(FloatImage dest, MultiscaleWarp shift, int level, int warpType, java.lang.String output)
          Non-recursive edge matching
 int FloatImage.icpEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth)
          Iterative closest point warp
 int FloatImage.multiEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, FloatImage[] pmapSrc, FloatImage[] pmapDst, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth, int level)
          Multiscale edge based warping with curvature
 void FloatImage.multiEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth, int warpType)
          Recursive edge matching & warping
 void FloatImage.multiEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth, int level, boolean allscales, int warpType, java.lang.String output)
          Recursive edge matching & warping
 void FloatImage.multiscaleOpticFlow(FloatImage target, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth)
          Multi scale optical flow method
 void FloatImage.opticFlow(FloatImage target, MultiscaleWarp shift)
          Basic optical flow implementation
 void MultiscaleWarp.setScaled(MultiscaleWarp small)
          Up-scale the small warp into this
 int MultiscaleWarp.upsample(MultiscaleWarp small, float[] filter, int m)
          Upsample (expand) the small warp into this

Uses of MultiscaleWarp in Facemorph.mdl

Methods in Facemorph.mdl that return MultiscaleWarp
 MultiscaleWarp multiScaleEdgeMDL.invertWarp(MultiscaleWarp w)
          Invert the warp
 MultiscaleWarp multiScaleEdgeMDLFile.invertWarp(MultiscaleWarp w)
          Invert a warp
static MultiscaleWarp multiScaleEdgeMDLFile.readWarp(java.lang.String name)
          Read a warp from file

Methods in Facemorph.mdl with parameters of type MultiscaleWarp
 MultiscaleWarp multiScaleEdgeMDL.invertWarp(MultiscaleWarp w)
          Invert the warp
 MultiscaleWarp multiScaleEdgeMDLFile.invertWarp(MultiscaleWarp w)
          Invert a warp
static void multiScaleEdgeMDLFile.writeWarp(MultiscaleWarp lw, java.lang.String name)
          Write a warp to file