Uses of Class

Packages that use FloatImage

Uses of FloatImage in Facemorph

Fields in Facemorph declared as FloatImage
 FloatImage[] Pyramid.horizontal
          The set of horizontally filtered images at different resolutions
 FloatImage Pyramid.smooth
          The low pass residual
 FloatImage[] Pyramid.vertical
          The set of vertically filtered images at different resolutions

Methods in Facemorph that return FloatImage
static FloatImage[] FloatImage.calculateCurvature(FloatImage[] pmap, int scale)
          Calculates the curvature after scaling by the amount indicated
static FloatImage FloatImage.combineUV(FloatImage U, FloatImage V)
          Attempts to combine the U and V components to a single channel for skin detection using U*U*(U*U-U/V)*(U*U-U/V)
 FloatImage[] Template.constructMultilinearFitter(int warpType, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, Mask mask, Multilinear shapeMultilinear, Multilinear imageMultilinear, float scale)
          Constructs the data needed for fitting a multilinear AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, with linear projection model, includes colour information
 FloatImage FloatImage.copy()
          Creates and returns a copy of this image
static FloatImage FloatImage.createColourHistogram(FloatImage R, FloatImage G, FloatImage B)
          Creates a 2D colour histogram (R/(R+G+B), G/(R+G+B)) for an image.
static FloatImage FloatImage.createColourHistogram(FloatImage R, FloatImage G, FloatImage B, FloatImage mask)
          Creates a 2D colour histogram (R/(R+G+B), G/(R+G+B)) for part of an image defines by a mask.
static FloatImage[] FloatImage.deinterleaveImages(FloatImage rgb)
          Take an interleaved image, eg.
 FloatImage AWN.draw(int w, int h)
          Draws the wavelets to a FloatImage
 FloatImage FloatImage.erodeMask()
          Perform binary erosion on this FloatImage, any pixels adjacent to zero values are set to zero
 FloatImage[] PCI.getAverage()
          Retrieves the average image as an array of FloatImage
 FloatImage[] PCI.getComponent(int i)
          Retrieve a specific component
 FloatImage[][] PCI.getIntersection(PCI pci, Mask mask)
          Gets the intersection or closest point between two PCIs
 FloatImage[][] PCI.getIntersectionIterative(PCI pci, Mask mask)
          Gets the intersection or closest point between two PCIs
 FloatImage Template.getMask(Mask mask, int w, int h, float min, float max)
          Constructs a FloatImage with values of 0 (masked) and max (not masked)
 FloatImage Template.getMask(java.util.Vector<java.lang.Integer> maskConts, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Integer> maskDirections, int w, int h, float min, float max)
          Constructs a FloatImage with values of 0 (masked) and max (not masked)
 FloatImage FloatImage.getSubImage(int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Gets a sub-part of this image
static FloatImage FloatImage.interleaveImages(FloatImage red, FloatImage green, FloatImage blue)
          Turn separate three red green and blue images into one image by interleaving the pixels
 FloatImage[] PCI.reconstruct(float[] params)
          reconstructs an image given the component weightings
 FloatImage[] PCI.reconstruct(float[] params, FloatImage[] avrg)
          reconstructs an image given the component weightings, using avrg instead of the built in average
static FloatImage[] PCI.reconstructFile(float[] params, FloatImage[] avrg, int pcaCount)
          reconstructs an image given the component weightings, using avrg instead of the built in average
 FloatImage[] PCI.reconstructMaxWeights(float[] params)
          Build an image from PCA components using the weights given after rescaling them by the maxWeights array
 FloatImage[] PCI.reconstructMaxWeights(float[] params, FloatImage[] avrg)
          Build an image from PCA components using the weights given after rescaling them by the maxWeights array.
 FloatImage FloatImage.reduce(FloatImage fimg, FloatImage mask, float[] filter, int m)
          Make this a shrunken version of fimg by subsampling every other pixel (in x and y) after convolving with filter
 FloatImage FloatImage.resize(int w, int h)
          Resize this image using bilinear resampling to the specified dimensions
 FloatImage FloatImage.shift(float w, float t)
          Creates a scaled and shift version of this image i.e.
 FloatImage FloatImage.transform(float[][] mat, int w, int h)
          Perform an affine transform on the image geometry
 FloatImage FloatImage.warp(FloatImage xshift, FloatImage yshift, int w, int h)
          Warps this using the x and y shifts specified and returns the result as a w by h size image
 FloatImage Warp.warpFloatImage(FloatImage fimg)
          Warp a FloatImage using this warping function
 FloatImage FloatImage.warpShift(FloatImage xshift, FloatImage yshift, int w, int h)
          Warps this using the x and y functions specified and returns the result as a w by h size image

Methods in Facemorph with parameters of type FloatImage
 boolean FloatImage.adaptAverage(FloatImage varSquared)
          Adapts the average to have the same locally smoothed magnitude as varSquared
 boolean FloatImage.add(FloatImage fimg)
          Adds fimg to this to give this = this + fimg
 boolean FloatImage.add(FloatImage fimg, float w)
          Adds a scaled amount of fimg to this to give this = this + w*fimg
 void FloatImage.add(FloatImage fimg1, FloatImage fimg2)
          Adds two FloatImages, putting the result in this
 void Pyramid.add(FloatImage image, int level)
 int FloatImage.addToAverage(FloatImage fimg, int n)
          Adds an image into this average image
 boolean FloatImage.addToVariance(FloatImage fimg1, FloatImage fimg2, int n)
          Adds fimg1 and fimg2 to this complex magnitude average as the real and imaginary parts
 boolean FloatImage.addToVariance(FloatImage fimg1, int n)
          Adds fimg1 to the average of absolute values
 boolean FloatImage.addToVarianceSquared(FloatImage fimg1, int n)
          Add fimg1 to the average of squared images
 int FloatImage.adjust(FloatImage xshift, FloatImage yshift, FloatImage xtmp, FloatImage ytmp)
          Replaces xshift(x,y)=xtmp(x,y) and yshift(x,y)=ytmp(x,y at locations where this(x,y)=0
 float[] PCI.analyse(FloatImage[] fimg)
          Analyses the given image to gives the weights of the principal components
 float[] PCI.analyse(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage mask)
          Analyses the given image to gives the weights of the principal components
 float[] PCI.analyse(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage mask)
          Analyses the given image to gives the weights of the principal components
static float[] PCI.analyseFile(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage mask, int pcaCount)
          Analyses the given image to gives the weights of the principal components
static float[] PCI.analyseFile(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage mask, int pcaCount)
          Analyses the given image to gives the weights of the principal components
 double[] PCI.analyseLS(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage mask)
          Analyses the given image to gives the weights of the principal components
 double[] PCI.analyseLS(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage mask)
          Analyses the given image to gives the weights of the principal components
 double[] PCW.analyseMasked(Pyramid pyr, FloatImage mask)
          Finds the weights of this Pyramid after masking
 float[] PCI.analyseMaxWeights(FloatImage[] fimg)
          Analyses the given image to gives the weights of the principal components
 void<java.awt.image.BufferedImage> images, double varianceToExplain, FloatImage mask)
          Method to create a PCI from a set of delineated images.
 void avTem, FloatImage[] avImg, java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, FloatImage mask, double varianceToExplain)
          Method to create a PCI from a set of delineated images.
 void avTem, FloatImage[] avImg, java.awt.Image[] images, Template[] templates, FloatImage mask, double varianceToExplain)
          Method to create a PCI from a set of delineated images.
 void PCI.buildFloatImage(java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage[]> images, FloatImage mask, double varianceToExplain)
          Method to create a PCI from a set of delineated images.
static double[] PCI.buildWarpedFiles(int number, double varianceToExplain, FloatImage[] average, FloatImage mask)
          Method to create a PCI from a set of pre-warped images, which are read from files with names of the form "warped"+i+"_"+k+".fimg" where k is 0, 1 or 2 for r, g and b.
static double[] PCI.buildWarpedFiles(int number, double varianceToExplain, FloatImage[] average, FloatImage mask)
          Method to create a PCI from a set of pre-warped images, which are read from files with names of the form "warped"+i+"_"+k+".fimg" where k is 0, 1 or 2 for r, g and b.
static FloatImage[] FloatImage.calculateCurvature(FloatImage[] pmap, int scale)
          Calculates the curvature after scaling by the amount indicated
 void BSplineQuadTree.calculateInterpConstraints(int maxLev, FloatImage mask, FloatImage xshift, FloatImage yshift)
          Calculate the interpolation with the constraints given as a set of FloatImages
 void BSplineQuadTree.calculateWarpConstraints(int maxLev, FloatImage mask, FloatImage xshift, FloatImage yshift)
          Calculate the warp with constraints specified in FloatImages
 void FloatImage.classify(FloatImage R, FloatImage G, FloatImage B, FloatImage probCol, FloatImage probColGivenSkin)
          Classifies the liklihood of pixels in an image belonging to the class defined by 2 histograms.
static FloatImage FloatImage.combineUV(FloatImage U, FloatImage V)
          Attempts to combine the U and V components to a single channel for skin detection using U*U*(U*U-U/V)*(U*U-U/V)
 void Warp.convert(FloatImage Wx, FloatImage Wy)
          Converts this warp into the two FloatImages
static void FloatImage.convertImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage img, FloatImage red, FloatImage green, FloatImage blue)
          Converts a BufferedImage into three FloatImages for red, green and blue
static boolean FloatImage.convertImage(java.awt.Image img, FloatImage R, FloatImage G, FloatImage B, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob)
          Splits a colour image into 3 FloatImages
static boolean FloatImage.convertImageHSV(java.awt.Image img, FloatImage H, FloatImage S, FloatImage V, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob)
          Splits a colour image into 3 FloatImages Note: this isn't proper HSV, more like YUV components, with UV converted to polar coords ...
static boolean FloatImage.convertImageLAB(java.awt.Image img, FloatImage L, FloatImage A, FloatImage B, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob)
          Splits a colour image into 3 (LAB) component FloatImages
static boolean FloatImage.convertImageRGB(java.awt.Image img, FloatImage R, FloatImage G, FloatImage B, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob)
          Splits a colour image into 3 FloatImages
static boolean FloatImage.convertImageYUV(java.awt.Image img, FloatImage Y, FloatImage U, FloatImage V, java.awt.image.ImageObserver ob)
          Splits a colour image into 3 (YUV) component FloatImages
static void FloatImage.convertInterleaveImageRGB(java.awt.image.BufferedImage img, FloatImage rgb)
          Converts a BufferedImage into one interleaved FloatImages in Red, Green, Blue order
static java.awt.Image FloatImage.convertToImage(FloatImage R, FloatImage G, FloatImage B)
          Create a colour image from three float images representing the R, G and B components
static java.awt.Image FloatImage.convertToImageYUV(FloatImage Y, FloatImage U, FloatImage V)
          Create a colour image from three float images representing the Y, U and V components
 void FloatImage.convolve_x(FloatImage fimg, float[] filter, int m, int scale)
          Filter this FloatImage in the x direction
 void FloatImage.convolve_x(FloatImage fimg, FloatImage mask, float[] filter, int m, int scale)
          Filter this FloatImage in the x direction with masking
 void FloatImage.convolve_y(FloatImage fimg, float[] filter, int m, int scale)
          Filter this FloatImage in the y direction
 void FloatImage.convolve_y(FloatImage fimg, FloatImage mask, float[] filter, int m, int scale)
          Filter this FloatImage in the y direction with masking
 void FloatImage.convolve(FloatImage fimg, float[][] filter, int m, int n, int scale)
          Non-separable convolution
 void FloatImage.convolve(FloatImage mask, float[] filter, int m, int scale)
          Filter the image in the x and y directions (separably) with the filter specified with masking
 void FloatImage.convolve(FloatImage fimg, FloatImage filter, int m, int n, int scale)
          Convolve this float image with a filter defined by an image
 boolean FloatImage.convolveFFT(FloatImage fimg1, FloatImage fimg2, boolean inverse)
          FFT based convolution, the result is put in this
 void FloatImage.copy(FloatImage fimg)
          Copy fimg into this
 int FloatImage.correlationFFT(FloatImage fimg1, FloatImage fimg2)
          Correlation using FFT, the result is held in this
static FloatImage FloatImage.createColourHistogram(FloatImage R, FloatImage G, FloatImage B)
          Creates a 2D colour histogram (R/(R+G+B), G/(R+G+B)) for an image.
static FloatImage FloatImage.createColourHistogram(FloatImage R, FloatImage G, FloatImage B, FloatImage mask)
          Creates a 2D colour histogram (R/(R+G+B), G/(R+G+B)) for part of an image defines by a mask.
 java.util.ArrayList<KdTreePoint> FloatImage.createTreePoints(FloatImage edges, FloatImage xdir, FloatImage ydir, FloatImage xxdir, FloatImage yydir, FloatImage xydir)
          Create an array of kd tree points using pre-selected edge points
static FloatImage[] FloatImage.deinterleaveImages(FloatImage rgb)
          Take an interleaved image, eg.
static void FloatImage.deinterleaveImages(FloatImage rgb, FloatImage red, FloatImage green, FloatImage blue)
 boolean FloatImage.divide(FloatImage fimg, float tol)
          Divides this image by fimg to give this = this / fimg
 int FloatImage.divide(FloatImage f, FloatImage g)
          Pixelwise divide f and g by this and set this to 1 (where this is not zero)
 float FloatImage.dotProduct(FloatImage fimg)
          Finds the dot product (aka scalar product or sum of pixel products) of this image with fimg
 float FloatImage.dotProduct(FloatImage fimg, FloatImage mask)
          Finds the dot product (aka scalar product or sum of pixel products) of a masked part of this image with fimg
 double Pyramid.dotProduct(Pyramid pyr, FloatImage mask)
          Dot product, each level's contribution scaled up to match largest
 void FloatImage.dual_convolve_x(FloatImage fimg, float[] filter1, float[] filter2, int m1, int m2, int bm)
          Convolves in x-direction with two different filters at odd and even pixels respectively
 void FloatImage.dual_convolve_y(FloatImage fimg, float[] filter1, float[] filter2, int m1, int m2, int bm)
          Convolves in y-direction with two different filters at odd and even pixels respectively
 void FloatImage.edgeMagnitude(FloatImage dx, FloatImage dy)
          Calculates the magnitude of edges
 void FloatImage.edgeWarp(FloatImage dest, MultiscaleWarp shift, int level, int warpType, java.lang.String output)
          Non-recursive edge matching
 void FloatImage.expand(FloatImage fimg, float[] filter, int m)
          Make a double sized version of this and put it in fimg, the filter is used after placing zeros between rows and cols
 void FloatImage.expand(FloatImage fimg, float[] filter, int m, int outW, int outH)
          Make a double sized version of this and put it in fimg, the filter is used after placing zeros between rows and cols
 void Template.fitAAMshape(int warpType, FloatImage average, FloatImage subject, Template avrg, Mask mask, PCA pca, float scale)
          First attempt at fitting an AAM to an image, does not include colour information, not recommended to use!
 int Template.fitAAMspan(int warpType, java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImg, Mask mask, PCA pca, PCI pci, FloatImage[] smallPCIcomps, float scale, int counter)
          Attempt at fitting an AAM to an image using efficient reverse method, colour information is projected out
 void Template.fitMultilinear(java.awt.Image subject, java.awt.Image averageImage, Template avrg, Mask mask, Multilinear shapeMultilinear, Multilinear imageMultilinear, FloatImage[] diffImg, float scale)
          Uses a multilinear fitting model to try a fit a template to the image
 void Template.fitPCA(FloatImage average, FloatImage subject, Template avrg, PCA pca, int leftIndex, int rightIndex, int mouthIndex)
          Fits a Template to this FloatImage
 void AWN.fitToImage(FloatImage fimg)
          Attempt to fit a wavelet network to an image
static float FloatImage.germanMcClure(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage[] av, float d)
          Calculates the German-McClure error function between this and fimg using weighting d
static float FloatImage.germanMcClure(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage[] av, float d)
          Calculates the German-McClure error function between this and fimg using weighting d
 float FloatImage.germanMcClure(FloatImage fimg, float d)
          Calculates the German-McClure error function between this and fimg using weighting d
 int FloatImage.getMatchingPoints(FloatImage dest_edge, FloatImage[] sourceData, FloatImage[] destData, java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> srcPts, java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> dstPts)
          Gets two-way matching points
 int FloatImage.getMatchingPoints(FloatImage dest_edge, FloatImage[] sourceData, FloatImage[] destData, java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> srcPts, java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> dstPts)
          Gets two-way matching points
 int FloatImage.getMatchingPoints(FloatImage dest_edge, FloatImage[] sourceData, FloatImage[] destData, java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> srcPts, java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> dstPts)
          Gets two-way matching points
 float[] FloatImage.getMeanAndSD(FloatImage mask)
          Get the mean and standard deviation of this image
 int FloatImage.icpEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth)
          Iterative closest point warp
static FloatImage FloatImage.interleaveImages(FloatImage red, FloatImage green, FloatImage blue)
          Turn separate three red green and blue images into one image by interleaving the pixels
 boolean MultiscaleInterpolate.interpolate(FloatImage mask, FloatImage data)
          Interpolates the data using the mask to specify valid samples
 int FloatImage.interpolate(FloatImage xshift, FloatImage yshift, float[] f1, float[] f2, int n1, int n2, int levels, float minJ, int rlevel)
          Performs a multiscale interpolation scheme
 void FloatImage.invScale(FloatImage fimg)
          Scale each pixel in this image by the inverse of the value of the corresponding pixel in the other image
 boolean FloatImage.mask(FloatImage maskImg)
          Masks this FloatImage
 boolean FloatImage.mask(FloatImage maskImg, float outside)
          Masks this FloatImage
 int FloatImage.maxima(FloatImage xdir, FloatImage ydir, FloatImage edges, float thresh)
          Find the maxima in the directions given
 java.util.ArrayList<KdTreePoint> FloatImage.maxima(FloatImage xdir, FloatImage ydir, FloatImage xxdir, FloatImage yydir, FloatImage xydir, float thresh)
          Create a kd-tree of maxima points using edge information
 int FloatImage.multiEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, FloatImage[] pmapSrc, FloatImage[] pmapDst, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth, int level)
          Multiscale edge based warping with curvature
 int FloatImage.multiEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, FloatImage[] pmapSrc, FloatImage[] pmapDst, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth, int level)
          Multiscale edge based warping with curvature
 int FloatImage.multiEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, FloatImage[] pmapSrc, FloatImage[] pmapDst, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth, int level)
          Multiscale edge based warping with curvature
 int FloatImage.multiEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, FloatImage xshift, FloatImage yshift)
          Edge based warping method
 void FloatImage.multiEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth, int warpType)
          Recursive edge matching & warping
 void FloatImage.multiEdgeWarp(FloatImage dest, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth, int level, boolean allscales, int warpType, java.lang.String output)
          Recursive edge matching & warping
 boolean FloatImage.multiply(FloatImage fimg)
          Mulitplies this image by fimg to give this = this * fimg
 void FloatImage.multiscaleOpticFlow(FloatImage target, MultiscaleWarp shift, int minwidth)
          Multi scale optical flow method
 int FloatImage.MultiscaleTransformWaveletMRF_fast2(FloatImage original, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target, int lev, Filter H, Filter G, Filter H2, Filter K1, Filter K2, Filter L1, Filter L2)
          Algorithm for each source image calculate the low pass version (save for pass to recursive call), calculate the horizontal and vertical wavelet filtered versions, Calculate the low pass version of the input image via recursive call Estimate the horizontal and vertical images using MRF method on wavelet & low pass images Reconstruct image using low-pass and horizontal & vertical wavelets
 float FloatImage.ncc(FloatImage fimg)
          Calculates the normalised cross correlation (NCC) with fimg
 float FloatImage.ncc(FloatImage fimg, FloatImage mask)
          Calculates the normalised cross correlation (NCC) with fimg using only the masked regions
 float FloatImage.nccPatch(FloatImage fimg, int x, int y)
          Calculates the normalised cross correlation (NCC) with fimg
 float[] FloatImage.nccPatchArray(FloatImage fimg)
          Calculates the normalised cross correlation (NCC) with fimg
 float FloatImage.nccPatches(FloatImage fimg)
          Calculates the normalised cross correlation (NCC) with fimg
 void FloatImage.normalise(float mean, float sd, FloatImage mask)
          Adjusts this image to have the specified mean and s.d.
 void FloatImage.normalise(FloatImage fimg)
          Adjusts this image to have the same mean and s.d.
 void FloatImage.normalise(FloatImage fimg, FloatImage mask)
          Adjusts this image to have the same mean and s.d.
 void FloatImage.opticFlow(FloatImage target, MultiscaleWarp shift)
          Basic optical flow implementation
 FloatImage[] PCI.reconstruct(float[] params, FloatImage[] avrg)
          reconstructs an image given the component weightings, using avrg instead of the built in average
static FloatImage[] PCI.reconstructFile(float[] params, FloatImage[] avrg, int pcaCount)
          reconstructs an image given the component weightings, using avrg instead of the built in average
 FloatImage[] PCI.reconstructMaxWeights(float[] params, FloatImage[] avrg)
          Build an image from PCA components using the weights given after rescaling them by the maxWeights array.
 void Warp.reconvert(FloatImage Wx, FloatImage Wy)
          Converts the warp sepcified as two float images into this
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage FloatImage.reconvertImage(FloatImage red, FloatImage green, FloatImage blue)
          Converts the red, green and blue colour components into a BufferedImage
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage FloatImage.reconvertImage(FloatImage red, FloatImage green, FloatImage blue, FloatImage alpha)
          Converts the red, green and blue colour components into a BufferedImage
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage FloatImage.reconvertImageYUV(FloatImage Y, FloatImage U, FloatImage V)
          Create a colour image from three float images representing the Y, U and V components
 void FloatImage.reduce(FloatImage fimg, float[] filter, int m)
          Make this a shrunken version of fimg by subsampling every other pixel (in x and y) after convolving with filter
 FloatImage FloatImage.reduce(FloatImage fimg, FloatImage mask, float[] filter, int m)
          Make this a shrunken version of fimg by subsampling every other pixel (in x and y) after convolving with filter
 void FloatImage.reduce(FloatImage fimg, FloatImage filter, int m)
          Make this a shrunken version of fimg by subsampling every other pixel (in x and y) after convolving with filter
 void FloatImage.scale(FloatImage fimg)
          Scale each pixel in this image by the value of the corresponding pixel in the other image
 void PCI.setAverage(FloatImage red, FloatImage green, FloatImage blue)
          Sets the values of the mean image
 void PCI.setComponent(int i, FloatImage[] fimg)
          Set one component
 void PCI.setComponents(FloatImage[][] comps, double[] variances)
          Sets the components and their variances
 void Pyramid.setImage(FloatImage img)
          Set the low pass residual (at level 0) and delete the bandpass images
 void FloatImage.sqrDifference(FloatImage fimg, FloatImage filter, int m, int n, int scale)
          find the square difference between this float image with a filter defined by an image using a windowing technique
 boolean FloatImage.subtract(FloatImage fimg)
          Subtracts fimg from this i.e.
 void Pyramid.subtract(FloatImage image, int level)
static int FloatImage.subtractIgnoreZeros(FloatImage[] current, FloatImage[] fimg)
          Subtracts fimg from current i.e.
static int FloatImage.subtractIgnoreZeros(FloatImage[] current, FloatImage[] fimg)
          Subtracts fimg from current i.e.
static float FloatImage.sumError(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage[] av)
          Calculates the sum error function between this and fimg using weighting d
static float FloatImage.sumError(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage[] av)
          Calculates the sum error function between this and fimg using weighting d
static float FloatImage.sumErrorSquared(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage[] av)
          Calculates the sum squared error function between this and fimg using weighting d
static float FloatImage.sumErrorSquared(FloatImage[] fimg, FloatImage[] av)
          Calculates the sum squared error function between this and fimg using weighting d
 int FloatImage.threshold(FloatImage edges, float thresh)
          Find the points bigger than the threshold
 int FloatImage.thresholdPercent(FloatImage edges, float thresh)
          Thresholds the image at a certain percentage of points are kept
 void Template.trackASM(FloatImage average, FloatImage subject, Template avrg, PCA pca, float scale, int its, int[] normalisePointIndex)
          Fits a PCA model to an image using edge normal profiles
 int FloatImage.transform(FloatImage src, FloatImage dst, float scale)
          Transforms the image by adding (dst-src)*scale
 boolean FloatImage.transformMagnitude(FloatImage var1, FloatImage var2, float shift)
          Transforms this by multiplying by var2(x,y)/var1(x,y)^shift
 boolean FloatImage.transformMagSquared(FloatImage var1, FloatImage var2, float shift)
          Transforms this by multiplying by var2(x,y)/var1(x,y)^(shift*0.5)
static double[] FloatImage.vectorise(FloatImage[] colImg)
          Vectorises a colour image stored as 3 FloatImages.
 FloatImage FloatImage.warp(FloatImage xshift, FloatImage yshift, int w, int h)
          Warps this using the x and y shifts specified and returns the result as a w by h size image
 FloatImage Warp.warpFloatImage(FloatImage fimg)
          Warp a FloatImage using this warping function
 FloatImage FloatImage.warpShift(FloatImage xshift, FloatImage yshift, int w, int h)
          Warps this using the x and y functions specified and returns the result as a w by h size image
 int FloatImage.weightedTransformMRFHorizontal(FloatImage original, FloatImage this_small, FloatImage original_small, FloatImage magnitude, FloatImage[] source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source_small, int scount, FloatImage[] target, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target_small, int tcount, double alpha)
          MRF transform method
 int FloatImage.weightedTransformMRFHorizontal(FloatImage original, FloatImage this_small, FloatImage original_small, FloatImage magnitude, FloatImage[] source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source_small, int scount, FloatImage[] target, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target_small, int tcount, double alpha)
          MRF transform method
 int FloatImage.weightedTransformMRFHorizontal(FloatImage original, FloatImage this_small, FloatImage original_small, FloatImage magnitude, FloatImage[] source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source_small, int scount, FloatImage[] target, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target_small, int tcount, double alpha)
          MRF transform method
 int FloatImage.weightedTransformMRFVertical(FloatImage original, FloatImage this_small, FloatImage original_small, FloatImage magnitude, FloatImage[] source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source_small, int scount, FloatImage[] target, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target_small, int tcount, double alpha)
          MRF transform method
 int FloatImage.weightedTransformMRFVertical(FloatImage original, FloatImage this_small, FloatImage original_small, FloatImage magnitude, FloatImage[] source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source_small, int scount, FloatImage[] target, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target_small, int tcount, double alpha)
          MRF transform method
 int FloatImage.weightedTransformMRFVertical(FloatImage original, FloatImage this_small, FloatImage original_small, FloatImage magnitude, FloatImage[] source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source_small, int scount, FloatImage[] target, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target_small, int tcount, double alpha)
          MRF transform method
 void FloatImage.writeCurvImage(FloatImage[] srcCurv, java.lang.String outfile)
          Writes a curvature image to file

Method parameters in Facemorph with type arguments of type FloatImage
 int FloatImage.MultiscaleBlendWaveletMRF_fast2(java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source, int count, int lev, Filter H, Filter G, Filter H2, Filter K1, Filter K2, Filter L1, Filter L2)
          Blends a set of greyscale images using a multiscale MRF method Algorithm for each source image calculate the low pass version (save for pass to recursive call), calculate the horizontal and vertical wavelet filtered versions, Calculate the low pass version of the input image via recursive call Estimate the horizontal and vertical images using MRF method on wavelet & low pass images Reconstruct image using low-pass and horizontal & vertical wavelets
 int FloatImage.MultiscaleTransformWaveletMRF_fast2(FloatImage original, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target, int lev, Filter H, Filter G, Filter H2, Filter K1, Filter K2, Filter L1, Filter L2)
          Algorithm for each source image calculate the low pass version (save for pass to recursive call), calculate the horizontal and vertical wavelet filtered versions, Calculate the low pass version of the input image via recursive call Estimate the horizontal and vertical images using MRF method on wavelet & low pass images Reconstruct image using low-pass and horizontal & vertical wavelets
 int FloatImage.MultiscaleTransformWaveletMRF_fast2(FloatImage original, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target, int lev, Filter H, Filter G, Filter H2, Filter K1, Filter K2, Filter L1, Filter L2)
          Algorithm for each source image calculate the low pass version (save for pass to recursive call), calculate the horizontal and vertical wavelet filtered versions, Calculate the low pass version of the input image via recursive call Estimate the horizontal and vertical images using MRF method on wavelet & low pass images Reconstruct image using low-pass and horizontal & vertical wavelets
 int FloatImage.weightedTransformMRFHorizontal(FloatImage original, FloatImage this_small, FloatImage original_small, FloatImage magnitude, FloatImage[] source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source_small, int scount, FloatImage[] target, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target_small, int tcount, double alpha)
          MRF transform method
 int FloatImage.weightedTransformMRFHorizontal(FloatImage original, FloatImage this_small, FloatImage original_small, FloatImage magnitude, FloatImage[] source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source_small, int scount, FloatImage[] target, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target_small, int tcount, double alpha)
          MRF transform method
 int FloatImage.weightedTransformMRFVertical(FloatImage original, FloatImage this_small, FloatImage original_small, FloatImage magnitude, FloatImage[] source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source_small, int scount, FloatImage[] target, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target_small, int tcount, double alpha)
          MRF transform method
 int FloatImage.weightedTransformMRFVertical(FloatImage original, FloatImage this_small, FloatImage original_small, FloatImage magnitude, FloatImage[] source, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> source_small, int scount, FloatImage[] target, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> target_small, int tcount, double alpha)
          MRF transform method

Uses of FloatImage in Facemorph.aam

Methods in Facemorph.aam that return FloatImage
static FloatImage FBOwarp.getAlpha(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg)
          Gets the alpha channel from the image
static FloatImage OpenGLwarp.getAlpha(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg)
          Get the alpha channel as a FloatImage
 FloatImage[] FBOwarp.getResult()
          Get the warped image as an array of 3 FloatImage
 FloatImage[] OpenGLwarp.getResult()
          Get the warped image
 FloatImage[] FBOwarp.getResult(boolean alpha)
          Get the warped image as an array of 3 or 4 FloatImage
 FloatImage[] OpenGLwarp.getResult(boolean alpha)
          Get the warped image
 FloatImage CLM.getStrip(Template tem, FloatImage fimg, java.awt.Rectangle rect)
          Gets the patches from all points arranged in a strip
 FloatImage[] CLMLR.getStrip(Template tem, FloatImage fimg, java.awt.Rectangle rect, int minOffset, int maxOffset)
          Gets the patches from all points arranged in a strip
 FloatImage[] CLMSVM.getStrip(Template tem, FloatImage fimg, java.awt.Rectangle rect, int minOffset, int maxOffset)
          Gets the patches from all points arranged in a strip
 FloatImage CLM.project(FloatImage strip)
          Projects the sampled patches into the patch model space
 FloatImage[] AAM.reconstructAppearance(float[] params)
          reconstructs an image given the component weightings, using avrg instead of the built in average
 FloatImage[] GLAAM.reconstructAppearance(float[] params)
          reconstructs an image given the component weightings, using avrg instead of the built in average

Methods in Facemorph.aam with parameters of type FloatImage
 float[] AAM.analyseAppearance(FloatImage[] data)
          reconstructs an image given the component weightings, using avrg instead of the built in average
 float[] GLAAM.analyseAppearance(FloatImage[] data)
          reconstructs an image given the component weightings, using avrg instead of the built in average
 double[] AAM.convertFloatImage(FloatImage[] img)
          Converts a FloatImage to a double array
 double[] GLAAM.convertFloatImage(FloatImage[] img)
          Converts a FloatImage to a double array
 FloatImage CLM.getStrip(Template tem, FloatImage fimg, java.awt.Rectangle rect)
          Gets the patches from all points arranged in a strip
 FloatImage[] CLMLR.getStrip(Template tem, FloatImage fimg, java.awt.Rectangle rect, int minOffset, int maxOffset)
          Gets the patches from all points arranged in a strip
 FloatImage[] CLMSVM.getStrip(Template tem, FloatImage fimg, java.awt.Rectangle rect, int minOffset, int maxOffset)
          Gets the patches from all points arranged in a strip
 void FBOwarp.grab( gl, FloatImage[] result)
          Grab the result to the supplied array of float images
 void OpenGLwarp.grab( gl, FloatImage[] result)
          Grab the frame buffer into the FloatImage
 FloatImage CLM.project(FloatImage strip)
          Projects the sampled patches into the patch model space
 void AAM.projectOut(FloatImage[] diffImg, PCI pci, FloatImage mask)
          Projects the appearance variation out the derivative image
 void AAM.projectOut(FloatImage[] diffImg, PCI pci, FloatImage mask)
          Projects the appearance variation out the derivative image
 void GLAAM.projectOut(FloatImage[] diffImg, PCI pci, FloatImage mask)
          Projects the appearance variation out the derivative image
 void GLAAM.projectOut(FloatImage[] diffImg, PCI pci, FloatImage mask)
          Projects the appearance variation out the derivative image
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage FBOwarp.setAlpha(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, FloatImage alpha)
          sets the alpha channel of the image
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage OpenGLwarp.setAlpha(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bimg, FloatImage alpha)
          Set the alpha channel
static void GLAAM.writeImage(FloatImage[] img, float shift, float scale, java.lang.String outFileName)
          Writes the FloatImage to a file

Uses of FloatImage in Facemorph.mdl

Methods in Facemorph.mdl that return FloatImage
 FloatImage[] SpecificityCombinedTest.makeRandom(int comps)
 FloatImage[] SpecificityCombinedTestFile.makeRandom(int comps)
 FloatImage[] SpecificityImageTest.makeRandom(int comps)

Methods in Facemorph.mdl with parameters of type FloatImage
 java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage[]> GLGroupwiseImageRegistration.calculateDerivatives(FloatImage[] mean, float shift)
          Calculate the derivatives (x and y shift of each point)
 double SpecificityCombinedTest.calculateError(FloatImage[] img1, FloatImage[] img2)
 double SpecificityCombinedTest.calculateError(FloatImage[] img1, FloatImage[] img2)
 double SpecificityCombinedTestFile.calculateError(FloatImage[] img1, FloatImage[] img2)
 double SpecificityCombinedTestFile.calculateError(FloatImage[] img1, FloatImage[] img2)
 double SpecificityImageTest.calculateError(FloatImage[] img1, FloatImage[] img2)
 double SpecificityImageTest.calculateError(FloatImage[] img1, FloatImage[] img2)
 double SpecificityCombinedTest.findMinError(FloatImage[] testImg)
 double SpecificityCombinedTestFile.findMinError(FloatImage[] testImg)
 double SpecificityImageTest.findMinError(FloatImage[] testImg)
 java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float TemplatePatchMDL.getPointUpdate(java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float sPt, java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float tPt, FloatImage source, FloatImage target, int patchSize, int windowSize)
          Search for the best match for a specific point
 void GLGroupwiseImageRegistration.output(FloatImage[] fimg, java.util.Vector<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> pts, java.lang.String fname)
          Output image and other data drawn on it for debugging
 void GLGroupwiseImageRegistration.setUpWarp(FloatImage[] subject, java.util.Vector<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> ptVec, java.util.Vector<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> iPtVec)
          Sets up the warping
 void GLGroupwiseImageRegistration.zNormalise(FloatImage[] img, int smoothness)
          z normalisation of image

Uses of FloatImage in Facemorph.multifilter

Methods in Facemorph.multifilter that return FloatImage
 FloatImage[] OptFilter.getImages()
          Get the images
 FloatImage FourierDecompose.reconstruct(java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> responses)
          Reconstruct fom a set of FloatImage responses

Methods in Facemorph.multifilter that return types with arguments of type FloatImage
 java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> FourierDecompose.analyse(FloatImage fimg)
          Analyse an image using the filter bank
 java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> FourierDecompose.analyseExhaustive(FloatImage fimg)
          Exhaustive search for best filter components Adds components until sum squared errors is > 30000 or 1000 iterations exceeded

Methods in Facemorph.multifilter with parameters of type FloatImage
 java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> FourierDecompose.analyse(FloatImage fimg)
          Analyse an image using the filter bank
 java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> FourierDecompose.analyseExhaustive(FloatImage fimg)
          Exhaustive search for best filter components Adds components until sum squared errors is > 30000 or 1000 iterations exceeded

Method parameters in Facemorph.multifilter with type arguments of type FloatImage
 FloatImage FourierDecompose.reconstruct(java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> responses)
          Reconstruct fom a set of FloatImage responses

Constructors in Facemorph.multifilter with parameters of type FloatImage
MultiFilter(FloatImage input, int levs)
          Creates a new instance of MultiFilter
OptFilter(FloatImage[] images)
          Creates a new instance of Filter

Uses of FloatImage in Facemorph.oesf

Methods in Facemorph.oesf that return FloatImage
static FloatImage AESF.buildFilter(java.lang.String file)
          Builds an AESF
 FloatImage[] OESF.buildFilter(java.lang.String file, HaarReader haar, boolean orientation, int[] plist)
          Build a set of OESF filters
 FloatImage OESF.buildFilter(java.lang.String file, HaarReader haar, int[] plist)
          Build an OESF filter
static FloatImage OESF.centre(FloatImage fimg)
          Shift the origin to centre for easier human veiwing / interpretation
static FloatImage OESF.convert(Complex[] a, int w, int h)
          Converts an array of Complex back into a FloatImage, discarding imaginary components
static FloatImage[] OESF.convertComplex(Complex[] a, int w, int h)
          Convert a Complex array into a pair of FloatImages {real, imaginary}
static FloatImage OESF.filter(FloatImage fimg, Complex[] filt, int[] dim)
          Apply a filter to an image
static FloatImage[] OESF.filterComplex(FloatImage fimg, Complex[] filt, int[] dim)
          Filters a real image with a complex filter

Methods in Facemorph.oesf with parameters of type FloatImage
static FloatImage OESF.centre(FloatImage fimg)
          Shift the origin to centre for easier human veiwing / interpretation
static Complex[] OESF.convert(FloatImage fimg)
          Scan converts a FloatImage to an array of Complex
static Complex[] OESF.convert(FloatImage[] fimg)
          Converts a pair of FloatImages {real, imaginary} into a Complex array
static FloatImage OESF.filter(FloatImage fimg, Complex[] filt, int[] dim)
          Apply a filter to an image
static FloatImage[] OESF.filterComplex(FloatImage fimg, Complex[] filt, int[] dim)
          Filters a real image with a complex filter
static void OESF.preprocess(FloatImage fimg)
          Preprocess the image using a log transform (y=log(1+x)), normalis mean and sd and sine window
static void OESF.testFilter(java.lang.String file, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> filters, FloatImage prior, HaarReader haar)
          Test the filter
static void AESF.testFilter(java.lang.String file, FloatImage filter)
          Test the filter
static void OESF.testFilterComplex(java.lang.String file, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage[]> filters, FloatImage prior, HaarReader haar)
          Test the complex filter
 void FilterSet.updateResponses(FloatImage fimg)
          Update the responses to the filters fitlering this image

Method parameters in Facemorph.oesf with type arguments of type FloatImage
static void OESF.testFilter(java.lang.String file, java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> filters, FloatImage prior, HaarReader haar)
          Test the filter

Uses of FloatImage in Facemorph.psm

Fields in Facemorph.psm declared as FloatImage
 FloatImage ImagePair.probability
          The probability image

Methods in Facemorph.psm that return FloatImage
 FloatImage PSM.evaluateProbability(FloatImage source)
          Evaluate the probability using Steerable pyramid
 FloatImage PSMNode.evaluateProbability(java.awt.Image img)
          Evaluate the probability of this feature in the image supplied
 FloatImage PSM.evaluateProbability(SteerablePyramid pyr)
          Evaluate the probability by recursing down and up the tree
 FloatImage SteerablePyramid.getLinearCombination(float[] weights, int level)
          Get a linear combination of different subbands in the same level
 FloatImage SteerablePyramid.getLowpass()
          Get the lowpass component
 FloatImage DiagonalEMFeature.getProbability(int featureIndex)
 FloatImage DiagonalGMMFeature.getProbability(int featureIndex)
 FloatImage DiagonalGaussianFeature.getProbability(int featureIndex)
 FloatImage EMFeature.getProbability(int featureIndex)
 FloatImage Feature.getProbability(int featureIndex)
          Get the probability image for a particular feature
 FloatImage OESFFeature.getProbability(int featureIndex)
 FloatImage PatchFeature.getProbability(int featureIndex)
          Get the feature probability
 FloatImage SteerablePyramid.getSubband(int i)
          Get subband i

Methods in Facemorph.psm with parameters of type FloatImage
 void SteerablePyramid.buildPyramid(FloatImage fimg, java.util.ArrayList<Filter> filters, Filter lowpassFilter, int maxLev)
          Build a pyramid from and image
 FloatImage PSM.evaluateProbability(FloatImage source)
          Evaluate the probability using Steerable pyramid
 java.util.ArrayList<java.awt.geom.Point2D.Float> PSM.getFeatures(FloatImage source)
          Get the feature points in the image

Uses of FloatImage in Facemorph.psychomorph

Methods in Facemorph.psychomorph that return types with arguments of type FloatImage
 java.util.ArrayList<FloatImage> Average.getFloatImages()
          Get the float image array of the intensity channel

Uses of FloatImage in Facemorph.tensor

Methods in Facemorph.tensor that return FloatImage
static FloatImage[] Multilinear.unvectoriseColourFloatImage(double[] rgb, int width, int height)
          Unvectorise an image to an array of FloatImage

Methods in Facemorph.tensor with parameters of type FloatImage
static double[] Multilinear.vectoriseColourFloatImage(FloatImage[] rgb)
          Vectorise 3 plane RGB image into a 1D vector