Refereed Journals
- Li, B., Li, X., Habbal, S.R., Hu, Y.Q., A 2D ALfven wave-driven solar wind model with proton
temperature anisotropy, JGR, 109, 10.1029/2003JA010313, 2004.
- Morgan, H. S.R. Habbal, X. Li, Hydrogen Lya intensity oscillations observed by tghe solar
and Heliospheric observatory ultraviolet coronagraph spectrometer, ApJ, 605, 521, 2004.
- Y. Chen, X. Li, An ion-cyclotron resonace-driven three fuid model of the slow wind
near the sun, ApJ, 609, L41, 2004.
- Y.Q. Hu, X. Li, S.R. Habbal, A 2.5 dimensional MHD Alfven-wave-driven solar wind model,
J. Geophys. Res., 108, doiL10.1029/2003JA009889, 2003.
- Y.Q. Hu, S.R. Habbal, Y. Chen, X. Li, Are coronal holes the only source of fast solar wind
at solar minimum?, J. Geophys. Res., 108, doi:10.1029/2002JA009776, 2003.
- C. J., Mountford, S.R. Habbal, X. Li
Effect of solar wind flow geometry on solar wind parameters at 1AU for a low frequency
cascade driven solar wind, , J. Geophys. Resl, 108, SSH8M, 2003.
- Xing Li, Shadia Habbal,
Coronal loops heated by turbulence-driven Alfven waves, ApJ Letters, 598, 125L, 2003.
- Xing Li
Transition region, coronal heating and the fast solar wind, , A&A, 406, 345, 2003.
- Xing Li
Heating in coronal funnels by ion cyclotron waves,
,ApJ, 571, L67, 2002.
- Xing Li, Shadia R. Habbal,
Damping of fast and ion cyclotron oblique waves in the multi-ion fast solar wind,
, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 10669, 2001.
- Xing Li, Shadia R. Habbal,
Electron kinetic firehose instability,
, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 27377, 2000.
- Xing Li, Shadia R. Habbal,
Proton/alpha magnetosonic instability in the fast solar wind,
, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 7483, 2000.
- L. A. Allen, S. R. Habbal, and X. Li,
Thermal couplings of protons and neutral hydrogen with anisotropic
temperatures in the fast solar wind,
J. Geophys. Res., 105, 23,123, 2000.
- Y. Q. Hu, S. R. Habbal, and X. Li,
On the Cascade Processes of Alfv\'en Waves,
J. Geophys. Res., 104, 24819, 1999.
- Xing Li, Shadia R. Habbal,
Ion cyclotron waves, instabilities and solar wind heating,,
Solar Physics, 190, 485, 1999.
- Xing Li, Shadia Habbal, J.V. Hollweg, R. Esser,
Proton Temperature Anisotropy in the Fast Solar Wind:
Turbulence-Driven Dispersive Ion Cyclotron Waves,
Solar Wind 9, 1999.
- Xing Li, Proton Temperature Anisotropy in the Fast Solar Wind:
A 16-Moment Model,,
J. Geophys. Res., 104, 19773, 1999.
- Xing Li, A 16-moment fast solar wind model,
Space Sci. Rev., 256, 253, 1999.
- Xing Li, Shadia Habbal, J.V. Hollweg, R. Esser,
Heating and cooling of protons
by Turbulence-Driven Ion Cyclotron Waves in the
Fast Solar Wind
, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 2521, 1999
- Xing Li, Shadia Habbal, John Kohl, and G.C. Noci The effect of temperature anistropy on observations of Doppler
dimming and pumping in the inner corona, ApJ, 501, L133, 1998
- X. Li, R. Esser, S. Habbal, Y.Q. Hu,
Influence of Heavy Ions on the High Speed Solar Wind,
1997, (about 500kB),
J. Geophys. Res.,
102, 17419.
- X. Li, Y.Q. Hu,
1996, ,
Chin. Astron. Astrophs.,
20, 205.
- Y.Q. Hu, X. Li, J.X. Wang, G.X. Ai,
ApJ, 451, 843 (abstr. only).
- Y.Q. Hu, L.D. Xia, X. Li, J.X. Wang, G.X. Ai, 1997,
Solar Phys., 170, 283 .
- Master's thesis, July 1990 - Measurement of Boron's fine spectral structure
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