Programming Functionality

This list is filled by software and protocols that can be used to enhance and add to the functionality of other pieces of software. Some of these are stand alone, some are add ons.



Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts.


Arduino is an open-source hardware and software company, project, and user community that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices.


Adafruit make boards, sensors and other devices that can be controlled with the C++ language. Espeically useful for wearable technology such as lights and GPS sensors.


Isadora is a proprietary graphic programming environment for Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows, with emphasis on real-time manipulation of digital video. It was first released in 2002. It has support for Open Sound Control and MIDI.

Qlab Cookbook

The Qlab cookbook opens up advanced possibilities within Qlab using OSC, Apple Scripting and more

Apple scripting in Qlab

This link shows the apple scripting commands that can be used within Qlab.

Zach Poff

Zach Poff offers free apple mac apps for various audio and video purposes.


Marco Tempest is an artist and magician and developed multivid to be able to remotely trigger video across multiple different apple devices at the same time. There is support for triggering from a mobile device or from a mac.

Open Sound Control (OSC)

About OSC

Here you'll find some information on OSC.

OSC in Qlab

This is a link to the OSC dictionary for qlab 3.


OSC in Eos

This is a link to using OSC within the eos software which is run on the element and gio consoles. 


Touch OSC App

Touch OSC is a programmable app for apple devices. It allows you to control any device or software that uses the OSC system. Many templates can be found online, prebuilt, to have full control over devices such as EOS lighting consoles.

About ArtNet

A website all about the artnet protocol.

Diagnostic Tools


Protokol is a free app for apple devices as well as windows and android. It allows you to realtime monitor OSC commands, Midi and gamepad inputs. It is light weight and really useful.


LumiMonitor Allows you to configure out LumiNodes and also has some other Artnet diagnostic tools

The information provided on this and other pages by me, Stephen Griffiths (, is under my own personal responsibility and not that of the Aberystwyth University. Similarly, any opinions expressed are my own and are in no way to be taken as those of Aberystwyth University.