Frédéric Labrosse

Ph.D. Student since September 1993.
Groupe de Recherche en Perception et Robotique.
École Polytechnique of Montréal (Québec, CANADA).
Voice: (514) 340-4711 ext. 5783
Fax: (514) 340-5802

You can find here an abstract of the research that I have done for my Ph.D. in the Groupe de Recherche en Perception et Robotique of École Polytechnique of Montréal (Canada) and within the NSERC-Noranda Industrial Chair in Mining Automation. My thesis is entitled ``Modélisation de l'Objet et application à ses représentations'' (Object Modeling and Application to its Representations). The terme Object refers here to complex systems composed of several elements whose types could be very different. Our model constitutes a framework to integrate these elements while preserving their distinction to allow ease of manipulation.

First, we describe the object model and, then, a particular application of the model done within the Chair: the modeling of underground mines to provide information usable by vehicles that navigate in an autonomous fashion. A postscript version is also available in english ou en français

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Frédéric Labrosse
Last modified: Fri Jun 6 07:23:58 PDT 1997