Vapochill case projectlog : Page3

as far as I could tell, it was the heat that was killing my cd's. so the best way of curing this was obviously to get rid of the heat.

My  idea was just to put in a vented front instead of three of the current plastic blanking plates. to go along with the general theme of silver and black, I thought about using silver coloured mesh.

After a bit of bending, drilling and pop-riveting, this was the final result:

the single fan that was bring air through the radiator of the vapochill wasn't enough to push hot air out of the front on its own, so another 120mm fan was placed behind the front grill. Overall, it did get rid of a lot of heat...but not enough for my liking!!

so this called for more venting.

After seeing so many modern cases now with fans and vents in the top of the case, I thought about doing it myself.

The original plan was to have two blow holes with 80mm fans behind each one. This fell through because I forgot the golden rule of "measure twice, cut once". In other words...I messed up!!

The end result of trying to sort out the mess I had created meant that I was left with a nice rectangular hole in the top of my case....but also a lot of scratches. This called for another re-spray.

After drilling out the rivets that held the top on, and then giving it a good rubdown with some wet/dry paper; it was time for the paint. I chose to carry on the matt black theme (plus it saved me buying more paint because I had some left!!).

a day of drying and some riveted in silver coloured mesh sheet, and this is the result:

Now I have no more heat problems and have my cpu running at a quite nice -13 degrees.


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