TLP Repeat Illumination/Libration and Earthshine predictions for: Hungary - Budapest

Ill is percentage illumination of the Moon
*Indicates a repeat illumination and libration event to within +/- 1 deg for both
A non-* indicates just repeat illumination to within +/-0.5 deg

2024-Jun-03 UT 02:51-02:55 Ill=14% N_Pole observed by Haas_W on 1940-12-25

     On 1940 Dec 25 at UT 10:00? Haas (New Mexico, USA, 12" reflector?) 
     observed the northern horn to be elongated by about 10'. The Cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=482 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-03 UT 02:51-02:55 Ill=14% S_Pole observed by Haas_W on 1940-12-25

     On 1940 Dec 25 at UT 10:00? Haas (New Mexico, USA, 12" reflector?) 
     observed the southern horn to be elongated by about 10'. The Cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=482 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-05 UT 02:14-02:34 Ill=3% Proclus observed by Barrett on 1879-3-21 *

     On 1879 Mar 21 at UT 04:00 Barrett (England?) observed brilliant 
     illumination in Earthshine, not by the light of the Sun. This was with 
     a Moon's age of 1.5 days before New Moon. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=
     213 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-07 UT 19:19-20:07 Ill=2% Earthshine: (radio) Daytime Arietids: ZHR=30? (vel=41 km/s)

2024-Jun-08 UT 19:24-20:24 Ill=6% Aristarchus observed by Manske_R on 1988-4-18 *

     On 1988 Apr 18 at UT 19:00 R. Manske (Madison, WI, USA) observed that 
     Aristarchus? was glowing in Earthshine. Weier (Madison, WI, USA) 
     detected it easily in 7x50 binouculars. Spain (Fairfield, KY, USA) 
     though detected no TLP, nor could he see Aristarchus. The Cameron 2006 
     catalog ID=324 and the weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-08 UT 19:20-20:43 Ill=6% Earthshine: (radio) Daytime Zeta Perseids: ZHR=30? (vel=25 km/s)

2024-Jun-09 UT 18:34-19:00 Ill=12% Aristarchus observed by Horton_R on 1989-4-9 *

     On 1989 Apr 09 at 00:00? R.Horton (N.Scituate, RI, USA, 6" reflector)
     found Aristarchus (and Kepler) to be much less bright than Copernicus. 
     Photographs show this. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=359a and the weight=
     3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-09 UT 18:34-21:03 Ill=12% Aristarchus observed by Darling_D on 1989-4-9 *

     On 1989 Apr 09 at 02:13 was seen to be not very bright in binoculars, 
     despite visibility of Earthshine in general as being exceptional. 
     Darling confirmed this at 02:31UT, though it was quite bright in a 
     17" reflector,but Herodotus could barely be seen. Weier claimed to be 
     able to see Aristarchus with the naked eye. At 02:08 the brightness was 
     found to be 5.0 for several measurments. The observing team ware from 
     the Maddison Asgtronomical Society, WI, USA. The Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=359b and he weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-09 UT 18:34-19:00 Ill=12% Copernicus observed by Horton_R on 1989-4-9 *

     On 1989 Apr 09 at UT 00:00? R. Horton (N. ScN. Scituate, RI, USA, 6" 
     reflector) took an Earthshine photograph that revealed Copernicus to be 
     brighter than Aristarchus and Kepler. Cameron comments that usually 
     Aristarchus is the brighter and thought it a bit odd because Copernicus 
     should have been less visible, being nearer the terminator3 The Cameron 
     2006 catalog ID=359a and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-09 UT 18:34-19:01 Ill=12% Tycho observed by Darling_D on 1989-4-9 *

     On 1989 Apr 09 at UT 00:00-04:45 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 11" 
     reflector, 3" refractor, S=9/10 and T=6) observed the central peak of 
     Tycho in Earthshine and that the crater "glowed". However Earthshine 
     was exceptionally bright tonight. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=359b and 
     weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-09 UT 18:56-19:25 Ill=12% Gassendi observed by Graham_F on 1990-4-28

     On 1990 Apr 28 at UT 00:00-00:30 F. Graham (Marshall TWP, OH, USA, 6" 
     reflector) during a failed attempt to observe the occultation of X6493 
     that was thwarted by clouds, noticed that Gassendi was "Gass,>>,>Aris 
     or anything else". The crater had a "milky lustre". It is possible that 
     another occultation observing group may have a video of the Earthshine 
     at this time. Darling (Sun prairem WI, USA, 20x50 binoculars) could not 
     see Earthsine, though the sky was bright at the time. The Cameron 2006 
     catalog ID=402 and the weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Jun-09 UT 19:20-21:04 Ill=12% Earthshine: (radio) Daytime Zeta Perseids: ZHR=30? (vel=25 km/s)

2024-Jun-10 UT 18:35-19:27 Ill=19% Aristarchus observed by Argelander on 1825-4-22

     In 1825 Apr 22 at UT0030 Argelander (England) and Gobel (Koburg, 
     Germany) saw the following in the vicinity of Aristarchus: "Points of 
     light in center. In low magn. appeared as a small star, somewhat 
     scintillating. At higher magn. became larger & diffused. (date 1824 ? 
     Ref. refers to a ref. dated 1824 -- If so age would have been 23rd" 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=107 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-10 UT 18:35-19:23 Ill=19% Aristarchus observed by Darling_D on 1989-4-10

     On 1989 Apr 10 at UT01:30-02:00 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 12.5" 
     reflector, x64, seeing excellent) observed that Earthshine was not as 
     good as the previous night "~1/4

2024-Jun-10 UT 19:19-19:58 Ill=19% Boussingault observed by Schmidt_J on 1860-4-24

     Boussingalt 1860 Apr 24 UT 20:00? Observed by Schmidt (Athens, Greece, 
     7" refractor) "Noted weak glows on the crater he tho't prob. due to 
     wall reflections on floor" NASA catalog weight=0 (very unlikely to be a 
     TLP). NASA catalog ID #132. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-10 UT 19:21-20:00 Ill=19% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-11 UT 19:22-20:26 Ill=28% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-12 UT 18:36-19:37 Ill=36% Limb observed by Challis on 1859-5-8

     Observations made by Challis of Cambridge, and N. Pogson of Hartwell, 
     both of the UK. Before the occultation, Saturn's rings were 
     distorted. A dark border was seen around the Moon. Just before 
     re-appearance a sea green colour was noticed. Cameron 2006 
     catalog extension  ID=5 and weight=2-5. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-12 UT 18:36-19:15 Ill=36% Mare_Crisium observed by Kidger_M on 1975-3-18

     On 1975 Mar 18 at UT17:30 M.Kidger (Winterbourne Down, Bristol, UK, 
     60mm refractor, x36, very good conditions with a very sharp image and 
     the sky was almost perfectly clear apart from a very few small clouds). 
     In Mare Crisium it was observed that only a ray of Proclus could be 
     seen to cross the floor - normally there are at least four craters 
     visible inside mare Crisium on good nights and at least one being 
     visible under bad conditions. So despite it being very clear and the 
     image quality being good, the observer found it odd that no craters 
     were visible on the floor of mare Crisium. This is a BAA Lunar Section 
     report. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-12 UT 19:10-20:43 Ill=37% W_Limb observed by Webb_TW on 1855-6-20

     In 1855 Jun 20 at UT 21:00 T.W. Webb (England) observed a trace of 
     twilight (Cameron says also seen by Gruithuisen, Henry and others at 
     times). Webb gives a low weight to his own observation, saying "for 
     want of better optical means". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=130 and 
     weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Jun-12 UT 20:14-20:44 Ill=37% Mare_Imbrium observed by Unknown_Italian_Observers on 2012-3-28

     On 2012 Mar 28 at UT 20:45-20:50 Two unknown Italian 
     observers, reported on an on-line formum that they had 
     independently seen a distinct glow with a comma/drop shape. 
     One of them moved the Moon and the glow moved with the Moon. 
     It is uncertain how experienced the observers where. A chart 
     was provided which shows the lcoation of the glow in the 
     western side of Mare Imbrium. It is just possible that this 
     was Aristarchus in Earthshine, though that is very slightly 
     further west and south than the observers reported. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-12 UT 19:22-20:46 Ill=37% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-13 UT 18:37-19:12 Ill=46% Maskelyne observed by Whelan on 1969-7-21

     On 1969 Jul 20 at UT09:30 Whelan (Wellington, New Zealand, 10" 
     and 6" reflectors. Other observers involved were: Mackrell 
     (New Zealand, 6" reflector) and Spellman (4" reflector) 
     observed Maskelyne crater undergoing a whitish glowing 
     brightening. Shadowy filling of whole crater. Apollo 11 watch. 
     The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1179 and the weight=3. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-13 UT 18:37-19:21 Ill=46% Posidonius observed by Osawa on 1969-5-23

     Posidonius 1969 May 23 UT 11:35-12:45 Observed by Osawa (Hyogo-ken, 
     Japan, 8" reflector x286) "W.(ast. ?) rim of crater was yellow in 
     integ. light, brownish to deep yellow in filter, with no blink.
     Hue seen thruout obs. (true ground color? or seeing ? or true LTP?) 
     thin clouds. (Apollo 10 watch)". NASA catalog weight=3 average. NASA 
     catalog ID #1141.

2024-Jun-13 UT 18:37-19:02 Ill=46% Menelaus observed by Whelan on 1970-4-13

     On 1970 Apr 13 at UT09:00-09:03 Whelan (Walters, New Zealand, using a 
     10" reflector) observed Menelaus to have a deep red cloud that seemed 
     to surge upward from outside the southern edge of the crater wall and 
     disperse around the outside edge, spreading out on reaching Mare 
     Serentiatis. All clear again though by 09:03UT, (Apollo 13 watch). 
     Drawing supplied. Cameron 978 catalog ID=1246 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-13 UT 19:23-21:01 Ill=47% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-14 UT 18:37-19:36 Ill=55% Arzachel observed by Barcroft on 1941-1-6

     On 1941 Jan 06 at UT04:00 Barcroft (Madera, CA, USA, 6" 
     reflector) saw an anomalous shadow in Arzachel crater. Cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=482 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=3. 

2024-Jun-14 UT 18:37-19:38 Ill=55% Ptolemaeus observed by Firsoff on 1954-5-10

     Flash seen in Ptolemaeus (A?) - possibly a meteor. Cameron 1978
     catalog weight=1. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=863.

2024-Jun-14 UT 18:37-19:36 Ill=55% Herschel observed by del_Valle_D on 2005-8-13

     Herschel 2005 Aug 13 UT 00:07-00:29 Observed by Daniel del Valle 
     Hernandez (Aguadilla, PR, 8"SCT, x225, S=7, T=4) "Interesting 
     configuration of shadows with umbra and penumbra. Effect seemed to 
     reduce over time." An ALPO report. 	The ALPO/BAA report=2.

2024-Jun-14 UT 18:37-20:12 Ill=55% Mons_Pico observed by Adee_J on 2008-4-13

     2009 Apr 13 UT 18:55-20:00 J. Adee (UK) and later A. Jarwaski (UK) saw 
     Mons Pico to be incredibly bright. Adee reported naked eye visibility, 
     though this does not show up in later CCD images. Jarwaski saw another 
     nearby Mt very bright as well. This has been assigned an ALPO/BAA 
     weight of 1, though I suspect it is just normal for Pico to get quite 
     bright at sunrise.

2024-Jun-14 UT 18:37-20:17 Ill=55% Montes_Apenninus observed by Armitage_J on 2008-4-13

     Patches of brightness seen in the area between craters Aratus and Joy.
     Seemed to the observer to be perhaps slightly brighter than one would
     expect - the observer thought that their observation only barely
     constitured a TLP but decided to send the report in anyway. This
     has been assigned an ALPO/BAA weight of 1.

2024-Jun-14 UT 19:09-21:04 Ill=56% Eimmart observed by Louderback_D on 1983-9-15

     On 1983 Sep 15 at UT 05:20-05:24 Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA, 
     8" reflector and 3" refractor, seeing poor) found that the west wall of 
     Eimmart was unusually bright (8.3) and apparently it was almost as 
     bright as the "WEBS(of Aris?) at its brightest". The crater was 
     apparently normal again on Sep 20 and 26. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=
     228 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-14 UT 19:12-20:37 Ill=56% Proclus observed by Dean on 1970-7-11

     Proclus 1970 Jul 11 UT 20:35-20:45 Observed by Dean, Jamieson, 
     Sparks (Ruislip, ------, England, 6" relector x156) "Dean saw 
     something in Proclus, alerted Jamieson who saw nothing unusual 
     at 2043h, but tho't Secchi was quite bright. At 2035 Sparks saw 
     Proc. fluctuate. Red & blue filters showed some reduction in 
     brightness. E. edge showed darkening, but not as dark as in 
     shadows. 10 min later, returned to normal. (Sparks confirmed 
     Dean)." NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID #1267. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-14 UT 19:12-20:37 Ill=56% Secchi observed by Dean on 1970-7-11

     1970 Jul 11 UT 20:35-20:45 During a TLP alert for Proclus, Jamieson  
     saw nothing unusual, but found instead that Secchi was quite bright.  
     NASA catalog weight=5 (very good). NASA catalog ID #1267. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-14 UT 20:49-21:10 Ill=56% Alphonsus observed by Darling_D on 1990-5-3

     On 1990 May 03 at UT 02:03 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, seeing 
     steady) observed a point of light inside Alphonsus just to the north 
     of the central peak, along the "center ridge". It was seen again, half 
     way between the central peak and the noth west rim - along the ridge. 
     All other features were normal. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=403 and the 
     weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-14 UT 20:50-21:10 Ill=56% Purbach observed by Osawa on 1970-4-14

     Purbach 1970 Apr 14 UT 12:00-14:00 Observed by Osawa (Awajt-Shima, 
     Japan, 8" reflector, x288) "Photos in blue and orange taken. Ill-
     defined obscur. in blue photo in S. part of crater compared with 
     orange. (neg. is so faint it is doubtful. Apollo 13 watch. Similar to 
     Alter's findings in Alphonsus)." NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA 
     catalog ID #1250.

2024-Jun-14 UT 21:00-21:10 Ill=56% Mons_Pico observed by Schmidt_J on 1844-4-25

     SW of Pico 1844 Apr 25 UT 20:00? Observed by Schmidt (Athens, 
     Greece, ? refractor) "A bluish glimmering patch of light not 
     quite within the dark side" NASA catalog weight=4. NASA 
     catalog ID #123. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-15 UT 18:37-19:44 Ill=65% Alpetragius observed by Barnard on 1889-9-4

     Alpetragius 1889 Sep 4 UTC 02:30-03:00 Observed by E.E. Barnard (Lick 
     Observatory, CA, USA, 36" refractor x150, x700) "Shadow of CP diffused 
     & pale. Entire inside of crater seemed filled with haze or smoke. Shad. 
     of E.wall was black & sharp. CP & floor seen thru haze. No other 
     craters showed this appear. (date&time rep't=Sep3, 1830L.T)." N.B. Sun 
     above the horizon at 02:30 - sun sets at Lick at 02:37! NASA catalog 
     weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #264. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-15 UT 18:37-19:35 Ill=65% Eratosthenes observed by Cattermole_P on 1954-5-11

     Eratosthenes 1954 May 11 UTC 20:00 Observer: Catermole (UK, 3" 
     refractor) "Central peak invis. tho surroundings were sharp". 
     NASA catalog ID #563, NASA weight=4 (high). ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-15 UT 18:42-20:05 Ill=65% Proclus observed by Darling_D on 1988-7-23

     On 1988 Jul 23 at UT03:07 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 12" 
     reflector, x150, seeing = 6/10) discovered that the dark area on the 
     floor of Proclus, seen earlier by UK observers was still present, but 
     less so (?) and the shape changed. When viewed through a green filter 
     it was less distinct. "Change with two other filters. Polarizer gave a 
     circular shape with a knot on SE side & W58 in White." The measured 
     brightness of Proclus was 9 on three sides and 8.5 on its west rim. The 
     floor was 5.5, but the dark spot was 4. Alphonsus, Bullialdus, 
     Copernicus, Eratosthenes, Plato and Ptolemeaus were all normal. The 
     Cameron 2006 catalog ID=332 and the weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Jun-15 UT 18:42-20:14 Ill=65% Tycho observed by North_G on 1995-3-10

     Tycho observed by G. North (UK) seen to have greyness
     inside parts of its shadow. Confirmed by J.D. and M.C. Cook
     Possibly light scattered of illuminated wall into shadow
     or highland starting to break through the shadow.
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-15 UT 19:08-20:24 Ill=65% Plato observed by Cragg on 1952-4-4

     Plato 1952 Apr 04 UT 02:45 Observer: T.A.Cragg (Mt Wilson, CA, 
     USA, 31cm reflector, x420, seeing fairly good, transparency 
     fair) - Obscur. of floor (seen a few hours after Wilkins & Moore 
     obs. confirm.?) " - indeed Haas in Stolling Astronomer 2002 Vol 
     45, p29 states that Cragg was amazed to see Plato's floor with 
     absolutely nothing on it! He was able to draw details elsewhere 
     in other features. NASA catalog weight=5. NASA TLP ID No. #551. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-15 UT 19:39-21:17 Ill=65% Censorinus observed by Iwanoff on 1972-4-22

     On 1972 Apr 22 at UT 17:30-18:15 Iwanoff (60mm refractor, 1000mm focal 
     length,transparency 3 out of 5 and seeing 3 out of 5, located at 53deg 
     5' N and 8deg 45'E) At Censorinus a diffuse bright area, greater than 
     the crater itself, yellow to white in colour. Published in Hilbrecht 
     and Kuveler, Moon and Planets, 30 (1984) p53-61. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-15 UT 20:27-21:17 Ill=65% Kepler observed by Morales on 1884-2-5

     Morales of France?, observed "an illumination" in Kepler on 1884 Feb 05 
     at UT20:00?. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID is 241 and the weight=1. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-15 UT 20:36-21:17 Ill=65% W_Limb observed by Fitton on 1974-3-2

     On 1974 Mar 02 at UT 23:00 Fitton (Lancashire, UK, 8.5" reflector, 
     x200, seeing = excellent and transparency = excellent) observed "A fine 
     deep red line seen at 1st contact with B-ring of Saturn. Nothing 
     unusual at A-ring contact. Persisted during occult. of B-ring. It 
     divided into 2 components & space between B-ring & globe cutting ring 
     into 2 disjointed ends persisted till dark limb passed onto globe of 
     Saturn, then a short red line corresponding exactly to chord of planet 
     disk defined by lunar limb. It increased in length as occult. 
     progressed. It suddenly vanished after 3/4 of globe had been occulted. 
     No afterglow at spot on limb, no irreg. at limb could be seen. Obs. 
     eliminates Saturn, telescope, & atmosp. as possible cause. Suggests 
     refraction from tenuous atm. of destructive interference of reflected 
     light from very small angle at limb, or diffraction of Saturn light 
     grazing limb". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1389 and weight=1. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-15 UT 20:40-21:17 Ill=65% Linne observed by Knott_G on 1867-1-14

     Linne 1867 Jan 14 UT 20:00 Observed by Knott (England?) "White covering 
     had seemingly disappeared, was a dark spot. Definition (seeing?) was 
     poor." NASA catalog weight=1 very low. NASA catalog ID #148.

2024-Jun-15 UT 21:07-21:17 Ill=65% Censorinus observed by Hopp on 1972-4-22

     On 1972 Apr 22 at UT 18:58-00:28 Hopp (75mm refractor, 1200mm focal 
     length,transparency 4 out of 5 and seeing 4 out of 5, located at 52deg 
     30' N and 13deg 15'E) Censorinus brighter than normal relative to 
     Proclus. Published in Hilbrecht and Kuveler, Moon and Planets, 30 
     (1984) p53-61. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-16 UT 18:38-19:33 Ill=74% Plato observed by Robinson_JH on 1974-3-3 *

     On 1974 Mar 3 at UT 19:06-20:20 J-H Robinson (Teighmouth, Devon, 
     UK, 10" refractor, x200, seeing=poor) got a Moon Blink reaction 
     on the South east wall of Plato, adjacent to the rim shadow and 
     alerted the BAA TLP network. Ford reported a negtive result at 
     19:35UT, although Robinson was still getting a blink reaction at 
     19:40UT, albeit fainter, red at times. Findlay at 19:43-19:52 
     and 20:00-20:05 saw nothing unusual. Robinson at 19:56UT no 
     longer saw a blink, but it returned at 20:05UT. Light in bothred 
     and blue filters. Not steady, but coming and going and gone at 
     20:09UT. Moore at 19:59-21:00, kennedy at 20:12-20:30, Taylor at 
     20:48-21:03 and Fitton at 20:05UT all got negative results. The 
     latter time coincides with Robinson's second blink reaction. 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1390 and weight=1. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-16 UT 18:38-19:02 Ill=74% Plato observed by Madej_P on 1981-9-8

     On 1981 Sep 08 at UT 21:28-21:34 P. Madej (Huddersfield, UK, seeing 
     III-IV and trasnaparency good) observed a light orange transparent 
     cloud extending from the north east inner corner across over the floor 
     of Plato. Camero comments that this report was confirmed by 3 othr 
     observers. The shape of this clud varied. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=
     153 and weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=3. 

2024-Jun-16 UT 18:38-18:55 Ill=74% Proclus observed by Darling_D on 1988-7-24

     On 1988 Jul 24 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 12" reflector, 
     x150, S=7/10, T=3) observed the following in Proclus: "At 0213 
     the previously observed gray area was 1/3 of July 22 and V 
     shaped and fanned out across the floor. Could see hint of knot 
     seen before. Craters named in 7/23/88 (#319) were all normal 
     this time too". Is it possible that this report refers to the 
     crater "Gray" rather than "Proclus" as the column field suggests 
     in the Cameron catalog? The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=333 and 
     weight=5. The ALPO/BAA catalog weight=2.

2024-Jun-16 UT 20:48-21:20 Ill=74% Bullialdus observed by Findlay_MW on 1975-3-22

     On 1975Mar22 at UT 21:17-21:23 Findlay and Ford (Mills Observatory, 
     Dundee, UK, 25cm refractor, Wratten 25 and 44a filters used) A white
     spot was observed on the rim of Bulialdus that was perhaps slightly 
     brighter in red than in white light. The observers however decided that 
     they did not regard this as a TLP. This is a BAA Lunar Section 
     Observation. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-16 UT 21:12-21:20 Ill=74% Posidonius observed by Salimbeni_P on 1997-12-9

     On 1997 Dec 09 at UT 18:42-19:02 P. Salimbeni(Cugliate Fabiasco, 
     Italy, 20cm reflector) observed colour on the northern edge of the 
     crater - 23A filter used. This is a UAI reported observation and has 
     come from this organizations web ste. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-17 UT 18:38-19:57 Ill=82% Alphonsus observed by Harris on 1966-8-27

     Alphonsus - 1966 Aug 27 UTC 06:05-06:25 observed by Haris, Eastman, 
     Bornhusrt, Cameron, astronet observers (Tucson, AZ, USA - 21" reflector 
     x200) and by Corralitos observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" 
     reflector) "W. dark-haloed area varying & the small dark-haloed (40%) 
     area also varying. Seen by others present incl. the author (WBC) who 
     attributes the variations to "seeing". Not confirmed by Corralitos MB."
     NASA catalog weight=1 (low). NASA catalog ID=968.

2024-Jun-17 UT 18:38-19:57 Ill=82% Ross_D observed by Harris on 1966-8-27

     Ross D area - 1966 Aug 27 UT 06:06-06:25 observed by Harris, Eastman, 
     Bornhusrt, Cameron, astronet observers (Tucson, AZ, USA - 21" reflector 
     x200) and by Corralitos observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" 
     reflector) "Obscuration on E. wall, bright area E. of crater at its 
     brightest. (I (WSC) was present at obs. but did not note anything not 
     attributable to bad seeing, but am not familiar with the area in normal 
     aspect. Others present did not see anything unusual, but Bornhurst & 
     Eastman confirmed). Corralitos Obs. found due to changing light 
     conditions. NASA catalog weight=1. NASA catalog ID=967. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-17 UT 18:38-19:34 Ill=82% Jansen observed by Lourencon on 1991-5-24

     On 1991 May 24 at UT 20:00? Romualdo Lourencon (Sao Paulo, 
     Brazil, 60mm refractor, seeing=III) detected a circular cloud in 
     Jansen B and H? (Gazateer report says F and K). "The crater of 
     the event 100km diam. compared to Copernicus, dark with crescent 
     obscured region below it. Was S of Jansen. A circular depression 
     there was before LTP in darkness. Wonders if circ. depr. was 
     shadow of cloud? The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=428a and the 
     weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Jun-17 UT 18:59-20:04 Ill=82% Proclus observed by Davis_H on 1988-7-25

     On 1988 Jul 25 at UT03:15 H. Davis (Madison, WI, USA) stated that 
     Proclus was normal apart from a "slightly darker area in SW (Ast) SE 
     (IUE) corner." The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=334 and the weight=0. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-17 UT 20:08-21:17 Ill=82% Plato observed by Foley_PW on 1975-3-23

     On 1975 Mar 23 at UT 20:40 P.W. Foley (Kent, UK) found a brownish 
     colour on the north west wall. This is a BAA Lunar Section report. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-17 UT 20:14-21:17 Ill=82% Bullialdus observed by Amery_GW on 1979-10-31

     Bullialdus 1979 Oct 31 UT 20:20-20:30 G.W. Amery (Reading, UK) 
     observed a plateau area to be dark and distinct in blue light 
     (Wratten 44a), but only just visibly in red (Wratten 25) and 
     yellow light. Observer wonders if this is natural surface 
     colour? ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-17 UT 20:22-21:17 Ill=82% SE_Limb observed by Brook_C on 2003-8-8

     SE limb of Moon 2003 Aug 08 UTC 20:50 Observer Brook (Plymouth, UK)
     x70 60mm OG on a very hot evening, when I saw a fountain-like 
     appearance suddenly "squirt" from the SE limb. Seeing not particularly 
     good, but not so poor as to account for what was seen. Duration of 
     phenomenom perhaps a fraction of a second, hight of pehaps a few miles. 
     Thought I saw another one a few minutes later. - observer suspected hot 
     weather and Moon's low altitude" The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-17 UT 20:35-21:17 Ill=82% Gassendi observed by Moore_P on 1966-9-25

     Gassendi - 1966 Sep 25 UT 20:20-20:50 observed by Moore and 
     Moseley(Armagh, N.Ireland, 10" refracfor x140) "Reddish patches, 
     regarded dubious, owing to low altitude of the Moon". NASA 
     catalog weight=1. NASA catalog ID #981. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-17 UT 21:16-21:17 Ill=82% Censorinus observed by Cook_MC on 1991-5-24

     On 1991 May 24 at UT 23:10 M.C. Cook (Frimley, UK) found the 
     apron region of Censorinus had a very dull white apron, but was 
     not diffuse. A sketch was supplied by this experienced observer. 
     The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=428b and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-18 UT 18:53-19:35 Ill=89% Picard observed by Moore_P on 1948-8-16

     E. of Picard 1948 Aug 16/17 UTC 22:30-02:26 Observed by Moore & Baum 
     (Chester, UK) described in NASA catalog as: "2 areas E. of Picard 
     appeared featureless. Cloud-like patches, 12(?)inch reflector. NASA 
     catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID No. #509.

2024-Jun-18 UT 18:53-19:50 Ill=89% Alphonsus observed by ASTRONET on 1966-8-28

     Alphonsus 1966 Aug 28 UTC 06:00-08:00 Observers from Astronet (Tucson, 
     AZ, USA). NASA catalog states: "Brightenings in 2 dark patches & near 
     fainter (40%) dark patch (40% of way from the c.p. to W. wall).  21" 
     x200 reflector used. NASA catalog weight=2 (poor). NASA catalog TLP ID 
     No. 969.

2024-Jun-18 UT 18:53-20:24 Ill=89% Aristarchus observed by Foley_PW on 1975-3-24

     On 1975 Mar 24 at UT19:08-19:45 P.W. Foley (Kent, UK) observed blueness 
     in the North East (Classical?) corner of Aristarchus. Moon blink seen - 
     pale in red. Most other observers clouded out. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-18 UT 18:53-19:01 Ill=89% Promontorium_Laplace observed by Prout on 1977-1-31

     Promontory LaPlace 1977 Jan 31 UT 20:49-23:00 Observed by Foley 
     (England, 11.75" reflector, x360), Prout (England, 4" refractor or 
     reflector?), Findlay (Dundee, Scotland, 10" reflector, x180, S=VG), 
     Ford (Dundee, Scotland), Mooney (Dundee, Scotland) "With filters in 
     eyepiece, tho't he saw a possible darkening in the blue but no 
     variation in red. Altho. a deep shadow is normal to the W. of the cape 
     at this period, (then cape must have a slope > 30deg!). he wondered if 
     shad. was more extensive than usual? Prout noted a dark inky coma-
     shaped spot. Dundee obs. concluded it was a shadow. Took photos. 
     Analysis of them was underway at time of rep't." NASA catalog weight=5 
     (very high). NASA catalog ID #1462.

2024-Jun-18 UT 19:04-20:52 Ill=89% Herodotus observed by Lena_R on 2002-9-18

     Herodotus 2002 Sep 18 UT 22:00 Observed by Raffaello Lena (GLR, 
     Italy). Event described was of two pseudo-peak/hill-like 
     features, one on the southern floor of the crater, and another 
     just slightly to the NW of the centre. on the southern 
     floor of the crater. Lena suspects a combination of seeing 
     effects and albedo markings on the floor. However this effect of 
     two spots on the floor has not been repeated again.For further 
     information, theory,  and a sketch please see Fig 
     5 in this web link: ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-18 UT 19:54-20:52 Ill=89% Aristarchus observed by Homan_MP on 2014-12-4

     Aristarchus 2014 Dec 04 UT 03:14-03:15 M.P. Homan (Grand Rapids, 
     MI, USA, Nikon P520 x48) 11 digital images taken. These show 
     possible blue colour in the Aristarchus area e.g. on the ray 
     between Herodotus an Aristarchus. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-19 UT 20:29-21:21 Ill=95% Aristarchus observed by Foley_PW on 1982-11-28 *

     Aristarchus 1982 Nov 28 UTC 23:35-23:55 Observed by Foley (Kent, UK, 
     Antionadi III, Transparency Moderate) - Colouration Seen - Ref: BAA 
     Lunar Section Circular. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-24 UT 01:35-02:53 Ill=95% Plato observed by Cameron_W on 1971-4-13 *

     Plato 1971 Apr 13 UT 03:30-04:30  W. Cameron (Greenbelt, MD, 
     USA, 36" reflector & 6" grating) "spectrum obtained showed an 
     extra absorption line at 4908+/-4A & possibly another. No other 
     of 6 spectra of other features on the plate show it. No other of 
     20 spectra of Plato, including another on the same nite show it. 
     Further reduction & analysis remain to be done." NASA weight=5. 
     NASA catalog ID=#1291. ALPO/BAA weight=5.

2024-Jun-24 UT 21:56-00:50 Ill=90% Atlas observed by Delmotte on 1954-3-23 *

     Atlas 1954 Mar 23 UTC 00:00? Observed by Delmotte (France?) "Violet 
     tint in crater" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #562.

2024-Jun-25 UT 00:42-02:53 Ill=89% Plato observed by Lihou on 1886-11-14 *

     Plato 1886 Nov 14 UT UT 21:45 Observed by Lihou (France?) "Brilliant 
     band N-S, area marked G in NE was only slightly visible, poorly 
     defined. Drawing (there were rays on the floor)." NASA catalog weight=3 
     (average). NASA catalog ID #253.

2024-Jun-25 UT 01:00-01:07 Ill=89% Aristarchus observed by Ricketts_GH on 1979-11-7

     Aristarchus 1979 Nov 07/08 UT 23:10-00:00 Observed by R.H. 
     Ricketts (Lewis, Sussex, UK, 10" reflector, x300, Seeing 
     Antoniadi II) - obscuration and colouration seen. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-25 UT 01:00-02:13 Ill=89% Aristarchus observed by Madej_P on 1979-11-8

     On 1979 Nov 08 at 00:16UT P.Madej (Huddersfield, UK, 6" reflector, x48 
     and x110, seeing II and transparency very good) detected a small faint 
     orange spot, close to the centre, but not at the centre. Spurious 
     colour was visible on the northern flank of Aristarchus. The Cameron 
     2006 catalog ID=74 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.  

2024-Jun-25 UT 01:00-00:00 Ill=89% Proclus observed by Gray_R on 2001-11-4

     Proclus 2001 Nov 04 UTC 07:00-07:43 "Robin Gray of Winneucca, Nevada, 
     U.S.A. reported a contrast effect and brightening in the crater 
     Proclus. Using a 15.2 cm refractor he conducted a Moon blink search 
     with Wratten 25a and 38a blue filters. His report goes as follows: 
     Moon Blink carried out. In Red 25 Proclus looked nearly the 
     same as in white light. Through the Blue 38a filter, however, only the 
     brilliant lit south east wall was clearly visible. The northeast wall 
     was very dim with this filter. With no filters the NE and SE wall were 
     brilliantly lit, the SE wall was almost as bright as Aristarchus. A 
     thread like strip along the NW wall, possibly the rim of the crater, 
     was also brilliantly illuminated. The interior of the crater was a 
     featureless stygian black with the exception of a brilliant (intensity 
     9) thread of light that ran parallel  to the illuminated east wall. 
     Whether this was an L.T.P. or an optical  effect of atmospheric 
     turbulence is unknown, did not see anything similar elsewhere along the 
     terminator though" ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-25 UT 22:18-01:42 Ill=82% Plato observed by Corvan_P on 1966-8-5 *

     Plato 1966 Aug 05/06 UT 23:37-02:58 Observers: Corvan, Moseley 
     (Armagh, N.Ireland, 10" refractor, x280) and Ringsdore (England, 
     8.5" reflector) "Several red glows at different places at 
     different times. Each lasted a few min. (not confirmed by 
     Ringsdore. Given as 8/4 in MBMW) NASA catalog weight=4, NASA 
     catalog ID=#964. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-26 UT 01:13-02:54 Ill=81% Kepler observed by Classen on 1968-7-14

     On 1958 Jul 14 at UT 21:00 Classen (Pulsnitz Observatory, East Germany, 
     8" refractor) observed Kepler to be 0.5 magnitudes brighter than 
     Aristarchus, normally it is the other way around with Aristarchus being 
     0.3 brighter than Kepler. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1084 and weight=
     3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-27 UT 01:48-02:54 Ill=71% Plato observed by Darling_D on 1989-4-26

     On 1989 Apr 26 at UT 10:22-10:44 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 3" 
     refractor, x36-x140) found that the eastern half of Plato crater was 
     dark - and he checked this using several eyepieces. moderate 
     magnification resolved the dark region into bands, but too high a 
     magnification (x140) made the bands dissappear. The Cameron 2006 
     catalog ID=362 and the weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Jun-27 UT 02:20-02:54 Ill=71% Aristarchus observed by Cameron_W on 1982-10-8

     On 1982 Oct 08 at UT 04:15-04:30 W. Cameron (Silverspring, MD, USA, 
     3.5" reflector, x160, Seeing-very good) suspected blue tinge on north 
     west rim and brown/red on south east rim of Aristarchus crater + focus 
     was slightly difficult. No similar colour effect seen on other craters. 
     Cameron 2006 catalog ID=186 and weight=1. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-27 UT 02:20-02:54 Ill=71% Clavius observed by Cameron_W on 1982-10-8

     On 1982 Oct 08 at UT 04:15-04:30 W. Cameron (Silverspring, MD, USA, 
     3.5" reflector, x160) found that Clavius had a "D" shaped crater on its 
     outskirts that made it appear to have a ridge crossing through it. 
     Cameron 2006 catalog ID=186 and weight=1. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-28 UT 01:30-02:55 Ill=60% Tycho observed by Moseley_R on 1983-8-30

     Tycho 1983Aug30 UT 00:15-00:18 R. Moseley (Coventry, UK, 6" 
     f/10 reflector, x60, transparency very good, seeing III, 
     improving with altitude) attention initially caught by the 
     impression of a rosy colouration along the NW crest and outer 
     wall. For perhaps 2-3 min this persisted - before fading 
     entirely. The observer felt that the cause may have been 
     psysiological - or short-lived spurious colour. However 
     interestingly nearby craters did not show the effect. A 
     sketch was made over a longer time span 00:15-00:40UT. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-28 UT 01:03-02:10 Ill=60% Earthshine: June Bootids: ZHR=0-100 vel=18km/s

2024-Jun-29 UT 01:15-02:55 Ill=48% Linne observed by Markov on 1918-4-4

     Linne 1918 Apr 04 UTC 01:00?  Observed by Markov (Russia) "In place of 
     crater only a hill 2km in diam. was vis. (seen in dark). " NASA catalog 
     weight=1, low, NASA catalof ID #368. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-29 UT 00:39-02:11 Ill=48% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-30 UT 00:55-02:24 Ill=37% Adams observed by Arkhipov on 1978-1-2

     On 1978 Jan 02 at UT23:00? A.V. Arkihpov and A.R. Kharkov (USSR) 
     observed in the terminator region (near Adams?) a flash enclosed by a 
     fuzzy envelope (180x120 arc seconds in size). The TLP faded away over 
     30 seconds. Cameron says that this is the first example of many 
     photographs that registered activity. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID= and 
     weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-30 UT 00:55-01:03 Ill=37% Aristarchus observed by Brook_C on 2007-6-9

     Aristarchus appeared dimmer than normal.
     This report has an ALPO/BAA weight of 1.

2024-Jun-30 UT 00:55-02:11 Ill=37% Earthshine: sporadic meteors