TLP Repeat Illumination/Libration and Earthshine predictions for: USA ND Bismarck

Ill is percentage illumination of the Moon
*Indicates a repeat illumination and libration event to within +/- 1 deg for both
A non-* indicates just repeat illumination to within +/-0.5 deg

2024-Jun-02 UT 10:36-10:57 Ill=20% Aristarchus observed by Kozyrev on 1961-12-3

     Aristarchus 1961 Dec 3 UTC 03:05-03:40 Observed by Kozyrev (Crimea, 
     Soviet Union) described in NASA catalog as: "Emission lines in spectrum 
     of c.p. red & blue, H2 identified, several km2 area. Projected into 
     shadow cast by W. wall. Source rose to a height above the crater. 50" 
     reflector used NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog TLP ID 
     No. #756.

2024-Jun-07 UT 03:14-03:27 Ill=1% Earthshine: (radio) Daytime Arietids: ZHR=30? (vel=41 km/s)

2024-Jun-08 UT 03:15-04:17 Ill=3% Earthshine: (radio) Daytime Zeta Perseids: ZHR=30? (vel=25 km/s)

2024-Jun-09 UT 02:31-02:55 Ill=8% Unknown observed by Schroter on 1788-3-9

     Bright point on the dark part.
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=37 and weight=3.
     ALPO/BAA catalog weight=1.

2024-Jun-09 UT 02:31-04:35 Ill=8% Aristarchus observed by Horne_J on 1988-4-19 *

     On 1988 Apr 19 at UT 01:15-04:00 J. Horne (Steadman, NC, USA, 8" 
     reflector, S=4/10) took photographs of the Moon's Earthshine (appeared 
     in the Aug 1988 Sky and telescope magazine). Aristarchus was bright. In 
     addition several members of the Madison Astronomical Society also found 
     the crater to be bright and one of them saw streaks and flashes from 
     the crater.  Manske (8" reflector, x97, + binoculars, S=E) found the 
     crater to be "abnornormally bright" where as other craters in 
     Earthshine were just normal. Fryback's (Madison, WI, USA, 8" reflector, 
     S=VG) photographs confirm that the crater was very bright - the Moon 
     was only 4deg in altitude though. The Camweron 2006 catalog ID=325 and 
     the weight="confirmed". the ALPO/BAA weight=3. 

2024-Jun-09 UT 04:11-04:35 Ill=8% Aristarchus observed by Vaughan on 1940-12-2 *

     In 1940 Dec 02 at 00:00? Vaughan (Des Moines, Iowa, USA, 3" reflector) 
     observed Aristarchus in the dark part as a bright spot. The cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=480 and weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-09 UT 03:16-04:49 Ill=8% Earthshine: (radio) Daytime Zeta Perseids: ZHR=30? (vel=25 km/s)

2024-Jun-10 UT 02:31-03:35 Ill=14% Aristarchus observed by Todd_LR on 1990-3-29

     On 1990 Mar 29 at UT 19:00 L. Todd (England?) observed that Aristarchus 
     in Earthshine was very clearly seen and appeared to blink occasionally. 
     Foley (Kent, UK) also notcied variations in Aristarchus. The Cameron 
     2006 catalog ID = 396 and the weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-10 UT 02:31-03:35 Ill=14% Aristarchus observed by Johnson_G on 1992-4-6

     On 1992 Apr 06 at UT00:45-02:03 G. Johnson (Swanton, MD, USA, 3.5" 
     refractor, x36) observed Aristarchus in Earthsine, but at a higher 
     magnification is appeared as a diffuse star. However the crater was not 
     seen later. D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 3" refractor), D. Weier 
     and F. Graham (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 7" reflector, photographs), 
     observing at 01:24UT could not see the crater. The cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=443 and the weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-10 UT 03:12-03:35 Ill=14% Harpalus observed by Nunes on 1969-5-19

     Harpalus 1969 May 19 UT 21:20-22:00 Observed by Marcomede 
     Rangel Nunes and Julio Dias Nogueira (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 
     18" refractor). "Brightening in crater (inexperienced 
     observers). (Apollo 10 watch)." NASA catalog weight=0. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1. NASA catalog ID #1126.

2024-Jun-10 UT 03:17-03:37 Ill=14% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-11 UT 02:32-04:07 Ill=22% Plato observed by Hodgson on 1847-12-11

     On 1847 Dec 11 at 18:00UT Hdgson (Eversley, UK, x80 refractor and 40x 
     reflector) observed in Plato (Though it might have been Cape Agassiz or 
     Teneriffe Mts) a bright spot of about a 1/4 the angular diameter of 
     Saturn that varied intermittently and was at all times visible on the 
     night side of the Moon. The following day he glimpsed the same spot 
     rhough clouds. From his drawing the spot was ~5' below the true N. 
     point & near the following limb (IAU E. limb) Cameron comments that 
     Plato fits the angular distance better than the other two candidates 
     unless there was a large northern libration. The Cameron 1978 catalog 
     ID=125 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.   

2024-Jun-11 UT 02:32-04:04 Ill=22% Mont_Blanc observed by Grover on 1865-1-1

     In 1865 Jan 01 at UT 18:00-18:30? Grover (England? or USA?, seeing = 
     good and transparency = clear) observed south east of Plato at the foot 
     of Mt Blanc a small bright spot like a magnitude 4 star - slightly out 
     of focus. This bright speck remained unchanged for 30 minutes. The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=137 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2. 

2024-Jun-11 UT 02:32-03:22 Ill=22% Aristarchus observed by Gomez on 1969-5-20

     On 1969 May 20 at UT 19:35-20:30 Gomez (Spain, 12" reflector) observed 
     blue-white pulsating light in Aristarchus that illuminated the inner 
     walls - it was maximum at 19:55UT. This observation was made during the 
     Apollo 10 watch. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1128 and weight=5. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-11 UT 02:51-04:07 Ill=22% Aristarchus observed by Bury on 1969-5-20

     On 1969 May 20 at UT 21:00-22:00 Bury (France, 4" refractor) observed 
     Aristarchus to be very bright, as an elliptical bluish spot at 21:00UT. 
     This observation was made during the Apollo 10 watch. The Cameron 1978 
     catalog ID=1128 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-11 UT 03:01-04:07 Ill=22% Harpalus observed by Nunes on 1969-5-20

     On 1969 May 20 at UT 21:10-22:30 Marcomede Rangel Nunes and
     Julio Dias Nogueira (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 18" refractor) 
     Harpalus brighter than Bouguer - this was during the Apollo 10 
     watch and Cameron comments that the observers were 
     inexperienced. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1129 and weight=0. 
     The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-11 UT 03:05-03:56 Ill=22% Aristarchus observed by Fryback_D on 1988-4-21

     On 1988 Apr 21 at UT 01:28-04:00 D. Fryback (Madison, WI, USA) took a 
     series of photographs - Aristarchus was a luminous patch and in one 
     photograph a red spot (Cameron suspects marks on the film). is seen 
     near Aristarchus. Strangely though when looking through the telescope, 
     the crater was not excessively bright. D. Spain (Fairdale, KY, USA, 
     3.5" reflector?, x60) observed a narrow white streak of mag 5-6 of 
     duration 0.5 sec that covered 160-320km near the centre of the Moon at 
     01:53UT. A similar streak happened but the direction was different. 
     Next 2 small red flashes were seen at 02:00 and 02:01UT of magnitude 7 
     (<1sec) in the vicinity of Aristarchus. The cameron 2006 catalog ID=327 
     and the weight=1.

2024-Jun-11 UT 03:30-04:07 Ill=22% Moon observed by Spain_D on 1988-4-21

     On 1988 Apr 21 at UT 01:53 D. Spain (Fairdale, KY, USA, 3.5" 
     reflector?, x60) observed a narrow white streak of mag 5-6 of duration 
     0.5 sec that covered 160-320km near the centre of the Moon at 01:53UT. 
     A similar streak happened again but the direction was different. Next 2 
     small red flashes were seen at 02:00 and 02:01UT of magnitude 7 (<1sec) 
     in the vicinity of Aristarchus. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=327 and the 

2024-Jun-11 UT 04:05-04:07 Ill=22% Aristarchus observed by Sancristoforo_G on 2011-4-7

     On 2011 Apr 07 UT 19:45-20:10 Aristarchus was seen to be “very 
     bright” in Earthshine. Giorgio Sancristoforo (Milan, Italy, 
     203mm SCT, atmospheric seeing good) noticed Aristarchus to be 
     exceptionally bright (Sketch supplied) at around 20:00 and was 
     the first to report this. Although he did not record the start 
     and end times, he commented that the effect lasted 20-30 minutes 
     and then was significantly reduced in brightness. Although 
     direct comparison in terms of brightnes could not be made with a 
     star, he thought Aristarchus to be brighter than +0.7 in 
     magnitude (Saturn). Furthermore Aristarchus was visible when 
     daylight was still present, when looking through the telescope, 
     although it could not be seen with the naked eye due to too much 
     extraneous light. Aristarchus was probably white in colour, but 
     the observer was partly colour blind and so was uncertain. Not 
     much detail was seen elsewhere in Earthshine, even when the sky 
     darkened, and he was not able to see Kepler or Copernicus, just 
     the limb. No details were seen in Aristarchus itself, for 
     example no ray to the SW was visible. It later transpired that 
     Lajos Bartha (Budapest, Hungary, 70mm refractor, x83, seeing 
     conditions good) had observed Earthshine even earlier from 
     UT19:45-20:10 and noticed a bright area close to the edge of the 
     Moon that he later confirmed was Aristarchus. When he started 
     observing the sky twilight was still a deep blue, but the dark 
     side of the Moon was seen both with the naked eye and through 
     the telescope. Earthshine was medium in brightness and grey in 
     colour. Copernicus and Kepler were weak in brightness but 
     certainly visible. There was some scattered light from the 
     sunlit side of the Moon noticed, but not enough to obscure 
     Copernicus and Kepler from visibility. As a test he moved the 
     telescope around and the bright spot moved with the Moon and so 
     was not a glare problem. The following day he checked Earthshine 
     again but found that the bright spot was not so conspicuous. As 
     a footnote, Tim Haynes (UK) had been observing an occultation of 
     37 Tauri, much earlier at 19:14UT, through 10x50 binoculars. He 
     commented that Earthshine was visible, but that he hadn't 
     noticed Aristarchus - though he was not looking at the Moon 
     specifically to see this crater. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-11 UT 03:17-04:09 Ill=22% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-12 UT 02:32-03:46 Ill=30% Aristarchus observed by Brandli on 1969-5-21

     On 1969 May 21 at UT 20:00-21:00 Brandli and Germann (Switzerland, 6" 
     refractor) observed a slow orange-red blinking on the surrounding area 
     of Aristarchus. It was seen less markedly the next night. Wald (Zurich, 
     Switzerland) noted at 20:30UT that the crater was pink (Confirmation 
     says Cameron) - this was during the Apollo 10 watch. The cameron 1978 
     catalog ID=1131-1132 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2024-Jun-12 UT 02:32-03:38 Ill=30% S_Pole observed by Dzapiashvili on 1969-7-19

     South Cusp 1969 Jul 19 UT 17:55-19:10 Observed by Dzapiashvili 
     (Georgia, Soviet Union) "Saw an abnormally bright spot at end of 
     S.cusp. Polariz. meas. at 8.3% at 1845-1847h (Apollo 11 watch?)"
     NASA catalog weight=5 (very good). NASA catalog ID #1164.

2024-Jun-12 UT 02:32-04:18 Ill=30% Fracastorius observed by Robinson_JH on 1973-3-9

     Fracastorius 1973 Mar 09 UT ~19:57 Robinson (Devon, UK) saw a 
     Moon Blink (colour) in this crater. This crater is long 
     suspected of giving permanent blinks due to natural colour. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-12 UT 02:32-02:45 Ill=30% Aristarchus observed by Reiland on 1975-3-18

     On 1975 Mar 18 at UT 00:57-04:00 Reiland, Brown and Lojeck (Pittsburgh, 
     Pennsylvania, 6" reflector x45 and 8" reflector x200, photos taken) 
     observed the following at Aristarchus: "While obs. Earthshine on moon, 
     saw it glowing -- a bright steady star-like glow, est. at 5-8th mag. 
     First noted at 0057h. Obs. other obj. then came back to it. It was 
     still there -- till moonset (@0500h). Saw it in other telscopes & 
     Lojeck took photos. (photo shows Aris. prominent, but also LaLande, 
     Pytheas & Timocharis. 2 prs. in Aris. but there are other pts on the 
     print, it may be grain)". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1404 and 
     weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-12 UT 02:36-04:28 Ill=30% Aristarchus observed by Pruss on 1969-7-19

     On 1969 Jul 19 at UT 1845-18:47 Pruss and Witte (Bochum, Germany, 6" 
     refractor x36 and binoculars) saw brightenings in the north west wall 
     of Aristarchus for 3-7 seconds of about 1 magnitude over the 
     background. From orbit at UT 18:46 the Apollo 11 crew Armstrong, 
     Aldrin, and Collins (in orbit around the Moon and using the naked eye) 
     were asked to take a look at Aristarchus after Earth-based reports of 
     TLP activity. Armstrong reported (after the solar corona had set, on 
     the night side) that probably Aristarchus "to be considerably more 
     illuminated than the surrounding area. It just has - seem to have, a 
     slight amount of flourescence to it". Collins reported a moment later: 
     "Looking out on the same area now. Well at least there is one wall of 
     the crater that seems to be more illuminated than the others. I am not 
     sure that I am actually identifying any phosporesecence, but that 
     definitely is lighter than anything else in the neighborhood". Houston 
     then asked if the crew could detect any colour and if the inner wall 
     was the inner or outer part? Aldrim  commnted that it was the inner 
     wall and Collins mentioned thatno colour was incolved. The Cameron 1978 
     catalog ID=1165 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-12 UT 03:21-04:31 Ill=30% Aristarchus observed by Gervais on 1969-7-19

     On 1969 Jul 19 at UT 19:30-21:30 Gervais (Lodure, France, 4.5" 
     refractor?) saw the whole region of Aristarchus and its environs 
     as brighter than normal. Two photographs were obtained. The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1156 and weight=5. At UT 20:30-20:55 
     Oliver (Spain, using a reflector) found the Aristarchus to have 
     brightened by about 1 magnitude. From UT 20:12-20:30 the crater 
     had been normal. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1167 and the 
     weight=2. At UT 21:00-00:35 P. Mourilhe Silva (Rio de Janeiro, 
     Brazil, 19.5" refractor) saw Aristarchus as a very bright 
     elliptical shape which extended to the north like a bridge 
     between two points. Jose M. L. da Silva and Ronaldo Mourao (Rio 
     de Janeiro, Brazil, 13" refractor) saw a brightening on the 
     north west wall from 21:24-23:22UT intermittently but cont'd. 
     Wall was extraordinarilly bright, along NW wall brighter. 
     Moseley (Armagh, Northern Ireland, UK, 10" refractor) detected 
     an unusual bright, along north west wall, brighter than normal 
     in Earthshine and brighter than crater. It was not constant, but 
     pulsated irregularly with frequency of 20 seconds and amplitude 
     0.75-1.0 magnitudes. No colour seen or obscuration though lokked 
     for. Clouds interrupted observations. Vasquez (Valparaiso, 
     Chile, 12" reflector) saw it as a very luminous point of 
     magnitude 1. Wairy Cardoso (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 12" 
     reflector and 18" refractor) noted a bright. 1s??? The Cameron 
     catalog ID=1168 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2024-Jun-12 UT 03:21-04:31 Ill=30% Theophilus observed by Fox_WE on 1969-7-19

     Theophilus 1969 Jul 19 UT 19:30-21:30 Observed by Fox (Notts. 
     England, 6.5" reflector) and Ringsdore (England, 15" 
     reflector). Fox saw intermittent glow in Theoph. for > 2h
     (time not given). Ringsdore confirmed. (Apollo 11 watch)" 
     Confirmed by Baum 21:00-21:20UT. NASA catalog weight=5. NASA 
     catalog ID No. 1166. ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2024-Jun-12 UT 03:40-04:31 Ill=31% Grimaldi observed by ASTRONET on 1966-9-20

     On 1966 Sep 20 at UT 03:22 Three Astronet observers (Phoenix, AZ, and 
     Los Angeles, CA, USA) (independently?) reported flashes in Grimaldi 
     crater. One observer was in Phoenix AZ, and another in Losa Angeles, 
     CA, so probably not due to the atmosphere. Cameron comments that the 
     astronaut Schmidt on Apollo 17 saw a flash in it while orbiting the 
     Moon. the Cameron 1978 catalog ID=977 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-12 UT 03:47-04:31 Ill=31% S_Pole observed by Kemp_A on 2011-4-8

     South Pole 2011 Apr 08 UT 19:30-20:00 A.Kemp (Mold, Flintshire, UK) observed that the 
     Leibnitz peaks at the southern pole stood out sharply. However one of the peaks was “shining 
     like a spot light. So bright that I couldn’t make out its shape”. – image clear and steady with 
     excellent transparency and seeing in the 70mm f/13 refractor (25mm and 10mm eyepieces). 
     Inspections during the above time period revealed no changes in brightness. Previous 
     observations of this area had never shown such an unusual brightness, and Arthur likened the 
     brightness to “a maximum brightness of Venus shining amongst 2nd magnitude stars”. The 
     observer was an experienced observer. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-12 UT 04:24-04:31 Ill=31% Mare_Crisium observed by Emmett on 1826-4-12

     Mare Crisium 1826 Apr 12 UT 20:00 Observed by Emmett (England?) "Black 
     moving haze or cloud". NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID 
     109. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-12 UT 04:29-04:31 Ill=31% Grimaldi observed by Thinon on 1969-7-19

     Grimaldi 1969 Jul 19 UT 20:39-20:45 Delaye (France, 25cm 
     refractor) saw a bright bluish spot near Grimaldi. 20:43 a 
     flash was seen by Thinon. Delaye saw flashes at 20:44 and 
     20:45. Between 21:00 and 23:00 (J. M. L.) da Silva (Rio de 
     Janeiro, Brazil, 19.5" refractor) saw a bright spot on the W 
     (IAU??) of Grimaldi. However there is a bright spot near 
     Grimaldi, so this maybe normal. NASA ID = 1167. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-12 UT 03:18-04:33 Ill=31% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-13 UT 02:33-03:47 Ill=39% Helicon observed by Novet on 1788-3-13

     Lunar volcano, seen on the dark side, as bright as a 
     6th magnitude star,

2024-Jun-13 UT 02:33-03:47 Ill=39% Riccioli observed by Schroter on 1788-3-13

     A bright spot was seen. Cameron 1978 catalog
     ID=40 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA catalog weight=2.

2024-Jun-13 UT 02:33-04:23 Ill=39% Theophilus observed by Delaye on 1969-7-20

     Theophilus 1969 Jul 20 UT 18:40 Observed by Delaye, Thinon, Donas, ?
     ourdan (Marseilles, France, 10" refractor x60) "Saw a flash on the c.p. 
     of mag 1.0, duration 0.1s, no color. (meteor?) (Apollo 11 watch)".
     NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1174.

2024-Jun-13 UT 02:35-04:31 Ill=39% Aristarchus observed by Wald on 1969-5-22

     On 1969 May22 at UT2045-2105 Wald (Zurich, Switzerland) observed the 
     pinkish colour in Aristarchus was less marked tonight. The astronauts 
     were alerted and at 22:12 reported no activity but could see the crater 
     and Earthshine was strong near the terminator. Apollo 10 watch, 
     spacecraft far from the terminator. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1134 
     and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-13 UT 03:10-04:50 Ill=40% Atlas observed by Germann on 1969-5-22

     Atlas 1969 May 22 UT 21:20-21:40 Observed by Germann, Wild, Vieli 
     (Zurich, Switzerland, 6" reflector) "Rim towards the sun was bright. 
     Part of time was interrupted. (Apollo 10 watch)" NASA catalog weight=3 
     (average). NASA catalog ID #1135.

2024-Jun-13 UT 03:47-04:50 Ill=40% Aristarchus observed by Delaye on 1969-7-20

     On 1969 Jul 20 at UT 19:55-20:10 Delaye, Thinon, Donas, and Jourdran 
     (Marseilles, France, 10" refractor, x60) saw between 19:55-20:04UT 
     Aristarchus to be bright and in it pulsations with 10 sec duration. At 
     20:05UT it's spot brightened, at 20:08:50-20:35:50UT brightening and 
     pulsations of variable duration. At 20:55:50UT just a feeble flash. 
     Cameron comments that this is probably not atmpsheric effects as the 
     period is too long - also it was during the Apollo 11 watch. The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1175 and th weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-13 UT 04:00-04:03 Ill=40% Censorinus observed by Marshall_KP on 1984-7-5

     On 1984 Jul 05 at UT 00:00-01:25 Marshall (Medelin, Columbia, 
     seeing=II) observed that Censorinus was much less bright than Proclus 
     (confirmed by CED readings). Cameron 2006 catalog ID=247 and weight=3. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-13 UT 04:01-04:02 Ill=40% Proclus observed by Marshall on 1984-7-5

     On 1984 Jul 05 at UT 00:00-01:25 Marshall (Medelin, Columbia) found 
     Proclus to be much brighter than Censorinus (which of the two was 
     abnormal is a question) - though he thought that Censorinus looked 
     dull. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=247 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-13 UT 04:26-04:50 Ill=40% Mare_Crisium observed by Emmett on 1826-4-13

     Mare Crisium 1826 Apr 13 UT 20:00 Observed by Emmett (England?) "Black 
     moving haze or cloud" NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID =
     109. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-13 UT 03:18-04:52 Ill=40% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-14 UT 02:33-02:54 Ill=49% Rimae_Triesnecker observed by Gordeenko on 1912-5-23

     Triesnecker Rille 1912 May 23 UT 18:00? Observed by Gordeenko 
     (Russia) "Change in shape from representation by Brenner and 
     Krieger not accountable by lighting conditions" NASA catalog 
     weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=1. NASA catalog ID #339.

2024-Jun-14 UT 02:43-04:39 Ill=49% Mons_Piton observed by Smith_T on 2022-8-4

     Mons Piton 2022 Aug 04 UT 19:41-20:10 T. Smith (Codnor, UK, 
     16inch Newtonian, x247, Seeing IV) mountain was very bright 
     and red around its eastern slopes. An examination of the 
     bright and contrasty Proclus crater revealed that to be 
     relatively colour free compared to Piton. An examination of 
     other features, north and south along the terminator revealed 
     some tinge of coloiur but not as strong as on Mon Piton. Mons 
     Piton examined with a yellow filter at 19:50 and still showed 
     red along the eastern side, other features along the 
     terminator had no colour through the filter. Video images by. 
     A.Cook (Newtown, UK) made earlier at 1929 & 19:40 UT, (in the 
     SWIR (1.5-1.7 microns) did not reveal Mons Pico as especially 
     bright - but resolutioin was poor. A friend of Smith, phoned 
     up the next day to say that they saw a mountain on the limb 
     exhibiting red on the 14th August. Probably the redness was 
     due to atmospheric spectral dispersion as the Moon was low, 
     and it was especially visble on Mons Piton as this is an 
     exceedingly contrasty object on the terminator. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-14 UT 03:23-05:04 Ill=49% Theophilus observed by Fox_WE on 1969-7-21

     Theophilus 1969 Jul 21 UT 19:30-21:45 and 21:00-22:00 Observed by Fox 
     (Newark, England, 6.5" reflector,) and Baum (Chester, England, 4.5" 
     refractor) (S=6, T=4) "At wall, adjacent to Cyrillus was a redish glow,
     then obscur. (Fox). Baum  saw intermittant white-blue shimmering as if 
     glowing thru dust glowing & upsurge in brightness on c.p. Gradually 
     faded to normal at 21:20. 1st time ever seen by him tho. obs. since 
     1947. Image sharp, no haziness. (indep. confirm. of activity, but 
     details differ, but same time, Apollo 11 watch)." NASA catalog 
     weight=5. NASA catalog ID #1180. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-14 UT 03:32-05:04 Ill=49% Promontorium_Agassiz observed by Green_J on 1991-5-21

     On 1991 May 21 at UT05:30-06:15 J. Green (Orangevale, CA, USA, 11" 
     reflector) photgrapphed a broad bright band stretching east and north 
     of Cassini crater in 3 exposures taken 10 minutes apart. This 
     photographic sequence shows a gradual widening towards Cassini and by 
     the 3rd exposure the band is touching (and then obscuring) Cassini. A 
     "fan" was visible in the north east and WSW directions, later this was 
     seen as rays and this was even seen in the view finder of the camera. 
     Cameron comments that this might be lens flare but suspects that it 
     would not have been seen in the view finder. The Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=427 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-14 UT 03:52-05:04 Ill=49% Hyginus observed by Kelsey on 1966-7-25

     Hyginius Cleft 1966 Jul 25 UT 04:40 observed by Kelsey (Riverside, CA, 
     USA, 8" reflector, x300) "Points at opposite ends of cleft were very 
     brilliant in red Wratten 25 filter & very dull in blue Wratten 47 
     filter. Richer uncertain if real LTP." NASA catalog weight=1. NASA
     catalog ID #957.

2024-Jun-14 UT 04:43-05:04 Ill=50% Bessel observed by Travnik on 1969-5-23

     North of Bessel 1969 May 1969 May 23 UT 22:54. Nelson Travnik 
     (Observatorio Flammarion, located at 45.58W, 21.87S, f/15 
     10cm refractor, Kodak Tri-X, 1/15 sec exposure, sky 
     conditions excellent). Dark spot photographed just north of 
     Bessel - could be a photographic defect?. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-14 UT 03:19-05:06 Ill=50% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-15 UT 02:34-04:31 Ill=59% Plato observed by de_Speissens on 1887-11-23

     Plato 1887 Nov 23 UT 20:00? Observed by de Speissens (France?) 
     "Luminous triangle on floor. Klein says it was sunlight affect. (but 
     similar to Klein's own obs., #190. Fort says never seen before nor 
     since)." NASA catalog weight=0 (very unlikely). NASA catalog ID #256.
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-15 UT 02:34-03:58 Ill=59% Plato observed by Brenner on 1895-5-2

     Plato 1895 May 02 UT 20:45, 23:45 Observed by Brenner and Fauth 
     (Germany?) "Streaks of light (Brenner) bright parallel bands in 
     center Fauth (indep. confirmation?)." NASA catalog weight=5. 
     NASA catalog ID #284. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-15 UT 02:34-04:09 Ill=59% Ross_D observed by Harris on 1965-9-4

     On 1965 Sep 03 UT03:00-05:00 D.Harris (Located near Whittier 
     College, Whittier, CA, USA, using a 10" f/8.2 Newtonian 
     reflector, x78 & x208, seeing 5-6, transparency 2-0) observed a 
     ridge obscured SSW of Ross D. No drawing was made, only a 
     written description. "Ridge not visible near crater; possible 
     white patch 1/3 Ross D diameter" The ridge is the wrinkle ridge 
     extending NNE from Ross D, a well established often visible 
     feature. Harris comments that this was not one of the better TLPs 
     seen near Ross D, and there were no independent observers, 
     neverless he was ceratin of this being a TLP, and it was 
     consistant with other activity seen near this crater between 1964 
     and 1970. Cameron 1978 catalog ID 891 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-15 UT 02:34-03:55 Ill=59% Mare_Anguis observed by Louderback_D on 1979-12-27

     On 1979 Dec 27 at UT 05:32 D. Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA, 6" 
     reflector x240, seeing=3-6/10 and T=4) noticed "2 small high-sun areas 
     nr. Eimmart - brightening around Mare Crisium, except for interior of 
     Proclus - in blue light. They were brighter than 2 spots on Cap. 
     Agarum rated 8.5 & Proc. 9. Not as bright next night. Probably a real 
     blue light brightening". Cameron 2006 catalog ID=79, location on Moon: 
     (70E, 23N) and weight=4. 

2024-Jun-15 UT 02:59-04:55 Ill=59% Censorinus observed by Nicolini on 1969-5-24

     Censorinus 1969 May 24 UTC 21:10-22:15 Observed by Jean 
     Nicolini (Sao Paulo, Brazil, 12" reflector) "It was brighter 
     than Proclus between 2130-2145h. A very tiny cirrus veil 
     present & Censor. appeared less bright & Proc. continued to 
     look normal. Weather worsened at 2215h. (Apollo 10 watch)." 
     NASA catalog weight=2. NASA catalog ID #1144. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-15 UT 03:32-05:15 Ill=59% Mons_Piton observed by Schneller on 1960-11-27

     Piton 1960 Nov 27 ? UT 00:00? Observed by Schneller 
     (Cleveland, OH, USA, 8" Reflector, x53), "Red obscuration 
     concealing peak, @10m2 (if near SR, date is 27th; ancillary 
     data given for 27th -- date not given)." NASA catalog weight=
     3. NASA catalog ID #731. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-15 UT 04:24-05:15 Ill=59% Theophilus observed by Cook_JD on 1978-11-8

     Theophilus 1978 Nov 08 UT 20:49-22:00 Observed by J.D. Cook 
     (Frimley, 12" reflector, 6mm Ortho eyepiece, seeing III-IV) 
     Orange discolouration seen on ESE crater floor. Moon blink 
     tried, but no blink detected. By 21:10 the effect had lessened, 
     but was still orange. By 21:50-21:58 the effect was smaller and 
     perhaps more on the SE of the floor. Colour confirmed by Foley. 
     Fitton may also have been observing. At 22:00 A.C. Cook observed 
     and commented that a darkish, perhaps brown-orange colour seen - 
     but suspected it was probably spurious colour - but by now the 
     seeing was V. J.H. Robinson, whilst doing a Moon Blink sweep of 
     several features, including Theophilus, had not noticed anything 
     unusual 18:50-19:10. By 22:30-22:35UT, he still could not detect 
     a blink, but noticed intermittent darkining on the shaded area 
     on the E. floor, but seeing was now IV. The darkening was more 
     noticeable in blue than red light. BAA Lunar Section 
     observation. 2006 Cameron catalog ID #40 weight=3. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-16 UT 02:34-06:03 Ill=68% Copernicus observed by Burt_G on 2006-6-5 *

     Observer made a drawing over a period of 30 minutes. Upon
     examining drawing, and comparing with photos made under
     similar illumination was struck by the abnormality of a
     a small white blob in the north east corner of the shadowed
     floor. There should be no raised topography between the wall
     and the central peaks that could give rise to this. The making
     of the sketch overlapped with an earlier drawing made by Rony
     de Laet (Belgium) which did not show this blob. Subsequent attempts
     to find sketches/images at very similar illumination angles have
     failed to show the blob in the north east corner of the chadowed
     floor. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-16 UT 02:34-03:27 Ill=68% Tycho observed by Abel_P on 2009-5-3

     On 2009 May 03/10 UT23:20-00:11 P. Abel (Leicester, UK, 20cm reflector, 
     x312, seeing III-IV) observed that the north east wall was slightly 
     brighter than would have been expected, slightly blurred (not seeing 
     related blurring) and had a strong orange-brown colour. No spurious 
     colour seen elsewhere. A change in eyepieces showed the same effect. No 
     luck in alerting other observers. A drawing was made at 23:20UT and 
     finished at 00:12UT. At 23:12UT part of the inner NW floor had a dull 
     brown colour, whereas before it was grey.By 00:11UT the colour effect 
     was fading and by 00:18 seeing condirions were too bad to continue. M. 
     Cook (Mundesley, UK, 9cm Questar telescope, x80, x130, seeing III, 
     transparency moderate to good) had observed Tycho earlier in the 
     evening at 22:15UT, but had seen no signs of colour. W. Leatherbarrow 
     (Sheffield, UK, 8cm scope, high cloud interuptions and bad seeing) had 
     taken monochrome images at UT 20:07 and 20:10, but these showed nothing 
     unusual, and he checked the crater visually at 00:00-00:30, but 
     detected no colour, although the Moon's low altitude contibuted to poor 
     seeing conditions and some spurious colour was seen. CCD images from M. 
     Collins (Palmerston North, New Zealand) taken at 00:46UT showed 
     nocolour apart from spurious colour on contrasty edges, in no way 
     reflecting what was seen early by P. Abel. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-16 UT 04:08-05:21 Ill=68% Birt observed by Capen_CF on 1955-4-2

     Birt 1955 Apr 15 UT 03:20-05:00 Observed by Capen (California 
     Seeing=Excellent) "Small craters between Birt & wall were invis. at 
     times under excellent seeing, while craterlets on w.side were 
     continually obs." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #586.

2024-Jun-16 UT 04:28-05:21 Ill=68% Copernicus observed by LeFranc_B on 1990-4-4

     On 1990 Apr 04 at UT 21:30-21:50 B. LeFranc (France?) reported 
     observing a white flame effect in Copernicus crater (sketch made) - 
     though Foley comments that the actual location was east of the crater. 
     The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=398 and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-17 UT 02:35-04:14 Ill=76% Plato observed by Farrant_M on 1969-5-26

     Plato 1969 May 26 UT 20:30-21:05 Observed by Farrant 
     (Cambridge, England, 8" reflector, x160, S=G) "Had misty 
     portion of SW(ast. ?) floor from 2030-2105h at which time it 
     was gone. Clearly seen, had ill-defined boundaries & was an 
     easy obj. to see. Alt.=33 deg. (Apollo 10 watch)." NASA 
     catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID No. 1148. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-18 UT 02:51-04:48 Ill=84% Aristarchus observed by Simmons on 1966-7-29

     Aristrachus 1966 Jul 29 UT 03:40 Observed by Simmons (Jacksonville, FL, 
     USA, 6" reflector x192, S=7, T=4-5) and Corralitos Observatory (Organ 
     Pass, NM, USA, 24" reflector + Moonblink) "Spot on S.wall vis. only in 
     red filter, brightness 8deg. Slightly brighter than surrounding wall. 
     No confirm. Says it might be part that reflected better. Not confirmed 
     by Corralitos Obs. MB."  NASA catalog ID #968. NASA catalog weight=1 
     (very low).

2024-Jun-18 UT 03:49-05:19 Ill=84% Plato observed by Barker_R on 1938-3-13

     On 1938 Mar 13 at UT 04:00-06:00 Barker (Chestnut, England, UK) noted a 
     slight reddish colour in Plato. However Fox (Newark, UK, 6.5" 
     reflector, x240) saw none on the south east wall, but instead saw a 
     yellowish glow on the southern floor at the same time (confirmation?). 
     Appearently Fox saw the same effect on Apr 10, 11, and May 8-11, then 
     on June 8-10. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=432 and the weight=5. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-19 UT 03:33-04:44 Ill=91% Proclus observed by Bartlett on 1950-7-27

     Proclus 1950 Jul 27 UT 02:56 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, 
     MD, USA) described in the NASA catalog as: "C.p. of Proc. 
     disappeared)" 5" reflector used at x100, NASA catalog weight=4. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-19 UT 03:51-04:44 Ill=91% Aristarchus observed by Greenacre on 1963-10-30

     Aristarchus 1963 Oct 30 UT 01:50-02:15 Observed by Greenacre and 
     Barr (Flagstaff, AZ, USA, 24" Clark Refractor) observed 2 ruby 
     red spots - one just to the SW of the cobra's Head and the other 
     on a highland area east of Vallis Schroteri. A pink colour 
     formed coverting the SW rim of Aristarchus. Effects present with 
     or without Yellow Wratten 15 filer. Similar effects checked for 
     elsewhere on other craters but not seen. So presumed not to have 
     been due to chromatic aberation or astmospheric dispersion. 
     Effecta not seen in 12" refractor, but this may have been a 
     resolution issue. The NASA catalog ID No. is #778. The NASA 
     catalog weight is 5 (highly reliable). ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2024-Jun-19 UT 04:13-04:44 Ill=91% Oceanus_Procellarum observed by Wildey on 1962-12-9

     In 1962 Dec 09 at UT 07:36 Wildey and Pohn (Mt Wilson, CA, USA, 60" 
     reflector) observed that Oceanus Procellarum was 1.13 magnitudes 
     brighter than normal. Observation at sunrise and is abnormal if area 
     measured was mare. If it were an east facing wall it would be normal. 
     The Cameron 1978 catalog weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-19 UT 04:19-04:44 Ill=91% Aristarchus observed by Wildey on 1962-12-9

     In 1962 Dec 09 at UT 07:42 Wildey and Pohn (Mt Wilson, CA, USA, 60" 
     reflector) observed that Aristarchus was 0.80 magnitudes (x2) fainter 
     than average for this age (photometric measurement) Vmag=3.80, average=
     3.0. The Cameron 1978 catalog weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-19 UT 04:20-04:44 Ill=91% Herodotus observed by Bartlett on 1950-7-27

     Herodotus 1950 Jul 27 UT 03:56 Observed by Bartlett 
     (Baltimore, MD, USA) described in the NASA catalog as: "Pseudo 
     c.p. in Herod. Drawings. (Similar to NASA catalog event #523)" 
     5" reflector used at x100, NASA catalog weight=4. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-19 UT 04:25-04:44 Ill=91% Langrenus observed by Moore_P on 1992-2-16

     On 1992 Feb 16 at UT 01:05-01:35 P. Moore (Selsey, UK, 12.5" 
     reflector, seeing=III) found the north rim area to be both very 
     bright and misty - though he did not think it to be a TLP but 
     wanted it to be recorded, just in case. The Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=440 and the weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-19 UT 06:28-07:51 Ill=91% Plato observed by Hobdell on 1981-10-11 *

     On 1981 Oct 11 at UT 00:05-02:00 B.Hobdell (St Petersberg, FL, USA, 4" 
     refractor, S=3 and T=5) observed a brightening on the floor of Plato. 4 
     bright spots appeared and vanished and there was a fith one in the 
     centre that was very bright at times. At UT 00:14 the central spot 
     became bright then was "followed by a haze permeating entire floor, 
     heaviest in the northern quadrant. Came from 2 S peaks or white spots, 
     shaped like a boomerang extending to presumed c.p. (c.c ?). White 
     flashed at 0052 from it cloud changed shape - spread N. At 0136 
     brightening from c.c. area 0419 dissipated. All white spots seen at 
     0200. Its outer flanks seen clearly the whole time". The above is 
     quoted from the Cameron 2006 catalog ID=155 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-20 UT 06:19-08:18 Ill=96% Mons_Pico observed by Chapman_BW on 1981-10-12 *

     On 1981 Oct 12 at UT 00:00?(?) B.W. Chapman (12cm refractor, 
     Seeing II, transparency poor, Kingston-Upon-Thames, UK) found 
     that Mons Pico was brighter in red light than in blue. 
     Aristarchus for comparison was the same brightness in both 
     filters. ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Jun-21 UT 03:00-03:17 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Moore_P on 1983-10-20 *

     On 1983 Oct 20 at UT23:40 P. Moore (Selsey, UK) observed that 
     Aristarchus was brighter than normal (as measured with a CED) and much 
     more so that Censorinus, Menelaus, and Proclus craters (in turn). 
     Cameron comments that Moore is a very experienced observer. The 
     Cameron 2006 catalog ID=231 and the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jun-22 UT 07:55-09:40 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1964-9-22 *

     Aristarchus 1964 Sep 22 UT 02:54-03:03 Observed by Bartlett 
     (Baltimore, MD, USA, 4" refractor x240, S=5, T=5) "Bright blue-
     viol. gl. on NE rim & EWBS; dark viol. nimbus; S. floor 8deg br. 
     rest of crater 7 deg. Red-brown, changed to coppery, to yellow-
     brown (Gilheany, et al. examined crater later, but did not 
     detect any color in MOON BLINK, so red-brown must have 
     disappeared." NASA catalog ID #851, NASA catalog weight=4. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-22 UT 08:26-09:53 Ill=100% Kunowsky observed by Gilheany on 1964-9-22 *

     Kunowsky 1964 Sep 22 UT 03:25-04:30 Observed by Gilheany, Hall, and 
     Johnson (Port Tobacco, MD, USA, 16" reflector, Seeing=good) "Red area 
     detected by Trident's MOON BLINK (MB) device, (Aris. normal)." NASA 
     catalog weight= 5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #852.

2024-Jun-25 UT 06:01-07:28 Ill=87% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1966-8-5 *

     Aristarchus 1966 Aug 05 UT 05:22-05:38 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, 
     MD, USA, 4" reflector x93, x125, x281, S=4, T=5), "S. part of floor was 
     granulated & est. at 6 deg bright; faint yellow-brownish tint. Rest of 
     crater 8 deg bright white."NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog 
     ID 963.

2024-Jun-25 UT 08:28-08:45 Ill=87% Alphonsus observed by Wilkins_HP on 1958-11-29

     Alphonsus 1958 Nov 29 UTC 22:00? Observed by Wilkins (Kent, UK, 
     15" reflector) "Near site of Kozyrev's outbreak saw a circular 
     patch, black pit center, & red, round masses all around it." 
     NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #708.ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-25 UT 09:53-10:56 Ill=86% Mouchez observed by Steed_W on 1980-9-28

     On 1980 Sep 28 at UT05:00-07:00 W. Steed (Ocean City, MD, USA, 3" 
     refractor, x45 and x220) detected a "tower-like" feature on the east 
     rim of Mouchez crater, and appeared about 2-3x higher than other 
     mountains nearby. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=112 and the weight=1. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jun-26 UT 08:17-08:57 Ill=78% Gassendi observed by daSilva on 1971-6-13

     Gassendi 1971 Jun 13 UT 07:22-08:05 Observed by Raimundo Nonato 
     da Silva (Parnaiba, Brazil, 9.5" reflector, x180) "At 0755h 
     variation on W.(IAU?) edge of crater "brightness seemed to 
     become a little darker" as it was gugacious (foggy?), Was not 
     sure it was a LTP. Other features & it were normal from 0658-
     0755h". NASA catalog weight=1. NASA catalog ID 1295. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-26 UT 08:17-08:50 Ill=78% Aristarchus observed by Pedler_J on 1978-11-19

     Aristarchus 1978 Nov 19 UT 22:40-23:05 Observed by Pedler 
     (UK, 12.5" reflector, x200, seeing fair) Blue colour seen and 
     could not focus on this part, where as other craters were 
     nice and sharp in this filter. Aristarchus darker in red 
     light. all other craters were normal in red. Attempts to 
     change the eyepiece did not make any difference to the blue 
     colour. Cameron 2005 catalog ID=43 and weight=4.
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-26 UT 10:23-10:56 Ill=77% Mons_Piton observed by Louderback_D on 1979-11-9

     On 1979 Nov 09 at 10:30-11:05UT D. Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA, S=
     4-2/10, T=P) detected a rapid fade in brightness of south and north 
     sunlit slopes of Mons Piton. Then the western flank faded and became 
     obscured in detail. The variations detected were approximately 5 sec in 
     duration, where as seeing effects were of the order of 15 sec. Mons 
     Pico and other mountains did not show a similar effect. "It was seen 
     only in viol. filter tho once seemed blurred in red. No changes, 
     dimming was like a veil of mist covering the mtn - swiftly, then 
     dissipating as rapidly. Sketch. Phenomenon went on & off till 11:00UT. 
     Cloud was cir. In viol & spreadover mtn in 2s. Saw 6 rapid, spinning 
     motions within the cloud like an explosion or tornado seen from above. 
     Blurring in red was more elongated. Motion across it was like a heat 
     wave. Whole event lasted ~35m but disappeared in a few secs. Albedos 
     7.4 cp, 7.5 pt A, 7 pt B." Cameron 2005 catalog ID=75 and weight=4. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jun-27 UT 08:19-08:27 Ill=68% Vallis_Schroteri observed by Pickering_WH on 1891-9-23

     On 1891 Sep 23 at UT 22:00 Pickering, based at Arequipa, Peru, and 
     using a 12" reflector, saw in Schroter's Valley and the vicinity 
     "Varitions in vapor column. Drawings. Time estimated from given 
     colongitude)." Cameron 1978 catalog ID=272 and weight=1. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jun-27 UT 08:19-10:12 Ill=68% Promontorium_Heraclides observed by Doherty_EG on 1948-7-27

     Heraclides Point 1948 Jul 27 UT 02:00? Observed by Doherty (Stoke-on-
     Trent, England, 3" refractor? or 6" reflector or 10" reflector) 
     "Strangeley blurred & misty; La Place Prom was perfectly sharp." 
     NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #507.

2024-Jun-28 UT 08:51-10:14 Ill=56% Earthshine: June Bootids: ZHR=0-100 vel=18km/s

2024-Jun-29 UT 08:42-10:14 Ill=44% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Jun-29 UT 10:15-10:58 Ill=44% Tycho observed by Sandel_J on 1996-2-12

     On 1996 Feb 12 at UT 07:30-08:27 J.Sandel (Caycee, SC, USA) 
     noted a contrast effect inside Tycho at sunset. At 07:30UT there 
     was a slight, but definite illumination of small areas of the 
     crater floor west of the central; peak. Also seen by T. Ferrel 
     (Lawrenceville, GA, USA, SCT C8). This was oval in shape and 
     gray in colour - Ferrel noted some diffuseness. It brightened 
     over 30 minutes. At 08:11UT a definite brightness fade noted in 
     Tycho's central peak. The crater floor had increased 
     illumination of entire crater floor. ALPO/BAA weight=3. 

2024-Jun-30 UT 09:02-10:15 Ill=33% Earthshine: sporadic meteors