TLP Repeat Illumination/Libration and Earthshine predictions for: USA AS Pago_Pago

Ill is percentage illumination of the Moon
*Indicates a repeat illumination and libration event to within +/- 1 deg for both
A non-* indicates just repeat illumination to within +/-0.5 deg

2025-Mar-02 UT 05:28-05:36 Ill=6% Aristarchus observed by Bornhurst on 1965-11-26

     On 1965 Nov 26 at UT 01:37-02:06 Bornhurst (Monterey Park, 10" 
     reflector, S=VG, T=E) and (Harris et al. Witier, CA, USA, 19" 
     reflector) observed Aristarchus to undergo a brightening in Ashen 
     light. Photographs were taken. Others saw the effect visually at the 
     same time. Harris et al. saw flashes on the south rim. Cameron says 
     independent confirmation? The cameron 1978 catalog ID=915 and the 
     weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-02 UT 05:53-06:07 Ill=7% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2025-Mar-03 UT 05:28-05:59 Ill=14% Aristarchus observed by Cook_MC on 1983-5-15

     On 1983 May 15 at UT21:30-22:30 M.C. Cook and J.D. Cook (Frimley, UK) 
     could clearly see Aristarchus in Earthshine, whereas earlier that night 
     P.W. Foley (Kent, UK) could not see the crater although other features 
     were cisible. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=215 and the weight=2. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-03 UT 05:28-06:17 Ill=14% Grimaldi observed by Darling_D on 1991-12-9

     On 1991 Dec 09 at UT 22:50 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 3" 
     refractor, x36) witnessed a flash in Grimaldi crater. Cameron comments 
     that others had seen a flash there earlier, and there was a meteor 
     swarm. Fritschel (madison, WI, USA, naked eye observing) detected 3 
     flashes in Grimaldi and also at the western limb of the Moon. D. Weier 
     (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 3" refractor, x36) was also observing. The 
     Cameron 2006 catalog ID=436 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-03 UT 05:34-07:02 Ill=14% Grimaldi observed by Darling_D on 1991-12-9

     On 1991 Dec 09/10 at UT 23:53-00:12 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 
     3" refractor, x36) witnessed a flash in Grimaldi crater. Cameron 
     comments that others had seen a flash there earlier, and there was a 
     meteor swarm. Fritschel (madison, WI, USA, naked eye observing) 
     detected 3 flashes in Grimaldi and also at the western limb of the 
     Moon. D. Weier (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 3"refractor, x36) was also 
     observing. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=436 and the weight=5. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-03 UT 06:06-07:02 Ill=14% Earthshine observed by Heath_AW on 2010-12-9

     On 2010 Dec 09 at UT 17:00 A. Heath (Long Eaton, UK) whilst 
     observing the Earthsine with 10x50 binoucluars, noticed some 
     coloured bands on the night side. The NW sector of Eartshine, 
     closest the limb was a normal dull brown, there was a whitish 
     fringe on this going from the N to the SE, followed by a thicker 
     bluish fringe. The rest of the Earthshine beyond, until reaching 
     the illuminated crescent was black. The two coloured fringes 
     curved slightly. Local temperature 38F and some broken cloud 
     present. Thickening cloud prevented further observations. The 
     observer suspects that it could have been caused by the weather 
     conditions, but could also have been due to a cataract starting 
     to form in his observing eye. This is unlikely to be a TLP due 
     to the above observer suggested reasons, and anyway it would 
     have to have been an unbelievably large phenomena to cover such 
     a large part of the Moon. However it is worth checking to see if 
     anybody else was observing at the time. ALPO/BAA weight=0.

2025-Mar-03 UT 05:53-07:04 Ill=14% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2025-Mar-04 UT 05:29-06:33 Ill=23% W_Limb observed by Moseley_R on 1983-5-16

     W.limb 1983 May 16 UT 22:00-23:00 R.Moseley (Coventry,UK, 6" 
     reflector, x60) observed a faint but extensive brightening of 
     the W.limb, perhaps a little stronger at PA=80-90 deg. No other 
     features seen in Earthshine although Aristarchus suspected.
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-04 UT 05:53-08:02 Ill=24% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2025-Mar-05 UT 05:29-05:34 Ill=34% Hubble observed by Madej_P on 1984-11-28

     On 1984 Nov 28 at UT 17:30-18:05 P. Madej (Huddersfield, UK) found that 
     the crater Hubble had a cream white oval patch for short while that was 
     2x brighter than it's surroundsings. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=254 
     and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2. 

2025-Mar-05 UT 05:31-07:05 Ill=34% Daniell observed by Madej_P on 1979-4-2

     Daniell 1979 Apr 02 UT 21:45-22:14 Obseved by Madej (Huddersfield, UK, 
     158mm reflector, f/4.2, x36-110, seeing II-III) "Obscuration seen" BAA 
     Lunar Section Report. Cameron says that this was a bright white cloud 
     that covered three quarters of the crater. A yellow filter was used at 
     21:48, but the cloud was still white, albeit thinner (at x110). By 
     22:14UT the TLP was barely visible and again no colour seen. Buczynski 
     (Lancaster, UK, seeing = poor) saw spurious colour. Later (22:31-
     22:46UT?) Mellor obtained some photos, but these revealed no colour.
     The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=48 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-05 UT 05:43-06:46 Ill=34% Aristarchus observed by Foley_PW on 1983-5-17

     On 1983 May 17 Foley (Kent, UK, 12" reflector)observed 
     Aristarchus at 22:10 and noted that it had the same rose-violet colour 
     as had been seen by him a day earlier. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=220 
     and the weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-05 UT 05:58-07:32 Ill=34% Aristarchus observed by Amery_GW on 1983-1-19

     On 1983 Jan 19 at UT 18:00-19:00 G. Amery (Reading, UK) discovered that 
     Aristarchus could not be seen in Earthshine, this was odd because less 
     prominent features could be seen. Other observers (Moore and Foley) 
     confirmed the very low brightness of the crater. The Cameron 2006 
     catalog ID=197 and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-05 UT 05:58-07:32 Ill=34% Messier observed by Amery_GW on 1983-1-19

     On 1983 Jan 19 at UT 18:00-19:00 G.W. Amery (Reading, UK) found that 
     Messier was difficult to define. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=197 and 
     the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-05 UT 06:12-07:20 Ill=34% Archimedes observed by Brosio_A on 2005-4-14

     In 2005Apr14 at UT18:32.5 +/-2.5 min A.Brosio (Rosarno (Reggio 
     Calabria, Italy, Latitude: 38d 29' N, Longitude: 15d 58'E, 152mm 
     reflector, x75) observed a small square form in Earthshine near 
     Archimedes. This is a UAI observation.

2025-Mar-05 UT 07:10-08:59 Ill=34% Theophilus observed by Firsoff on 1955-6-25

     Theophilus 1955 Jun 25 UTC 20:30 Observed by Firsoff (Somerset, UK, 
     6.5" reflector, x240) "Blue mist. Both c.p. & ENE (IAU?) ridge appear 
     misty, slightly blueish & milky -- renders effect perfectly. Absent 
     next nite". NASA catalog weight= 4 (high). NASA catalog ID #596.

2025-Mar-05 UT 08:34-09:00 Ill=35% Proclus observed by Cook_MC on 1983-1-19

     Proclus 1983 Jan 19 UT 20:36-21:00 Observed by Cook (Frimley, UK, 
     Seeing III, Transparency, Moderate) "Colouration seen". BAA Lunar 
     Section Report. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-05 UT 08:51-09:00 Ill=35% S_Pole observed by Wilkins_HP on 1948-4-14

     Leibnitz Mountains 1948 Apr 14 UT 20:00? Observed by Wilkins 
     (Kent, England, 12.5" reflector) " S.cusp prolonged -- detached 
     peaks -- starlike pts. connected by fine filaments brighter than 
     earthshine. (Barcroft, Haas, Vaughan, Moore & Firsoff also have 
     seen similar phenom.)(just sunlight catching high peaks?)." NASA 
     catalog weight=2. NASA catalog ID #502. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-05 UT 05:54-09:02 Ill=35% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2025-Mar-06 UT 06:17-08:02 Ill=45% Menelaus observed by Darnella on 1968-4-4

     1968 Apr 04 UT 18:45-19:20 Observed by Darnella (Copenhagen, 
     Denmark, 6" refractor, x183) "Small area just E(ast.) of 
     Menelaus was seen with a reddish color which gradually faded. 
     Area was as large as Menelaus & had just come into sunlight. The 
     dome just W.(IAU) of Menelaus?)." NASA catalog weight=3. NASA 
     catalog ID #1065. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-06 UT 06:35-09:29 Ill=45% Mare_Nectaris observed by Gaudibert_CM on 1880-1-18 *

     Mare Nectaris 1880 Jan 18 UT 20:00? Observed by Gaudibert (France?, 
     seeing poor) "Whole of sea was foggy. Fog extended into Fracastorius. 
     Gruithuissen said seeing was unsatisfactory" NASA catalog weight=0 
     (very unreliable). NASA catalog ID #216. ALPO/BAA catalog weight=1.

2025-Mar-06 UT 06:38-08:29 Ill=45% Aristarchus observed by North_G on 2000-2-11

     On 2000 Feb 11 at UT19:00 G. North (Norfolk, UK) telephoned TLP 
     coordinator, Patrick Moore, to report a possible colour anomaly in 
     Aristarchus. Moore had poor conditions in Selsey (UK) and saw nothing 
     unusual. However by this time North was reporting that, the colour was 
     fading. Two other BAA members were alerted, but were clouded out. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3. 

2025-Mar-06 UT 08:06-09:47 Ill=46% Mare_Crisium observed by Webb_TW on 1832-7-4

     Webb (England, using a fluid achromat) saw brilliant minute spots and 
     streaks in Mare Crisium dotting its surface. This was seen near first 
     quarter. Cameron states that Schroter, Betr?, Madler, Slack and Ingall 
     had all seen it this way at times. Cameron 1978 catalog iD=111 and 
     weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-06 UT 08:49-10:00 Ill=46% Aristarchus observed by Madej_P on 1985-4-26

     Aristarchus appeared to glow in Earthshine with a faint 
     green luminescence that moved from side to side. A bright
     blue central spot was also seen. The green colour was detected
     in two seperate eyepieces.  Observation made from England.
     Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=266 and weight=2. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-06 UT 08:54-10:00 Ill=46% Plato observed by Thornton_FH on 1948-4-15

     Plato 1948 Apr 15 UT 20:00? Observed by Thorton (Northwitch, England, 
     9" reflector) "Brilliant orange-yellow flash 1 km inside E. rim  
     (similar to earlier #500 LTP flash in the dark)" NASA catalog weight=3 
     (average). NASA catalog ID #504.

2025-Mar-06 UT 05:54-10:02 Ill=46% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2025-Mar-07 UT 06:52-08:37 Ill=57% Proclus observed by Stolzen on 1972-1-23

     Proclus 1972 Jan 23 UT 15:20-16:50 observed by Stolzen (51.17N, 9.25E, 
     50mm refractor, T=2, S=2) "Pure bright white point within crater" - 
     Hilbrecht and Kuveler, Earth, Moon & Planets, 30 (1984), p53-61

2025-Mar-07 UT 07:44-08:44 Ill=57% Mons_Piton observed by Marshall_KP on 1983-5-20

     On 1983 May 20 at UT00:00-03:00 K. Marshall (Medellin, Columbia) 
     noted that Mons Piton was too bright near the terminator and was 
     surrounded by shadow. A sketch was made. The mountain appeared 
     segmented with one thin shadow line. The mountain looked like a 
     Mexican Sombrero hat. This appearance is normal. What was 
     abnormal was that Piton was brighter than Proclus, and only 
     slightly fainter than Censorinus. The CED brightness 
     measurements were normal Piton=3.6, Proclus=3.5 and Censorinus=
     3.7. Please check to see whether this is still the case. The 
     cameron 2006 catalog ID=221 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-07 UT 08:26-10:11 Ill=57% Cassini observed by Radford_P on 1972-1-23

     Cassini 1972 Jan 23 UT 16:55-17:15 P.Radford (Harlow, UK, 11.5cm 
     reflector) saw a large red flash followed by several weaker red 
     flashes, situated on the 32,335 foot spot elevation just above 
     the Cassini area. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-07 UT 09:10-11:01 Ill=57% Eudoxus observed by Trouvelot on 1877-2-20

     "Eudoxus" 1877 Feb 20 UTC 21:30-22:30 Observed by Trouvelot 
     (Meudon, France, 13" refractor?) "Fine line of light like a 
     luminous cable, drawn W. to E. across crater". NASA catalog 
     weight=1. NASA catalog ID #185. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-07 UT 10:20-11:01 Ill=58% Proclus observed by Cook_MC on 1993-5-28

     On 1993 May 28 at UT 21:02-21:30 M.C. Cook (Frimley, UK, 3.3" Questar 
     telescope, x80-x130, atmosphere hazey - poor transparency) noticed that 
     the east side rims were slightly fuzzy and suspects that this might 
     have been due to the illumination angle. A.C. Cook (Frimley, UK) 
     obtained some CCD images that revealed that the effect was to some 
     extent still there one hour later. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=461 and 
     the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-07 UT 10:53-11:01 Ill=58% Aristarchus observed by Mobberley_M on 1985-4-27

     Mobberley and Foley note that Aristarchus was very
     prominent in Earhshine. Little other detail seen
     in Earthshine other than the limb. The Cameron
     2006 extension catalog then says: "Confirm moving 
     side to side. Saw bright blue spot in center" however 
     it is unclear whether this refers to Aristarchus,
     or Torricelli-B - the latter was also undergoing a TLP
     at this time. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=267
     and weight=5 (confirmed?). 

2025-Mar-07 UT 10:53-11:01 Ill=58% W_Limb observed by Mobberley_M on 1985-4-27

     On 1985 Apr 27 UT 22:00 M. Mobberley (Suffolk, UK) could not see much 
     detail in Earthshine (apart from Aristarchus), except that there was a 
     brightness on the western limb of the Moon. The Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=267 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-08 UT 05:38-07:29 Ill=67% Unknown observed by Evrard on 1965-12-2

     At 03:00UT(?) Evrard et al from the western US(?) saw somewhere
     a reddish glow, followed by black obscuration. The date in the 
     Middlehurst catalog is 18/1/65, but there may have been a descrepency
     between local time date and UT date? Cameron 1978 catalog TLP No=916
     and weight=3.

2025-Mar-08 UT 06:05-08:02 Ill=67% Autolycus observed by Unknown_British_Observers on 1984-12-1

     On 1984 Dec 01 at UT 20:00 a British Astronomical Association Lunar 
     Section member (Southam, Warwickshire, UK) found no detail on the floor 
     of Autolycus, despite there being plenty of detail on the floor of 
     Aristillus crater. According to Foley, there should be some detail at 
     this stage of illumination. Grego reports that the observation was from 
     a Society for Popular Astronomy member and they described "a 
     homogeneous grey veil over the 20 km floor of the crater". The 
     Cameron 2006 catalog ID=255 and the weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-08 UT 06:24-07:44 Ill=67% Plato observed by Herring_AK on 1965-6-8

     A dome-like feature, sketched by Herring and confirmed in a photograph
     by Larson. This had not been seen before by Herring in hundreds of
     hours of observing. No other reports of this. The photograph was taken 
     at 02:50h. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=878 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-08 UT 06:51-10:45 Ill=67% Sinus_Aestuum observed by Petek on 1982-6-30 *

     On 1982 Jun 30 at UT 02:05-02:15 Marco Petek (Porto Alegre, 
     Brazil) found that the region between Eratosthenes and Bode 
     (7W, 13N) looked like it had a darkening (cloud?) that had 
     even darker points inside. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=172 
     and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-08 UT 08:06-09:52 Ill=67% Alphonsus observed by Wise on 1968-4-6

     Alphonsus 1968 Apr 06 UTC 20:30-21:15 Observed by Wise (Slough, 
     England, 17" reflector x190, x350, S=E" Suspected glow inside W.(ast?) 
     wall at 2038" NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1066.

2025-Mar-08 UT 08:06-09:52 Ill=67% Plato observed by Wise on 1968-4-6

     Plato 1968 Apr 06 UTC 20:30-21:15 Observed by Wise (Slough, England, 
     17" reflector x190, x350, S=E" Dark patches in Plato were prominent" 
     NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1066.

2025-Mar-08 UT 08:06-09:52 Ill=67% Rupes_Recta observed by Wise on 1968-4-6

     Straight Wall 1968 Apr 06 UTC 20:30-21:15 Observed by Wise (Slough, 
     England), 17" reflector x190, x350, S=E "A shadow from N. end of 
     Straight Wall going toward Birt. Drawing". NASA Catalalog weight=1 
     (very low). NASA catalog ID #1066.

2025-Mar-08 UT 08:44-10:42 Ill=68% Tycho observed by Barker_R on 1931-3-27

     On 1931 Mar 27 R.Barker (observing from Cheshunt, UK, 12.5" reflector) 
     found that the central mountain in the brilliant ray crater Tycho was a 
     curious shade of grey. This was despite the interior of Tycho being 
     fully in shadow. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=400 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-08 UT 08:49-10:46 Ill=68% Tycho observed by Spellman_R on 2003-5-10

     Tycho 2003 May 10 UTC 03:15 Observer Robert Spellman (Los Angeles, USA) 
     - "CCD video of spur-like features coming off N & S edges of central 
     peak - spurs pointed eastwards". It is now thought that this effect is 
     almost certainly seeing flare as it is visible on other features in the 
     image, although to a much lesser extent. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-08 UT 10:53-12:00 Ill=68% Proclus observed by Westmoreland_S on 1972-7-19

     Proclus 1972 Jul 19 UT 21:24-21:30 observed by S.Westmoorland 
     (Cropwell-Bishop, UK, 15cm reflector, x48 & x96, image dull 
     but steady) observed a brilliant spot in the NE (IAU?) wall 
     which lasted for about 90 seconds. After fading it was 
     replaced by pulsations for a further 2 minutes. Clouds 
     prevented further observations. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-08 UT 11:40-12:00 Ill=69% Tycho observed by Spellman_R on 1996-4-27

     1996 Apr 27 UTC 02:26-03:14 Observed by Spellman (Los Angeles, CA, USA)
     " 02:26 U.T. Sunrise on Tycho 3/4 of the crater was in shadow, 
     topmost section of the central peak was in sunlight. In white light 
     brightness of the central peak rivaled the brightness of the Eastern
     (sunlit) wall. No change was detected in red light, however in blue 
     light definite strong darkening was observed. Blink obtained when 
     viewing thru 25A and 38 filters. At 2:52 U.T. in the poor to fair 
     seeing the apparent size of the central peak in white and red light was 
     the same, in blue light the central peak in white and red light was the 
     same, in blue light the central peak size shrank to 1/2 white and red 
     size (and brightness). Also appearing sharper. Comparison was made also 
     with the central peak of Alphonsus, no changes were observed. The 
     significant part of the observation was the relative brightness of the 
     central peak to the sunlit rim in white and red light, they appeared 
     almost identical with the crater rim, being just slightly brighter. In 
     blue light the brightness of the central peak was reduced by at least 
     half while the rim brightness was not, (relative to one another). I 
     strongly believe that this was a real event. The shadow filled 
     portion of Tycho was examined for any abnormalities but none 
     were observed. Observations were ended shortly after 3:14 U.T. due to 
     clouds. I also conducted about 20 Moon blink observations during this 
     observing run and got the same strong reaction each time." ALPO/BAA

2025-Mar-08 UT 11:42-12:00 Ill=69% Alphonsus observed by Brook_C on 2001-6-29

     On 2001 Jun 29 at UT22:16-22:22 C. Brook (Plymouth, UK, 60mm refractor, 
     x120, no spurious colour seen, seeing I) observed that the central 
     peaks of Alphonsus looked bright at 22:16UT but had dimmed by 22:22UT. 
     The three dark patches on the floor of Alphonsus were clearly seen. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-08 UT 11:42-12:00 Ill=69% Arzachel observed by Brook_C on 2001-6-29

     On 2001 Jun 29 at UT 22:16-22:20 C. Brook (Plymouth, UK, seeing 
     conditions very good, x120) reported that the central peak of Alphonsus 
     was brighter than the central peak of Arzachel (or was it the other way 
     around?). Cook observed 4 hours later from Washington DC, USA and found 
     that on CCD images that the central peak of Alphonsus was only slightly 
     less than that of Arzachel. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-09 UT 05:29-05:50 Ill=77% Alphonsus observed by Smith_S on 1966-4-29

     Alphonsus 1966 Apr 20 UT 22:28 Observed by Smith (Nottingham, 
     England, 10" reflector) Reddish patch possibly detected on SE 
     flank of central peaks, but more dubious than that from 28th 
     Apr. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-09 UT 05:29-05:39 Ill=77% Mons_Pico observed by Mobberley_M on 1987-3-9

     On 1987 Mar 09 at UT20:00 M. Mobberley (Sussex, UK) obtained some video 
     of Mons Pico - apparently these show the mountain with a puzzling 
     appearance (not sure whether it was the observer who claimed this or 
     some one who analyzed the tape). The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=300 and 
     the weight=5. ALPO/BAA=1. 

2025-Mar-09 UT 06:59-08:54 Ill=77% Curtis observed by Ingall on 1864-5-15

     1864 May 15-16 UT 23:00-01:00? East of Picard (probably Curtis
     Observed by Ingall (Camberwell, England?) "Remarkable bright 
     spot" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #134. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-09 UT 08:45-12:22 Ill=77% Mons_Piton observed by Moore_P on 1958-9-23 *

     Piton 1958 Sep 23 UT 00:00? Observed by Moore? (UK?) "Enveloped 
     in an obscuring cloud-like mist" NASA catalog ID 697. NASA 
     catalog weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-09 UT 10:21-10:41 Ill=78% Swift observed by Wilkins_HP on 1927-12-3

     Peirce A 1927 Dec 03 UT 22:00 Observed by Wilkins (England, 15" 
     reflector) "Invisible (date in MBM) is wrong, would be only 6h before 
     NM. Sunrise on crater is at 3d & ? h. No interposition of dates works 
     e.g. 13th or 1926 or Dec 26 1923. Only Dec 3 1927 is feasible as it 
     would be just after 1st Q. & more similar to the May obs.)" NASA 
     catalog weight=4? NASA catalog ID #396. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-09 UT 11:49-12:56 Ill=78% Plato observed by Bartlett on 1968-10-1

     On 1968 Oct 01 at UT 21:00? Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA) and Beck 
     (Ohio, USA, x437) observed  lack of detail on the floor of Plato, 
     however the wall of the crater was easily resolved. Cameron says that 
     this was an independent confirmation. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1092 
     and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3. 

2025-Mar-10 UT 05:29-06:51 Ill=85% Sinus_Iridum observed by Brook_C on 1996-4-28

     Sinus Iridum 1996 Apr 28 UT 20:00 Observed by Brook (Plymouth, 
     UK, 60mm refractor, x112, seeing III, slight breeze, twilight) 
     "dark shaded area on floor ~1/4 diameter of Sinus Iridum on 
     western interior by rim" BAA Lunar Section Observation. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-10 UT 06:57-08:54 Ill=85% Ross_D observed by Cross on 1965-12-4

     Ross D 1965 Dec 04 UT 04:25 Observed by Cross (Whittier, CA, USA, 
     19" reflector, x155, seeing 4+) "Obscuration of part of the rim, 
     also bright area 7-10km diam. Not seen on following nite." NASA 
     catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #917. ALPO/BAA weight=3

2025-Mar-10 UT 09:16-11:05 Ill=85% Mare_Humorum observed by MacFarline on 1959-4-19

     W. of Mare Humorum (50W, 25S) UTC 00:00? Observed by Mac Farline 
     (England?) "Bright Point" NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID 

2025-Mar-10 UT 09:51-11:35 Ill=86% Plato observed by Watkins_E on 1972-1-26

     Plato and Plato A 1972 Jan 26 UT 18:25-18:55 Observed by Watkons and 
     Hunt (England, 4.5" reflector x150, x225, and a 2.75" refractor) "Misty 
     patch over A, & a misty brightness over SW wall of Plato. Hunt saw 
     nothing unusual." NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #1321.

2025-Mar-10 UT 10:22-11:08 Ill=86% Tycho observed by Robinson_JH on 1980-8-21

     On 1980 Aug 21 at UT20:00 J.H. Robinson (Teighmouth, Devon, UK) 
     detected colour, using a Moon Blink device, and "mistiness" on the 
     southern floor of Tycho crater. The seeing was poor! Cameron 2006 
     catalog ID=104 and weight=1. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-11 UT 05:49-06:41 Ill=91% Aristarchus observed by Darling_D on 1989-9-12

     On 1989 Sep 12 at UT00:58-02:25 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 12.5" 
     reflector, x159, S=7/10) observed similar light conditions to 1989 Jul 
     15. At 02:00 he observed pink on the south west wall of Aristarchus 
     crater. At 01:24UT the Aristarchus ray was yellowish, however the 
     entire Moon had a grey-yellow tinge of colour. Chromatic aberation was 
     observed at 01:56UT. By comparison Gassendi was checked and had no 
     colour. At 02:10 the crater wall of Aristarchus was unusual and was 
     quite different in appearance to rims of other craters. The cameron 
     2006 catalog ID=375 and the weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2025-Mar-11 UT 06:02-07:15 Ill=92% Gassendi observed by Albert_J on 2023-5-2

     Gassendi. 2023 May 02 UT 01:35-02:23. J. Albert (Lake Worth, 
     FL, USA - ALPO. 8” SCT via a 9mm ortho eyepiece. Transparency 
     magnitude 3 and seeing was 7/10) checked the crater without 
     filters as well as comparing with W25 red and W44A blue 
     filters using 226x. He saw no color on the SW part of the 
     crater floor or on the NW wall.  Using the filters, however, 
     he did note that the high peak on the S wall was brighter in 
     blue than red.  He tried this filter blink a number of times 
     because he had never seen this before in Gassendi, but the 
     result was the same each time. A colour image was taken 
     earlier at 01:21UT but shows not colour on S wall as it was 
     saturated. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-11 UT 08:23-09:45 Ill=92% Plato observed by Pratt_H on 1873-11-1

     Plato 1873 Nov 01 UTC 20:00? Observed by Pratt (England?) "Unusual 
     Appearance". NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #182.
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-11 UT 09:06-09:46 Ill=92% Aristarchus observed by Neville on 1971-9-1

     Aristarchus 1971 Sep 01 UT 20:45-21:05 Observed by Neville, 
     Cunnington (Nottingham, UK, 4" refractor x180, altitude, low) 
     "Saw a bright glow, especially in E. wall (Confirm. but not 
     indep.?)" NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #1310. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-11 UT 09:10-11:27 Ill=92% Deslandres observed by Penzel_E on 1965-5-12 *

     Deslandre - 1965 May 12 at UT 19:10 E. Penzel 
     (Rodewisch, East Germany) was taking a sequence of images 
     during the impact of the Soviet Lunik 5 (upper stage of the 
     carier rocket?). He  detected a tens of km scale elongated 
     cloud after the impact over a duration of 9.5 minutes. This 
     was near to Deslandre crater. However there are differences 
     between the images elsewhere on the Moon, possibly due to 
     different exposures or some other effects and it is not 100% 
     sure that what he detected was impact debris/cloud?. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-11 UT 09:14-10:20 Ill=92% Gassendi observed by Foley_PW on 1976-11-3

     On 1976 Nov 03 at UT20:00-21:40 P.W. Foley (Kent, UK) reported a TLP in 
     Gassendi - some obsevers detected colour, others did not. P. Moore did 
     not notice anything unsual earlier at 18:50-19:00, though his seeing 
     was IV-V. Nor did he see anything unsual from 21:53-00:20, but seeing 
     was still IV-V. D. Jewitt, observing 20:34-21:25 and 22:55-23:20 also 
     reported nothing unusual. Amery (Reading, UK, 25cm reflector, x300) did 
     however notice a small reddish spot to west of central ridge, but by 
     20:30UT the colour was less obvious, but the spot was back again at 
     20:45, but not easily seen at 21:00 and gone completely by 21:45UT.  
     N.Bryant (Ilfracombe, UK, 25.4cm reflector, x260), observed 3 red 
     patches on the floor between 20:54 and 21:31UT. A BAA Lunar Section 
     report. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-11 UT 10:15-12:06 Ill=92% Gassendi observed by Rawlings_G on 1968-10-3

     Gassendi 1968 Oct 03/04 UT 19:30-19:50 & 00:20-01:40 Observed 
     by Rawlings (Aylesbury, UK, 6" reflector low magnification) 
     and by Moore (Selsey, Sussex, UK, 12.5" reflector, x360) 
     "Slight blink (Eng.) arcuate in shape, N. of c.p. (Rawlings 
     dubious). Moore, with blink device saw none at 0020-0140h. No 
     LTP in Gass., Ptol. or Aris. 5th or 6th.". NASA catalog 
     weight=1. NASA catalog ID #1093. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-11 UT 10:24-12:17 Ill=92% Aristarchus observed by Lipskii on 1964-6-21

     On 1964 Jun 21 at UT 21:18 Lipskii and Pospergelis (Shternberg State 
     Ast. Institute, AZI-2" reflector (Cass.) observed Aristarchus: 
     "Polarization meas. with electron polarimeter. Plane of polariz. 
     rotated 2deg fr. the adjacent areas. They interpret it as some 
     scattering medium over the crater. (Source gave date as 6/31/64, 
     misprint =21st?)". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=820 and weight=5. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=4. 

2025-Mar-11 UT 10:42-11:28 Ill=92% Aristarchus observed by Robinson_JH on 1980-8-22

     On 1980 Aug 22 at UT20:15-21:29 J-H Robinson () detected violet on the 
     west wall of Aristarchus. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=105 and weight=5. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-11 UT 10:42-11:28 Ill=92% Manilius_B observed by Robinson_JH on 1980-8-22

     On 1980 Aug 22 at 02:15-21:29UT J-H Robinson (Teighmouth, Devon, UK, 
     12" reflector, x200, seeing=II) noticed in the area south east of 
     Manilius that it was brighter in red light than in blue light at 
     20:15UT whereas 1 minute later it was the same brightness in each 
     filter. The effect reappeared at 20:21UT and was particularly strong at 
     20:32UT. Foley (Kent, UK) verified this at 21:01UT - the blink area was 
     of high reflectivity in white light and was bright in red at 21:15UT, 
     thougjh the south east area stopped giving a colour reaction at 
     21:25UT. Madej (Huddersfield) found Manilius B to be norm al at 23:52UT 
     however at 23:55UT it was surrounded by a transient white ring that 
     varied in visibility in an irregular way. Foley found Manilius B had a 
     vivid blue interior and in blue light the ring was black. and not at 
     all seen in red or white light. The CED brightness measurement varied 
     from 1.9 to 2.4. All other regions observed were normal in brightness. 
     Violet was seen on the west wall of Aristarchus though. M.Price 
     (Camberley, UK) found a possible blink in Manilius B but was observing 
     under poor seeing conditions. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=105 and weight=5. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2025-Mar-11 UT 12:21-14:31 Ill=92% Bailly observed by Miles_H on 1965-5-12 *

     On 1965 May 12 at UT 22:20 H. Miles (UK) found a possible 
     obscuration in Bailly crater. Most of the region was as sharp as 
     normal, but the central area was greyish and blurred. Although 
     the observer concerned considered themselves a non-experienced 
     observer, another BAA Lunar Section observer saw the same 
     effect. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-11 UT 12:27-14:25 Ill=92% Herodotus observed by Haas_W on 2003-5-13

     On 2003 May 13 at UT06:40-07:26 W. Haas (Las Cruces, NM, USA, 12.5" 
     reflector, x321 and x202, S=2, T=3.5) suspected (06:40-06:55UT) that he 
     saw an oval bright feature (intensity 5.5) near the centre of the floor 
     of Herodotus crater indenting into the shadow - however the seeing was 
     none too good, so it is more of a suspicion than a definite sighting. 
     At 07:14-07:26UT he re-examined the region (x202 and x321, S=1-2 and T=
     3.5) and had better glimpses that conformed his initial suspicions of 
     there being an oval indentation bright spot (now intensity 6) into the 
     shadow in the centre of the floor. Of course Herodotus does not have a 
     central peak! There was also a very bright spot on the NW> sunlit rim 
     of Herodotus crater. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-11 UT 13:55-14:26 Ill=93% Mersenius observed by Unknown_Observer on 1825-1-1

     On 1825 Jan 01 UT17:00? an unknown Russian observer noticed a 
     cloud in Mersenius.

2025-Mar-11 UT 14:26-14:31 Ill=93% Herodotus observed by Wilkins_HP on 1950-3-30

     Herodotus 1950 Mar 30 UT 19:00? Observed by Wilkins (Kent, 
     UK, 15" reflector) "Transient c.p. (similar phen. to 
     Bartlett's in later yrs.? see #532). NASA catalog weight=4 
     (good). NASA catalog ID #523. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-12 UT 05:52-07:38 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Vega_G on 2024-3-22

     Aristarchus. 2024 Mar 22 UT 22:08. G.Vega (Argentina, Oro 
     Verde - 20cm f/5 Newtonian on an EQ5 Goto mount - two colour 
     cameras used: a Player One Ceres C & a Nikon D5100). 
     Colour images show a region of blueness from the W. rim of 
     Aristarchus and the NE of Herodotus (maybe also on the inner 
     SE rim of Herodotus?) i.e. generally SE of the Cobra's Head. 
     Blue colour is usually present on the rim of Aristarchus and 
     to the north - but I don't recall seeing such strong blue 
     colouration in this region before? No other craters exhibit 
     this blue colour. As the colour is present in two images, 
     taken with different cameras it looks genuine. Two other 
     colour images, at lower resolution, were taken from Oro Verde, 
     by W.Elias, at 23:06 and 23:18, but neither of these exhibit 
     this blue colour - but that maybe a resolution issue? ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-12 UT 06:03-09:54 Ill=96% Herodotus observed by Lena_R on 1995-10-6 *

     On 1995 October 6 at UT 21:30 R. Lena (Rome, Italy - a UAI observer, 
     11.4cm reflector) saw 4 or 5 flashes from Herodotus crater. Light 
     intensities (mag?) ranged from 9 to 8 and they were brighter through a 
     red filter. There is no 2006 Cameron catalog entry for this observation 
     - it has come from the UAI web site. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-12 UT 07:18-11:09 Ill=96% Herodotus observed by Mirteto_P on 1995-10-6 *

     On 1995 Oct 06/07 at UT 22:45-00:00 P. Mirteto (a UAI 
     observer, RI, Italy, 20cm reflector) observed some brightness 
     changes in Herodotus. Please note that this description is a 
     summary of the material on the UAI web site. The ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-12 UT 07:39-11:29 Ill=96% Prinz observed by Mirteto_P on 1995-10-6 *

     On 1995 Oct 06/07 at UT 23:05-00:00 P. Mirteto (a UAI observer, RI, 
     Italy, 20cm reflector) observed some brightness changes in Prinz. 
     Please note that this description is a summary of the material on the 
     UAI web site. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-12 UT 08:58-10:56 Ill=97% Aristarchus observed by Cook_JD on 1985-5-2

     On 1985 May 02 at UT 20:20-20:38 J.D. Cook (Frimley, UK) noted at 20:20 
     found the south rim (and just outside) to be blurred in appearence and 
     there was also a hazy shadow inside the crater. M.C. Cook found a 
     "break in clarity in break on S wall". Miles (UK) also found the south 
     wall blurred in appearance and Foley (Kent, UK) noted that the area was 
     featureless and the 2 craters positions at 1 o'clock high up on the 
     inner wall were obscured", although just north of these was sharp 
     detail. Foley also recorded that the shadow on the east wall was 
     opaque"and that thye inside of Aristarchus was slate/blue in colour and 
     dull, however by 20:28 the crater had brightened by 0.4 steps on 
     Foley's CED device and the missing craterlets were visible again. Jean 
     (Canada, 4" refractor) observed a rose colour intermittently (UT 1948-
     20:58) - however Cameron suspects that this is chromatic aberation.  
     The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=269 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-12 UT 09:14-10:46 Ill=97% Archimedes observed by North_G on 1988-9-23

     On 1988 Sep 23 at 19:40-19:55 & 20:36-20:41 G. North (760mm 
     Coude Rrefractor, x250, Royal Grenwwich Observatory, 
     Herstmonceux, UK, seeing V, Transparency: Fair). 19:40-19:55 
     image very unsteady. All seems normal in other crtaters with 
     the exception of Arcimedes. Much of the rim seems indistinct 
     apart from a 1/4 length of the west rim. Strongly suspected 
     that this was due to a combination of seeing and illumination. 
     UT 20:02-20:06 - checked the area with a lower magnification 
     10" Astrographic Refractor - the crater seems more normal, so 
     suggesting that the theory was correct. 20:36-20:41 returned 
     to the 30" reflector, and the crater appeared similar to the 
     start of the session. This is almost certainly not a TLP, but 
     it would be helpful to have some images or sketches to check 
     this theory out. Weight=1.

2025-Mar-12 UT 10:29-11:39 Ill=97% Aristarchus observed by De_Groof on 1987-3-13

     On 1987 Mar 13 at UT02:00-03:00 De Groof (Belgium, 8" reflector x150, 
     seeing=clear) noted that the north west part of Aristarchus had a blood 
     red shimmering filling the whole crater. A video by Mobberley some 18 
     hours later, shows variation in Aristarchus. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=
     301 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-12 UT 10:48-12:20 Ill=97% Aristarchus observed by Yamada on 1963-12-28

     Aristarchus, Herodotus 1963 Dec 28 UTC 15:55-16:26 Observered by Yamada 
     et al, (Hiroshima, Japan, 10" reflector, x278) "Red area, spreading to 
     Herod., a perculiar obscuring gray area on N. edge of glow. Drawing. 
     (confirm. of Olivarez? with activit > 1/2 day?)."NASA catalog weight=5 
     (very high). NASA catalog ID #789.

2025-Mar-12 UT 10:48-12:20 Ill=97% Herodotus observed by Yamada on 1963-12-28

     Aristarchus, Herodotus 1963 Dec 28 UTC 15:55-16:26 Observered by Yamada 
     et al, (Hiroshima, Japan, 10" reflector, x278) "Red area, spreading to 
     Herod., a perculiar obscuring gray area on N. edge of glow. Drawing. 
     (confirm. of Olivarez? with activit > 1/2 day?)."NASA catalog weight=5 
     (very high). NASA catalog ID #789. ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2025-Mar-12 UT 11:32-13:27 Ill=97% Aristarchus observed by Moseley_R on 1983-12-17

     On 1983 Dec 17 at UT 17:25-19:20 Moseley (Covington, England, UK, x120 
     and x240, seeing=III and spurious colour present) found that the inside 
     of Aristarchus crater was dull and slightly blue. Suspected the colour 
     to be spurious: at 19:20 at x240 the colour was pink but at x120 there 
     was no colour. Cameron 2006 catalof ID=234 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-13 UT 05:30-06:07 Ill=99% Alphonsus observed by Smith_S on 1966-5-3 *

     Alphonsus 1966 May 03 UTC 21:30 Observed by Smith (England, 10" 
     reflector) and Corralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" 
     reflector, Moonblink) "Reddish patches. Not confirmed by Corralitos MB 
     (but in their report they give the feature as Gassendi)." NASA catalog 
     weight=2. NASA catalog ID #936. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-13 UT 06:10-06:30 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Mobberley_M on 1987-3-13

     On 1987 Mar 13 at UT 20:52 M. Mobberley (Suffolk, UK, S=VG) obtained 
     some video that shows variation in Aristarchus crater e.g. ä visual 
     oddity in the SE corner" (Foley was interpreting the video). H.Hatfield 
     took some film of the TLP (Unstudied yet). The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=
     301 and the weight=5.

2025-Mar-13 UT 06:10-06:30 Ill=99% Mons_Pico observed by Mobberley_M on 1987-3-13

     On 1987 Mar 13 at UT 20:52 M. Mobberley (Sussex, UK) found that Mons 
     Pico varied in its north east section. This was recorded on video tape. 
     The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=301 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-13 UT 06:40-08:21 Ill=99% Godin observed by Porter on 1973-7-14

     Godin UT 02:15-03:05 Observed by Porter (Narragansett, Rhode Island, 
     USA, 6" refletor, 45, 90x, S=P?, T=2) "Albedo change in some pts. 
     yellow-orange color on rim. Wondered if it were atmos. LTP albedo=
     7,7,7,6.5. Normal albedos=7,7.5,6.5,6.5 for same pts. Nearby plain 
     albedos =6. LTP from 0250-0300h. Intensity normal at first;pts in W. 
     decreased & increased. No difference in intensity in red filter 
     till suddenly it jumped out & became vis. above the high background 
     albedo. Sketch. He thinks it was atm. seeing" NASA catalog weight=2 
     (low). NASA catalog ID #1370.

2025-Mar-13 UT 07:59-09:45 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Billington_R on 1973-12-8

     On 1973 Dec 8 UT18:15-18:20 R.Billington (UK, 2" refractor) 
     reported that ristarchus was orange. However 15 minutes earlier, 
     another observer, Livesey made a sketch and did not report any 
     colour. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-13 UT 09:12-11:10 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Cook_MC on 1985-5-3

     On 1985 May 03 at UT 1959-2330 M.C. Cook (Frimley, UK) and M. Mobberley 
     (Suffolk, UK) both detected a large very bright region on the eastern 
     exterior. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=269 and he weight=5. The ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-13 UT 09:31-11:07 Ill=99% Vallis_Schroteri observed by Firsoff on 1955-7-3

     Schroter's Valley 1955 Jul 03 UT 22:00 Observed by Firsoff 
     (Somerset, England, 6.5" reflector x200) "Drawing contains a 
     star-like pt. at N. part of valley." NASA catalog weight=4. 
     NASA catalog ID #597. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-13 UT 09:47-11:33 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Farrant_M on 1968-4-11

     Aristarchus 1968 Apr 11 UTC 22:00? Observed by Farrant (Cambridge, 
     England, 8" reflector, Seeing Antonidi I (very good)) "Crater had on NE 
     (ast. ?) wall a very pale blue color & opposite wall a pale red. No 
     other crater showed color. (similar to #1056)." NASA catalog weight=3 
     (average). NASA catalog ID #1067.

2025-Mar-13 UT 10:04-11:50 Ill=99% Gassendi observed by Robinson_JH on 1973-12-8

     Gassendi 1973 Dec 08 UT 20:20-20:22 observed by J-H Robinson 
     (Devon, UK, seeing dair to poor). Suspected blink detected - 
     might have been due to atmospheric condtions?. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-13 UT 11:41-12:07 Ill=99% Plato observed by Mannheim_Observers on 1788-12-11

     Plato 1788 Dec 11 UT 22:00. Bright point seen on the dark part 
     by observers in Mannheim. Cameron 1978 catalog ID is 38 and 
     the weight assigned is 5. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-13 UT 12:18-14:04 Ill=99% Moretus observed by Webb_TW on 1871-12-25

     Moretus? 1871 Dec 25 UTC 22:00? Observed by Webb? (England?, 9" 
     reflector?) "Internal twilight in crater #132- a large circular crater 
     nr. S.pole (crater #132 on Goodacre's map is Plato. Webb's map?)" NASA 
     catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #173.

2025-Mar-13 UT 12:43-13:33 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Fitton on 1977-4-2

     On 1977 Apr 02 at UT22:00-00:00 L. Fitton (Shaw, Lancashire, UK, 8.5" 
     reflector, x200, Wratten 25 and 44A filters, seeing II-III, 
     transparency, good) noticed in Aristarchus, blue to the north west
     (IAU?) internal wall, also blue observed in other small bright objects 
     against dark backgrounds. Lunar rotational axis and optical normal 
     related such that the normal runs NW-SE (IAU?) through these features. 
     Observer deduced that the coliur was obviously spurious and no blink 
     was seen in any feature. The blue disappeared as the lunar altitude 
     increased and no blue seen by 00:00UT. This is a BAA lunar section 
     observation. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-13 UT 12:55-14:41 Ill=99% Vallis_Schroteri observed by Pickering_WH on 1892-5-10

     On 1892 May 10th at 19:00UT? Pickering, based at Arequipa. Peru, using 
     a 12" reflector, saw varitions in vapor col. Drawings were made. Time 
     calculated from the given colongitude. Cameron 1978 catalog ID= and 
     weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-13 UT 14:41-16:51 Ill=99% Unknown observed by Miranova on 1960-9-5 *

     On 1960 Sep 04 at UT00:00? Miranova (Russia or Israel) observed a TLP 
     at an unnamed lunar feature: "Spectral photom. of some lunar obj. in 
     4250, > 5000A bands. Spectral plates". Cameron suspects luminescence? 
     The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=730 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 05:54-09:50 Ill=100% Lunar_Eclipse observed by Dorna on 1877-2-27 *

     On 1877 Feb 27 at UT19:19 Prof. Dorna (Turin, Italy) observed a 
     flickering light on the lunar surface during a lunar eclipse. The  
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=186 and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 06:16-10:11 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Swift_L on 1895-3-11 *

     On 1895 Mar 10 L. Swift et. al (Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ, USA) 
     and Elger et al. (England), observed during a total lunar eclipse that 
     Aristarchus was glowing with brilliance never seen before. This 
     attracted everyones attantion. It extended its radiance to adjecent 
     craters (e.g. Herodotus) all throughout totality. At the subsequent 
     eclipse in September 1895 it was seen to be inconspicuous. the Cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=283 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2025-Mar-14 UT 06:56-09:49 Ill=100% Moon observed by Rankin on 1848-3-19 *

     On 1848 at UT 21:00 Rankin and Chevallier (France?): Luminous pts. seen 
     during an eclipse. Cameron ays that year 1847 given by Middlehurst must 
     be wrong as age is 2.7 days for this date in 1847 and could not be 18-
     19 as in Middlehurst because eclipse is on the 19th at 21h (mid) in 
     1948.  aux. data here are for 1848. At 21:12 Forster (England) and 
     Bruges (France) observed rapid changes in red colour. The Cameron 1978 
     catalog ID=126 and 127 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-14 UT 06:56-09:38 Ill=100% Mare_Fecunditatis observed by Dubois on 1953-1-29 *

     On 1953 Jan 29/30 UT 23:00?, 01:00? Dubois (Floirae, France) observed 
     excess luminescence, in Mare Fecunditatis, between 420nm and 470nm 
     (maximum at 435nm) and between 480nm and 520nm (maximum near 505nm). 
     20-60% during eclipse at 50' from the centre of the umbra, during a 
     lunar eclipse. The cameron 1978 catalog ID=557 and weight=5. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2025-Mar-14 UT 06:56-09:43 Ill=100% N_Pole observed by Brown_G on 1953-1-29 *

     On 1953 Jan 29-30 UT 23:05-01:40 G. Brown (UK?) observed a white patch 
     of light of low brightness was seen to move around the north polar 
     area. Coloured bands were also seen on the Moon.

2025-Mar-14 UT 06:56-07:28 Ill=100% NE_Limb observed by Unknown_Observer on 1963-12-30

     On 1963 Dec 30 at UT11:00 many observers reported seeing a red glow on 
     the North East (IAU?) limb of the Moon. This was also captured on a 
     photograph. Cameron suggests eclipse geometry as an explanation. Thye 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=792 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 06:56-09:20 Ill=100% Mare_Fecunditatis observed by Emersen_G on 2000-1-21 *

     On 2000 Jan 21 UT04:40 G. Emersen (Golden, CO, USA, 30cm focal length 
     lens with Wratten 25 ref filter) took 43 CCD images of the eclipse of 
     the Moon and on one of them at 04:40UT (exposure 0.3 sec) a relatively 
     bright spot appeared in the southern part of Mare Fecunditatis. The 
     spot looks sharper than the rest of the Moon and so might be a cosmic 
     ray? CCD images taken from Washington D.C. by A.C. Cook at this time, 
     do not show this spot, however exposures were at intervals of 0.25 sec 
     and so might have missed this spot if it happened during image readout. 
     The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 07:06-11:02 Ill=100% Plato observed by Kolovos_G on 1989-2-20 *

     On 1989 Feb 20 at UT 16:55 G. Kolovos (Thessolonki, Greece) 
     photographed in one photograph (out of 3) during a lunar eclipse, some 
     bright patches below (south?) of the crater that were not in the other 
     photographs (UT16:56:32 or 16:58:56). Foley commented that the 
     photographs were grainy so cannot tell for sure. The Cameron 2006 
     catalog ID=356 and the weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2025-Mar-14 UT 07:09-09:06 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Jackson on 1913-3-22

     On 1915 Mar 22 at UT 11:30-12:30 Jackson (France?) observed Aristarchus 
     during a total lunar eclipse: "Dur. totality there remained vis. to the 
     NW a red luminous pt. not much larger than Mars & of the same color". 
     (date & time is old system and has been converted by Cameron). The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=343 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-14 UT 07:25-09:15 Ill=100% Picard observed by Bogdanovich on 1927-12-8

     On 1927 Dec 08 at 20:00 Bogdanovich (Russia) Picard: "Crater, after 
     coming out of shadow after ech. was unsually hazy. next FM it was back 
     to normal". The cameron 1978 catalog ID= and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-14 UT 07:51-10:41 Ill=100% Copernicus observed by Moore_P on 1982-1-9 *

     On 1982 Jan 09 at UT21:37 P. Moore? (Selsey, UK) observed that 
     Copernicus was brighter than or equal to Aristarchus. However this was 
     during a total eclipse of the Moon. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=162 and 
     weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 07:52-09:50 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Stuyvaert_E on 1898-12-27

     On 1898 Dec 27 at UT 23:00-00:00 Stuyvaert (France?) found that 
     Aristarchus was brilliant during an eclipse. The Cameron 1978 catalog 
     ID=302 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 07:56-09:54 Ill=100% Theaetetus observed by Cherboneaux on 1902-10-16

     Thaetetus 1902 Oct 16 UT 18:10? Observed by Cherboneaux 
     (Meudon, France, 33" refractor) "Unmistakable white cloud 
     formed close to it." NASA catalogue weight=3. NASA catalogue 
     ID #313. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 07:57-09:55 Ill=100% Dionysius observed by Ellison on 1917-1-8

     On 1917 Jan 08 at UT 07:30-08:30 Ellison (England?) observed a 
     point on the rim of Dionysius that shone like a star for some 
     time after entering the shadow during an eclipse (mid eclipse at 
     07:42. date given as 1/7/17 19:30-20:30 local time). The Cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=366 and the weight=2, The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 08:13-09:39 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Kruger on 1889-7-12

     On 1889 Jul 12 at 20:52-21:00UT, Kruger of Gotha? or Kiel? Germany, 
     using a 6" reflector (x33), saw a brilliant Aristarchus in the 
     surrounding gloom during an eclipse. The brilliance was striking. 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=263 and weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 08:28-11:25 Ill=100% Grimaldi observed by Osawa on 1967-4-24 *

     On 1967 Apr 24 at UT 11:47-12:08 Osawa (Hyogo, Japan, 6" reflector, 
     x50) observed during totality, two luminescent spots (started 20 min 
     after beginning of totality) near Grimaldi. Location not certain 
     because of dimnesa of umbral shdaow and lunar features. (bright spots 
     in Sven Hedin?). Colour was bluish rather than yellowish and magnitude 
     < 9. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1035 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-14 UT 08:45-10:34 Ill=100% Atlas observed by Chernov on 1949-10-7

     In 1949 Oct 07 UT 01:23-01:40 Chernov (Russia) observed changes in the 
     north dark spot in Atlas during an eclipse (penumbra). It became darker 
     as the shadow approached and sharply distinguishable. The cameron 1978 
     catalog ID=51 and the weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 08:49-12:09 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Vreeland on 1949-4-13 *

     In 1949 Apr 13 at UT 05:00 Vreeland and others (Mill Valley, CA, USA, 
     4.5" refractor) observed in Aristarchus a brilliant star-like point 
     just after 3rd contact. This was not seen before or during totality. He 
     thinks that it was a high peak catching the sunlight before the rzst of 
     the surface. It remained bright but larger as the sun hit it. The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=517 and the weight=1. 

2025-Mar-14 UT 08:52-11:49 Ill=100% Linne observed by Pickering_WH on 1898-12-28 *

     In 1898 Dec 28 at UT 00:00-01:00 Pickering (Cambridge, Mass, USA, 12" 
     reflector) suspected (or was uncertain) Linne (and also a dark area E 
     of Webb at 61E, 2S) during a lunar eclpise to be have under gone a 
     change in size. Douglass (Arizona? USA) measured Linne as enlarged by 
     0.5" for about 30 minutes after it re-entered sunlight. Cameron says 
     that this is independent confirmation. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=303 
     and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-14 UT 08:52-11:49 Ill=100% Webb observed by Pickering_WH on 1898-12-28 *

     In 1898 Dec 28 at UT 00:00-01:00 Pickering (Cambridge, Mass, USA, 12" 
     reflector) suspected (or was uncertain) Linne (and also a dark area E 
     of Webb at 61E, 2S) during a lunar eclpise to be have under gone a 
     change in size. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=303 and the weight=5. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 08:58-11:49 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Zlatinsky on 1902-4-22 *

     In 1902 Apr 22 at UT 22:00 (Cameron estimated UT) Zlatinsky 
     (Russia, 3" refractor?) observed Aristarchus to have some 
     luminescence during a total lunar eclpise. Mid eclipse was at 
     18:53. The weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:08-12:05 Ill=100% Alphonsus observed by Kurchin on 1985-5-4 *

     On 1985 May 04/05 at UT19:52-00:30 during the lunar eclipse V.V. 
     Kurchin (Volgorad, Russia, 2" reflector, x88) found that Alphonsus was 
     abnormally bright - as were a few other features. Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=270 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight =1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:08-12:05 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Kurchin on 1985-5-4 *

     On 1985 May 04/05 at UT19:52-00:30 during the lunar eclipse V.V. 
     Kurchin (Volgorad, Russia, 2" reflector, x88) found that Aristarchus 
     was abnormally bright - as were a few other features. Cameron 2006 
     catalog ID=270 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight =1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:08-12:05 Ill=100% Atlas observed by Kurchin on 1985-5-4 *

     On 1985 May 04/05 at UT19:52-00:30 during the lunar eclipse V.V. 
     Kurchin (Volgorad, Russia, 2" reflector, x88) found that Atlas was 
     abnormally bright - as were a few other features. Some flashes were 
     seen in this crater - and a few other features. Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=270 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight =1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:08-12:05 Ill=100% Copernicus observed by Kurchin on 1985-5-4 *

     On 1985 May 04/05 at UT19:52-00:30 during the lunar eclipse V.V. 
     Kurchin (Volgorad, Russia, 2" reflector, x88) found that Copernicus was 
     abnormally bright - as were a few other features. A flash was seen in 
     this crater at 19:52UT, some flashes were seen in a few other features 
     during the eclipse. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=270 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA 
     weight =1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:08-12:05 Ill=100% Endymion observed by Kurchin on 1985-5-4 *

     On 1985 May 04/05 at UT19:52-00:30 during the lunar eclipse V.V. 
     Kurchin (Volgorad, Russia, 2" reflector, x88) found that Endymion was 
     abnormally bright - as were a few other features. Some flashes were 
     seen in this crater - and a few other features. Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=270 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight =1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:08-12:05 Ill=100% Herodotus observed by Kurchin on 1985-5-4 *

     On 1985 May 04/05 at UT19:52-00:30 during the lunar eclipse V.V. 
     Kurchin (Volgorad, Russia, 2" reflector, x88) found that Herodotus was 
     abnormally bright - as were a few other features. Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=270 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight =1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:08-12:05 Ill=100% Mare_Tranquillitatis observed by Kurchin on 1985-5-4 *

     On 1985 May 04/05 at UT19:52-00:30 during the lunar eclipse V.V. 
     Kurchin (Volgorad, Russia, 2" reflector, x88) Some flashes were 
     seen in Mare Tranquilitatis - and a few other features. Cameron 
     2006 catalog ID=270 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight =1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:16-10:23 Ill=100% Copernicus observed by Walker_G on 1966-10-29

     On 1966 Oct 29 at UT00:45-01:30 G.Walker observed a red spot in 
     Copernicus crater. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=991 and the weight=2. 
     The ALPO/BAA weight=2. 

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:17-10:38 Ill=100% Mare_Crisium observed by Ingall on 1865-4-10

     East of Picard 1865 Apr 10 UT 22:00-00:00. Ingall (Camberwell, 
     UK) observed a minute point of light glittering like a star. 
     Whole of Mare Crisium intersected with bright veins mixed with
     bright spots (4h before PM). Cameron 1978 catalog ID 138
     and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:17-10:38 Ill=100% Picard observed by Ingall on 1865-4-10

     East of Picard, Ingall (Camberwll, UK) observed a minute point of light 
     glittering like a star. Whole of Mare Crisium intersected with bright 
     veins mixed with bright spots (4h before PM). Cameron 1978 catalog ID 
     138 and weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:21-11:18 Ill=100% Lunar_Eclipse observed by Herschel_W on 1790-10-22

     In 1790 Oct 22/23 at UT 23:00-02:00 W. Herschel (Windsor, UK) observed 
     during a toal lunar eclipse at least 200 small, round (spots?). The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=69 amd weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 09:31-11:17 Ill=100% Moon observed by Unknown_French_Observer on 1862-6-12

     On 1862 Jun 12 at UT 06:19 an unknown observer in France? during an 
     eclipse, on the west side  -- dark brick red -- & something seemed to 
     oscillate before it. A mid-eclipse on S. side "a very small meniscus wa 
     seen nearly the colour of the uneclipsed Moon". The Cameron 1978 
     catalog ID=133 and the weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 10:09-12:04 Ill=100% Plato observed by Bianchini on 1685-12-10

     Red streak seen on floor of Plato during an eclipse. The
     Cameron 1978 catalog assigns a TLP ID of 14 and a weight of 1.
     The ALPO/BAA catalog assigns a weight of 1 too.

2025-Mar-14 UT 10:15-12:12 Ill=100% Stofler observed by Albright on 1910-11-16

     On 1910 Nov 16/17 UT 22:50-00:10 Albright (Edge(b?)aston, England, UK) 
     observed in Stofler crater "A luminous pt. on Moon dur. ecl. (mid-ecl 
     0025) Others saw a meteor on moon from widely seperated places". The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=333 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-14 UT 10:50-12:08 Ill=100% Mons_Pico observed by Pickering_WH on 1912-9-26

     Pico B 1912 Sep 26 UT 03:00 Observed by Pickering (Mandeville, 
     Jamaca, 6.5" reflector) "Haze spreading from eastern end of 
     crater. (MBMW gives 9/25/12 but it is 26th UT.)" NASA 
     catalogue weight=2. NASA catalogue ID #341. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 10:54-12:34 Ill=100% Proclus observed by Moye on 1898-7-3

     On 1898 Jul 03 at UT 21:35 Moye (France) noted that 30 minutes after 
     mid eclpise, Proclus shone with a reddish light in shadow. The Cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=301 and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 11:15-13:12 Ill=100% Copernicus observed by Beccaria on 1772-10-11

     Bright spot (4th magnitude) seen on eclipsed Moon
     and glimmering specks. Seen by nephew and neice of Beccaria.
     Cameron 1978 catalog weight=4. ALPO/BAA catalog weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 11:35-13:25 Ill=100% Eratosthenes observed by Haas_W on 1949-10-7

     Eratosthenes 1949 Oct 07 UT 04:14-05:22 W.Haas (USA) and O'Toole 
     (USA) observed some changes in intensity of features inside this 
     crater - after a lunar umbral passage. The effect lessened over 
     time. Comparisons had been made with measured intensities on the 
     previous and subsequent nights and on other months around the 
     time of Full Moon. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 11:35-12:59 Ill=100% Plato observed by Pedler_J on 1970-8-17

     On 1970 Aug 17 at UT 02:40 Pedler (England) noted that the 
     shadow flowed around instead of over Plato. Wondered if shadow 
     matched the gray of the crater. Within minutes the shadow line 
     looked normal again. At 04:41UT Claudio Pamplona (Brazil) saw a 
     pulsation in Plato during a lunar eclipse. He thought that this 
     was due to falling temperatures. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=
     1274 and the weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 12:14-14:12 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Darling_D on 1982-12-30

     On 1982 Dec 30 at UT10:09-10:58 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 12.5" 
     reflector, x342, S=9/10) found that when the umbra of the eclipse 
     shadow transitted across Aristrachus, the crater was a bright blue - 
     this effect lasted until 10:14UT. Flashes/flickers (~0.1 sec duration) 
     were seen at 10:15UT. He saw another flash at 10:24UT. Another 
     observer, Harris (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 6" reflector, S=9/10) saw 
     flashes at 10:18 (9 or 10 magnitude) - he saw another 2 flashes at 
     10:34 - though the Cameron catalog does not state where on the Moon - 
     Aristarchus??. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=194 and weight=5. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3. 

2025-Mar-14 UT 12:14-14:12 Ill=100% Romer observed by Darling_D on 1982-12-30

     On 1982 Dec 30 at UT 10:09-10:58 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 
     12.5" reflector, x342, seeing=9/10), during a total lunar eclipse, 
     found that Romer had a faint blue glow to it. The Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=194 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-14 UT 12:25-14:22 Ill=100% Janssen observed by Taylor_AR on 1964-12-19

     On 1964 Dec 19 at UT 01:55 A.R.Taylor (London, UK) suspected 
     a brief pinpoint of light near Janssen (unconfirmed). The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 12:29-14:24 Ill=100% Lunar_Eclipse observed by Airy on 1877-8-23

     On 1877 Aug 23/24 at UT 23:10-01:00 Airy, Pratt and Capron (Greenwich, 
     England, France) observed during a lunar eclipse an unusual spectrum 
     with strong absorption in yellow. (Airy) 2 patches of crimson light of 
     short duration. Cameron says that this is a confirmation observation 
     and that Airy was the Astronomer Royal. The cameron 1978 catalog ID=197 
     and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2025-Mar-14 UT 13:05-15:02 Ill=100% Mare_Nubium observed by Sunduleak on 1964-12-19

     On 1964 Dec 19 at UT 03:28-04:28 Sunduleak and Stock (Cerro-Tololo, 
     Chile, 16" reflector) using photoelectric photometry during a lunar 
     eclipse, observed on the northern edge of Mare Numbium, and south of 
     Copernicus (20W, 0N), a strong anomalous enhancement of radiation 
     (confirmation according to Cameron). On 1964 Dec 19 at UT 02:35 S.J. 
     Hill et al (Kitt Peak??) observed during a lunar eclipse an anomolous 
     bright area (location not given). Cameron says that this is an 
     independent confirmation of Sanduleak and Stock's TLP report. The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=868 and 569 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-14 UT 13:10-15:07 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Argentiere on 1956-11-17

     Aristarchus 1956 Nov 17/18 UT 23:30-00:30 Observed by 
     Argentiere et al. (Itatiba City, Brazil, 20, 10 and 6 cm 
     reflectors) Crater may have been brighter than expected(?) 
     during a  lunar eclipse. NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID 
     #658. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 13:10-15:07 Ill=100% Byrgius observed by Argentiere on 1956-11-17

     Byrgius 1956 Nov 17/18 UT 23:30-00:30 Observed by Argentiere 
     et al. (Itatiba City, Brazil, 20, 10 and 6 cm reflectors) 
     Crater may have been brighter than expected(?) during a  
     lunar eclipse. NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #658. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 13:10-15:07 Ill=100% Kepler observed by Argentiere on 1956-11-17

     Kepler 1956 Nov 17/18 UT 23:30-00:30 Observed by Argentiere et 
     al. (France?) "Crater was extra-ordinarily bright". NASA catalog 
     weight=3 and catalog ID #658. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-14 UT 13:10-15:07 Ill=100% Manilius observed by Argentiere on 1956-11-17

     Manilius 1956 Nov 17/18 UT 23:30-00:30 Observed by Argentiere 
     et al. (Itatiba City, Brazil, 20, 10 and 6 cm reflectors) 
     Crater may have been brighter than expected(?) during a  
     lunar eclipse. NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #658. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 13:10-15:07 Ill=100% Proclus observed by Argentiere on 1956-11-17

     Proclus 1956 Nov 17/18 UT 23:30-00:30 Observed by Argentiere 
     et al. (Itatiba City, Brazil, 20, 10 and 6 cm reflectors) 
     Crater may have been brighter than expected(?) during a  
     lunar eclipse. NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #658. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 13:10-15:07 Ill=100% Tycho observed by Argentiere on 1956-11-17

     Tycho 1956 Nov 17/18 UTC 23:30-00:30 Observed by Argentiere et al. 
     (France?) "Crater was extra-ordinarily bright". NASA catalog weight=3 
     (average). NASA catalog ID #658.

2025-Mar-14 UT 13:23-15:11 Ill=100% Tycho observed by Fock on 1919-11-7

     On 1919 Nov 27 at UT 23:00-01:00 Fock (Germany) observed in the 
     vicinity of Tycho, during an eclipse (mid eclipse at 23:56UT) a long 
     ray in the direction of Longomontanus that remained visible. It was 
     glowing in weak gray-green colour for the whole of the eclipse. The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=373 and weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 13:40-15:37 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Unknown_Observer on 1956-11-18

     On 1956 Nov 18 at UT 00:00? an unknown observer (Cameron gives an AGU 
     meeting reference) apparently saw a TLP in Aristarchus crater. The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=657 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 13:43-15:40 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Budine on 1964-12-19

     On 1964 Dec 19 at UT 03:13-03:14 Budine and Farrell (Binghamton, New 
     York, USA, 4" refractor, x200, S=7, T=5) observed that Aristarchus 
     brightened five times over 1 minute during a lunar eclipse. The cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=870 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-14 UT 14:30-16:21 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Titulaer_C on 1964-6-25

     On 1964 Jun 25 at UT ~01:07 Titulaer (Utrecht, the 
     Netherlands) observed that Aristarchus crater was very bright 
     during an eclipse. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=822 and weight=4. 
     The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 14:58-16:21 Ill=100% Kepler observed by Wildey on 1962-7-17

     Kepler 1962 Jul 17 UTC 06:24,08:36 Observed by Wildey, Pohn (Mt Wilson, 
     CA, USA, 60" reflector+photometer) "Crater was at Vmag 2.68 at earlier 
     obs. which was .47 mag brighter than av. mag. at 15d & it faded to near 
     normal at later time to V=3.10(photom. measures), a change of 1/2 mag. 
     or @1.5 times in brightness" NASA catalog weight=5 (very good). NASA 
     catalog ID #761.

2025-Mar-14 UT 15:29-16:21 Ill=100% Atlas observed by Chernov on 1950-4-2

     In 1950 Apr 02 at UT 20:00 Chernov (Russia) observed two dark spots in 
     Atlas during a penumbral phase of a lunar eclipse to quickly darken and 
     become sharp in detail. The cameron 1978 catalog ID=524 and weight=1. 
     The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 15:44-16:21 Ill=100% Unknown observed by Miranova on 1960-9-6

     On 1960 Sep 04 at UT00:00? Miranova (Russia or Israel) observed a TLP 
     at an unnamed lunar feature: "Spectral photom. of some lunar obj. in 
     4250, > 5000A bands. Spectral plates". Cameron suspects luminescence? 
     The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=730 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-14 UT 16:13-16:21 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Moye on 1905-2-19

     On 1905 at Feb 19 at UT 18:00-19:03 Moye (Montpelier, France) observed 
     Aristarchus shining as a star in the dark, during a lunar eclipse. The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=320 and he weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-15 UT 07:56-09:51 Ill=99% Linne observed by Frost on 1906-2-9

     On 1906 Feb 08 after a lunar eclipse, Frost and Stebbins determined 
     that Linne had enlarged by 1" in size.

2025-Mar-15 UT 09:54-11:18 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1966-10-30

     Aristarchus 1966 Oct 30 UTC 01:32-01:48 Observed by Bartlett 
     (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" reflector x79, x142, x194, S=5, T=3) "S.region 
     of floor granulated & 6 deg bright light brownish tone; rest of crater 
     8deg bright white". NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #992.

2025-Mar-15 UT 10:17-11:02 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Marshall_KP on 1983-5-28

     On 1983 May 28 at UT 01:50-03:00 K. Marshall (Medellin, Columbia) 
     observed the whole region of Aristarchus, Herodotus and Shroter's 
     Valley all to have a brightness of 3 and all blue and impossible to 
     focus on (he had never seen it like this before). Also the interior of 
     Aristarchus was invisible. Brightness measurement taken and a sketch 
     was made. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=222 and the weight=3. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-15 UT 12:44-14:42 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Moore_P on 1985-5-5

     On 1985 May 05 at UT23:25-23:58 UT P. Moore (Selsey, UK) observed a 
     yellow tinge on the southern wall of Aristarchus - this was odd because 
     no colour was seen elsewhere on the Moon. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=
     271 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-15 UT 13:38-15:35 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Unknown_Observer on 1956-11-19

     On 1956 Nov 19 at UT 00:00? an unknown observer (Cameron gives an AGU 
     meeting reference) apparently saw a TLP in Aristarchus crater. The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=657 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-15 UT 14:44-16:32 Ill=98% Aristarchus observed by Thomas on 1970-2-22

     Aristarchus 1970 Feb 22 UTC 07:00? Observed by Thomas, Stump, Corral. 
     Obs. (Organ Pass, NM, 24" reflector+Moonblink) "Bluing around crater -- 
     vis. in monitor, but not photographable due to clouds." NASA catalog 
     weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #1235.

2025-Mar-15 UT 15:01-16:17 Ill=98% Littrow observed by Unknown_English_Observer on 1915-1-31

     Littrow 1915 Jan 31 UTC 22:00? Observer: unknown (England?) "6 to 7 
     spots arranged like a gamma first seen on this nite. (Kuiper atlas. 
     Rect. 14-c shows spots in form of a 7 or a cap. gamma backwards, but 
     not l.c. gamma)". NASA catalog weight=0 (almost certainly not a TLP). 
     NASA catalog ID #349. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-16 UT 08:34-09:29 Ill=96% Lalande observed by Galgoey on 1973-7-17

     LaLande 1973 Jul 17 UT 03:30-03:45 Observed by Galgoey (Washington, NJ, 
     USA, 2" refractor x46, x117), S=VG, T=5) "Star-like pt., variations, 1-
     2s, seen only at 40x, not at higher powers. LTP albedo =10, normal=8, 
     nearby plain =6 (geom, instrum. & atm. & refl. material at site 
     effects?)" NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1371.

2025-Mar-16 UT 08:44-09:51 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1954-12-12

     (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" reflector x180) "Strong violet glare on 
     E. rim, changing to brown. At 0220 dark viol. in nimbus, at 0235 
     viol. changed to brown. At 0255 viol. suddenly reappeared, but 
     faded to invis. at 0300. Again at 0308 reapp. Only time he ever 
     saw such color changes." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID 
     583. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-16 UT 09:22-10:04 Ill=96% Gassendi observed by Moore_P on 1967-9-20 *

     Gassendi 1967 Sep 20 UT 21:11-21:46 Observer: Moore & Moseley 
     (Armagh, N.Ireland, 10" refractor, x254) "Faint blink & red 
     glow SSW of c.p. at 2111h. At 2118 was fading & moving 
     slightly N. Gone at 2110. At 2122h suspected blink close to 
     SW of c.p. Gone at 2123h. At 2143 both obs. suspected a faint 
     blink someway W of c.p. Lasted only 2.5m. Other craters 
     examined with no LTP. Observers are dubious of regularity of 
     phenom". NASA catalog weight=2. NASA catalog ID #1048. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-16 UT 10:31-12:23 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Slager on 1986-10-20

     On 1986 Oct 20 at UT 03:30 Slager (Grand Rapids, MI, USA) 
     detected colour in Aristarchus, red on the south wall and a 
     blue "washed out gun metal colour on the "whole"inner north 
     wall. A 2nd observer confirmed the observation. Cameron 
     suspects that this is simply spectral dispersion. The Cameron 
     2006 catalog ID=288 and the weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-16 UT 10:54-12:13 Ill=96% Plato observed by Gruithuisen_F on 1824-12-8

     1824 Dec 08 UTC 00:00? Observed by Gruithuisen (Munich, Germany) 
     "Bright fleck in SE part of crater" NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA 
     catalog ID #104. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-16 UT 10:55-12:16 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Favarger_F on 1947-11-30

     Aristarchus 1947 Nov 30 UTC 00:00? Observed by Favarger 
     (France?) "3 bright points on inner w. slopes." NASA catalog 
     weight=2. NASA catalog ID #499. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-16 UT 12:43-13:43 Ill=95% Lichtenberg observed by Barcroft on 1940-10-18

     Lichtenberg area 1940 Oct 18 UT 07:11 Observed by Barcroft 
     (Madera, CA, USA, 6" reflector) "Pronouced reddish-brown or 
     orange color, less marked on next nite, & slight on 22nd, see 
     #'s 477, 478." NASA catalog weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2. NASA 
     catalog ID #476.

2025-Mar-16 UT 12:59-14:43 Ill=95% Herodotus observed by Brown_M on 1972-7-27

     Herodotus 1972 Jul 27 UT 2250-2350 M.Brown (Hutington, UK) 
     thought that he saw a pseudo peak in the centre of Herodotus.
     He could not decide if it was real or an optical illusion. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-16 UT 14:11-15:51 Ill=95% Promontorium_Heraclides observed by Moore_P on 1948-10-19

     Heraclides Point 1948 Oct 19 UTC 22:00 Observed by Moore (England, 12" 
     reflector?) "Blurred, misty -- La Place was sharp. White diffused 
     bright spot in S. Iridum close to Heraclides pt." NASA catalog weight=4 
     (high). NASA catalog ID #512.

2025-Mar-16 UT 14:42-16:31 Ill=95% Aristarchus observed by Corralitos on 1970-2-23

     Aristarchus 1970 Feb 23 UTC 07:00? Observed by Thomas & Stump 
     (Corralitos Observatory, Organ PAss, NM, USA, 24" refletor+Moon Blink) 
     "Bluring around crater -- vis. in monitor, but not photographed due to 
     clouds." NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #1235.

2025-Mar-16 UT 14:48-16:34 Ill=95% Mons_Piton observed by Louderback_D on 1990-8-8

     On 1990 Aug 08 at OT 07:47-09:00 UT D. Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA, 
     3" refractor, x173) "(SS) Piton's all pts were << but nearby plain was 
     normal. Ridges at 5.3 at B, C, D but 3 alb at B, C, D (norm = 7) but 
     bearby plain was normal. At A 3, was hazy but ill defined. Parts of mt 
     brightened but others didn't. Times between brightening were 6-8s. 
     Similar to seeing fluctuations. In red mt stayed dull & steady. In blue 
     it blinked." - this is a direct quote from the Cameron 2006 catalog 
     because it is very difficult to summarize. Louderback comments that the 
     TLP was still going on at 09:00UT. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=406 and 
     the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-16 UT 14:48-16:34 Ill=95% Promontorium_Agarum observed by Darling_D on 1990-8-8

     On 1990 Aug 08 at UT 07:47-09:00 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 3" 
     refractor, x173) reported the following TLP in Promontorium Agarum 
     (Cape Agarum): "W flank of CA >>, even> Proc. interior." The cameron 
     2006 catalog ID=406 and the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-16 UT 16:14-17:26 Ill=95% Mare_Crisium observed by Wildey on 1962-7-19

     Mare Crisium 1962 Jul 19 UTC 07:30 Observed by Wildey & Pohn (Mt 
     Wilson, CA, USA, 60" reflector + Photometer) "Photometric meas. showed 
     change in brightness from Vmag=3.46 to V=3.07, where av. mag. for that 
     age=3.26, or a brightening of .58 mag." NASA catalog weight=5 (very 
     high). NASA catalog ID #763.

2025-Mar-17 UT 09:19-09:33 Ill=91% Aristarchus observed by Moore_P on 1982-7-9

     On 1982 Jul 09 at UT 01:05-01:25 P. Moore (Selsey, UK, 12.5"? 
     reflector, seeing III) found that Aristarchus was very bright 
     and slightly blue. Cameron comments that Moore's eyesight is not 
     very blue sensitive. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=175 and weight=
     4. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-17 UT 09:19-09:33 Ill=91% Grimaldi observed by Moore_P on 1982-7-9

     On 1982 Jul 09 at UT01:05-01:25 P. Moore (Selsey, UK, 12.5" reflector, 
     seeing=III) found that Grimaldi A was the 2nd brightest feature on the 
     Moon, and that there was colour detected with a Moon blink device on 
     the floor of Grimaldi. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=175 and the weight=
     4. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-17 UT 10:57-12:43 Ill=91% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1966-11-1

     Aristarchus 1966 Nov 01 UTC 02:47-02:58 Observed by Bartlett 
     (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" reflector, x283, S=6, T=4) "S.region of floor 
     granulated, 6 deg bright distinctly yellow-brown; rest of crater 8 deg 
     bright white". NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID 994.

2025-Mar-17 UT 12:24-13:25 Ill=91% Lichtenberg observed by Barcroft on 1940-10-19

     Lictenberg Area 1940 Oct 19 UT 07:11 Observed by Barcroft 
     (Madera, CA, 6" reflector) Pronounced reddish-brown or orange 
     color. Less marked than previous night, & slight on 22nd. See 
     #'s 477; 478". NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #476. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-17 UT 14:41-16:30 Ill=90% Aristarchus observed by Corralitos on 1970-2-24

     Aristarchus 1970 Feb 24 UTC 07:00? Observed by Thomas & Stump 
     (Corralitos Observatory, Organ PAss, NM, USA, 24" refletor+Moon Blink) 
     "Bluring around crater -- vis. in monitor, but not photographed due to 
     clouds." NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #1235.

2025-Mar-17 UT 14:48-16:22 Ill=90% Alphonsus observed by Morgan_P on 1972-7-29

     Alphonsus 1972 Jul 29 UT 00:30-03:30 Observed by Morgan (England, UK) 
     "Orange spot just W. of c.p. on central ridge; circular area @ 15-25km 
     diam, larger than c.p. Was bright orange then turned orange-brown 
     toward center. Central 4,5km was darker than rest; bownish-black with 
     blue-white specks flashing in center. Obscur. there but ridge clear 
     elsewhere. The dark spot SW of c.p. could not be seentho outside of 
     color area. Sketch. It had appearance of dome of atm. thicker at 
     center. Never seen before in 11y. Next nite brighter. NASA catalog 
     weight=3. NASA catalog ID #1337. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-18 UT 11:34-11:57 Ill=84% Aristarchus observed by Maley on 1969-9-30

     Aristarchus 1969 Sep 30 UT 04:46-05:10 Observed by Maley, Saulietis 
     (Houston, TX, USA, 16" reflector, x130) "Intermittent blue color on SE 
     wall, verified by others. At 0500h, taking 10s to reach max. then 
     slowly disappeared. Gap appeared after 1st event. Drawing." NASA 
     catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #1202. ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2025-Mar-18 UT 12:11-14:05 Ill=84% S_Pole observed by Unknown_Observer on 1895-9-8

     On 1895 Sep 07 an unknown observer (Lewis Swift?) observed a pale blue 
     segment on the upper limb - this was apparently confirmed by Faulkes 
     (Mem. BAA, 1895). Cameron says that this is probably 1895 Sep 08 at UT 
     06:00 as Sep 07 is local time. She also infers that "upper limb" is the 
     southern limb and that Swift was at the Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, 
     AZ, USA. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=285 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA 

2025-Mar-18 UT 12:27-13:09 Ill=84% Aristarchus observed by Marshall_KP on 1983-5-31

     On 1983 May 31 at UT03:45-04:30 K. Marshall (Medellin, Columbia) noted 
     that the whole area of Aristarchus, Herodotus, and Schroter's valley 
     was both blurred and violet. There was hardly any detail seen inside 
     the crater. Herodotus could hardly be seen either and Schroter's valley 
     was totally unrecognizable. A sketch was supplied. The Cameron 2006 
     catalog ID=223 and the weight=3. 

2025-Mar-18 UT 14:59-16:20 Ill=84% Alphonsus observed by Morgan_P on 1972-7-30

     Alphonsus 1972 Jul 30 UT 00:30-03:30 Observed by Morgan (UK 
     using a reflector) "Orange glow, brighter this nite than last 
     nite. Following nites were cloudy. Aristarchus and Gassendi 
     were negative." NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #1338.
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-19 UT 12:22-14:19 Ill=77% Aristarchus observed by Foley_PW on 1985-5-9

     On 1985 May 09 at UT 22:50-03:10 P. Foley (Kent, UK) observed 
     the whole of Aristarchus to be a strong violet color. No 
     colour was seen elsewhere on the Moon. The Cameron 2006 
     catalog ID is 272 and the weight is 2. The ALPO/BAA 
     weight is 2. 

2025-Mar-19 UT 12:22-14:19 Ill=77% Torricelli_B observed by Foley_PW on 1985-5-9

     On 1985 May 09/10 at UT 22:50-03:10 P.W. Foley (Kent, UK) found that 
     Torricelli B was very bright in Earthshine and was blue in colour. The 
     Cameron 2006 catalog ID=272 and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-20 UT 12:24-13:26 Ill=68% Lichtenberg observed by Barcroft on 1940-10-22

     Lichtenberg area 1940 Oct 22 UT 07:12 Observed by Barcroft 
     (Madera, CA, USA, 6" reflector) "Only slightly redish color this 
     nite, comp. with previous nites (see #'s 467 & 477)" NASA 
     catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #478. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2025-Mar-20 UT 13:48-15:06 Ill=68% Alphonsus observed by Kozyrev on 1959-10-23 *

     Alphonsus 1959 Oct 23 UT 02:10-02:35 Observed by Kozyrev 
     (Crimea, Soviet Union, 50" reflector) "Red glows, emiss. 
     spect. got C2, C3 (Moore obs. 0100-0300 & saw nothing unusual 
     in an 8.5" reflector)" NASA catalog ID=723. NASA catalog 
     weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2025-Mar-20 UT 17:15-17:29 Ill=67% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1976-11-13 *

     Aristarchus 1976 Nov 13 UT 05:25 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, 
     USA, 3" refractor, 54-200x, S=6, T=4) "Floor 8deg except S.=6deg which 
     is also granulated & la pale yellow. Different aspect fr. other obs. at 
     same col. Viol. in outer nimbus. Bright blue-viol. glare where viol. 
     radiance was on 11th. SWBS still large & 9 deg bright." NASA catalog 
     weight=4 (high). NASA catalog  ID #1457.

2025-Mar-22 UT 13:53-14:55 Ill=49% Aristarchus observed by Louderback_D on 1979-9-14

     On 1979 Sep 14 at 13:30-14:42 D. Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA, 8" 
     reflector, x146) found that half of the northern rim was "extinguished) 
     in the violet filter (made the crater look U-shaped), but appeared 
     normal in red and other filters. Cameron 2006 ID=67 and weight=4. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2025-Mar-22 UT 13:53-15:11 Ill=49% Aristarchus observed by Nicolini on 1980-8-4

     Aristarchus 1980 Aug 04 UT 11:40-11:53 Observed by Jean 
     Nicolini (Campinas, SP, Brazil, 6" reflector and 12" 
     reflector) "Red glow seen on SE exterior of Aristarchus". 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2025-Mar-22 UT 13:53-17:05 Ill=48% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2025-Mar-23 UT 14:45-17:05 Ill=37% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2025-Mar-24 UT 15:32-17:04 Ill=27% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2025-Mar-25 UT 16:16-17:03 Ill=18% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2025-Mar-26 UT 16:58-17:02 Ill=10% Earthshine: sporadic meteors