TLP Repeat Illumination/Libration and Earthshine predictions for: USA AK Anchorage

Ill is percentage illumination of the Moon
*Indicates a repeat illumination and libration event to within +/- 1 deg for both
A non-* indicates just repeat illumination to within +/-0.5 deg

2024-Aug-01 UT 12:57-13:42 Ill=9% Taruntius observed by Hobdell on 1981-11-23 *

     On 1981 Nov 23 at UT 10:31 B. Hobdell (St Petersberg, FL, USA, 3?" 
     refractor, seeing=1) observed 3 star-like very bright yellow flashes 
     (approximately 20 sec apart) on the east of Taruntius or on a ridge 
     near this. No additional flashes were seen. The Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=159 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-01 UT 13:09-13:42 Ill=9% Unknown observed by Amorati on 1978-1-6

     On 1978 Jan 06 at UT 01:00 Anorati (Firenze, Italy) observed inside a 
     "good sized crater?" an orange light that became bright green. The 
     efect did not recur over the many hours of observing. The observer did 
     not suspect that it was a meteor, but instead produced by an 
     intelligent being????? Cameron suggests a terrestrial meteor?
     The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=21 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-21 UT 09:43-10:40 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1965-10-12

     Aristarchus (Bartlett, 1965 Oct 12 UTC 02:15-20:25, 5 inch 
     reflector x280) - NASA catalog quotes "Nimbus was only a dark 
     violet hue". NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #904. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-21 UT 10:01-11:52 Ill=96% Gassendi observed by Moore_P on 1967-9-20

     Gassendi 1967 Sep 20 UT 21:11-21:46 Observer: Moore & Moseley 
     (Armagh, N.Ireland, 10" refractor, x254) "Faint blink & red 
     glow SSW of c.p. at 2111h. At 2118 was fading & moving 
     slightly N. Gone at 2110. At 2122h suspected blink close to 
     SW of c.p. Gone at 2123h. At 2143 both obs. suspected a faint 
     blink someway W of c.p. Lasted only 2.5m. Other craters 
     examined with no LTP. Observers are dubious of regularity of 
     phenom". NASA catalog weight=2. NASA catalog ID #1048. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-21 UT 11:34-13:28 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Moore_P on 1992-5-19

     On 1992 May 19 at UT 01:00-02:05 P. Moore (Selsey, UK, 15" reflector, 
     x260) saw at 01:25UT an unmistakable red-orange glow on the south and 
     south-east rim with the "Spur". Apparently Chapman (Kent, UK) detected 
     it easily. At 01:33UT the colour was barely visible. No TLP alert was 
     issued because the souther edge of Mons Pico also exhibited a hint of 
     colour, and anyway the seeing conditions were poor. Despite this no 
     other features revealed colour. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=446 and the 
     weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Aug-21 UT 11:34-13:28 Ill=96% Mons_Pico observed by Moore_P on 1992-5-19

     On 1992 May 19 at UT 01:00-02:05 P. Moore (Selsey, UK, 15" reflector, 
     x260) noted that the southern slope of Mons Pico had a tint of colour. 
     No other features revealed colour apart from Aristarcus, where a TLP 
     was going on. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=446 and the weight=0. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Aug-21 UT 13:18-13:44 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Thomas on 1970-4-23

     Aristarchus 1970 Apr 23 UTC 07:00 
     Observed by Thomas

2024-Aug-22 UT 09:06-09:29 Ill=90% Aristarchus observed by Wilkins on 1790-3-3

     In 1790 Mar 03 at 22:00 UT Wilkins (England?) observed Herschel's 1787 
     lumninous point (Aristarchus) in the same place. The Cameron 1978 
     catalog ID=67 and weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Aug-22 UT 09:31-11:24 Ill=90% Atlas observed by Pither_CM on 1969-8-1

     Atlas 1969 Aug 01 UT 03:36-04:00 Observed by Pither 
     (Nottinghamshire, England) NASA catalog reports: "Eng. moon 
     blink in crater at 0336h close to E. wall, NE of central 
     feature. Oval in shape & dirty brownish color & hazy. Started 
     fading at 0345h but may have been due to dawn, Neg results on 
     other features, (Apollo 11 watch)." 12" x450 reflector used. 
     NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog TLP ID No. #1195. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Aug-22 UT 09:34-09:55 Ill=90% Gassendi observed by Moseley_T on 1966-9-2

     Gassendi 1966 Sep 02 UT 22:55-02:55 Observed by Moseley, Moore, 
     Gill, Harris, Frost and Hall (Armagh, Northern Ireland, 10" 
     refractor + Moon Blink, Seeing=fair) and by Cave (England using 
     a Moon blink) "Eng. Moonblink sys. detected red glows on c.p. & 
     around it; seen vis. too. (Corralitos the time? did not 
     see anything?)" Note that the Arnagh observers were all using 
     the same telesope, The observing times of M. Cave are not given 
     but they saw a blink SW of the central peaks. NASA catalog ID 
     972. NASA catalog weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Aug-22 UT 10:35-12:28 Ill=90% Aristarchus observed by Pamplona on 1969-8-1

     Aristarchus 1969 Aug 01 UTC 04:40-05:38 Observed by C. Pamplona 
     e J. Barbosa(Fortaleza, Brazil using 12" x235 and 5" x100 
     reflectors) - NASA catalog reports: "Enhanced area in SE wall, 
     no pulsation, no color. Usually NW wall is brightest. After 
     0538h NW region was brightest again, (Apollo 11 watch, indep. 
     confirm. ?)" NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog TLP ID No. #
     1196. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Aug-22 UT 11:51-12:10 Ill=90% Gassendi observed by Moore_P on 1966-9-3

     Gassendi 1966 Sep 03 UT 01:11-01:46 Observers: Moore (Armagh, N. 
     Ireland, 5 & 12" reflectors), Moseley (Armagh, N. Ireland, 10" 
     refractor), Corralitos Observatory (B.Middlehurst, Organ Pass, 
     NM, USA, 24" reflector), Cave , Gill (UK? 6" reflector x365), 
     "Eng. moon blink sys. detected red glows on c.p. & round it. 
     Independently seen by Cave. Not confirmed by Corralitos M.B." 
     NASA catalog ID#975, NASA weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2024-Aug-22 UT 12:10-14:03 Ill=90% Macrobius observed by Sparks on 1971-3-15

     Macrobius 1971 Mar 15 UT 02:07-03:15 Observed by Sparks (Exmouth, UK, 
     6" reflector x400) "Strong pink color extending whole curve of crater's 
     illum. wall, starting & ending in shadow side. Color grew deeper, then 
     faded & ended at 0315h. Changed eyepieces. No other feature had this 
     tho. looked for. Survived many separate powers of eyepieces."
     NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #1289.

2024-Aug-22 UT 13:20-14:35 Ill=89% Aristarchus observed by Thomas on 1970-4-24

     Aristarchus 1970 Apr 24 UTC 07:00 
     Observed by Thomas

2024-Aug-22 UT 13:48-14:35 Ill=89% Aristarchus observed by Brook_C on 2009-6-11

     On 2009 Jun 11 at UT01:00-01:15 C. Brook (Plymouth, UK, 2" refractor, 
     x25, seeing excellent and no cloud or haze) obsrved fluctuations in the 
     brightness of Aristarchus crater. No brightness fluctuations were seen 
     elsewhere. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-23 UT 08:55-09:30 Ill=82% Mouchez observed by Steed_W on 1980-9-28

     On 1980 Sep 28 at UT05:00-07:00 W. Steed (Ocean City, MD, USA, 3" 
     refractor, x45 and x220) detected a "tower-like" feature on the east 
     rim of Mouchez crater, and appeared about 2-3x higher than other 
     mountains nearby. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=112 and the weight=1. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-23 UT 11:46-13:24 Ill=81% Aristarchus observed by Sekiguchi on 1970-3-26

     Near Aristarchus 1970 Mar 26 UT 17:00 Observed by Sekiguchi, 
     Maisumoto (Tokyo, Japan, 36" reflector) "Pts. N & S of crater 
     were brighter by 0.3 & 0.2 mag. respectively than normal -- 
     far beyond limits of error. Color index (CI) also showed less 
     depend. on phase by 0.1-0.2 mag. Did not show reddening dur. 
     enhancement. Polariz. was less by 1-2%. Photog. photom. 
     showed brightening over whole moon. Resolution = 2,3 km" NASA 
     catalog weight=5 and catalog ID #1236. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Aug-23 UT 11:46-13:24 Ill=81% Kepler observed by Sekiguchi on 1970-3-26

     North of Kepler 1970 Mar 26 UT 17:00 Observed by Sekiguchi, Maisumoto 
     (Tokyo, Japan, 36" reflector) "Photog. photom. showed brightening over 
     whole moon. CI N. of Kepler enhanced by 0.5 mag. Resolution = 2,3 km" 
     NASA catalog weight=5 (Very high). NASA catalog ID #1236.

2024-Aug-23 UT 12:46-13:26 Ill=81% Plato observed by Marshall_KP on 1982-9-7

     Plato 1982 Sep 07 UT 0330-0430. K.P. Marshall (Columbia, 12" 
     reflector, seeing III) saw no craterlets on the floor of Plato, 
     but what he considered unusual was an extremely bright short 
     section of the north rim of Plato - far brighter than, any other 
     part of the rim, and only slightly less bright than Mons Piton. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-23 UT 12:54-14:36 Ill=81% Plato observed by Markov on 1915-4-3

     Plato 1915 Apr 03 UTC 23:00? Observed by Markov (Russia) NASA 
     catalog describes observation: "Appearance of bright spots 
     that could even be seen in a 43mm (2-in) tube" 2" refractor 
     used. NASA catalog weight=2. NASA catalog TLP ID NO. #350. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Aug-23 UT 13:46-14:38 Ill=81% Plato observed by Lihou on 1886-10-16

     1886 Oct 16 UTC 22:00 Observed by Lihou (France?) "Unusual phenomena ? 
     (drawing)" Ref Sirius, Vol 20, 45 p69 (1887). NASA catalog weight=1 
     (very low). NASA catalog ID #252. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-24 UT 08:57-10:51 Ill=72% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1964-7-29

     1964 Jul 29 UT 05:40-06:06 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, 
     USA) "Nimbus only -- dark viol. hue. S.floor granulated, dull -- 
     6 bright. Faint yellow-brown tinge. Rest of crater 8." S=6, T=3-
     2. NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #838. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Aug-24 UT 10:08-10:33 Ill=72% Aristarchus observed by Foley_PW on 1978-11-20

     Aristarchus 1978 Nov 20 UTC 03:00-05:00 Observed by Foley (Kent, UK, no 
     spurious colour, Seeing Antoniadi II and transparency good.) - 
     colouration seen: very bright violet spot on the north west interior. 
     No brightness variations seen. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=44 and 
     weight=. The ALPO/BAA weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Aug-24 UT 14:01-14:40 Ill=70% Copernicus observed by Firsoff on 1955-5-12

     Copernicus 1955 May 12 UTC 03:40 Observed by Firsoff (Somerset, UK, 
     6.5" reflector x70) "Pico was invis. in violet filter. Copernicus was 
     bright in it." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #591.

2024-Aug-24 UT 14:01-14:40 Ill=70% Mons_Pico observed by Firsoff on 1955-5-12

     Mt Pico 1955 May 12 UTC 03:40 Observed by Firsoff (Somerset, UK, 
     6.5" reflector x70) "Pico was invis. in violet filter. Copernicus 
     was bright in it." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #591. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Aug-25 UT 12:35-13:54 Ill=60% Lichtenberg observed by Barcroft on 1940-10-22

     Lichtenberg area 1940 Oct 22 UT 07:12 Observed by Barcroft 
     (Madera, CA, USA, 6" reflector) "Only slightly redish color this 
     nite, comp. with previous nites (see #'s 467 & 477)" NASA 
     catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #478. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-25 UT 13:15-14:43 Ill=59% Alphonsus observed by Unknown_Observer on 1958-12-2

     On 1958 Dec 02 at UT 06:00 an unknown observer detected a TLP on the 
     Moon. The reference for this is from Palm, 1967 Icarus. The Cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=709 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-25 UT 14:26-14:43 Ill=59% Cassini observed by McLarin on 1965-10-16

     1965 Oct 16 UTC 08:05-10:00 Observed by McLarin (Huntsville, AL, 20" 
     reflector), Bates, Hall (Prt. Tobacco, MD, 16" reflector), Hardie 
     (Nashville, TE, 30" reflector) "Color flashing pulsations 
     intermittently detected by Trident MB device in Huntsville but not seen 
     in Md, or vis. by Hardie when alerted. Pulsations in Cassini different 
     from atmosphere" NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #906.

2024-Aug-26 UT 07:09-10:46 Ill=51% Vallis_Schroteri observed by Unknown_Observer on 1994-4-3 *

     On 1995 Apr 03 at UT 03:30 Unknown Observer (Transparency good) saw a 
     darkening in the Cobra Head, Schroter's valley area of Aristarchus - 
     the best example that he had ever seen. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=474 
     and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=. Reference - BAA Lunar Section 
     circular 1995 Oct, p125 and personal communication from David Darling 
     to the BAA on 6/6/1995. Note it is uncertain whether this refers to the 
     Clementine mission or to somebody who observed during the Clementine 
     mission, or somebody with that surname. Anyway if it is the Clementine 
     mission then the date is wrong - possibly the year should have been 
     1994? The Cameron catalogue does actually mention a TIFF on Clementine 
     mission? The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=474 and the weight=3. I am 
     assuming that the year should be 1994 and not 1995? The ALPO/BAA 
     catalog weight=1 until we can find out what the correct date is?

2024-Aug-26 UT 09:34-10:28 Ill=50% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1964-7-31

     Aristarchus 1964 Jul 31 UT 02:00-02:23 Observed by Bartlett 
     (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" reflector x180) "Deep ravine on E.glacis 
     interrupted midway of its length by apparent break just below 
     rim of craterlet assoc. with EWBS. Normally, ravine is seen 
     continuous. Probable obscuration at pt, of break." S=7, T=5. 
     NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #834. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Aug-26 UT 10:43-11:49 Ill=49% Triesnecker observed by Allen_DA on 1966-7-10

     Triesnecker 1966 Jul 10 UTC 02:00-02:15 Observed by Allen (Cambridge, 
     England) and other observations by Corralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, 
     NM, USA). Described in NASA catalog as: "Faint illum. of a ridge in 
     shadow; faded quickly (in BAA judged dubious). Not confirmed by 
     Corralitos MB." 12?" refractor (x280) used at Cambridge and at 
     Corralitos 24" reflector. NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA 
     catalog TLP ID No. #956.

2024-Aug-26 UT 12:43-14:40 Ill=48% Alphonsus observed by Vasilev on 1930-9-15

     In 1930 Sep 15 at UT00:00 Vasilev (Russia) observed the following in 
     Alphonsus crater: "During SS there was a triangular spot nr. W. wall 
     until merging with shad. of wall (normal?) (date wrong as age is 3.2d & 
     should be @ 23d. 9/15/30 would be correct: aux. data for 15th". The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=0. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=398 and 
     weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-26 UT 09:34-13:51 Ill=48% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Aug-27 UT 10:12-11:03 Ill=39% Plato observed by Wilkins_HP on 1944-8-12

     On 1944 Aug 12 at UT 04:00 H.P. Wilkins (Kent, UK, 8.52" 
     reflector) observed that central craterlet in Plato was 
     unusually bright and shows up as a bright white spot on his 
     sketch - though this might have been artistic license in his 
     sketch. His written notes refer to the unusual lack of a rim 
     (especially the northern part) to this craterlet. 
     The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Aug-27 UT 10:34-14:28 Ill=38% Aristarchus observed by Sekiyuchi on 1970-7-26 *

     Aristarchus 1970 Jul 26 UT 15:00? Observed by Sekiyuchi (Tokyo, Japan, 
     36" reflector) "Polarimetric and photoeletric anomalies on Moon" NASA 
     catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID #1268. ALPO/BAA weight=5.

2024-Aug-27 UT 13:44-14:48 Ill=37% Aristarchus observed by George on 1965-10-18

     Aristarchus 1965 Oct 18 UTC 07:30-07:36 Observed by George, Dervas 
     (Huntsville, Alabama, 20" reflector x125) "Color with intermittent 
     displays, detected with Trident MB device. Observers dubious. NASA 
     catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #907.

2024-Aug-27 UT 13:50-14:48 Ill=37% Copernicus observed by Firsoff on 1955-5-15

     Copernicus 1955 May 15 UTC 03:30 Observed by Firsoff (Somerset, UK, 
     6.5" reflector x70) "Almost as bright in violet filter as Aristarchus" 
     NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #592.

2024-Aug-27 UT 13:52-14:38 Ill=37% Aristarchus observed by Louderback_D on 1979-9-14

     On 1979 Sep 14 at 13:30-14:42 D. Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA, 8" 
     reflector, x146) found that half of the northern rim was "extinguished) 
     in the violet filter (made the crater look U-shaped), but appeared 
     normal in red and other filters. Cameron 2006 ID=67 and weight=4. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Aug-27 UT 10:12-13:54 Ill=37% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Aug-28 UT 11:03-13:56 Ill=27% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Aug-28 UT 14:05-14:50 Ill=27% Aristarchus observed by Moseley_R on 1983-8-3

     Aristarchus 1983 Aug 03 UT 0305-0400 Observed by R,Moseley 
     (Coventry, UK, 6" reflector, seeing II, Transparency very good). 
     At the start of the observation, the NE wall and immediate 
     exterior was the brightest area visible (this is normal) and 
     seemed tinged with a faint blue/violet. At 03:45 the impression 
     of colour was fading in the brightening sky, but by 03:55 the 
     colour was back again with a faint violet/purple surrounding the 
     whole formation from E clockwise to N. The observer found it 
     difficult to decide whether it was really a colour on the Moon, 
     or an optical illusion. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Aug-29 UT 12:06-13:59 Ill=18% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Aug-30 UT 13:18-14:02 Ill=11% Earthshine: sporadic meteors