TLP Repeat Illumination/Libration and Earthshine predictions for: Greenland - Nuuk

Ill is percentage illumination of the Moon
*Indicates a repeat illumination and libration event to within +/- 1 deg for both
A non-* indicates just repeat illumination to within +/-0.5 deg

2024-Jul-23 UT 03:19-04:54 Ill=96% Alphonsus observed by Whippey_MR on 1966-9-2 *

     Alphonsus 1966 Sep 02 UTC 03:16-04:18 Observed by Whippey (Northolt, 
     UK, 3" refractor) & Corralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" 
     reflector) "A series of weak glows, final flash at 0418h. Not confirmed 
     by Corralitos MB" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID 971.

2024-Jul-23 UT 04:07-06:18 Ill=96% Plato observed by Kelsey on 1966-9-2 *

     Plato 1966 Sep 02 UT 0625 Observed by Kelsey (Riverside, California, 
     USA, 8" reflector x300) "Landslip at west would not focus. (Ricker not 
     certain it was a real LTP)." NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog 
     ID 973.

2024-Jul-23 UT 05:32-06:18 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Brook_C on 2002-9-23 *

     On 2002 Sep 23 at UT22:45-23:56 C. Brook (Plymouth, UK) noticed that 
     the bands inside Aristarchus varied (UT22:45-22:56) in definition 
     whilst the rim of Herodotus and the rays of Kepler and Copernicus 
     remained sharp. These bouts of variation were 1-2min in duration. At 
     23:56UT when he checked again the periodic blurrings of the bands were 
     still present. The observer suspected atmospheric effects. M.Cook 
     (Frimley, UK) observed 22:00-22:30 and could see only 2 bands on the 
     west wall - but this may have been because of poor transparancy. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jul-25 UT 05:38-06:02 Ill=81% Plato observed by Foley_PW on 1975-3-2

     On 1975 Mar 02 at UT05:00-06:18 P.W.Foley (Wilmington, Dartford, 
     Kent, UK, 12" reflector) observed blueness along the southern 
     wall of Plato. This is a BAA observation. Note that it
     is assumed that this is the same as Cameron's catalog 1975 
     Mar 02 UT 01:00 or 23:00 report by an Unknown English Observer 
     who  apparently observed colour in Plato (Red or violet). The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1402 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jul-26 UT 04:40-06:18 Ill=72% Aristarchus observed by Kozyrev on 1961-11-27

     Aristarchus 1961 Nov 27 UTC 23:30 Observed by Kozyrev (Crimea, Soviet 
     Union) described in NASA catalog as: "Emission lines in spectrum of 
     c.p. in red & blue, H2 identified, (he had obtained C2 & Swan bands in 
     Alphonsus in '58 & '59" 50" reflector used. NASA catalog weight=5 (very 
     high). NASA catalog TLP ID No. #755.

2024-Jul-26 UT 04:40-05:21 Ill=72% Agrippa observed by Bartlett on 1966-9-5

     Agrippa 1966 Sep 05 UTC 04:47-05:00 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, 
     MD, USA, 5" reflector, 283x) "Within the wall shadow, the landslip was 
     faintly illum., est. at 4, & distinctly brownish". S=6-1, T=3-1. NASA 
     catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #975.

2024-Jul-26 UT 04:40-06:15 Ill=72% Mare_Tranquillitatis observed by Arkhipov on 1985-9-4

     On 1985 Sep 04 at UT 22:15 A.V. Arkhipov (Russia) detected a bright 
     flash in Mare Tranquilitatis that lasted < 1 second and had a diameter 
     of < 2 arc seconds i.e. the limit of seeing resolution. The Cameron 
     2006 catalog ID=280 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jul-27 UT 04:20-04:50 Ill=61% Cassini observed by McLarin on 1965-10-16

     1965 Oct 16 UTC 08:05-10:00 Observed by McLarin (Huntsville, AL, 20" 
     reflector), Bates, Hall (Prt. Tobacco, MD, 16" reflector), Hardie 
     (Nashville, TE, 30" reflector) "Color flashing pulsations 
     intermittently detected by Trident MB device in Huntsville but not seen 
     in Md, or vis. by Hardie when alerted. Pulsations in Cassini different 
     from atmosphere" NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #906.

2024-Jul-27 UT 04:20-04:51 Ill=61% Aristarchus observed by Foley_PW on 1975-3-4

     On 1975 Mar 04 UT 04:01-05:30 P.W. Foley (Wilmington, Dartford, Kent, 
     UK, 12" reflector, seeing excellent, no turbulence, slight frost and 
     mist) had a suspicion of blue on the entire north wall of Aristarchus 
     crater - not seen visually but detected with a Moon Blink device. 
     Crater extremely bright and unable to penetrate it visually. 
     Surrounding areas charp. No red/orange on south wall. All other areas 
     proved negative. Photographs taken. No change in appearance over this 
     time. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Jul-27 UT 04:20-04:36 Ill=61% Plato observed by Foley_PW on 1975-3-4

     On 1975 Mar 04 at UT03:46-06:01 P.W.Foley (Wilmington, Dartford, 
     Kent, UK, 12" reflector) observed bluesness along the southern 
     wall of Plato.  This is a BAA observation. The Cameron 1978 
     catalogue ID is #1403 and has a weight of 1. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Jul-27 UT 05:35-06:30 Ill=60% Montes_Spitzbergen observed by Madej_P on 1980-10-30

     On 1980 Oct 30 at UT03:19-03:41 P. Madej (Huddersfield, UK, 158mm f/4 
     reflector, seeing I-II, and transparency very good. Wratten 15 (yellow) 
     and Wratten 35 (purple) used. No spurious colour seen). At 03:19UT, the 
     observer noted that Mons Spitzbergen looked sharper at x52. At x72 
     bright flashes of a bright lunar gray to a light orange colour seen. 
     BAA Lunar Section TLP team alerted. At 03:32UT a yellow filter used and 
     the flashes were better seen, one flash approximately 20-30 sec apart. 
     At 03:31UT Madej used a purple filter and could not see Mons 
     Spitzbergen but did see the flashes (45-60 sec apart). cameron 2006 
     catalog TLP ID=118 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jul-28 UT 04:16-04:40 Ill=49% Earthshine: Jul Zeta Draconids + S.Delta Aquarids + Alpha Capricornids

2024-Jul-28 UT 04:45-06:09 Ill=49% Copernicus observed by Darling_D on 1994-4-3

     On 1994 Apr 03 at 11:23UT D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA) noticed that 
     Copernicus crater had a red spot on the west wall (found using Moon 
     Blink filters Wratten 29 and Wratten 38). The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Jul-29 UT 04:24-04:48 Ill=38% Earthshine: Jul Zeta Draconids + S.Delta Aquarids + Alpha Capricornids

2024-Jul-29 UT 05:09-06:36 Ill=38% Plato observed by Hobdell on 1981-10-21

     On 1981 Oct 21 at UT 11:35-11:48 B. Hobdell (St Petersberg, FL, USA, 
     10" reflector) found that the south peak of Plato on floor glowed white 
     at 11:35UT, then a milky shade spread all aorind Plato's floor 
     (previously completely shadow filled). The needle like shadows started 
     to be indistiguishable through the sunlight (dawn on Earth). The cloud 
     like feature was washed out by daylight at 11:48UT and conformed to the 
     "white area except a tail that reached the cetre of Plato" Spurious 
     colour was not seen. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=157 and weight=3.

2024-Jul-29 UT 05:30-06:20 Ill=38% Plato observed by Morgan_P on 2009-6-16

     On 2009 Jun 16 at UT 03:20-03:40 P. Morgan (UK, 30.5cm reflector, x400, 
     seeing=6/10 and transparency=5/5) observed a large diffuse ashen-like 
     effect over the shadow filled floor of Plato. The effect was lighter 
     towards the south. Observer checked the effect with both left and right 
     eyes and it remained the same. Unusually no shadow spires from rim 
     moutain peaks were seen. A check for colour in the region effected 
     revealed none. As time progressed, terrestrial twilight encroached. A 
     sketch was made. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Jul-30 UT 04:45-04:55 Ill=27% Earthshine: Jul Zeta Draconids + S.Delta Aquarids + Alpha Capricornids

2024-Jul-31 UT 05:19-05:48 Ill=18% Aristarchus observed by Schroter on 1788-5-1

     On 1788 May 01 at UT 01:00? Schroter (Lilienthal, Germany, reflector 
     used) observed a small depression near Aristarchus, 1, that had a 
     strong glimmer. The Cameron 1978 catalog weight=4 and ID=45. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.