TLP Repeat Illumination/Libration and Earthshine predictions for: UK Norfolk Mundesley

Ill is percentage illumination of the Moon
*Indicates a repeat illumination and libration event to within +/- 1 deg for both
A non-* indicates just repeat illumination to within +/-0.5 deg

2024-Oct-08 UT 17:09-17:41 Ill=29% Santbech observed by Rogers_G on 1994-6-14 *

     On 1994 Jun 14 UT 21:45-22:00 G.Rogers (Crendon, UK, 3" Zeiss 
     refractor, sky conditions perfectly clear) reported seeing three 
     very large whitish clouds against the Moon. The strongest seemed 
     to "stem" from the vicinity of Santbech crater (crater 
     identified the next day from an atlas), and was a milk chocolate 
     colour near the stem. The other two large clouds were to the 
     north - in the general area of Mare Fecunditatis and Mare 
     Crisium though perhaps slightly further west and in contact with 
     the terminator? The effect was confirmed (independently) by 4 
     other observers using the same telescope. The telescope was 
     moved but the clouds remained in the same position over the 
     Moon. This report comes from The Astronomer Jan 2013 p 230. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-08 UT 17:42-17:45 Ill=29% SW_Limb observed by Moeller_J on 2012-5-26 *

     On 2012 May 26 UT21:21 J. Moeller (Syracuse, NY, USA, using a 
     Konica Minolta DIMAGE Z5 digital camera, f/7.1, 1/250 sec 
     exposure, ISO-50, 69mm focal length, digital zoom x3) captured
     a hand held image of the Moon in daylight. On the SW limb of 
     the dark side of the Moon a bright spot can be seen. This has 
     a brightness comparable to that of Mare Serenitatis. There is 
     also a fainter dark blurred marking further inside the dark side. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-13 UT 19:26-19:33 Ill=81% Ross_D observed by Harris on 1964-6-21

     On 1964 Jun 21 at UT 03:43-05:44 Harris, Cross and Helland (Whittier, 
     CA, USA, 19" reflector) observed south of Ross D: "Moving dark area". 
     The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=819 and weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=4.

2024-Oct-13 UT 19:26-20:30 Ill=81% Torricelli_B observed by North_G on 1990-1-7

     On 1990 Jan 07 at UT 20:20-20:58 G.North (Herstmonceux, UK) thought 
     that he detected dullness in Torricelli B crater - Cameron comments 
     that this cannot be shadow). The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=386 and the 
     weight=3. ALPO\/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-13 UT 23:32-00:49 Ill=82% Gassendi observed by Unknown_English_Observer on 1977-4-29 *

     On 1977 Apr 29 at UT21:40-23:20 an unknown UK observer reported a TLP 
     in Gassendi crater. The following are reports by observers attempting 
     to confirm activity: J.W. Napper (Didcot, UK, 30cm reflector, x287, 
     Wratten 25 and 44a, conditions clear 5+) received a telephone alert 
     call at 22:00 but the sky was cloudy until 22:30. An initial look 
     revealed nothing unusual, then at 22:54 he observed a colour blink just 
     inside the north wall, appearing bright in red and normal in blue or 
     white light. No loss of detail seen and the effect lasted only 2 
     minutes. A sketch was made. However the observer stresses that the very 
     bad seeing casts some doubt on this observation. L. Fitton observed 
     using a 8.5" reflector, with Moon blink device at x200, seeing was I-
     II. All areas negative, including Gassindi from 21:40-21:55 and again 
     22;00-22:25 and finally 22:50-23:30 negative. Mike Brown (Huntington, 
     York, UK, 30cm reflector, x220 and x350, seeing 3-4/5, and transparency 
     5/5) - observed from 22:00-23:25UT no colour seen, nor obsecuration, 
     all filters negative, despite seeing a lot of fine setail inside this 

2024-Oct-14 UT 18:52-19:09 Ill=89% Herodotus observed by Hill_H on 1966-11-24

     Herodotus 1966 Nov 24 UT 21:50 H.Hill (UK, 7.25" reflector, 
     x240), seeing 4-6/10, transparancy 4/5) sketched a central white 
     diffuse patch inside the floor of the crater, with a size of 
     about 1/7th the diameter of the crater. The eastern edge of the 
     white patch was encroached by the shadow of the eastern rim. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-14 UT 18:52-19:19 Ill=89% Proclus observed by Farrant_M on 1972-12-17

     Proclus 1972 Dec 17 UTC 18:30 Observed by Farrant (Cambridge, England, 
     8.5" reflector) "Crater appeared very bright (Apollo 17 Watch)." NASA 
     catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #1359.

2024-Oct-14 UT 18:52-19:17 Ill=89% Encke_B observed by Blanco_J on 1990-9-1

     Blanco, J. Vidal, of Gijon, Spain (3" refractor x72)
     noticed an unfamiliar very bright center near to Encke. 
     Cameron suspects that this was Encke B crater
     on the basis that it is a prominent small crater
     near to Encke. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=410
     and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-14 UT 19:12-20:01 Ill=90% Vallis_Schroteri observed by Beaumont_S on 1993-6-2

     On 1993 Jun 02 at Ut 04:30-05:45 S. Beaumont (Cambridge, UK) saw that 
     the shadow of the Cobra's Head in Schroter's Valley was lighter and 
     more diffuse seen at user defined locations of C or B rim (these were 
     black versus medium gray for Cobra's Head). The TLP had vanished by 
     05:45UT. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=462 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA 
     weight=1 because the date or time is wrong.

2024-Oct-14 UT 20:21-22:06 Ill=90% Herodotus observed by Bartlett on 1949-11-3

     In 1949 Nov 03 UT 01:06 J.Bartlett (3.5" refractor, x100) noted that 
     the floor of Herodotus was very dark, the east wall was very bright, 
     and the floor contained a central bright peak. The BAA/ALPO weight=3.

2024-Oct-14 UT 20:47-22:39 Ill=90% Aristillus observed by Berger on 1972-12-17

     Aristillus 1972 Dec 17 UTC 21:50-22:20 observed by Berger (51.5N, 9E, 
     60mm refractor, T=2, S=3) "Diffuse bright cloud in the NE corner of the 
     crater" - Hilbrecht and Kuveler, Earth, Moon & Planets, 30 (1984), p53-

2024-Oct-14 UT 21:24-23:22 Ill=90% Aristarchus observed by Lapshin on 1919-6-10

     Aristarchus 1919 Jun 10 UT 19:00-19:30 Observed by Lapshin 
     (Russia) a "Greenish-yellow light shone from inside the crater 
     for 1/2 hr. after which it returned to normal. Violet tint on W. 
     bank & surrounding area & the dark color of the saddle & dark 
     spot were distinct. Term. slightly E. of Herodotus. (Ast. E)=IAU 
     W." NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #372. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Oct-14 UT 23:03-00:20 Ill=90% Plato observed by Fauth on 1906-3-7

     Plato 1906 Mar 07 UT 22:00? Observed by Fauth (Germany? 6" refractor) 
     "Color (brightness?) greatly enhanced as on the previous nite" NASA 
     catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #324.

2024-Oct-15 UT 00:19-00:20 Ill=91% Moon observed by Corralitos on 1967-4-22

     Moon 1967 Apr 22 UT 02:30 Observed by Dunlap et al. (Corralitos 
     Observatory, Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" reflector) "UV excess as in #
     1029. Gradient was 10# at term. to 25-30$ at subsolar pt. (153 deg 
     long)." NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #1031.

2024-Oct-15 UT 00:19-00:20 Ill=91% Tycho observed by Moore_P on 1980-7-24

     On 1980 Jul 24 at UT22:10-22:55 P. Moore (Selsey, UK, 15" reflector, 
     x360 and x400) found an area just south east of the central peak (and 
     upto the wall) to be quite dark in blue light, but normal brightness in 
     red light or in white light. All other features were normal colour-
     wise. At 22:55UT Tycho was normal again. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=103 
     and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-15 UT 18:46-19:47 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Schobel on 1967-4-22

     Aristarchus-herodotus 1967 Apr 22 UT 20:20 Observed by Schobel 
     (Hirschfelde, Germany, 5"? refractor) "Interference filter. 
     (indep. confirm. of Darnella?)" NASA catalog weight=5. NASA 
     catalog ID #1032. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-15 UT 18:46-19:10 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Foley_PW on 1975-5-23

     Aristarchus 1975 May 23 P.W. Foley (Wilmington, UK, 12" 
     reflector, x200, x360, x624, atmospheric clarity good, seeing 
     III from 20:15-22:30, but the clouded out at 22:30, and from 
     23:15-01:15 seeing was IV-V with poor transparency) observed 
     (22:20-20:45 UT) variation in the SE corner of the 
     Aristarchus, namely the usual dark bands were alternating 
     light to dark, not in keeping with otyher crater features. 
     This effect was not linked to atmospheric turbulence. Also 
     projected image of bands beyond the crater W. wall were 
     repeatedly noted. The observer broke away from observing at 
     20:45UT to make a telephonealert call. At 20:55UT they noted 
     that the area between Vallis Schroteri and Herodotus seemed 
     very light/bright, also the E. exterior of the crater wall of 
     Herodotus. From 21:01-21:11 A slight blueness was seen to 
     extend from the NE corner of Aristarchus, along the exterior 
     rim, acrossand beyond Herodotus to the SW. A tgorough search 
     was made of many bright areas, both near the terminator and to 
     the E., but no blueness could be detected elsewhere. A slight 
     orange hue was noted along the E. limb of theMoon (Spurious 
     colour). From 21:18;22:30 Aristarchus seemed normal again, and 
     likewise the head of Vallis Schoteri too. The observer was 
     clouded out from 22:30-23:15and from 23:15-01:30 the seeing 
     was so appaling that no colour or projection of the bands 
     could be seen. A Moon Blink was used during the session, but 
     no colour was detected in this? Another observer, R.W. Rose 
     (Devon, UK) observed 21:20-21:30 but had IV seeing, and saw 
     nothing unusual, but commented that if TLP wactivity had been 
     taking place, then they would probably not have seen it. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-15 UT 18:46-20:07 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Louderback_D on 1979-8-6

     Aristarchus normal in red and blue filters however the
     Cobra Head part of Schroter's Valley was brighter in blue.
     Indeed it was very dull in red - Louderback says that this
     was not surprising as the whole areas around Aristarchus is
     brighter in blue. Louderback is an experienced observer
     of the Aristarchus area of more than 10 years. Cameron 2006
     extended catalogID=63 and weight=1. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-15 UT 18:54-20:27 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Classen on 1967-4-22

     Aristarchus 1967 Apr 22 UT 21:00? Observed by Classen 
     (Pulsnitz Obs., E. Germany) & by Corralitos Observatory (Organ 
     Pass, New Mexicoo, 24" reflector+Moonblink). "Crater was so 
     bright it could be seen with the naked eye (indep. confirm. of 
     Darnella & Schobel of activity here?). Corralitos M.B. did not 
     confirm." NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #1034. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-15 UT 19:32-20:27 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1964-6-23

     On 1964 Jun 23 at UT 04:45-05:05 Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" 
     reflector, x180, S=4-1 and T=3) observed a blue-violet glare on the 
     north east rim and a strong violet tinge in the nimbus. The effect was 
     absent 1 hour earlier. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=821 and weight=4. 
     The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-15 UT 19:39-21:12 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Darnella on 1967-4-22

     Aristarchus, Schroter's Valley, Herodotus 1967 Apr 22 UT 
     21:45 Observed by Darnella (Copenhagen, Danemark, 3.5" 
     refractor) & Coralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, New Mexico, 
     USA (24" reflector + Moonblink). "Red pts. suspected in same 
     areas as in #1030, but seeing was bad. (confirm by Schobel?). 
     Corralitos MB did not confirm" NASA catalog weight=5. NASA 
     catalog ID #1033. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-15 UT 20:51-21:47 Ill=96% Plato observed by Schmidt_J on 1873-4-10

     Plato 1873 Apr 10 UTC 21:00? Observed by Schmidt (Athens, Greece, 6" 
     refractor) "Under high sun, 2 faint clouds in E. part of crater."

2024-Oct-16 UT 00:38-02:09 Ill=97% Gassendi observed by Moore_P on 1976-10-6

     Gassendi 1976 Oct 04 UT 21:30 P. Moore (Selsey, UK, x400, 
     seeing poor) observed redness in the c.p. area. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Oct-16 UT 02:02-02:09 Ill=97% Schiaparelli observed by Brierley_P on 2009-1-9

     On 2009 Jan 09 at UT 20:00 P. Brierley (UK) took a CCD image of the 
     Aristarchus area - P.Grego upon examining this comments that he thinks 
     that Schiaparelli crater looked "muted in brightness -- it is normally 
     quite bright to look at". Though Grego comments that it might have 
     something to do with the image processing aplied to the image. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-16 UT 17:09-19:59 Ill=99% Riccioli observed by Brittman_O on 1964-6-24 *

     During an eclipse of the Moon the crater appeared normal until it
     emerged from the shadow. In the north east the dark floor was
     not its normal hue and two light areas appeared to join. The
     emerging patches became less and less bright, finally disappearing
     at 0345 UT when the crater returned to normal. Cameron 2006 catalog 
     extension ID=10 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-16 UT 18:50-19:38 Ill=99% Aristarchus observed by Weresuik on 1965-5-15

     Aristarchus 1965 May 15 UTC 01:40-02:15 Observed by Weresuik, McClench, 
     Johnson (Pt. Tobacco, MD, USA, 16" reflector x240, S=F, T=G) and Delano 
     (Massachusetts, USA, 12" reflector). "Crater had color(red?) detected 
     by Trident MB & photos were obtained. There were pulsations. Delano saw 
     E. wall of crater unusually bright (confirm. if at same time)." NASA 
     catalog weight=5 (very good). NASA catalog ID #876.

2024-Oct-16 UT 19:50-21:38 Ill=99% Madler observed by Gray_R on 2005-10-17

     Madler 2005 Oct 17 UT 04:14-05:28 Observed by Robin Gray (Winnemucca, 
     NV, USA, 152mm refractor, x228, x343, S=5-8 and T=5-6) "Very bright 
     pinpoint spot seen towards end of observing period on east crater wall, 
     lasting 1 min in duration. Brighter than other spots, possibly 8.5-9 on 
     the Elger scale. The spot was not seen earlier during the long 
     observing session." An ALPO report. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-16 UT 20:32-22:30 Ill=99% Madler observed by Haas_W on 1940-9-16

     Madler 1940 Sep 16 UT 02:10 Observed by Haas (New Mexico? USA, 
     12"  reflector?) "Bright spot on S. rim was I=5.8 comp. with 8.9 
     on Aug 17 (see #470)." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #
     473. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-17 UT 00:55-02:11 Ill=100% Plato observed by Simmons on 1967-4-24

     Plato 1967 Apr 24 UT 02:50 K.Simmons (Jacksonville, FL, USA, 10" 
     reflector) observed a large bright (intensity 6.5) oval area on 
     near the central floor. According to Ricker and Kelsey (ALPO 
     selected area coordinators) this is unusual. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-17 UT 02:02-03:47 Ill=100% Ross observed by Azeau on 1969-9-25

     On 1969 Sep 25 at 19:00?UT Azeau (Paris, France, 12" reflector, x100, 
     Seeing = good, altitude=20 deg) observed during an eclipse brilliant 
     points for 30 minutes in Ross. Cameron says that the date given 
     originally (16th Sep) was wrong because the age was 5 days and not full 
     Moon. There was however a peumbral eclipse on Sep 25th at 20:10 (max). 
     The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1201 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-17 UT 02:09-03:47 Ill=100% Unknown observed by Scarfe on 1964-1-28

     On 1964 Jan 28 at 21:00? Scarfe (UK) obtained spactra showing 
     luminescence? The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=798 and weight=5. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-17 UT 02:41-03:47 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Reid on 1950-9-26

     On 1950 Sep 26 at UT 02:52, 03:10 Reid (Montreal, Canada, 6" reflector 
     x48) and Venor (Montreal, Canada, 12" reflector) observed a 
     brightening, fading, and brightening in Aristarchus crater during 
     totality. There was a phosphorescent glow (date not given but times 
     match this eclipse). cameron suggests that this is a confirmation 
     report. The cameron 1978 catalog ID=538 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Oct-17 UT 02:56-03:47 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Unknown_US_Observers on 1975-5-25

     On 1975 May 25 at UT 05:00-06:00 an unknown US observer took a 
     photograph of a lunar eclipse that shows Aristarchus gleaming white. 
     The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1406 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-17 UT 02:56-03:47 Ill=100% Romer observed by Unknown_US_Observers on 1975-5-25

     On 1975 May 25 at UT 05:00-06:00 an unknown US observer took a 
     photograph of a lunar eclipse that shows a bright spot on the east 
     (IAU?) rim of mare Serenitatis (Romer?). The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=
     1406 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-17 UT 03:01-03:47 Ill=100% Lunar_Eclipse observed by Zlatinsky on 1903-4-11

     On 1903 Apr 11 at UT 23:44 Zlatinsky (Russia) observed the following 
     for Tycho? or Aristarchus?: "Dur. a lunar eclipse a bright extension of 
     lunar (rays?) in shadow for 30m until mid-ecl." was seen. W.W. Magness 
     (England, UK, 3" refractor) also saw two bright streaks of light, 
     either side of the uneclipsed crsecent of the Moon. The Cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=217 and weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-17 UT 03:17-03:47 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Olivarez_J on 1968-3-14

     Aristarchus 1968 Mar 14 UT 01:32-02:06 Observed by Olivarez, Maley, 
     Etheridge (Edinburgh, TX, USA, 17" reflector, x125 + Moon Blink) and 
     Corralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" reflector, Moon Blink)
     "S=5 (F-G) for the TX observations. "Trident Moon Blink on S. wall 
     creet & c.p. & white spots in crater. No color seen vis. Blink not seen 
     earlier or later. Other craters blinked some but not as strongly.
     Only Aris. areas blinked when Moon blink was moved around. Observers 
     consider blinks real. Alt. of moon was 50 deg. Drawings. Corralitos
     say they did not confirm, but they rep't Copernicus, not Aris." NASA 
     catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #1062.

2024-Oct-17 UT 03:32-03:47 Ill=100% Tycho observed by LeRoy on 1912-4-1

     On 1912 Apr 01 at UT 22:00-23:00 LeRoy (France?) during a 
     partial eclipse, observed Tycho to be visible as a very bright 
     spot standing out in the slate grey shadow. Apparently only 
     Tycho was seen during the elipse. The mid eclipse point was at 
     22:14UT. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=236 and the weight=1. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Oct-17 UT 03:44-03:47 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Ward on 1906-8-4

     On 1906 Aug 04 at UT 12:30-13:30 Ward (England?) observed during a 
     lunar eclipse Aristarchus to shine conspicuously. Cameron says that UT 
     time is on the new system (as opposed to local time) with the mid 
     eclipse at 13:00UT. The cameron 1978 catalog ID=325 and the weight=1. 
     The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-17 UT 19:04-19:51 Ill=100% Tycho observed by Chrevremont on 1898-1-8

     On 1898 Jan 08 at UT 00:00-01:00 Chrevremont (France?) notcied that 
     during a lunar eclipse, the mid-eclipse shadow was so dark that details 
     of the surface disappeared, all except for the Tycho SSW ray . Cameron 
     comments that it is unsual for that ray to remain when usually the ones 
     towards Kepler and Aristarchus are the ones to stand out? The Cameron 
     1978 catalog ID=297 and the weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-17 UT 19:04-19:57 Ill=100% Kepler observed by Wildey on 1962-7-17

     Kepler 1962 Jul 17 UTC 06:24,08:36 Observed by Wildey, Pohn (Mt Wilson, 
     CA, USA, 60" reflector+photometer) "Crater was at Vmag 2.68 at earlier 
     obs. which was .47 mag brighter than av. mag. at 15d & it faded to near 
     normal at later time to V=3.10(photom. measures), a change of 1/2 mag. 
     or @1.5 times in brightness" NASA catalog weight=5 (very good). NASA 
     catalog ID #761.

2024-Oct-17 UT 19:19-20:49 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Coates_J on 1978-8-18

     On 1978 Aug 18 at UT 22:00 Coates (England?, UK, 3" refractor, 
     seeing=II) found that the inner bands of Aristarchus were hard to see, 
     this was odd because the seeing conditions were good and he usually 
     sees them? However he did not believe that there was any obscuration 
     going on. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=37 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Oct-17 UT 19:20-20:38 Ill=100% Mare_Serenitatis observed by Unknown_British_Observers on 1979-3-13

     On 1979 Mar 13 (UT not given) an unknown observer (UK?) during a 
     partial lunar eclipse observed an anomolous brightening in the umbra in 
     the form of a large diamond shape between mare Serenitatis and the 
     Moon's limb, just shortly after mid eclipse (UT 21:08).

2024-Oct-17 UT 19:58-21:55 Ill=100% Moon observed by deMoraes on 1893-4-1

     On 1893 Apr 01 at UT 22:00 deMoraes of the Azores, Portugal, saw a 
     shaft of light projecting from the Moon. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=280 
     and weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-17 UT 20:00-20:48 Ill=100% Lunar_Eclipse observed by Johnson_SJ on 1902-10-17

     In 1902 Oct 17 at UT 04:35-06:00 Seen by S.J. Johson and also in 
     another report(s) by Brink, Swift, Wilson () observed a 
     "Dark band, no color, across center of moon dur. ecl. Copernicus 
     brighter than Tycho. Aristarchus brightest of all. Drawing by Brink & 
     Wilson at 1725(=0525UT)(Confirm. -- time given=16th at 1635-1800 = 17th 
     at 0435-0600 on present UT system". The Cameron 1978 vatalog ID=314 and 
     weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-17 UT 20:26-20:40 Ill=100% Lunar_Eclipse observed by deWitt on 1935-7-16

     In 1935 Jul 16 at UT 05:01 deWitt (Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 12" 
     reflector) "Photos in lunar ecl. indicate a probable fading of Grim. 
     floor a possible fading of S. tip of Ricc. spot, a possible enlargement 
     of halo around Linne, a possible, but unlikely darkening of Schick's 
     dark areas & no effect on Eratosthenes or white spot E. of Webb. Linne 
     enlargement more pronounced at 1902 ecl. than at any other time. Fading 
     of Ric. spot was pronounced on May 14, 1938". The Cameron 1978 catalog 
     ID=413 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-17 UT 20:47-22:13 Ill=100% Lunar_Eclipse observed by Unknown_Observer on 1963-7-6

     On 1963 Jul 06 UT 20:35-23:00 during a partial eclipse of the Moon, 
     some feathery fingers of light were seen in the shadow.

2024-Oct-17 UT 21:12-22:38 Ill=100% Riccioli observed by Chernov on 1963-7-6

     On 1963 Jul 06 at UT 21:00 (estimated) Chernov (Russia) observed that 
     the dark spot in Riccioli size increased suddenly during a lunar 
     eclipse as it entered the shadow, before merging with the shadow. The 
     mid eclipse was at 22:03UT. The cameron 1978 catalog ID=774 and 
     weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Oct-17 UT 21:18-21:56 Ill=100% Lunar_Eclipse observed by Bye on 1884-10-4

     On 1884 Oct 04 at UT 22:00 Bye (Brussels, Belgium) observed
     during an eclipse that the peaks were visible as brilliant 
     points with slight red aureoles during a lunar eclipse. 
     Cameron says that this was a confirmation of #2443. The 
     Cameron 1978 catalog ID= and the weight=5. 
     The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-17 UT 21:21-21:59 Ill=100% Tycho observed by Parsehlan on 1884-10-4

     Parsehlan of England? saw Tycho as a 2nd magnitude star during a total 
     lunar eclipse. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=244 and weight=5. The 
     ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-17 UT 22:02-22:58 Ill=100% Lunar_Eclipse observed by Bagby_JP on 1956-11-18

     On 1956 Nov 18 J.P. Bagby organized a lunar eclipse observing session 
     in the USA. He recorded 35 bright objects against the Moon, 5 of these 
     were seen by 3 other observers. J. Mavrogianis and 4 other observers 
     observed 25 transient luminous objects - mostly stationary yellow 
     flashes. However another group at Cheyenne noted a 4 sec duration 
     light. This report is described in H. Hars "The Total Lunar Eclipse of 
     November 18, 1956", Strolling Astronomer, 11:64, 1957.

2024-Oct-17 UT 23:13-00:38 Ill=100% Atlas observed by Chernov on 1963-7-6

     On 1963 Jul 06 at UT 23:00 (estimated) Chernov (Russia) observed in 
     Atlas 2 large spots that were not visible in penumbra after totality. 
     The cameron 1978 catalog ID=775 and weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Oct-17 UT 23:23-00:21 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Jackson on 1891-5-23

     On 1891 May 23 at 18:36-19:15 UT, Jackson of Sheffield, England, using 
     a 6" refractor, saw "1/2 hour before the end of a totl eclipse, a 
     region of the crater and just north of it, become conspicuous and 
     increased in brightness from then on" Cameron thinks this is just the 
     edge of the shadow and possibly normal. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=268 and 
     weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-17 UT 23:26-01:01 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Chernov on 1954-7-16

     In 1954 Jul 16 at UT 01:12 Chernov (Russia, 2" refractor, x33) observed 
     the following for Aristarchus: "Activity noted in it * in extension of 
     Moon's shadow on sky for 12 min during .17phase of ecl.(source gave 
     date as June 16, but ecl was July 16)". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=566 
     and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. 

2024-Oct-18 UT 00:04-01:36 Ill=100% Aristarchus observed by Porter on 1978-8-19

     On 1978 Aug 19 at UT02:45-04:00 Porter (Naragansetts, RI, USA, using a 
     6" reflector, Seing = 6/10) noticed blue on the north east corner of 
     Aristarchus and an orange glow on the south east wall. They detected no 
     movement or change in brightness. The observer used both eyes, to make 
     sure it was not an eye defect, and three filters: red Wratten 25, blue 
     Wratten 82 and Violet Wratten 47. Porter found that the colours faded 
     for a duration of 5 minutes and then returned. Their right eye gave a 
     good view and using their left eye they suspected that it was 0.5 steps 
     brighter than the remainder of the crater. The suspected colour 
     remained visible, even under moments of good seeing conditions. The 
     colour eventually faded over time and was eventually gone. Porter 
     reportd seein gcolour here on the following night. Apparently other 
     bright spots showed no colour. Fitton suggests that the filters used 
     confirm that the south east wass was definitely red in colour. The 
     Cameron 2006 catalog ID=37 and the weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-18 UT 01:37-02:24 Ill=100% Unknown observed by Unknown_Observer on 1096-8-12

     Bright light seen during eclipse. Date given as 8th
     but the Full Moon was on 6th according to Goldatine's 
     "New & Full Moon's"). ALPO/BAA catalog weight=1.
     Cameron catalog weight=3. Cameron Catalog ID: 4.
     Julian date 1096 Aug 06. Gregorian date 1096 Aug 12.

2024-Oct-18 UT 03:05-03:49 Ill=99% Picard observed by Ingall on 1865-9-5

     Conspicuous bright spot seen on 6th. Also seen on 7th, absent on 8th.
     Cloud-like effect where light had been (on 8th). Cameron 1978 catalog
     TLP ID No.=139 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-18 UT 03:40-05:10 Ill=99% Tycho observed by Rey on 1905-8-16

     On 1905 Aug 15 at UT 03:30 Rey (Marseilles, France) observed Tycho 
     during a lunar eclipse to be visible, indeed it was described as 
     brilliant during the eclipse (mid eclipse 03:31UT). The Cameron 1978 
     catalog ID=322 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-18 UT 19:28-21:18 Ill=97% Mare_Crisium observed by Wildey on 1962-7-18

     Mare Crisium 1962 Jul 18 UTC 09:54 Observed by Wildey & Pohn (Mt 
     Wilson, CA, USA, 60" reflector + Photometer) "Photometric meas. showed 
     change in brightness of the area of over a mag. during the nite. 
     Recorded at Vmag=3.56 first, & a few min(?) later at 4.62. It was .95 
     mag. brighter (@2.5x) than av. for that age & then returned to 
     normal." NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #762.

2024-Oct-18 UT 19:50-00:00 Ill=97% Proclus observed by Green_SM on 1938-11-8

     Proclus 1938 Nov 08 UTC 20:00 Observed by Green (England? Seeing = 
     good) "2 bright spots in Schmidt & Wilkins' craterlets. Was struck by 
     whitish aspect of parts of floor -- possibly mists. S.wall concealed by 
     these strong white patches, as if breached ring." NASA catalog weight=3 
     (average). NASA catalog ID #443.

2024-Oct-18 UT 21:35-23:30 Ill=97% Aristarchus observed by Louderback_D on 1992-7-16

     On 1992 Jul 16 at UT 03:32-09:31 D. Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA, 
     3" refractor, x134) detected yellow on the southern rim of Aristarchus, 
     and the colour looked "darker" through a yellow filter and the region 
     was "duller" than normal. The region was 1 intesnsity step brighter on 
     the 2nd measurement, "on all points in it". The comet tail-like ray had 
     3 sections and was "mottled" in appearance. Finally the Cobra Head 
     region had possible variations in brightness. The cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=451 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.  

2024-Oct-18 UT 21:44-23:38 Ill=97% Gassendi observed by Haas_W on 1940-9-18

     Gassendi 1940 Sep 18 UTC 03:15 Observed by Haas (New Mexico? 12" 
     ? reflector) "Largest bright spot in SE part of floor had I=6.1, 
     but I=6.7 & 8.6 on other nites. (same ph. see #469, 472 & 475)" 
     NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #474. ALPO/BAA weight=2. 

2024-Oct-18 UT 21:51-23:45 Ill=97% Picard observed by Ingall on 1864-10-16

     East of Picard 1864 Oct 16/17 UT 23:00-01:00? Observed by 
     Ingall (Camberwell ?, UK) "Remarkable bright spot" NASA 
     catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #135. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-18 UT 23:44-02:00 Ill=97% Promontorium_Agarum observed by Moore_P on 1996-7-31 *

     On 1996 Jul 31 at 22:40UT P. Moore (Selsey, UK, 15" reflector, x300) 
     noticed a lack of detail in the Cape Agarum area - he would normally 
     have expected to have seen some craterlets. However he would not rate 
     this observation much because the seeing was only III and he does not 
     think that it was an obscuration. However just in case he wanted to 
     record this report in the archives. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-19 UT 02:55-04:04 Ill=96% Picard observed by Ingall on 1865-9-6

     Conspicuous bright spot seen on 6th. Also seen on 7th, absent on 8th.
     Cloud-like effect where light had been (on 8th). Cameron 1978 catalog
     TLP ID No.=139 and weight=3.

2024-Oct-19 UT 05:10-06:34 Ill=96% Aristarchus observed by Bartlett on 1954-7-17

     In 1954 Jul 17 at UT06:50-07:15 Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, S=
     5, T=5-1) observed near Aristarchus: "Pale violet tint on 
     surface NE of crater, no color elsewhere". The Cameron 1978 
     catalog ID=568 and weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-19 UT 06:29-06:34 Ill=95% Aristarchus observed by Thomas on 1970-1-24

     Aristarchus 1970 Jan 24 UT 07:00? Observed by Thomas, Rogers, 
     Corralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" reflector, Moon blink) 
     "Bluing around the crater -- vis. in monitor but not photographe due to 
     clouds" NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #1233

2024-Oct-19 UT 19:59-00:00 Ill=92% Plato observed by Haas_W on 1938-6-15

     Plato 1938 Jun 15 UTC 08:00 Observed by Haas? (New Mexico?, 12?" 
     reflector) "NW. end of floor had intensity I=2.0, but on 7/15/38, I=
     3.7, conditions similar." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID 

2024-Oct-19 UT 19:59-21:13 Ill=92% Mare_Crisium observed by Wildey on 1962-7-19

     Mare Crisium 1962 Jul 19 UTC 09:48 Observed by Wildey & Pohn (Mt 
     Wilson, CA, USA, 60" reflector + Photometer) "Photometric meas. showed 
     change in brightness from Vmag=3.46 to V=3.07, where av. mag. for that 
     age=3.26, or a brightening of .58 mag." NASA catalog weight=5 (very 
     high). NASA catalog ID #763.

2024-Oct-19 UT 19:59-21:09 Ill=92% Unknown observed by Cragg on 1965-5-18

     On 1965 May 18 at UT 03:00-03:30 Cragg (Mt Wilson?, CA, USA, 6" 
     refractor?) observed a TLP (no feature nor description given in 
     the Cameron 1978 catalog) on the Moon. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=877 
     and weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-19 UT 20:34-22:31 Ill=92% Aristarchus observed by Pedler_J on 1990-1-13

     On 1990 Jan 13 at UT 22:15-23:05 J. Pedler (Bristol, UK, seeing=III and 
     transparency=excellent, no spurious colour) detected a blue region on 
     the north of Aristarchus, varying in sharpness/diffuseness. The crater 
     rim in this region could not be descerned. Eleswhere the crater rim was 
     normal as too were other features. When a Moon blink device was used, 
     no colour blink was detected, however through the blue filter the 
     suspected area was bright and the crater rim indistinct. Whereas 
     through the red filter the area looked perfectly normal. At 22:30UT the 
     effect had vanished and everywhere was normal. The Cameron 2006 catalog 
     ID=388 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-19 UT 23:33-01:30 Ill=91% Aristarchus observed by Cook_MC on 1990-1-14

     On 1990 Jan 14 at UT 01:14-01:55 M.C. Cook (Frimley, UK, seeing=poor) 
     observed that Aristarchus did not appear normal for this illumination. 
     the northern half of Aristarchus was "2x>" than the southern half of 
     the crater. There were two white patches of apron material near to the 
     crater Herodotus that were 50% of the brightness of the southern half 
     of Aristarchus. Furthermore the southern half of Aristarchus had a 
     circle - "dull patch on inner S wall with a bright point shining 
     through it. (Bartlett's EWBS?)". The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=389 and 
     the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-19 UT 23:35-00:23 Ill=91% Mare_Crisium observed by Eysenhard on 1774-7-25

     Four bright spots seen in Mare Crisium. There was also peculiar 
     behaviour of the terminator. Source: Midlehurst 1968 catalog TLP ID=16. 
     Ref Web 1962 p62-76. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-19 UT 23:53-01:44 Ill=91% Peirce observed by Darling_D on 1980-3-4

     On 1980 Mar 04 at UT10:30-10:34 D. Darling (Sun Prairie, WI, USA, 
     12.5" reflector, x344) detected a pin-point light in the shadowed area 
     of Mare Crisium that varied in brightness then faded. Cameron 2006 
     catalog ID=84 and weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-19 UT 23:59-01:49 Ill=91% Gassendi observed by Haas_W on 1940-9-19

     Gassendi 1940 Sep 19 UTC 06:00 Observed by Haas (New Mexico, 
     12?" reflector) "Largest bright spot in SE part of floor, had I=
     6.7, but 6 for last nite & 5.6 on others (see #'s 469, 472, & 
     474)." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #475. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Oct-20 UT 02:50-04:14 Ill=90% Picard observed by Ingall on 1865-9-7

     Conspicuous bright spot seen on 6th. Also seen on 7th, absent on 8th.
     Cloud-like effect where light had been (on 8th). Cameron 1978 catalog
     TLP ID No.=139 and weight=3.

2024-Oct-20 UT 02:59-04:21 Ill=90% Daniell observed by Krieger on 1894-2-23

     Daniell 1894 Feb 23 UT 00:00? Observed by Krieger (Germany) 
     "Strong, brownish-red coppery hue." NASA catalog weight=4 and 
     catalog ID #281. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-20 UT 02:59-04:21 Ill=90% Posidonius observed by Krieger on 1894-2-23

     1894 Feb 23 UT 00:00(?) Posidonius N. Wall observed by 
     Krieger (Germany) "Strong, brownish-red coppery hue." NASA 
     catalog weight=4 and catalog ID #281. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

2024-Oct-20 UT 03:33-04:47 Ill=90% Furnerius_A observed by Hill_H on 1983-1-2

     Furnerius A 1983 Jan 02 UT 00:10 H. Hill (UK) 
     observed that this crater was piercingly bright,
     which he thought was a bit unusual. ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-20 UT 05:18-06:35 Ill=90% Cleomedes observed by Mizon_R on 1991-12-23

     Cleomedes 1991 Dec 23 UTC 22:50 Observed by Mizon (Colehill, 
     Dorset,  UK, 8" f/6 reflector x216) "Oval or pear-shaped ashy 
     glow visible for 2 min, then vanished quite suddenly" - Ref. 
     personal communication received by BAA Lunar Section.

2024-Oct-20 UT 05:44-06:35 Ill=89% Swift observed by Wilkins_HP on 1934-12-23

     Peirce A (Swift=IAU name?) 1937 Dec 23 UTC 22:00 Observed by Wilkins 
     (England, UK, 12.5" reflector) "Obscuration on floor if crater. Crater 
     invis. (similar to #394, 396)." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA 
     catalog ID #412.

2024-Oct-20 UT 06:18-06:35 Ill=89% Aristarchus observed by Corralitos on 1970-1-25

     Aristarchus 1970 Jan 25 UT 07:00? Observed by Thomas, Rogers, 
     Corralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" reflector, Moon blink) 
     "Bluing around the crater -- vis. in monitor but not photographe due to 
     clouds" NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #1233

2024-Oct-20 UT 20:43-20:44 Ill=84% Aristarchus observed by Brook_C on 2002-5-30

     On 2002 May 30 at UT02:30-02:44 C. Brook (Plymouth, UK) suspected that 
     Aristarchus crater looked dimmer than normal. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-21 UT 04:43-06:32 Ill=81% Macrobius observed by Gray_R on 2005-10-21

     On 2005 Oct 21 at UT 13:07-14:27 R. Gray (Winnemucca, NV, USA, 15cm F/9 
     refractor, x228, seeing 4-5, transparency 5-6) observed a possible TLP 
     in Macrobius. His report is as follows: "Blinked Macrobius with Wratten 
     Filters Blue 38A and Red 29. Macrobius became almost invisible through 
     the Blue 38A and essentially the same as in white light through the Red 
     29. The interior of the crater was completely in shadow. The only part 
     of the east wall that was visible was an apparent high point still in
     the sun and seen as a bright point of light. This faded into darkness 
     before 13:56UT. No sign of any illumination of the east wall crater 
     interior or the interior of the west wall was seen during the
     observation period. The outer west wall was a rough looking, 
     complicated mix of deep shadow and illuminated sunlit terrain." The 
     observer concluded that there was not a TLP - although he did get a 
     filter reaction, this may have been due to the different densities of 
     the filters? ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-21 UT 22:45-00:41 Ill=74% Aristarchus observed by Dachille on 1957-10-13

     Observed by Dachille & daughter (Univ. Park, Pennsylvania, 10.5"
     reflector, x75) "Flash -- then a brownish - red color patch. Alt. @
     20deg. (MBMW has Oct. 12, but is 13th UT)". NASA catalog weight=5 
     (very good). NASA catalog ID #674.

2024-Oct-22 UT 02:08-03:23 Ill=73% Plato observed by Pickering_WH on 1904-8-1

     On 1904 Aug 01 at 05:00? Pickering (Echo Mt., CA, USA) UT Plato: 
     "Bright hazy obj., 2" diam. on floor, Obs before & after were normal". 
     The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=318 and the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA 

2024-Oct-22 UT 02:45-04:41 Ill=73% Aristarchus observed by Haas_W on 1957-10-13

     Aristarchus 1957 Oct 13 UT 07:00?$ W.Haas, according to the 1978 
     NASA Catalog is supposed to have seen a bright spot of light -- 
     "explosion" in this crater. Confirmation of activity
     in Aristarchus - Three independent observations within 4 hours.
     Cameron 1978 catalog weight=5 and TLP ID No.=676. Private
     comunication with Haas shows that he recorded nothing unusual
     on the 12th or 13th. Therefore an ALPO/BAA weight of 1 has
     been given until this matter is cleared up.

2024-Oct-22 UT 04:09-06:05 Ill=72% Fracastorius observed by Amorim_A on 2022-4-21

     Fracastorius 2022 Apr 21 UT 01:35-02:12 A. Amorim (Brazil - 
     90mm f/10 refractor, 25 & 10mm eyepieces ) observed visually a 
     little bright spot near the centre of the otherwise completely 
     shadow filled crater. The bright spot was surrounded by a coma 
     effect. Clouds intervened but by 02:12 the spot was no longer 
     visible, just a thin patch of light close to the crater's 
     centre. Observations started when the Moon's altitude was 15 
     deg and ended when it was 23 deg above the horizon. ALPO/BAA 

2024-Oct-22 UT 06:38-06:39 Ill=71% Aristarchus observed by Louderback_D on 1991-7-31

     On 1991 Jul 31 at UT 07:50 D. Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA, 3" 
     refractor) observed that the south floor of Aristarchus was wellow - 
     "almost gold, spilled over S wall on ray toward Herodotus". Cameron 
     comments that Bartlett often reported a yellow floor but not a spill of 
     the colour over to the external ray. Cameron also comments that 
     Louderback's refractor would refract more in blue light than in yellow, 
     therefore she did not think that it was due to chromatic aberation. The 
     Cameron 2006 catalog ID=431 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2. 

2024-Oct-22 UT 06:38-06:39 Ill=71% Mons_Piton observed by Louderback_D on 1991-7-31

     On 1991 Jul 31 at UT 07:50 D. Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA, 3" 
     refractor) found that all of Mons Piton was "unusually dark". Points D, 
     C (E and S resp), usually brightest points, but this time were not 
     bright. "Whole mt was as dark as W wall usually is at this time. In 
     violet filter Piton disappeared completely, but was a little brighter 
     in red filter and points D & G showed. Color not seen by eye. No albedo 
     measured. Suggests red event." Cameron rules out chromatic aberation 
     from Louderback's refractor. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=431 and the 
     weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-23 UT 01:44-05:39 Ill=63% Calippus observed by Moore_P on 1952-9-9 *

     Callipus 1952 Sep 09 UT 21:00-21:20 Observed by Moore (England) 
     "Hazy broad line of light seen fr. NW wall to SE wall over shad. 
     floor. Gone next nite at 0120. He gave low wt. to obs. (sunlight 
     between peaks?)." NASA catalog weight=1. NASA catalog ID #553. 
     ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-23 UT 03:16-05:13 Ill=62% Aristarchus observed by Stochard on 1862-11-12

     Stochard of Dublin, Ireland, saw naked eye at 10:30UT on
     1862 Nov 12 Aristarchus as extraordinarily bright as a bright
     spot on the Moon. This was seen in daylight with the waning
     crescent. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=6 and weight=3.
     ALPO/BAA weight=2.

2024-Oct-23 UT 23:59-03:38 Ill=53% Aristarchus observed by Madej_P on 1983-1-5 *

     On 1983 Jan 05 at UT22:00 P. Madej (Huddersfield, UK) noticed some 
     colour on Aristarchus. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=195 and the weight=
     2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-24 UT 00:11-02:08 Ill=53% Kepler observed by deBerard on 1966-12-4

     Kepler 1966 DEc 04 UTC 05:10 Observed by de Beraud (Flossmoore, 
     Ilinois, USA, 6" reflector, x360, S=G) "Saw a bright area thru. blue 
     filter but could not see it in red filter. Decided it was a bluish 
     phenomenon." NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1001.

2024-Oct-23 UT 23:49-06:03 Ill=51% Earthshine: Leo Minorids: ZHR=2 vel=62km/s

2024-Oct-25 UT 00:59-06:05 Ill=41% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Oct-26 UT 04:03-05:23 Ill=32% Aristarchus observed by Madej_P on 1983-1-8

     On 1983 Jan 08 at UT01:00? P. Madej (Huddersfield, UK) noticed some 
     colour on Aristarchus. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=196 and the weight=
     2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.

2024-Oct-26 UT 02:10-06:07 Ill=31% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Oct-27 UT 03:21-06:09 Ill=23% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Oct-28 UT 04:33-06:10 Ill=15% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

2024-Oct-29 UT 05:49-06:12 Ill=9% Earthshine: sporadic meteors