On 1969 Dec 12 at UT 00:00-01:50 Celis et al. (Paso Hondo, Santiago, Chile, 10" refractor, x90, 3" refractor, x135, seeing=very turbulent and altitude low) observed star-like points on Aristarchus - these were much brighter than points seen in Herodotus. Formed irregularly and doubled for 1-2 sec duration. Cameron suspects atmospheric abberation? The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1229 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1969 Dec 12 at UT 00:00-01:50 Celis et al. (Paso Hondo, Santiago, Chile, 10" refractor, x90, 3" refractor, x135, seeing=very turbulent and altitude low) observed star-like points on Herodotus - these were not as bright as those seen in Aristarchus. Formed irregularly and doubled for 1-2 sec duration. Cameron suspects atmospheric abberation? The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1229 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1981 May 07 at UT00:55-02:00 B. Hobdell "St Petersberg, FL, USA, Seeing 1, heavy cloud cover and interrupted sightings) saw some brightenings (bluish normal glow to white colouration) - these were sporadic and of fairly long duraion. 00:55 UT two brightenings seen. 00:59UT a white flash was seen. 01:05 Brightenings to white. The crater at times became dim and suddenly brightened, however Kepler, Copernidus, and Grimaldi were easily seen. Highlands were a light blue compared to darker areason theMoon. 02:25UT brightenings in Aristarchus seen. 01:59:15 Aristarchus white brightenings. 01:59:55 another brightening. An occultation on the NNW limb was seen at 01:59:15UT. By 02:00 the Moon was 16 deg above the horizon, but can still see earthlit fearures. 02:15 Can barely see Aristarchus. 02:25 Observation finished. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1981 May 07 at UT01:25 B. Hobdell (St Petersburg, FL, USA") observed an intantaneous bluish flash in the Plinius-Menlaus region. Other flashe seen on Aristarchus that night. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Barker's Quadrangle (26W, 34S) 1949 Mar 03 UT 20:00 Observed by Moore (England, 12" reflector) "Whole area hazy. (in Capuanus? see Wilkins and Moore, The Moon, p124) (It may not be this identification as 3 of 4 obs. are in dark, some nr. FQ so doubtful it could be seen)." NASA catalog ID #516, weight=4. ALPO/BAA wight=2.
On 1981 May 08 at UT 00:00-00:45 B. Hobdell (St Peterburg, FL, USA, 2"? refractor) observed Aristarchus to be undergoing brightenings in Earthshine. Tha Cameron 2006 catalog ID=136 and the weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1988 Dec 12 at 17:32 Middleton (Brighting on Sea, England, UK) was awaiting an occultation of star SAO 189425 at a PA of 45deg with respect to the north, when he spotted a "point of light flash up", disappear at the limb at a position angle about halfway between N. Cusps and star entry". Cameron wonders if this was ameteor in our own atmosphere, or on the Moon? The cameron 2006 catalog ID=341 and the weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1983 Feb 15 at UT 18:00? G. Amery (Reading, UK) found that he could not see Aristarchus in Earthshine, despite less normally priminent features being clearly seen. This observation was confirmed. Other observers were: Moore, Cooks, and Foley. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID= 203 and weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1983 Mar 19 at UT04:56-05:54 Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA, 3.1" refractor, seeing=1-2 and transparency=4) observed that at 05:15UT Eimmart appeared fainter than the observing session began at 04:56 UT. There was also a bright flash on the north wall that "fluctuated at rate of 9s" Cameron comments that atmospheric blow ups were 11-12s. Louderback found that the TLP was seen in the blue filter but not in the red. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=207 and the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
E. of Picard 1909 Mar 26 UTC 19:15-20:20 Observed by Neate (England, 4" refractor x170) "Bright spot. (feature is similar to Linne. Rays difficult to see till high sun). Hazy ill-defined brighter in S. (Draw.)." NASA catalog weight=1 (low). NASA catalog ID #329.
On 1881 Sep 28 at UT 03:00 Day (Prescott, AZ, USA) observed a comet- like object pulling across the Mon. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=225 and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
1951 Jan 13 UT 00:43 L.T.Johnson (USA) observed a faint flash near W limb in earthshine - just S of Grimaldi. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1983 Feb 17 at 19:00?UT G. Amery (Reading, UK) noticed that Aristarchus was not visible in Earthshine, despite other less prominent features being seen. The observation was confirmed by other observers. The Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=204 and the weight=2. The ALPo/BAA weight=2.
On 1983 Feb 17 at 19:00?UT G. Amery (Reading, UK) noticed that Messier was ill-defined. The Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=204 and the weight=2. The ALPo/BAA weight=1.
On 1968 Dec 24 at UT 19:30-20:00 Deane (London, UK, 2" refractor) observed the following in the Prinz-Harbinger Mountains area: "Bright yellow spot seen E. of Aris. fr. S. end of Harbinger mts, to S. wall of Prinz. Back to normal at 2000h. Many other areas observed were normal. (alerted for tidal predict. by Middlehurst, & Apollo 8 watches)". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1110 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1991 Oct 14 at 04:12 UT M.A.L. Numi (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) observed that the crater Busching (20E,40S) underwent a sudden change. The 2006 Cameron catalog ID was 435 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1,
Kant 1873 Jan 04 UT 23:00? Observed by Trouvelot (Cambridge, Mass, 8" refractor) "Luminous puplish vapors" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #180.
On 1981 May 10 at UT02:16-03:12 B. Hobdell (St Peterburg, FL, USA, 2?" refractor, the Moon was at a very low altitude) found that the NNW wall of Aristarchus increased in brightness and extended to an arc of the east wall. There were bright flashes in roughly 2 minute intervals. There were also two yellow spots at 5 and 8 o'clock on the east wall. At 02:44UT a bright yellow flash was seen on the NNW rim and by 02:49UT the complete crater was very bright, inparticular on the western wall. Further bright flashes were seen at 02:52UT and at 03:11UT many bright blue points were seen. Finally an obsecuration was seen at 03:12UT. The observer checked for spurious colour but none was seen. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=137 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1872 Mar 15 UT 20:00? Observed by Webb? (England?, 9" reflector?) "Internal twilight in crater, same remarks as in # 173 -- could 8. be misprint in #173? Schmidt 2X saw cavity of Boussingalt feebly illum. at sunrise as tho filled with mist."NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #177.ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1983 Feb 18 at 19:00?UT P.W. Foley (Kent, UK) noted that the southern Mare Crisium appeared to be obscured by a pale grey haze. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=205 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1983 Feb 18 at 19:00?UT P.W. Foley (Kent, UK) noted that Toricelli B was steel blue in colour and this spread 10-15 miles outside the crater. This was odd because Torricelli B was only 6 miles in size. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=205 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
SE of Ross D 1964 Feb 19 UT 03:00 Observed by Bender (Whittier, CA, USA, 19?" reflector) "Variations in the ring" NASA catalog weight=1. NASA catalog ID #800. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Menelaus 1976 Sep 01 UT 00:40 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 4.5" reflector, 45-300x) "Upper 1/2 of W.wall bright white (8deg). Lower 1/2 much duller at 4 deg & distinctly bluish-gray. Same as seen in Aris. & Grimaldi & thinks it is due local agency (gas?)." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #1447.
On 1987 Nov 27 at 19:35-21:04 UT M.C. Cook (Frimley, UK, seeing IV-V) saw spurious colour on the crater floor and also on the rim. Two bright spots were seen on the west rim (the brightest one was on the NW rim). Saw >>N-NW lip 21:00UT blink in red. The was apparently confirmed by A.C. Cook (according to Cameron) at 21:04UT. The ALPO/BAA weight, in view of the poor observing conditions is 1.
On 1987 Nov 27 at 20:56-21:12 UT M.C. Cook (Frimley, UK, seeing IV-V) saw spurious colour on the Proclus floor and also on the rim. At 20:56UT Censorinus was quite dull and diffuse, spurious colour but no blink. Sketches made. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=314 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight, in view of the poor observing conditions is 2.
On 1983 Apr 19 at 21:45UT M.C. Cook (Frimley, UK) reported that Censorinus' exterior white patch was grayish at this time and there was a "momentary glow outisde the crater to the North West. The Crater Extinction Device brightness measurement for Censorinus was 4.0 whereas Proclus was 4.4. Cook was expecting a lower CED brightness measurement. Foley notes that Censorinus is usually brighter than Proclus. On 1983 Jan 29 Chapman obtained a very high brightness measurement for this spot. The Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=212 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1983 Feb 19 at 20:00UT P.W. Foley (Maidstone, Kent, UK, 12" reflector) noticed a deep steel blue colour inside Toricelli B with a lighter colour about 10-15 miles outside. Foley came to the conclusion that this was too visible for its size. Cameron 2006 Catalog extension ID=206 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1979 Jul 01 at 22:00?UT D.J. Raden (Fort Meade, FL, USA, using a 10" reflector) detected a flare near to Halley (5E, 9S) visually with the eye and it lasted about 3-4 min - a sketch was made. However it was also found on one photographic slide taken with an exposure of 35 seconds. The observer comments that visually the flare was not as bright as it appeared in the photograph. In an area near Halley. The Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=57 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=4.
Archimedes 1966 Mar 29 UT 21:00 Observed by Hill (England, 24" reflector, x250, S=E) "Brightening of E-W bands across floor. (Obscuration accord. to Moore)" NASA catalog ID #923. NASA catalog weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1987 Nov 28 UT at 20:14 (possibly earlier)-20:44 M.Mobberley saw the northern rim of Proclus very bright for first quarter. There were streaks half way up the wall and these seemed to vary in brightness and length in seconds. Seeing was at first suspected but became doubtful over this being a cause. There was also another bright streak that changed brightness over 5 minute intervals (Cameron says that this is not atmospheric) Apparently video was taken and confirms the effects. A sketch was also made. M. Cook detected a blink with coloured filters i.e. being brighter in red light (Also apparently confirmed by Louderback). Estimated the north west wall was x3 brighter than Censorinus. Censorinus itself varied in brightness as measured using CED devices. P. Foley decided that the north was was much brighter than Proclus (beyond the limits of the scale. However both Moore and Mason agreed that the north wall of Proclus was very bright but shimmering around in the bad seeing. They did not see any bright spots either. A.C. Cook (20:18-20:44UT) confirmed that the north wall of Proclus was very bright. Towards the end of the observing period the north wall had faded from this maximum brightness - Cameron suspects that this might have been as a result of an eyepiece misting up. The TLP was also observed by Foley (Maidstone, Kent, UK) and he reported: "Bright spot on north wall, Moon blink reaction". A BAA Lunar Section report with extracts from the 2006 Cameron catalog. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=315 and weight=4 (or 5?). ALPO/BAA weight=3. Apart from Louderback, all observers were based in the UK and had a vatiety of telescopes and observings conditions.
On 1987 Nov 28 M. Cook (Frimley, UK) found Censorinus varied in brightness as measured using CED devices. P. Foley decided that the north was was much brighter than Proclus (beyond the limits of the scale). However both Moore and Mason agreed that the north wall of Proclus was very bright but shimmering around in the bad seeing. They did not see any bright spots either. A.C. Cook (20:18-20:44UT) confirmed that the north wall of Proclus was very bright. Towards the end of the observing period the north wall had faded from this maximum brightness - Cameron suspects that this might have been as a result of an eyepiece misting up. The TLP was also observed by Foley (Maidstone, Kent, UK) and he reported: "Bright spot on north wall, Moon blink reaction". A BAA Lunar Section report with extracts from the 2006 Cameron catalog. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=315 and weight=4 (or 5?). ALPO/BAA weight=2. Apart from Louderback, all observers were based in the UK and had a vatiety of telescopes and observings conditions.
Alphonsus 1967 Feb 17 UT 17:47-18:12 Observed by Moore and Moseley (Armagh, Northern Ireland, 10" refractor, x300) "Eng. moonblink suspected just inside SW floor on the elevation NW of famous dark patch. Feb 18 was cloudy, then on Feb 19, after some neg. results with blink, suddenly a bright glow in same place." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #1014. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1979 May 04 at 21:30-22:00UT Coates detected a star-like point inside Hipparchus L crater using averted vision. Cameron in her 2006 catalog extension comments that Hipparchus L is a highlands impact crater with a rille on the western ejecta blanket. The crater is the smallest one in a chain that are sequenced to be half the size of the previous crater in the chain. Apparently the largest crater in the chain is Hind with a largely landslide covered floor - although on the south is a dome? with a summit crater. Cameron's 2006 catalog extension gives this TLP an ID of 51 and a weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1983 Feb 20 at 20:00UT P.W. Foley (Maidstone, Kent, UK, 12" reflector) noticed a deep steel blue colour inside Toricelli B with a lighter colour about 10-15 miles outside. Foley came to the conclusion that this was too visible for its size. Cameron 2006 Catalog extension ID=206 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Montes Teneriffe 1854 Dec 27 UT 18:00-23:00, Observed by Hart & others (Glasgow, Scotland, 10" reflector), "2 luminous fiery spots on bright side on either side of a ridge, contrasting color. Seemed to be 2 active volcanoes. Ridge was normal color. Spots were yellow or flame color. Never seen before in 40 yrs. of observing." Please try to observe this when the Moon is low on the horizon to see if this mimics the effects seen? NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #129. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 2003 Apr 10 at 00:40UT a GLR observer G. Jasmin (Quebec, Canada, using a 10" F-10 Schmidt Cassegrain) took a photograph of Alphonsus crater on Kodak 400ASA film with an exposure of 1/30th sec. There was a light visible (diameter 10 km) inside Alphonsus and the effect was present for 5 minutes. The observer commented that they have seen a light in this crater many times before, but never as long as 5 minutes. This report was submitted to the GLR group in Italy. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Hyginus Nova 1877 Nov 13 UT 20:00? Observed by Crain, Klein, Eng. officer (France?, Cologne (Germany), Enland?, 6" refractor?, S=E) "Standing out with such prominence, seen at a glance. No trace of it on 14th, in excell seeing. (indep. confirm.?)"NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #198. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Thaetetus 1952 Dec 24 UT 20:00? Observed by Moore (England?) "Bright spot, hazy line of light" NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID 556. ALPO/BAA weigh=2.
Menelaus 1969 Nov 17 UT 16:00-19:00 Observed by Rubens de Azevedo,A. Monghilhot, E. Leal e Jose Fernandes (Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil, 8" and 10" reflectors) "Entire crater of Men. illum. by pale greenish light. (Azevedo)" NASA catalog weight=5 NASA catalog ID #1211a. ALPO/BAA weight=4.
Fauchier of Marseilles, France, seeing=good - fair and the Moon at a high altitude, saw two lights on the Moon brighter than any others during similar circumstances. They had colour. These had not been seen before and he ruled out cromatic aberation. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=249 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
In 1952 Nov 26 at UT 01:00? Carle (USa, 8" reflector, x700, seeing = excellent) observed the following in Plato: "Sketch shows 8 spots -- 5 craters showed interior shad., 1 completely filled, but no others seen despite several hrs. of study. Spots that should have been seen were missing. poor seeing converts floor into shimmering shapeless blob. Has observed it under good seeing & seen nothing on fl. as others have noted". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=555 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Proclus 1976 Jul 06 UT 01:35 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 3" refractor, 40-450x, S=6, T=3) "Nothing vis. on floor (albedo=2 deg?) (usually features are vis.)" NASA catalog weight=4 (high).NASA catalog ID #1437.
On 1955 Aug 27 at UT 01:51 McCorkle (Memphis, Tennessee, USA, 6.5" reflector, x200) observed a 2nd magnitude bright flare on the dark side of the Moon. This remained steady, fading slightly before abruptly disappearing. Cameron suggests that this might have been a meteor. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=604 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1983 Apr 21 at UT 21:55-22:05 N. King (Winnersh, Berkshire, UK, using a 150cm f/8 reflector, with seeing I and transparency good, little spurious colour, just a little in Plato). Although observing since 21:25UT the observer noticed a just detectable faint green colour just after the dark shade around the inner eastern crater rim. The effect faded and by 22:05UT had completely gone. This report is not in the Cameron 2006 catalog. It is a BAA report. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Although the crater was on the night side, a small bright spot was seen. This was blue, almost UV, and equivalent to a star of magnitude 2. It flashed over intervals of about 30 seconds and changed in colour from UV to blue. The BAA Lunar Section TLP network was alerted. Mobberly and J.Cook did not see much although J. Cook may have seen something, but located else where? Cameron lists this as a confirmed? observation? The Cameron 2006 TLP xtension catalog has this TLP with an ID No. of 258 and a weight of 4. The ALPO/BAA weight is 2.
Ross D 1964 Apr 21 UT 04:23-05:01 Observed by the Capens (CA, USA, 16" and 6", seeing 3-5, transparency 5+) "Obscuration of its rim" NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #808. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Alphonsus 2004 Feb 29 UT 19:00-19:15 Observed by Brook (Plymouth, England, 60mm OG x120) "Checked central peak of Alphonsus using 60mm OG x120 + right angle prism. Moon at very high elevation, seeing excellent once clouds had dispersed, transparency also excellent. Time of observation 19-00 hrs UT to 19-15 hrs UT. Noticed fluctuation of brightness of A's central peak compared with the peak of Arzachel. Alphonsus' peak generally brighter." BAA Lunar Section report. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1983 Feb 21 at 20:00UT P.W. Foley (Maidstone, Kent, UK, 12" reflector) noticed a deep steel blue colour inside Toricelli B with a lighter colour about 10-15 miles outside. Foley came to the conclusion that this was too visible for its size. Cameron 2006 Catalog extension ID=206 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1979 Jul 03 at UT 20:55-21:20 J-H. Robinson (Teighmouth, Devon, UK, 10" reflector, seeing II) observed that Messier was brighter than Messier A. No colour was observed. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID is 58 and the weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 2010 Aug 19 at UT 00:50-01:02 J.Albert (Lakeworth, FL, USA, C11, Transparency 3, Seeing 7-8, 86F and very humid. Oberver checking out repeat illumination condition appearence for Tycho concerning LTP #468 in the 1978 Cameron catalog. Did not see the effect from the original TLP report, but did see, immediately at looking at Tycho a very faint hint of redness in a pencil thin arc (< 1/4 circumference of the rim) confined to the top of the rim of the well-lit north east wall. Coloured arc similar in thickness to Rupes Recta, but not as sharply defined. The outer (E) edge was perhaps sharper than the inner edge. The redness was more on the inside of the top of the rim. The outside of the rim was bright white. This effect was seen in three different eyepieces, at 311x, 224x and 400x. Checked for the effect on other craters nearby but could not see this effect anywhere else. The colour had dissapeared by 01:02UT. The fade took about 1-2 minutes. Observation of Tycho continued until 01:06UT, but all seemed normal. Quick checks were made again on Tycho periodically until 02:50UT but the colour was not seen again. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Hyginus Nova 1867 Nov 14 UT 20:00? Observed by Crain, Klein, Eng. officer (France?, Cologne (Germany), Enland?, 6" refractor?, S=E) "On 13th it was standing out with such prominence, seen at a glance. No trace of it on 14th, in excell seeing. (indep. confirm.?)"NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #198.
On 1964 Feb 22 at UT 05:00 Harris (Whittier, CA, 19" reflector, x100) observed the appearance of a ring to the south east of Ross D. Cameron says that 7 persons have seen this over a 2.5 year period. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=801 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Tycho 1940 Jul 14 UT 02:00? Observed by Haas (NM? USA, 12"? reflector) "Luminous marks in shadow, ragged edged & irreg. shape. E. wall had a milky luminosity" NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #468. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Gassendi 1967 Feb 18 UT 20:30-20:40 Observed by Moore, Moseley (Armagh, Northern Ireland, 10" refractor, x300) "Red color in crater (in dark)". NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #1015. ALPO/BAA weight=4.
On 1980 May 23 at UT21:14-21:55 J.H. Robinson (Teighmouth, Devon, UK, 12" reflector, seeing II-III) could see Aristarchus in blue and clear filters, but not in red light. Robinson saw some variability in this effect with time. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=96 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1980 May 23 at UT 21:14-21:18 Marco Petek (Porto Alegre, Brazil) saw a shadow extending south east from Campanus opposite to the Sun - however Foley thinks this is normal. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=96 and weight=0 or 1. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1980 May 23 at UT21:14-22:18 G. Blair (Bridge of Weir, Scotland, UK, 216mm reflector, seeing II-IV) found a red tinge along the western wall of Coperncius, perhaps 32km in length. This was invisible in a blue-green Wratten 44a filter, but was unmistakble in a red Wratten 25 filter. Could have been spurious colour - but no other regiosn were affected. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1980 May 25 at UT 22:18 G. Blair (Bridge of Weir, Scotland, 216mm reflector, seeing II-IV) suspected a short sharp flash, white in colour north of Tycho's north wall. Nothing more seen. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Copernicus 1955 Jul 28 UT 20:20 Observed by Firsoff (Somerset, England, 6.5" reflector x200) "Great brilliance of the terraces in E(IAU?) wall system(?) gets specular refl. (he gave 0820UT, but must have meant 2020" NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog No. #600.
Williams of the UK, on 1892 Aug 23 at Moon's age 10.0 days, noticed a spot now rated at +1.5 (in brightness) that had been seen on the 21st Aug, near Picard. Williams comments that this is the only obsewrvation that departs "much" from the curve of diurnal brightness. The spot was descibed as "nearly as large as Picard and nearly half as bright. This observation was reported in the Astronomical Register of the Royal Astronomical Society and is not included in the Cameron catalogs. It is one of many measurements of the brightness of this spot for different illumination angles and is one of three outlying brightness points spotted on a graph by Willaims. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Observed by Chernov (Russia) "A periodic change in shape of small dark spot at bottom of round spot further N. adjacent to inner wall. It was larger than in proceeding months at same sun elev." NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #669.
The UT given in the Cameron 2006 extension catalog are: 20:58, 23:25- 02:20 and 01:40-04:00, however it is not clear what UT applies to which of the observers or the two features reported as having TLP on that night. On 1984 Feb 12-13 Marshall (South Anerica, seeing=III-II) noticed that Moltke was very bright with a fuzzy violet hue - he had never seen it like this before. Cameron 2006 catalog extension TLP ID= 240 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
The UT given in the Cameron 2006 extension catalog are: 20:58, 23:25- 02:20 and 01:40-04:00, however it is not clerr what UT applies to which of the observers or the two features reported as having TLP on that night. On 1984 Feb 12-13 Marshall (South Anerica, seeing=III-II) saw initially no craterlets in Plato, despite the Moon being at a high altitude. At 01:45UT the northwest corner of Plato was red. Again no other craterlets showed. He found the surrounding wall to be too bright and this was confirmed by Crater Extenction Device readings and had problems focussing on the crater. By 02:00-02:50UT he noticed variability in the visibility of the craterlets. By 03:48UT the central craterlet was much brighter than before and the crater doublet had brightened but the southern craterlet was still invisible. Cameron comments that Marshall was a very experienced observer. A. Cook (of Frimley, UK) obtained a photodiode line scan image of Plato. The brightness of the north west wall was brighter than the bright area on the west wall. Marshall and Mosely both saw a dark area on the floor of Plato close to the south wall (from clock position of 11 o'clock. There was a prominent white spot on the floor and the central craterlet was seen, but only under good conditions. Mosely does not discuss the west and north west wall brughtnesses that were seen earlier by Cook and Marshall. Cameron 2006 catalog extension TLP ID=240 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1988 Dec 18 at UT20:25 W. Cameron (Sedona, AZ, USA - TV camera telephoto) noticed on a live TV shot of the Moon (apparently channel 3 TV broadcast at 11:25PM local time), that Proclus was brighter than Censorinus (or Dionysus) and was the brightest feature on the Moon. It was photographed from San Juan in Puerto Rico. Cameron 2006 catalog ID= 342 and weight=. ALPO/BAA weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1976 Sep 04 UT 02:35-03:35 Observed by Porter (Sarragansett?, Rhode Island, USA, 6" reflector x100, S=5, T=?) "At 0235h albedo of floor was est. at 3. At 0325h the pt. was albedo =1, 2 whole steps darker than earlier & noticeable to the obs. 10-15 min later it returned to normal. (the few meas. of albedo for this age were 1.5-2 which suggests that the meas. of 3 was the anomalous one. Another pt. did darken -- as reported). NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #1448. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Ross D vicinity 1964 Apr 22 UT 05:43-0637 Observed by Cross et al. (Whittier, CA, USA, 19" reflector, x800-1200 & filters, S=7- 8, T=1) "Gas cloud over it & its companion; everywhere else was fine detail" NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID #809. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Daniell 1979 Jul 04 UT 20:40-21:19 Observed by Saxton (UK?, 216mm refractor?, seeing III, transparency: Good) "noticed that the east end of Daniell was bright and fuzzy and had somewhat poorly defined edge to the bright part. A sketch was made, and possibly shows the same as in past reports" BAA Lunar Section Report. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=59 and weight=3. Observer located in Leeds, England and used a 9" reflector x250. Seeing=III and transparency=good. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Colour seen, mostly blueness on south rim and exterior of south rim at Bullialdus crater. Blueness seen too on Plato on inner SSW rim, but no colour reported on any other craters. Seeing III, 12" reflector used x200 and x360.
Colour seen, mostly blueness on inner SSW rim. Blueness also seen on south rim and exterior of south rim at Bullialdus crater. No colour reported on any other craters. Seeing III, 12" reflector used x200 and x360.
In 1872 Mar 19 at UT 23:17 an unknown observer observed in Sinus Iridum: "Covered with a light gray shadow thru which he saw dimly the surface below - indicating obscuring matter over it. (Cameron says: only w. 1/3 of bay would be in shadow as boundaries are 25-37W)". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=178 and the weight=3.
Alphonsus 1967 Feb 19 UT 20:30-21:11 Observed by Moore, Moseley (Armagh, Northern Ireland, 10" refractor, x360) "Blink area between 1900 & 1940 with neg. results. Suddenly at 2030 there was a bright red glow, brightest Moseley had ever seen, at Feb 17 suspectec place. Moore returned at 2037h in time to see fading effect. Brief return at 2105-2111; neg. from 2120-2250h then clouds. Nothing on Feb 20. confirmation)." NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID #1016. ALPO/BAA weight=4.
H. Davies (Llamandel, Swansea, UK, using a 3" refractor, detected a short duration reddish hue along the inner NE-NW? rim (4-7 O'Clock location. Sketch supplied to Foley (BAA coordinator). No similar effect seen elsewhere. A.C. Cook (Frimley, UK) detected spurious colour on several craters, including Plato that night. Cameron 2006 Catalog Extension ID= 337 and weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Agrippa and vicinity 1878 Dec 04 UT 20:00? Observed by Capron (France?) "Odd, misty look as if vapor were in or about them" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #209.
Arsyukhin and others (Moscow, USSR), with naked eye and binouculars saw three dark spots suddenly appear on Mare Crisium and disappear approximately 30 minutes later. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=145 and catalog weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Arsyukhin and others (Moscow, USSR), with naked eye and binouculars saw TLP activity in Plato that Cameron thinks confirms what UK observers saw later. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=145 and catalog weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Alphonsus 1966 Apr 01 UT(?) 03:00-03:20 Observed by Jenning, Harris (Coral Estates, CA, USA, 12" reflector) "Red patch from c.p. to W. wall (no confirm. from Corralitos obs. moon blink device & obs. at that time)" NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #924. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1985 Mar 02 at 20:00UT? Marshall (Medeline, Colombia, South America) measured some very low Crater Extinction Device brightness readings of Censorinus compared to Proclus. The Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID= 261 and the weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
A blue tinge was seen inside and outside the crater perimeter. The surrounding halo lost brightness that was observed on 1993 Jan 29. Observed on Apr 19, 20 and 28th. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=213 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1982 Apr 04 at UT 23:30-00:25 P. Madej (Huddersfield, UK, 7cm refractor & 16cm reflector) noticed the TLP in his refractor first of all at x25. So stepped up the magnification to x111 and found the crater brightness not what he was expecting. He tried different filters but found no difference in brightness. With the 16cm reflector however some changes in brightness were dected. The crater has a very pale yellow colour and it was slightly darker than Lacus Somniorum. P. Foley tried to confirm at 00:09 but the crater looked normal then. The Cameron 2006 catalog extension TLP ID is 167 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Furnerius 1961 May 26 UT 02:20-03:00 Observed by Cameron (Aldephi, MD, USA, 3.5" Questar reflector x160, S=G) "Crater stood out like glittering points (small craters on rim?). Many features examined but effect seen only on this crater and Stevinus (Specular refl. from flat surface?)" NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #738.
Brilliant blue color seen at first for seconds, later for min 2h later, in blue filter. Cameron 1978 catalog weight=4 (high). Cameron 1978 catalog ID 572.
Stevinus 1961 May 26 UT 02:20-03:00 Observed by Cameron (Aldephi, MD, USA, 3.5" Questar reflector x160, S=G) "Crater stood out like glittering points (small craters on rim?). Many features examined but effect seen only on this crater and Stevinus. (Specular refl. from flat surface?)" NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #738.
Tycho 2971 Nov 28 UT 21:58-22:05 observed by D.B. Taylor (Dundee, UK, darker area inside the crater (NE and SE floor) in a Moon Blink device. However the observer does not report through which filter ir was darker. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1971 Oct 30 UT 19:35-20:55 E.Watkins (Braintree, UK, 4.5" reflector, x45,x150, x225), thought he saw a faint patch at 19:35 and it still was visible at 19:40. At 19:50-19:55 he saw what may have been the remainder. At 20:55 he noticed a shadow in the area. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Gassendi 1969 Nov 20 UT 17:06-17:15 Observed by Duckworth (Manchester, England, 8" refractor x250) Faint Pinkish Obscuration on floor. Event in progress at 1706 - left telescope at 1715 to report it, but TLP gone upon return. Gassendi was normal from from 1734-1822h. NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #1223. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Plato 1980 May 25 UT 21:33-22:54 Observed by North (Seaford, UK, seeing III-IV, 460mm Newtonian) Definite strong reddish glow along NNW border, definitely much stronger than spurious colouration and always visible when telescope moved in RA and Dec to eliminate possible chromatic aberation effects in the eyepiece. Effect ended by 21:54 UT. BAA Lunar Section Report. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Hyginus N 1944 Apr 04 UT 20:00? Observed by Wilkins (Kent, England, 15" reflector) "Darker than usual. S. edge of great crater valley was bordered by a narrow dark band for 13km along its length" NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #490.
On 1990 Jan 08 at UT00:55 D. Weier (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 12.5" reflector, x159) observed an "anomalous black bar across Aris. Nearly digonal to terminator." The nearby crater Prinz had curious shadow patterns, perhaps related to the rising sun projecting shadows from the eastern rim and "reflected down"? "At 0224 W wall had a break in it & a diffuse glow where it should not be. Manske thinks it was Earthshine effect. At 0305 Weier saw Manske's bar - with diffused light and flicker like an aurora - like a gas with electric charge. At 0325 saw a strange glow in Aris. but may be due to atm. though thought it to be a LTP. Darling had never seen such effects before (flickering implies a medium in it)." The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=387 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus visible just past terminator. West wall was brighter than normal. Bright flash seen in/on NW wall - apparently in the same place as Pedler's May 17th sketch. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=146 and weight=4. Observed by M. Price of Camberley, Surrey, UK with a 6" reflector and a Moon Blink device. Seeing=III.
Plato 1981 Jun 13 UT 20:48-21:08 Observed by Price (Camberley, England, 152mm reflector, seeing III) Possible Moon blink (red) seen on north wall. Also the craterlets on the floor could be seen despite the observing conditions not being optimal. BAA Lunar Section observation. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=146 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Peice A (Swift=IAU name?) 1927 May 12 UT 22:03 Observed by Wilkins (England, 15" reflector) "Complete obscuration of crater. Saw no trace of it. It was vis. May 11 & faint on May 13. 3x in 1948 Moore saw whole area misty gray & devoid of detail, whereas surroundings were sharp & clear. Birt also found it invis. at times in late 1800's" NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #394. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Gassendi 1969 Nov 20 UT 19:30-19:45 Observed by Becker (Holland, 4" refractor) "Curious small shadow from NW (ast. ?) wall. (Apollo 12 watch)" NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1224.
Aristarchus 1969 Nov 20 UT 19:45-20:05 Observed by Becker (Holland, 4" refractor) "Sharp whiteness on inner W. (ast. ?) side (Apollo 12 watch)" NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1224.
Aristarchus, Schroter's Valley, Herodotus 1881 Aug 07 UT 00:00? Observed by Klein (Cologne, Germany, 6" refractor, 5" reflector) "Whole region between these features appeared in strong violet light as if covered by a fog spreading further on 7th. Examined others around & none showed effect. Intensity not altered if Aris. placed out of view." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #224.
Aristarchus 1981 Mar 17 UT 22:40-23:25 Observed by Moore (Selsey, England, 15" reflector, seeing III) "Aristarchus very bright according to Crater Extinction Device and a coloured blink detected" BAA Lunar Section TLP report. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 2016 Jun 17 UT 05:00 A.Anunziato (AEA, Argentina Meade ETX 105, seeing 7/10, sketch made) observed a very tiny light spot where the shadow from topographic relief to the south of Vallis Schroteri nerges into the crater rim shadow on the floor of Herodotus. There should be no light spot here. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
All observers saw a blue tinge seen inside and outside the crater. Marshall observed a bright spot in the middle of the crater floor and thought perhaps that it was a central peak. No central peak can be found on Lunar Orbiter images. Cameron 2006 Catalog extension ID=214 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=4.
Aristarchus 1973 Aug 10 UTC 20:14 observed by Baumeister (48.63N, 9.25E, 110mm reflector, T=2, S=2) "Orange to red colours at the crater floor disappeared until 21:04" - Hilbrecht and Kuveler, Earth, Moon & Planets, 30 (1984), p53-61. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Gassendi 1939 Aug 27 UT 02:00 Observed by Haas? (NM? USA, 12" reflector?) "NE part of c.p. was I=6.4, compared with I=9.4 on 9/28/39 (see #462) under similar cond.@ NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID# 458.
Plato 1973 Aug 10 UT 22:45 observed by Robinson (Devon, UK). Observer noticed that the lighter areas on the floor were more distinct in red than in the blue filter. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Proclus 1976 Sep 06 UT 02:00 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 4.5" reflector 45-300x, S=3, T=5) "Nothing vis. on floor of 2deg brightness. Usually floor ray & Proc. A are vis. at this col. & c.p. is 5 deg bright. (must have been 2 deg tonite)." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #1450.
Cobra Head, Aristarchus 1964 Feb 25 UT 02:37-02:38, 02:39-02:42 Observed by Budine (Binghamton, New York, USA, 4" refractor, x250, S=6, T=4) "Red flashes" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID # 802.
Mons Piton 1984 Mar 14/15 UT 19:18-01:48 Observed by Foley (Kent, England, 12" Reflector seeing I, Transparency Very Good) "Colouration and brightness seen on Piton (CED used)" BAA Lunar Section Report. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1984 Mar 14/15 UT 19:18-01:48 Observed by Foley (Kent, England, 12" Reflector seeing I, Transparency Very Good) "Obscuration and colour seen on Plato" BAA Lunar Section Report. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Daniell 1979 Jul 06 UT 21:15-22:30 Crick (Belgium, 6" reflector, Seeing=II and transparency=good.) noticed obscuration on a bright spot on the south east wall. This spot was quite prominent through a red Wratten 25 filter. The floor was very dark. Other craters were checked and were normal. A sketch was supplied and the position was the same as in other earlier reports. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=60 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Plato 1987 Feb 10 UT 21:05-22:10. M. Cook (Frimley, UK), "NE ray distinct & also floor E of it, not distinct as on Dec 13 & Jan 11, while March 10, 11 & 12 seen by Price, North, Peters, Foley & M Cook, where rim was clear and sharp." - quote from the 2006 Cameron Catalog extension - TLP ID=297 and weight=5. Cameron gives the observers confirming this TLP as: M. Cook, G. North and Davies. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1993 Sep 28 at UT 04:30-06:10 S.Beaumont (Cambridge, UK)observed that the north east edge of Herodotus appeared as a "highland area spilling over into" the Cobra's Head border or "overlook". The shadow on the elevation was contiguous with a similar shadow over the Cobra's Head "like a darkening of the terrain. Shadow appears softer diffused without sharp bounds of most Lunar shadows. sketch. S. edge of crater started to appear at 0615". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=468 and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1 as the date or UT are wrong.
Kepler 1954 Nov 07 UT 23:20 Observed by F.A. Lugo (Caracus, Venezuela, 3.5" scope x125) Bright red star=like point just outside E.wall - visible for an hour. NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #580. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus 1972 Oct 19 UT 17:55-18:05 Observed by Gabriel (Wettern, Belg. 4" refractor, x166, S=E), Hitchens (Stamine Locks, Eng., 8.5" reflector, S=F), Peters (Kent, Eng., 10" relector), Amery (Reading, Emg. 10?" reflector), Flynn (england, 12" reflector) "At 17:55h noted bluish-purple color area just N. of Aris. & it reached just over N. wall, lasted 2 min. At 1800h color noted again, but not as brilliant & gone at 1801h. Seen again at 1804h & now was on E. (ast. ?) wall, lasting M 1min. Sure of its reality but not of lunar origin. All gone at 1805h. Hitchens noted a very bright spot on W. (IAU?) wall between 2 prominent bands. Blue darkening in W#38 filter, neg. in W#8,25,58 & integrated light. Other areas gave similar but lesser effects. May be due to damp geletin. (Moore thinks not LTP but many obs. have rep't blue in Aris.) Others obs. later (2100, 2215-2300, 2305h) & noted nothing unusual." NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #1346.
Plato 1972 Oct 19 UT 20:10 Observed by Taylor, Phillips, Ford, Kennedy (Dundee, Scot. 10" refractor) "Taylor noted a slight blink on NW wall. Ford said it was neg. Phillips was not sure. Taylor returned to telescope & no blink. Kennedy reported neg." NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1347.
Foley, Kent, UK noted that the floor was slate blue-grey with no colour seen elsewhere. 12" reflector used, seeing=II. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID 131 and weight=1. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1870 May 12 UTC 22:00 Observed by Birt (England) "Extraordinary display of lights. Says not effect of sunlight" However an article by Nigel Logshaw in the Feb 2014 LSC suggests that it was probably just normal fine scale spots and streaks on the floor of the crater. NASA catalog weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight= 1. NASA catalog ID #167.
Plato 1986 Dec 13 UT 20:30 Observed by A. Cook (Frimley, UK, seeing III) North East quadrant of Plato the crater was blurred and ill-defined. Also no craterlets visible anywhere on the floor of Plato until the central craterlet was just glimpsed later at 23:00-23:45, though seeing now III-IV (cirrus at times in the sky). At this later time the NE rim was less blurred than before. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Cobra Head 1955 Sep 28 UTC 23:00 Observed by Bestwick (England? 6?" reflector x240) "Diffused brown patch of smoke or vapor, almost obscured -- appeared over plain for a short distance."NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #612.
Foley (Kent, UK) saw the west wall dull and stongly coloured. Moore (Sussex, UK) saw the wall as normal. However Cameron points out that Foley (Kent, UK) is a lot more Blue/UV sensitive than Moore. Mosely (Covington, UK) at 22:10 UT noticed a brightening on the East wall and at 01:10-01:25 UT suspected that the interior had a weak yellow-green cast to it. Cook (Frimley, UK) states that orange colour was within the interior crater, but green beyond the east rim at the 9 O'Clock and the south east corner to floor blue/mauvre beyond the northern rim NW/WSW. Foley sstates that orange and blue/mauvre might be spurious colour, but green one cannot get this way. Cameon suggests chromatic aberatons as a possibility but thinks that the observers concerned were experienced enough to recognize this if it were the cause. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=239 and weight=0. Moore used a 15?" refletor and Foley used a 12" refletor. Mosely experienced II seeing and good transparency. Cook had III seeing and also good transparency. P. Grego made an observation this night too. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1821 Jan 16 at UT 21:00 S. Cooke (Stonehouse, UK) An effusion of smoke effect, which lasted about a minute, seen. It appeared like the fluttering of a bird and passed over the Moon before it evaporated, and must have been foreshortened, as it seemed in effect to have passed over the whole disc, starting from west of Menelaus, and near Plinius. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1980 Apr 28, Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA using a 8" reflector and a 2.5" refractor) observed a very bright reg region on top of the south west rim of Aristarchus crater. This was on the same side as the ray system between Aristarchus and Herodotus. Louderback noticed some chromatic aberation - blue where he had seen the red patch before. Louderback suspects chromatic aberation was the cause although did not see red in that region ever again. "Patch was between his observation points A and C. Point C was 5 points brighter in the red filter than in the blue." A sketch was made. Cameron suspects that the TLP was real. Cameron 2006 TLP catalog extension ID=92 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Louderback observed that the south west wall was a creamy deep yellow. There was also strong fluorescent blue on the west wall of the Cobra Head - Schroter's Valley area and this was similar to the violet glare seen on Aristarchus at times. Violet was seen between Aristarchus and the Cobra Head. Seeing coditions were poor. Brightening of a point near C occurred roughly every 10-15 seconds and lasted 0.5 sec - (Cameron concludes that this was not due to the Earth's atmosphere). A 0.2 step drop in brightness was seen on point A (twin spots). Point C had reduced by 0.6 steps. Elsewhere was stable in brightness. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=281 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Variations in vapor column rising from the Cobra Head feature (seen on several nights in succession) and also in the visibility of craterlets A, C, F. Sunrise +2d. (time est. fr. gives colongitude). Cameron 1978 catalog ID=279 and weight=3. Pickering was observing from the southern station of Harvard University in Arequipa, Peru.
Manilius 1939 Jun 30 UT 06:05 Observed by Haas (NM?, USA, 12"? reflector) "Dark area in S. part was I=2.0 but was I=3.7 on 7/30/39. Obs. conditions were very similar." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #449.
Aristarchus 1975 Sep 18 UT 21:00? Observed by Foley (Kent, England, 12" reflector) "Deep blue-viol. spot in NW (IAU?) interior corner." NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #1414. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus 1969 Nov 22 UT 18:20-21:13 Observed by D. Cutts (Chester, Eng., 8.5" reflector, x200), Moore (Sussex, Eng., 12" reflector x425), Miles (Coventry, Eng. 5" refractor), Delaye and Jourdran (Marseilles, Fr., 8" reflector) "Pulsating patch on W. wall between 2 radial bands. Faded by 2000h. Returned to normal. (Cutts). Miles saw strong pink in whole interior at 2112h. Strong blink. No blink there at 2210-2212h. Gass., Grim., & Plato were neg. Delaye & Joudan photog. it as very bright. Moore got neg. results at 2135. (confirm. of activity?, Apollo 12 watch)." NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID #1226. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Plato 1870 May 13 UT 22:00? Observed by Pratt (---), Elger (Liverpool, England), (Gledhill (Brighton, England) "Extraordinary display of lights. 27 seen by Pratt, 28 by Elger, only 4 by Gledhill. (independ. confirm. ?" NASA catalog weight=5 (very good) NASA catalog ID #168. A bit more of a detailed report is as follows: "Upon the 13th of May, 1870, there was an "extraordinary display," according to Birt: 27 lights were seen by Pratt, and 28 by Elger, but only 4 by Gledhill, in Brighton. Atmospheric conditions may have made this difference, or the lights may have run up and down a scale from 4 to 28. As to independence of sunlight, Pratt says (Rept. B.A., 1871-88), at to this display, that only the fixed, charted points so shone, and that other parts of the crater were not illuminated, as they would have been to an incidence common throughout.(30) In Pratt's opinion, and, I think, in the opinion of the other observers, these lights were volcanic." ALPO/BAA weight=4.
Mobberley of Suffolk, UK, and using a 14" reflector and seeing=I-II saw yellowish/brown streaks within Aristarchus. A sketch indicates that these extended from a region on the east floor to the north west corner, and then finally onto the bands on the west wall. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=132 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1981 Jun 15 UTC 21:30 Observed by Amery (Reading, England, 25cm reflector, seeing Antoniadi IV-V) At the 4 O'Clock position on the North West corner?, there was a dark smudge which reached from the floor across and over the wall and onto the terrain outside the crater. Foley, alerted by Amery, saw a dark show-like patch in the crater's north west corner, again lying across the rim. 2006 Cameron catalog extension ID=148 and weight=4. Foley used a 12" reflector and seeing was III-V. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Plato 1937 Jul 22 UT 06:20 Observed by Haas (Alliance, Ohio, USA, 12" reflector?) "Floor distinctly greenish, but was gray on June 23, 1937 at 0430 & col.84 (normal?)" NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #421. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Plato 1916 Oct 10 UT 21:00? Observed by M, Maggeni (Florence Obs., Italy) "Reddish shadow spread over part of crater. Looked like vapor (like nitrous vapor) and obscured underlying craters. The Cameron 1978 catalog weight=3 and ID = 365. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus. 2024 Feb 23 UT 19:22. A.Conway (Bootle, UK - 20cm Newtonian (dobsonian), 9mm Plossl eyepiece, Samsung A33 mobile phone camera, 36 sec AVI file at 30fps, seeing probably average-good). Noticed a blue tinge on northern rim of the crater. This is probably normal, but we are flagging this up as a weight 1 TLP, in order to obtain some repeat illumination observations and confirm that the strength of the blueness is normal.
Aristarchus, Cobra Head, 1969 Dec 23 UT 05:19-05:34 Observed by A.R. Taylor (Buckinghamshire, UK, 8.5" reflector, 240x, Wratten 25 and 80B) Strong blink in crater at 0519. All traces gone by 0534. Could only see in filters, Plato, Copernicus, Gassendi all normal. Obscur. also in Cob. Head." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #1230. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Stevinus 1961 May 29 UT 02:45-03:30 Observed by Cameron (Adelphi, MD, USA, 3.5" reflector, x160, Questar, Seeing=good) "Craters stood out like glittering points (small craters on rims?). Only anomalies among many features examined (specular refl. from flat surface?)." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #738. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Eratosthenes 1976 Sep 08 UTC 04:29 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 4.5" reflector 45-225x, S=5-4, T=5) "Psuedo-shadow X3 was present but X disappeared from wall(same intensity?) which was rated 4 deg. Disappearance of X so unexpected that he examined inner S wall very carefully & was certain it was free from psuedo-shad. Had vanished within 24h. Other pseudo-shadows showed no change. X reappeared next nite. (X must have been 4deg; &this is much higher than any other meas.). Variability of wall shadows may habe been what Pickering saw, suggests Bartlett." Cameron 1978 TLP catalog weight=4 and catalog ID 1452. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Furnerius 1961 May 29 UT 02:45-03:30 Observed by Cameron (Adelphi, MD, USA, 3.5" reflector, x160, Questar, Seeing=good) "Craters stood out like glittering points (small craters on rims?). Only anomalies among many features examined (specular refl. from flat surface?)." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #738. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1992 Oct 10 at 18:57-19:04 UT I.S.Brukhanov (of Minsk, Belarus, using a 6" refractor x40 and x98) saw a star like point inside Plato crater of similar brightness to the central peak of Alphonsus. The event lasted 90 seconds before weakening and vanishing completely at 19:04UT. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=455 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1981 Apr 18 at UT 19:50-22:10 M. Mobberley (Suffolk, UK, using a 14" reflector, seeing poor and transparency poor) observed faint-yellow streaks still visible, but less prominent. Cameron mentions that Bartlett noticed this colour, but in the south floor of Aristarchus. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=133 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Aristarchus area 1955 Sep 30 UTC 20:45 Observed by Firsoff (Somerset, England, 6.5" reflector, x200) "Area showed a westward yellow smear, looked darkish in red, indicating presence of green." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #614. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus 1972 Oct 21 UT 2:10-22:45 observed by Schnuchal (52.5N, 13.25E, 600mm f/11.7 reflector, T=1, S=3) "Bright spot with maximum intensity at 22:10 UT diminution in brightness well observable" - Hilbrecht and Kuveler, Earth, Moon & Planets, 30 (1984),p53-61. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Aristarchus-Herodotus 1969 Jan 03 UT 03:20-03:50 Observed by Taboada (Mexico) "Brightness between craters dimmed at 0345. Change in colouration in N. part of Aris. -- gray & slightly pinkish. Became more remarkable at 0350 in almost all the extension of the cleft, (Sch. Vall. ?)." NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #1114. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Plato 1973 Aug 13 UT 22:25-22:35 observed by Pedler (Devon, UK). Observer noticed a slight blink on a lighter patch on the floor just beneath the south(?) rim using Moon blink filters. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
David Darling observed bright glittering on Aristarchus. This was followed by a flare up in brightness at 00:38:05 UT in the comet-like ray area of the crater equivalent in intensity to the central peak. Then he saw another one on the north east rim of Aristarchus of the same brightness. A third flare was seen at 00:49UT in south of Herodotus, on the comet-like ray. Another two flares were observed at 00:56UT on the north west rim of Aristarchus. Darling suspects that these effects were due to seeing effects and Cameron agrees. However Weier suspects that they were TLP? Brightness measurements by Weier were for the south west rim of Herodotus 8.0, for a spot at the Cobra's Head 9.0 and 7.5 for C.H. Cameron apparently did not see the flashes but did suspect that the interior of Aristarchus was a bit unusual. Don Spain did not see anything unsual at all. Cameron 2006 extended catalog ID=380 and the observation weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Aristarchus 1967 Dec 16 UTC 22:00? Observed by Farrant (Cambridge, England, 8" reflector) "Crater took on an unusual appearance on inner NE (ast. ?) wall. Showed a very pale blue & the opposite wall a pale red color seen in no other features. Lasted only 10m & survived a change of eyepieces." Seeing=I (Antoniadi). NASA catalof weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1056.
On 2002 Mar 29 at 02:20-02:38UT C. Brook (Plymouth, UK, 60mm refractor, x120 - no cloud, slight haze, no wind, seeing good) noticed during first part of observing period that Aristarchus was getting steadily brighter, very much brighter than Proclus. This continued until 02:36UT when it dimmed suddenly over a period of about a minute or so. No colour effects seen. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 2002 mar 29 at 02:20-02:38UT C. Brook (Plymouth, UK, 60mm refractor, x120 - no cloud, slight haze, no wind, seeing good) noticed during first part of observing period that Aristarchus was getting steadily brighter, very much brighter than Proclus. This continued until 02:36UT when it dimmed suddenly over a period of about a minute or so. No colour effects seen. ALPO/BAA weight=2. Just as an after thought - was it Aristarchus that was varying, or Proclus?
Louderback, of South Bend, WA, USA observed a bright area over Mons Anguis and Eimmart - it resembled a comet and had a bluish colour and varied in brightness. The colour was confirmed as it was not seen in a red filter but could be seen in blue and white light. Other features were checked but did not show anything similar although a violet glare was suspected in the blue filter. A sketch was made. Observer made Eimmart 8 in brightness at 07:30UT. Noted that the area around Eimmart appeared opaque at times and less so at other times. At 08:52UT the phenomenon was seen again. On May 2nd a bright spot was still seen in the region but it was not changing dimensions. During the observation on Apr 30th the atmospheric transparency was excellent. A 2.5" refractor was used. Reference: Personal communication from Louderback to Cameron on 1980 Jul 16th. The Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID of this TLP was 93 and the weight was 4. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Proclus 2002 Mar 29 UT 05:27-05:36 Observed by Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 12.5" f/5 Newtonian, +Rotating polaroid visual densitometer) "Observations made following telephone alert call about Brook's report. Aristarchus, Proclus and Censorinus monitored for brightness variations from 04:41-05:37UT. Apart form a change in transparency due to cirrus cloud at 05:11-05:18, there were significant dimmings of the brightnesses of Proclus at 05:27. Aristarchus remained constant - this suggested that Clive Brook's earlier report was not a TLP in Aristarchus, but possibly in Proclus which he was using as a comparison" ALPO Lunar Section Report. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Censorinus 2002 Mar 29 UT 05:27-05:36 Observed by Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 12.5" f/5 Newtonian, +Rotating polaroid visual densitometer) "Observations made following telephone alert call about Brook's report. Aristarchus, Proclus and Censorinus monitored for brightness variations from 04:41-05:37UT. Apart form a change in transparency due to cirrus cloud at 05:11-05:18, there were significant dimmings of the brightness of Censorinus at 05:36UT. Aristarchus remained constant" ALPO Lunar Section Report. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Manillus 1955 Aug 03 UTC 21:00 Observed by Firsoff (Sommerset, England, 6.5" reflector, x200) "Maniluus very bright in all colors, especially blue, extraordinarily so" NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #602.
Timocharis 1955 Aug 03 UTC 21:00 Observed by Firsoff (Sommerset, England, 6.5" reflector, x200) "Crater was bright in blue, seemed large & diffused." NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #602.
Aristarchus-Herodotus 1969 Jan 04 UT 03:00-03:45 Observed by Taboada (Mexico) & Corralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" reflector + Moon Blink) "Brightness increased slightly around Herod. & cleft (S.V?) became darker than previous day. The dark gray & pink formed yellowish at 0345h in whole region of Aris. Bluing around crater in Corralitos MB (photos?) (confirm. of activity at Aris.?)" NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID #1115. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus-Herodotus 1969 Jan 04 UT 03:00-03:45 Observed by Taboada (Mexico) & Corralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" reflector + Moon Blink) "Brightness increased slightly around Herod. & cleft (S.V?) became darker than previous day. The dark gray & pink formed yellowish at 0345h in whole region of Aris. Bluing around crater in Corralitos MB (photos?) (confirm. of activity at Aris.?)" NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID #1115. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1988 May 11 (UT 20:30-20:55) C. Brook (Plymouth, UK, 60mm refractor, x28) found Aristarchus to be brighter than he would have expected. Compared to Proclus and Tycho. He observed from 20:55-22:38 and found it to be normal in brightness over this time. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Aristarchus 1973 Nov 10 UTC 20:00? Observed by Coates (England, 8" reflector x200, Moon at gigh altitude above horizon). "Attracted to crater because of an orange hue extending towards Herod. Has seen this at other times. Thinks not a LTP, but actual color on ground."NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #1381.
Observed by Bartlett (Batimore, MD, USA, S=4, T=5) "E.wall? blue glare. He was uncertain @it. Couln't focus it. Herodotus unaffected." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID 581. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Conspicuous bright spot seen on 6th. Also seen on 7th, absent on 8th. Cloud-like effect where light had been (on 8th). Cameron 1978 catalog TLP ID No.=139 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
P Moore, Selsey, Sussex, UK, used a 5" x250 scope and between 23:50UT on Jul 1st 1977 and 00:10UT on Jul 2nd 1977 observed Aristarchus. The south wall of the crater was reddish, extending down to the outer south east wall (IAU). However seeing was no better than III-IV and he was 99% sure that the colour was spurious. His report was submitted only in case any other observers reported something similar. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
1969Jan04 UT19:30-20:00 W.Deane (Hendon, UK, 2" refractor) observed a bright yellow spot just E of Aristarchus, stretching from the S. end of Montes Harbinger to the S. wall of Prinz. The ALPO/BAA weight=1. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1984 Feb 18 at 05:35UT Moseley (Coventry, UK, 6" reflector, x120, seeing II-III, transparency very poor to good) found that the crater was difficult to define. However observing conditions variable. P. Moore observed that the crater was normal at 04:00UT. Moseley found the crater well defined later. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=242 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Copernicus 1975 Jul 24 UT 22:52 Observed by Robinson (Teignmouth, England, 10" ? reflector or 4" refractor?) "Copernicus indistinct in red and blue filters" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1409.
Fracastorius 1975 Jul 24 UT 22:52 Observed by Robinson (Teignmouth, England, 10" ? reflector or 4" refractor?) "Fracastorius had a blink (red or blue?)" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1409.
Tycho 1975 Jul 24 UT 22:52 Observed by Robinson (Teignmouth, England, 10" ? reflector or 4" refractor?) "Tycho indistinct in red and blue filters" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1409.
Aristarchus 1954 Nov 12 UTC 02:20-03:05 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, S=5-6, T=3-4) "Blue-violet glare on EWBS & whole length of E. wall. Suspected viol. tint on VA; uncertain @ m" NASA catalog weight=4. This had faded later by 05:07. NASA catalog ID #582. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1996 Jul 31 at 22:40UT P. Moore (Selsey, UK, 15" reflector, x300) noticed a lack of detail in the Cape Agarum area - he would normally have expected to have seen some craterlets. However he would not rate this observation much because the seeing was only III and he does not think that it was an obscuration. However just in case he wanted to record this report in the archives. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Alphazen Alpha 1972 Oct 23 UT 22:10?-22:13? (Stoke-on-Trent, UK, 21cm Newtonian, x217, seeing very good). Flickering colours seen on the north field of Alhazen Alpha mountain. Above UTs estimated by the observer, but the duration of the effect was 3 minutes. Colouration centred on the hills that run north to south between Mare Anguis and Mare Crisium. The colour alternated from east to west about 2 or 3 times per second. The colour was not apparent to the north or south, or indeed on any other features. Telescope field of view moved, but effect stayed in the same place on the Moon. Moon't terminator scanned for 15 minutes afterwards, but the effect did not recur. The colour seen was mostly red, with a band of orange, and a strip of yellow nearest the hills, the proportions being 6:2:1. The bands seemed to arc up steep above the Moon's surface and flatten out over the mare surface either side of the hill features. No filters were used in the observation. Observer suspects some kind of diffraction spectrum to explain the larger dispersion in the red end of the spectrum. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Schroter's Valley: Cobra Head 1824 Nov 08 UTC 00:00? Observed by Gruithuisen (Munich, Germany) "Mingling of all colors in small spots. Described a violet glimmer near Cobra Head & plateau that spreads; starts just after sunrise. Cameron 1978 catalog weight=4 and catalog ID=103. The ALPO/BAA catalog weight=3.
Plato 1870 Mar 19 UT 00:00? Observed by Gledhill? (halifax, England, 9" refractor) "Same group (of craters) as in Feb. illuminated. (if phase same as Apr. 1970 then date is Mar 19" NASA catalog weight=2. NASA catalog ID #165. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 2006 Jan 16 at 05:44UT T. Bakowski (Orchard Park, NY, USA) observed a round dark object in 1 of 21 frames from a camera. The exposure was 1/250th sec. Seeing conditions were bad. The dark spot is east of Mons Vinogradov, at or near crater J. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Schickard 1939 Aug 02 UT 00:01 Observed by Moore (England, 12?" reflector) "Floor milky, walls almost vis. 2 bright pts. in area. not extending to extreme w.part of floor" NASA catalog ID #456. NASA catalog weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Conspicuous bright spot seen on 6th. Also seen on 7th, absent on 8th. Cloud-like effect where light had been (on 8th). Cameron 1978 catalog TLP ID No.=139 and weight=3.
Proclus 1958 Jul 03 UT 06:18-07:15 Obsrved by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" reflector, x180, S=5, T=3) "Proc. C a remarkable phenom. of which he is certain. At beginning of obs. C was 5 deg bright & conspicuous -- its normal appearance at or nr. SS. At 0620 it suddenly became dull so as to almost vanish. By 0640 C was very dull-- 3.5 deg. An indep. check was made at 0715 with same instru. & it was still at 3.5 deg. Note C does not mean Proclus C but a notation system developed by Bartlett for features in and around Proclus". Cameron's 1978 NASA catalog weight=4 (high). Cameron's 1978 NASA catalog ID #688. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1990 Dec 03 at UT23:00-01:30 M.C. Cook (Frimley, Surrey, UK) noticed that the central peak of Aristarchus was quite bright and extended to a circular region in the east in the crater "sprout" area - Cameron suggests that this is Bartletts self defined EWBS area?. Beyond the rim to the east was very bright. However no colour effect was seen in filters. A sketch was supplied. Cameron notes the coincidence of perigee and full Moon. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID is 416 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1993 Sep 02 UT2250-23:30 C. Brook (Plymouth, UK, 70mm refractor, x100, seeing=III) noted that Cleomedes A was exceptionally bright and compared it with plate 4C in Henry Hatfield's Atlas. He had noticed it was bright earlier in the evening, but his attention was drawn to it at 22:50UT. By 23:07UT it was dimmer, with patches of cloud coming up and a slight deterioration in seeing. By 22:30 UT the crater was no longer exceptionally bright. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=466 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Proclus 1955 Oct 03 UTC 02:10-02:40 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" reflector x180, S=1-0?, T=4) "Proc. D (his ID) normally a bright white spot on E. floor disappared as a dark spot, I=2.5 & barely disting. from 3deg gray. In July lunation it was seen as normal bright spot at col. 347.57, 359.36, 36.74 & 61.83 but vanished after 61.83. C.p. abnormally dark & close to floor intensity. At 1st failed to find it I=2.5 whereas it is normally 5.0." The cameron 1978 catalog ID=616 and weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Aristarchus 1969 Dec 26 UT 03:35-03:45 Observed by Kilburn (England, 6" x192) "Suspected faint blink & glow outside of SW(IAU?) wall. Large area was gray toward Herod. Another blink inside between 2 bands at0330h. At 0345h neither blinks seen. Blink seen in blue (=red event?). Next nite crater was normal." NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1231.
Plato 1971 Dec 04 UT21:00-21:10 D.B.Taylor (Dundee, UK, 10" refractor, conditions poor and turbulent). Observer suspected colour orange colour near bright spot on north wall. Observation ceased due to being clouded out. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Aristarchus 1968 Dec 07 UT 07:00? observed by Corralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" reflector+Moon Blink) "Bluing around 3 craters, strongest at Aris. Lasted several days. Photos show 30% more intensity in blue filter than in red or neutral. Moon's declination northerly. Obs. think it was due to atm. effects" NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #1105.
On 1968 Dec 07 at UT 07:00? Corralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" reflector and Moon Blink device) observed a bluing around three craters, one of which was Kepler. This effect lasted several days. Photographs were taken that show30% more intensity in the blue filter than in red or neutral. The Moon's decination was northerly. The observers suspect that it was an atmospheric efect and not a TLP. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1105 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Gassendi 1940 Jul 22 UT 05:00 Observed by Haas (NM?, USA, 12" reflector?) "Largest bright spot in SE part of floor had I=8.6, but 6+ on other dates. (see #472, 474 & 475). (8.6 is normal?)" NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #469. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Proclus 1956 Jul 25 UTC 06:16-06:33 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" reflector, x180, S=3-5, T=4) "C.p. distinctly vis. within floor shadeo, est. 5 deg bright but no trace of it at col. 122.37deg in Oct, '55(Oct. 4?)." NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #645. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Four bright spots seen in Mare Crisium. There was also peculiar behaviour of the terminator. Source: Midlehurst 1968 catalog TLP ID=16. Ref Web 1962 p62-76. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Conspicuous bright spot seen on 6th. Also seen on 7th, absent on 8th. Cloud-like effect where light had been (on 8th). Cameron 1978 catalog TLP ID No.=139 and weight=3.
Daniell 1894 Feb 23 UT 00:00? Observed by Krieger (Germany) "Strong, brownish-red coppery hue." NASA catalog weight=4 and catalog ID #281. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
1894 Feb 23 UT 00:00(?) Posidonius N. Wall observed by Krieger (Germany) "Strong, brownish-red coppery hue." NASA catalog weight=4 and catalog ID #281. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Cleomedes Alpha 1993 Sep 03 UT2200-22:20 G. North (UK, 18.25" reflector, x86 & x144) observed it to be a strikingly brilliant 'splodge' seen in the mostly shadow filled interior of Cleomedes, and around this splodge was a faint halo extending symetrically in an eastwards direction. The splodge was the mountain Cleomedes Alpha. Strangely no shadow from the mountain was seen to be cast onto the halo on the east. Observer alerted other observers by phone, and upon returning to the scope found that the splodge had faded in brightness and continued to fade over the next hour as one would expect from a mountain at sunset. Some heavy spurious colour was present. J. Cook & M. Cook (Frimley, UK) observed at 22:20-22:25 and found the bright splodge, but no halo. M. Cook re-observed later and confirmed normal fading of splodge. Roscoe observed from 00:30UT next day, but by that time Cleomedes Alpha had set and was no longer visible in the shadow filled floor. S. Beaumont had observed earlier at 20:00 but had recorded all as normal in Cleomedes. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=466 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Madler 1962 Apr 22 UTC 08:24 Observed by Wildey, Pohn (1st measurement) (Mt Wilson, CA, USA, 60" reflector with photometer) "Photometric measures show change in brightness from Vmag=3.79 to V=4.40. The average brightness for age 17d is V=3.99. Crater faded from .2 mag brighter than av. to .4 mag. fainter (@1.5 times fainter) than av., a range of .6 magnitude, or @ 1.5 times diff. in brightness". NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #757.
LeCroy Jr. and Sr. (Springfield, VA, 4.5" reflector, x75, S=VG, T=3) observed the following in the Aristarchus and Herodotus region: "Prior to 0542h the 2 craters were 2 bright spots within bright areas. Then a brightness developed merging them together into one big bright area with no discernable details. Returned to normal at 0554h. Sketches. Albedo=10+ where normal albedo is 9.5". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID= 1413 and weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 2006 Dec 08 at UT 17:32 (+/- 2 min) M. Collins (Palmerston North, New Zealand, 3.5" Maksutov, 40mm eyepiece, seeing III-IV) observed during daylight hours an extremely bright flash south of Godin. It flared up and down over a fraction of a second an appeared three times brighter than the Moon background itself. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1877 Nov 23 UT 22:00? Observed by Crain, Klein, Eng. officer (France?, Cologne, Germany, England?, 6" refractor?) "A luminous triangular object on floor & each craterlet on floor outlined as a lum. pt. (indep. confirm.?)" NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #199. ALPO/BAA weight=4.
On 1955 Oct 04 UT 22:00 Dubois and Kozyrev (Crimea, Soviet Union, 50" reflector) observed the following in Aristarchus crater: "Low disprsion (d=.13 whereas on Oct 28 & Nov d=0.03) Spectogram showing emiss. in central part nr. H&K". Cameron says that this is a confirmation of the previous Bartlett TLP? The Cameron 1978 catalog ID= 619 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=5.
Aristarchus 1969 Nov 27 UT 20:00? Observed by Miles (coventry, England, 5" refractor, x120) "Strong pink color in N. part; spectacular strong blink. Did not notice obscur. Bands were vis." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #1227.
Pico 1976 Aug 13/14 20:50-01:00, 03:15 Observed by Foley? or Findlay? (England, S=E) "Dark line to the E. (IAU?) of Pico obs. & persisted till 0100h. On 14th the whole area around Pico was gray & diffused. At 0315h detail reappeared & NW corner sparkled. Small brilliant spot appeared due N. of it & the albdeo exceeded Aristarchus (=9+ ?)" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1443.
1936 Oct 04 UT07:42 W.Haas drew bands, many smaller spots on floor. Pickering's atlas 9D col 141 shows bands but no bright spots. Haas' location Aliance, OH, USA. Reference: Haas, W. J.Royal Astr. Soc. Canada. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=416 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Aristillus 1939 Sep 03 UT 05:00 Observed by Haas? (New Mexico?) "Dark area in W. part of floor was I=4.0, comp. with I=1.3, & I=3.7 (see #450, & #454). Used different telescope, but can't explain diff. in albedo, since phase is similar in 2 & dist. from term. similar in all (normal?)." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #459. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Theophilus 1971 Dec 06 UT 21:35-23:20 Observed by Findlay, Ford, Taylor, Robbie (Dundee, Scotland, 10" reflector x180), Bolger (Chester, England), Fitton (Lancashire, England, 8" reflector). "Red-orange patch on E. (IAU?) floor even without a blink. Others confirmed. Dimmed by 2105h but still seen. Dimmer yet at 2230h & gone at 2300h. Baum saw brownish-red patch at 25.5E, 12.5S. Taylor saw reddish patch SE of crater, fainter at 2220h, gone at 2300h. Fitton saw image very dull,yellow & steady. Filters showed nothing unusual, & nothing seen at 2320h." NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID #1320. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristillus 1939 Jul 06 UT 05:00 Observed by Haas? (NM?, USA, 12" reflector?) "Dark area in W. part of floor was I=1.3 but other dates were brighter. or same. yet cond. similar (see # 454, 459 & 461)" NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #450. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Fracastorius 1975 Jul 27 UT 22:45 Observed by Robinson (Teignmouth, England) "Blink seen. Floor brighter in red than in blue. Suspects colour is spurious". NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1410.
Plato 1975 Jul 27 UT 22:45 Observed by Robinson (Teignmouth, England) "Blink seen. Floors brighter in red than in blue". NASA catalog weight= 1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1410.
Theophilus 1975 Jul 27 UT 22:45 Observed by Robinson (Teignmouth, England) "Blink seen. Floor brighter in red than in blue". NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASa catalog ID #1410.
On 1979 Jul 14 at UT 00:24-01:10 P. Madej (Huddersfield, UK, 15cm reflector, x35, x52, x73 and x110, seeing IV-V, transparency very good). Note that the observing date was also written as Jul 18th in the original report? Puiseaux was very clear in white light, but could not see the cenrtral peak. The central peak though was visible through a Waretten 15 (yellow) filter. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1904 Aug 01 at 05:00? Pickering (Echo Mt., CA, USA) UT Plato: "Bright hazy obj., 2" diam. on floor, Obs before & after were normal". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=318 and the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Messier A 1951 Oct 20 UT 00:00? Observed by Moore (England) "Brilliant white circular patch in it. has seen it & Messier blurred several times." NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #545 Note that the date and time given are probably wrong as the Sun is ~7deg below the local horizon at this time. ALPO/BAA weight=1 to reflect this error.
Jansen 2013 Aug 26 UT 00:30-01:30 P. Grego (Cornwall, UK, 20cm SCT, x200, seeing II, transparency good) observed a dark patch just east of Jansen D. He had not seen this before. There maybe a depression here hinted at in LOLA ndata. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Eratosthenes 1976 Sep 14 UTC 04:24 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 4.5" reflector, 45-300x, S=6, T=3 hazy) "Pseudo shadow F disappeared & wall here is same intensity as whole inner crater wall, = 4deg. No change in X, X3 or X2 (4 deg much brighter than normal)." NASA catalog weight=4 (good). Cameron c1978 atalog ID=1453 and weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Aristarchus 1956 Jul 28 UT 05:20-05:55 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" reflector, x180, S=5, T=4) "Vivid blue- viol. gl. on c.p., band across E. floor, & EWBS, E. & NE wall". N.B. The effect had vanished by 07:20UT. NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID 646. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1975 Jul 29 at UT 00:00 Fraser (England, 6" reflector, x70) and Howick (England, 3.5" reflector) observed the occultation of 51 Pisc. at emersion - Fraser saw a flash or spike of liht which proceeded emersion of primary by 0.4sec. The 9.0 mag companion appeared some moments later. Howick at 1 km away, with 3.5" reflector noted nothing unusual. Cameron says that no 3rd companion is known. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1411 and weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Aristarchus 1976 Aug 15 UT 23:00-23:45 Observed by Garbott (2) (Bedfordshire, England, 10" reflector x500, seeing Antoniadi I) and by Moore (Sussex, England, 15" reflector, x360, seeing Antoniadi IV) "Noted blue color on N. wall extending toward Herod. Also saw orange color in S. region. Confirmed by father. (similar to many of Bartlett's rept's.), More noted nothing unusual at 2320h." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #1444. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 2009 Oct 09 UT11:00-11:04 NASA's LCROSS upper centaur stage, followed 4 min later by the observation spacecraft, is due to impact into a the crater Cabeus in the hope of kicking up some dust and possible frozen volatiles. Note that this description is intended for observers on the date of impact and it is doubtful that any new science could be achieved by re-observing the same area months after the impact. If you are observing on the date of impact, then please observe around 11:00-11:04UT and ignore the predicted times in the headings. However this report is included as techniqcally if something is seen it is a TLP, albeit man-made! For those observing on the date in question here are a few observing tips to maximize the science of your observations: (1) If you are imaging, then please try to obtain images before the impact because you can then subtract these from images taken during the impact and hence show up faint changes that you might normally miss. (2) If you have a spare scope and camera,use this to observe through filters such as UBVR or I, or if you have narrow band interference filters, try observing in say Hydrogen Alpha, Methane, OH, or indeed any volatile that you might expect to see in a comet (the main source of water at the poles). (3) Please try checking the area long after the impact, just in case other effects might trigger a TLP. (4) Please go to some trouble to ensure accurate timings- these will be essential in order to understand the sequence of events - assuming any are seen. Timings can be obtained using a short wave radio or via a GPS. Note that you should always use UT or UTC. (5) Please send any observations that you make into the upload section of the LCROSS campaign observers web site. If you belong to an astronomical society e.g. BAA or ALPO, then do please send copies of your observations to the Lunar Sections of your society or club. (6) Finally this desription will be updated a day or two after the planned impact.
On 2009 Sep 09 UT23:31:43 P.Grego (St Dennis, Cornwall, UK, seeing II- III) suspected a flash south of Cabeus, just beyond the terminator. It was not bright, and lasted a fraction of a second. Thinks it might have been illusory as he saw some fainter flashes (cosmic rays?) during that nights observing session. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Aristarchus 1974 Sep 08 UT 04:45-06:30 Observed by Cowan and Johnson (Dublin, TX, 8" reflector, x59, x152, S=7) "Saw a bright luminous, blue, misty cloud on th NE rim. Obscur. for 1st hr. then gave way to pink & features became vis. Cloud was tear-drop shape. No movement to glow. Pink cloud glowed too. Very tenuous by 0130h. (Nakamura says there were no seismic events within several hrs. of this time). Another person saw it without being advised as the where it was." NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID #1393. ALPO/BAA weight=4.
Copernicus 1939 Sep 06 UTC 06:00 Observed by Haas? (New Mexico?, 12" reflector) "Dark area at foot of N. inner wall had I=4.8 comp. with I= 1.8 in #451. (same phase so a real difference)." NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #460.
On 1878 Oct 18 at UT 21:00? Gaudibert (France?, 4"refractor) observed Webb's white spot on SW border of Wargentin to be brilliant, however this had vanished by Oct 19. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=204 and the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Tycho 2006 Jan 22 UT 06:34-06:36 Observed by Fabio Carvalho (Assis, Sao Paulo Brazil, 25cm f/6 Newtonian) "Green colouration seen on a rim of Tycho, effect remained visible for only 2 minutes. Attempts to image it shortly afterwards failed as it had finished by then" An REA-Brasil observational report. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 2009 Sep 11/12 UT23:28-00:00 M.C. Cook (Mundesley, UK, 90mm Questar, x80 and x190, seeing II and transparency moderate-poor) observed pink on the north west rim of Tycho and green-blue on the inner SW rim. No sign of colour elsewhere on the Moon except for the S-E rim of Plato that was red. The Moon was about 20 deg in altitude at the time. The effect had gone by the end of the observing period. A simulation of spurious colour in different directions was generated by the BAA Lunar Section and found to possibly account for these colours, although there should have been some strong colours seen elsewhere in Tycho and none were. The BAA/ALPO weight=2.
Vitello 1939 Jul 10 UT 09:30 Observed by Haas? (NM? USA, 12?" reflector) "S.part of dark area was I=2.5 but diff. values other times. (see #453, &457). Cond. were similar" NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #452.
On 1979 Jul 18 at UT 00:24-01:10 P. Madej (Huddersfield, UK, 15cm reflector, x35, x52, x73 and x110, seeing IV-V, transparency very good). Note that the observing date was also written as Jul 14th in the original report? Puiseaux was very clear in white light, but could not see the cenrtral peak. The central peak though was visible through a Wratten 15 (yellow) filter. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1878 Oct 18 at UT 21:00? Gaudibert (France?, 4" refractor) observed Webb's white spot on SW border of Wargentin that had been brilliant the previous night, had completely vanished tonight. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=204 and the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Vitello 1939 Jul 11 UT 09:30 Observed by Haas? (NM, USA, 12"? reflector) "S. part of dark area was I=2.5, but diff. values other times. (see #453, & #457). Cond. were similar." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #452.
Aristarchus 1975 Aug 02 UT 02:23-02:49 Observed by Foley (Kent, UK, 12" reflector, photos obtained) "Floor of crater was slate gray/blue & a dense blue-viol. obscur. at NW corner of floor. Photos show smudge there. Phenom. vanished at 0249h. No alert or blink in order to get photos before it faded. Crater was abnormally bright." NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID # 1412. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus 1897 Sep 22 UT 00:41 Observed by Molesworth (Trincomali, Shri Lanka, 9" reflector, conditions very good) "A Glimmering knotted streak seen beneath and parallel to the W wall. At the centre of the E. Edge of the shadow was another faint glowing effect – probably coincident with the central peak. The crater was more than half filled with shadow." NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #290. ALPO/BAA weight=2.