On 1968 Dec 23 at UT 08:40-08:45 Osawa (Kyoto-Ken, Japan, 8" reflector, x167 and x212, S=3-4, saw Taruntius crater (and a wrinkle ridge) to be bright through a red filter. Cameron mentions that this was during the Apollo 8 watch. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1108 and weight=3? The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1969 Jan 22 at UT 00:10-00:30 Kilburn (England, UK, 6" reflector x192, English Moon Blink device) observed a colour blink on the outer east wall of Gassendi. Cameron says: "in dark!". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1117 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Aristarchus 1971 Oct 22 UT 19:43-19:56 A.Mackay (Hatton, UK, 15cm reflector, x50) observed a pale pink on the W(IAU?) half of Aristarchus and a pale shade of blue on the E(IAU?) half. The effect faded from 19:56UT onwards and had gone 2 minutes later. No information on whether other craters exhibited this effect, given. Burgess, who observed later did not see any colour. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1980 Apr 16 at UT 20:00-22:20 P.W. Foley (Kent,UK, 12" reflector, seeing II-III) found that Aristarchus could barely be seen. Therefore it was not possible to take CED brightness measurements. Strangely Cassini, Kepler, Plato and Mons Pico could be seen. However at 20:16 UT St Elmo fire-like flashes were seen coming from the interior south east corner of Aristarchus at 20:16 UT and then the brightnesss spread to fill the rest of he crater. Duration was about 5-20 sec (Cameron comments: atmospheric effects?). The crater reached peak brightness at 20:17UT (CED reading of 8). Foley comments that the crater rim and area 16-24km around this (including Herodoyus) had a translucent radiance. However at 20:25UT the brightness reduced (including Herodotus) down to CED 3, however the blue radiance remained. At 21:07UT Foley saw a star-like flash in the south east of the floor (CED 3-4). Grimaldi was found to be of constant brightness by comparison using the CED Brightness=2). At 20:20UT Amery (Reading, UK) found Aristarchus to be a well visible circular fluorescent patch. At 20:40 Amery found the region between Aristarchus and Herodoutus was glowing - appeared almost as a flare from Aristarchus and by 20:55UT there was also a flare to the west of Aristarchus. At 20:27 Madej (Huddersfield) detected only a slight glow from Aristarchus and the region affected was small - indeed the glow had gone by 20:46. At 20:40 Ricketts detected a "continuous blue emission" - this had a cycle of 5- 10 sec (Cameron comments: atmosphere?). Saxton (Leeds, UK) detected at 20:42 "translucent effects and variations" at 20:42 noticed a star-like point. At 19:00-21:40 M. Price (Camberley, UK) decided that Aristarchus was fainter in brightness than normal. Peters observed a faint nebulous spot at at 20:25-21:00 that changed in brightness in an irregular way. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=86 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1980 Apr 18 at UT 19:00-22:30 P. Madej (Huddersfield, UK) saw two very bright flashes on the eastern edge of Littrow, spaced 40 seconds apart. Ricketts observed blue flashes approximately 20-30 sec apart and Foley saw faint blue. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=86 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Cape Agarum 1967 Jan 14 UT 17:17-17:35 Observed by Middleton, Colchester, England, 4" refractor, x240, S=G) "Cape was hazy or obscured whereas Piccard, Pierce, & Cape Olivium were quite clear. Has seen this area obscured many times" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1008.
On 1980 Apr 18 at UT20:55 G. Amery (Reading, UK, 10" reflector, 50- 200x, seeing III) individual features not seen near Cassini. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=86 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
1837Mar11 UT 15:27 (20:48 local time) T.G. Taylor (Madras, India) whilst observing a star being occulted, noticed a 6th magnitude nebulous spot where Aristarchus should be. Had never seen anything quite as bright as this on previous occasions (except the day before). ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Atlas 1968 Dec 24 at UT 09:15-10:45 Osawa (Kyoto-Ken, Japan, 8" reflector, 9mm Ortho, Seeing=5, later worse) saw a slight brownish hue on the northern shadowy bed in the crater. It was difficult to see the difference between the glow and chromatic aberation of the eyepiece. The tint never showed up in filters. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1980 Apr 19 at UT 20:37-20:49) P. Madej (Huddersfield, UK, 77mm refractor, x83 and x111) at 20:37 UT saw a slight glow at x83, quite small in size. At 20:46UT no glow was seen at x83. At 20:49 a slight glow seen again, but unclear and illdefined - appeared larger in area at x111. Observatons ceased at 21:56 dues to clid. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1980 Apr 19 at UT20:30-22:59. The following is quoted from the Cameron 2006 catalog.... "(Buczynski) alerted by colleague (Greenwood) who used filters W15 (IR), W25 (red), W44A (blue), & W58 (UV) and had located a possible blink in it. (Bucz) used W15, W44A & W25. C.P was very bright in W25 (red), dull but vis. In W44A (blue) & floor was noticibly darker in W44A than in W25. Bright cp vis. In W15 & floor was of a light shade. Other craters checked for color, none found. In 44A floor lost some definition (gas?). Sketches from Bucz. & Greenwood. (Pedler) at 2140, floor area around cp was seen in white & red as normal but blink was vis in white, darker in blue. Checks of other features were negative. (Amery) small dark center & small dark area - not shadow - under S wall. N wall obscured by dark area extending N onto surrounding mare. (normal?) which was difficult to focus (gas?). At 2155 N wall now sharper & dark area less intense. Craterlet Cameron in N wall clearly seen which was invisible 1/2 h earlier. (Saxton) whole crater flashed and blinked at 2155. Could see detail in brighter W 1/2 of crater - not seen earlier. At 2205 seeing poor, at 2215 it was normal. (Blair) at 2155 used red & blue filters & in blue it was darker than in red. W. wall not well defined. (J. Cook) saw spurious color on N & S rims. Saw a pink tinge on SE rim. (A. Cook) saw spur. Color on most craters as seeing deteriorated. Got a blink on SE region > red than blue". The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=87 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1881 Sep 27 at UT 19:00 Marokwic (South Africa) observed a comet- like object pulling across the Mon. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=225 and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Proclus 1971 Jan 01 UTC 19:00-20:25 Observed by Marchart (Aldershot, England, 8" refractor x500). "Color patch on N wall, red & green on inside, even tho eyepieces were rotated & changed. (chrom aberr. ?) (experienced observer)." NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1280.
On 1982 May 27 at UT 17:05-17:35 E.V. Arsyukhin (Moscow, Russia, 3" reflector) found Lacus Sominorum was very bright, misty and the colour varied. It was back to normal on the 28th and abnormal on 29-31st. - had a dark spot in the middle for about 30 min. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=169 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1982 May 27 at UT 17:05-17:35 E.V. Arsyukhin (Moscow, Russia, 3" reflector) found Endymion had a dark spot in the middle for about 30 min. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=169 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1969 Nov 15 at UT 02:20-03:20 Lagunas (Santiago, Chile, 10" reflector) observed some brightenings in Aristarchus during the Apollo 12 watch. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1209 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1980 Apr 20 at UT 19:25-23:43 P.W. Foley (Kent, UK, 10" reflector, seeing II-III) found that Aristarchus was very bright in Earthshine (also found on the photographs that he took), giving off a blue "incadescence", the CED brightness reading was 5. Occasionally Foley could see a star-like point in the south east corner. For comparison in brightness he used highland terrain near to Grimaldi (CED=2). By comparison, Buczynski and Lord, could not see Aristarchus. Earlier, Geenwood saw the crater easily as a star-like point with a diffuse exterior glow. Cameron says thyat this was confirmed by Buczynski and Lord (?). At 20:35UT Amery decided that Aristarchus looked brighter than normal. Pedler though described the crater as "small dim nebulous blue or blue-green" that was invisible by 20:27UT. At 20:28-22:01 Blair could not detect Aristarchus, nor could J-H Robinson at 20:40UT though he did see it at 20:55UT as both diffuse and blue. Ricketts detected a blow glow with irregularly spaced flashes of roughly 5-10 sec apart. Cook's at Frimley, UK, saw no features in Earthshine. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=88 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1980 Apr 20 at UT20:05-21:02 J.D. Cook (Frimley, UK, 12" reflector, x60, seeing III-IV) at the start of this session found some bright spots in the area of Copernicus, and at 21:02 detected some flashes in this region. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=88 and weight=1. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1980 Apr 20 at UT20:27 M.Price (Camberley, UK) saw a flash in the Grimaldi-Aristarchus area. Cameron 2006 catalog TLP ID=88 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1980 Apr 20 at UT 19:45-22:45 M.C.Cook (Frimley, UK) - colour (probably spurious) seen on Piccolomini. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=88 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1983 Jan 19 at UT 18:00-19:00 G. Amery (Reading, UK) discovered that Aristarchus could not be seen in Earthshine, this was odd because less prominent features could be seen. Other observers (Moore and Foley) confirmed the very low brightness of the crater. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=197 and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1983 May 17 Foley (Kent, UK, 12" reflector)observed Aristarchus at 22:10 and noted that it had the same rose-violet colour as had been seen by him a day earlier. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=220 and the weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1983 Jan 19 at UT 18:00-19:00 G.W. Amery (Reading, UK) found that Messier was difficult to define. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=197 and the weight=2. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1980 Apr 20 at UT21:12-22:45 J-H Robinson (Teignmouth, UK, 10.5" reflector, x180) found, using a Moon Blink device, evidence of colour on the flor patches of Fracastorius crater, brighter in blue than in red. Also the floor to center varied in brightness in blue and in red. Peters observed in white light and found the south east-south wall had a slight orange cast and when a Moon blink was used it was less bright in blue than in red light. M. Cook found spurious colour on the south rim and also on Mons Pico. There was a colour blink reaction on the southeast floor of Fracastorius - this was both faint and blurred and not seen in white light. A.C Cook detected the permanent blink in the south east floor of the crater at 21:47 and a fainter one in the north west (marginally brighter in red than in blue). J.D. Cook found no colour with the Moon blink device. 21:22-22:10 P.W. Foley got a strong colour reaction with the Moon Blink device - brighter in red than in blue and detected a pink colour visually on the south east wall 22:10- 22:45 (this did not give a blink effect though). Cameron 2006 catalog ID=88 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1980 Apr 20 at UT21:38-21:50, Blair of Renfrewshire, Scotland (used an 8" reflector and seeing=III) saw three patches in Petavius and they could still be seen 7 minutes later. At 21:50UT he used a filter and found the "northern one was brighter in blue, the southern one was brighter in red and the central one was the same shad ein both filters." Cameron comments that the central patch was a permananent one. She then goes onto say that the crater is described as having dark patches that are opposite to what one would expect from Fitton's theory applied to dark features. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=88 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Proclus 1983 Jan 19 UT 20:36-21:00 Observed by Cook (Frimley, UK, Seeing III, Transparency, Moderate) "Colouration seen". BAA Lunar Section Report. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
A faint white pinpoint flash seen and also in the same position a whitish glow around the crater. No futher flashes seen after the first one. From UT2117-2130 the glow was still visible but faded making it more difficult to locate. When Foley observed he found Aristarchus not very visible in Earthshine, despite Plato, Grimaldi, and several other features being visible. Both observers used 12" reflectors. Cameron's 2006 catalog Extension ID=124 and weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1988 Nov 15 UT 19:15 Holmes (Rockdale, UK, 215mm Newtonian) noticed the Censorinus apron (just east of the crater and including the rim) was fuzzy but the crater was clear - a sketch was provided. A BAA Lunar Section observation.Cameron 2006 Catalog Extension ID=339 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 2001 Apr 29 at UT 20:50 R. Braga (Italy) reported that without any filter, the brightness of the east wall of Torricelli B was halfway Torricelli C (faintest) and Moltke (brightest). By insering a Wratten 25 red filter though, the crater was slightly more evident. However using a blue Wratten 39A filter, the crater vanished completely, whilst Toricelli C remained. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Webb (England, using a fluid achromat) saw brilliant minute spots and streaks in Mare Crisium dotting its surface. This was seen near first quarter. Cameron states that Schroter, Betr?, Madler, Slack and Ingall had all seen it this way at times. Cameron 1978 catalog iD=111 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1981 Mar 12 at UT 19:25-20:30 Butler (of Brixton, UK, using a 10" reflector at 32-64x) noticed that Aristarchus was not visible, although the Earthshine was very obvious. Foley (of Kent, UK, and using 12" reflector) noticed that the crater was only just visible but Plato could definitely be seen. Cameron's 2006 TLP extension catalog ID=125 and weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Messier 1878 Nov 01 UT 20:00? Observed by Kleis (Cologne, Germany, 6" refractor?) "Mess. A is more yellow after noon, greener near Mess. A noon, both are same color." Please observe this pair of craters in colour and compare noon and non-noon images. NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #206. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1789 Sep 26 at UT 03:30 Schroter (Lillienthal, Germany) observed close beneath Mons Blanc at the west foot, in the dark, a small 5th magnitude, speck of light. Its round shadow was sometimes black, sometimes grey. Cameron suspects that this is the same as her TLP report No. 50. the Cameron 1978 catalog ID=62 and weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1789 Sep 26 at UT04:25? Schroter (Lillienthal, Germany) noted a bright point 26" north of Aristarchus crater. Note that the year might have been 1788? The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=50 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1789 Sep 29 at UT04:25? Schroter (Lillienthal, Germany) noted 1'18.5" south east of plato was a whitish bright spot shining somewhat hazily, 4-5"in diameter and at 5th magnitude. He never saw this again. The spot became conspicuous at times and then disappeared. There was nothing else similar in Earthshine. Note that the year might have been 1788? The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=50 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Schroter, from Lillenthal in Gemany, in 1789 (possibly it was 1788) Sep 26 UT 04:30 saw a small nebulous bright spot on the northern edge of Mare Crisium. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=50 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1984 Apr 08 UT 19:50 Mobberley (14" reflector, x194, seeing III-IV, Transparency Fair-Poor, Cockfield, UK) found that Torricelli B's shadow was 1/2 the way across the floor, which was normal, but that there was a very dar grey/brown shroud around the carter, out to several radii. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Ptolemaeus 2020 Feb 01 UT 19:40-19:50 P. Sheperdson (York, UK, 102mm Mak - BAA) saw an "ashen" sliver of bright light across the floor. Images taken. This maybe normal appearance - though observer re-observed in May and found the effect different in that there was no "ashen" like effect. Visual sketches and time lapse image sequences welcome. If doing visual work - try using a polaroid filter and rotate it to see if that makes any difference. For imaging work, please over-expose slightly to bring out detail on the floor; you could also try colour imaging of the floor as an interesting experiment - though for comparison purposes image other terminator features exhibiting shadow spires. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1980 Apr 22 at UT20:30 R.Rohslberger (Hittfield, (near Hamburg) West Germany, 8" reflector, x170 25mm occular used, 300mm focal length?) took some photographs using projection. One of these recorded an apparent "ejecta curtain". Cameron considered lens flare, but the other photographs did not show this. If real then the plume was at a height of ~40km and the ray was ~130km. Cameron concludes that this was an impact photograph. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=90 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1983 May 20 at UT00:00-03:00 K. Marshall (Medellin, Columbia) noted that Mons Piton was too bright near the terminator and was surrounded by shadow. A sketch was made. The mountain appeared segmented with one thin shadow line. The mountain looked like a Mexican Sombrero hat. This appearance is normal. What was abnormal was that Piton was brighter than Proclus, and only slightly fainter than Censorinus. The CED brightness measurements were normal Piton=3.6, Proclus=3.5 and Censorinus= 3.7. Please check to see whether this is still the case. The cameron 2006 catalog ID=221 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Alphonsus 1952 Nov 24 UT 18:00 A.P. Lenham (Swindon, UK, 3- inch efractor x120) noted that the usual dark spots were not visible, but floor ridges and craterlets were surperbly seen. This may not be a TLP but has been given a TLP category as it is a curious appearance and needs to be verified on a repeat repeat illumination apeparance. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Dome W. of Manillius 1965 Dec 30 UT 10:35 Observed by Newport (England, 4" refractor x180) "White patch or haze, everything else was sharp" NASA catalog weight=3 (average).
On 1987 Jan 07 at UT19:10-20:30 H.Miles of Cornwall, UK saw two bright patches were seen in Earthshine at clock positions of 4 (this patch was defined by the dark limb and the brightness faded inwards to the disk, over a short distance. "Centred at 60 deg along the limb from the north - a sketch showed approximately 10-15 deg along it") and 5:30 (this second patch was smaller and not so bright as the first patch - it was west of the north pole. P. Foley (Kent, UK) also detcted the patches and said that one was not far from the sunrise terminator. The Cameron 2006 Extension catalog gives this TLP an ID of 291 and a weight of 2. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1953 Sep 16 UT03:00 R.M. Lippert (San Diego, CA, USA, 20cm Cassegrain reflector, x90)saw a bright magnitude 1 flash on the Moon, that was probably on the east rim of Werner(?) crater. It is unclear if the observer meant it was really magnitude 1, or was what a magnitude 1 star would have looked like. The flash was yellow-orange in colour. Observation described in the "Observations and Comments" column in the December, 1953 Strolling Astronomer (Vol. 7, No. 12), on page 170. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Pickering 1971 Jan 04 UTC 20:29-20:37 Observed by Collier (London, England) "Between Saunder and Rhaeticus, apparently coming from Pick. After 2027h it dimished with extraordinary swiftness, like a light goes out. (experienced observer)" NASA catalog weight=?. NASA catalog ID # 1281. Note that this crater was previously called E.C. Pickering before the IAU renamed some craters.
On 1989 Dec 05 D. Darling of Sun Praire, WI, USA, saw two dark spots on the SE floor of Proclus. The first dark spot was seen through 3" refractor and then also through a 12.5" reflector (35x and 154x). Seeing was S=10 and T=5. He noticed that at 23:00UT the wall spot was less well defined. Darling also comments that he observed reflecting glint, almost as if from a glass surface - he had not seen this effect before. A telephone alert was issued and Caruso verified the spots. Cameron comments that the spots were not shadows because the Sun was at an altitude of 52 deg at Proclus at the time and she states that the steepest slope ever mesured on the Moon was 52 deg and not inside Proclus. Other observers observing were: Weier (6.5" refractor x284 and S=3/10), Caruso (8" reflector x100), and Cameron. The Cameron 2006 catalog extesnion ID was 382 and the weight=1. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Messier 1878 Nov 02 UT 20:00? Observed by Kleis (Cologne, Germany, 6" refractor?) "Shaped like a half moon with E. edge missing. Appeared diffuse. Messier A was sharp & completely defined. Was sure there was fog there. Next day same appear. Shadow was diffused before noon, Mess. A is more yellow after noon, greener near Mess. A noon, both are same color." NASA catalog weight=4 (very high). NASA catalog ID #206.
2004 Nov 20 UT 01:43:36 R. Spellman (120mm F8.3 refractor at prime focus, PC23C CCTV camera, via a DVD recorder) recorded a flash of light. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Dawes 1948 Feb 17 UT 19:30 Observed by Thornton (Northwick, England, 18" reflector) "Did not see c.p. saw cleft-like streaks from SW crest to E, shadow." NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #501.
Williams of the UK, on 1882 Aug 21 at 19:30UT (Moon's age 7.9 days) noticed a spot at least half as bright, and as large as Picard, near to Picard crater. This observation was reported in the Astronomical Register of the Royal Astronomical Society and is not included in the Cameron catalogs. It is one of many measurements of the brightness of this spot for different illumination angles and is one of three outlying brightness points spotted on a graph by Willaims. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
2004 Nov 20 UT 02:34:03 R. Spellman (120mm F8.3 refractor at prime focus, PC23C CCTV camera, via a DVD recorder) recorded a flash of light. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
2004 Nov 20 UT 03:12:29 R. Spellman (120mm F8.3 refractor at prime focus, PC23C CCTV camera, via a DVD recorder) recorded a flash of light. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Eratosthenes 1952 Nov 25 UT 16:30 A.P. Lenham (Swindon, UK, 3- inch refractor x150, Definition Good) noted that there was faint/slightly bright detail inside the interior shadow - observer comments "presumably peaks of central mountains & W. Wall ridge, but very faint" - however this is worth checking out. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 2009 Nov 25 UT18:42-21:03 P.Abel, T.Little and C.North (Selsey, UK, 15" reflector, seeing II-III, transparency very good), all saw visually a brownish tinge on the north west rim of Eratosthenes crater. P.Abel made a sketch and T.Little took some high resolution CCD images, some of which were through coloured filters. Checks were made for spurious colour, but none was seen elsewhere on the Moon. The eyepiece was changed but this made no difference. M.C.Cook (Mundesley) was observing with a smaller scope at the same time, but saw no colour, however observing conditions were worse. W.Leatherbarrow (Sheffield, UK) was observing with a instrumenet mid way in size, and saw a brownish tinge in the NW rim area, but saw a similar colour elsewhere and put this down to spurious colour. Normally multiple observers seeing the same thing would result in a weight of 4, however as this was only observers at Selsey and some of the evidence contradicts, I am allocating an ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Pallas-Schroter 1953 Nov 13 UTC 02:00 Observed by L.Stuart (USA) "Saw and photographed a bright spot on term. between these two craters. Used Kodak 103aF3." NASA catalog weight=5 and catalog ID #559. ALPO/BAA weight=5.
On 1969 Nov 18 at UT 04:22 Loocks (Valparaiso, Chile, 12" reflector) observed a flash of light of magnitude 12. Cameron speculates a meteor and mentions the apollo 12 watch. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=1214 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
North (?) (left) Cusp 1912 Jan 28 UT 00:00 (27th 20:00 L.T.) Observed by Harris (Philadelphia? Pennsylvania?, naked eye?): Intensely black curved object 400x240km, shaped like a "crow". Cameron 1978 weight=1 (very low) and ID=334. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Eratosthenes 1947 Jan 30 Mean Col. 16deg. Observed by Hill (UK) "Main peak of massive central mountain group appeared to be in a shadowless having regard to it's claimed height of 6,600 ft. The whole of the floor to the west should have still been in darkness. Instead immediately to the west was a dark (intensity 1.5-2) region extending almost to the foot of the bright inner wall and very diffuse in outline. The observation could not be followed through due to increasing cloud, but on the following night all was normal."
Eratosthenes: On 2017 May 04 UT 21:50-22:10 N. Longshaw (BAA, UK, 78mm APO refractor, x125 & x175, seeing II-III, transparency Good). A brownish (orange) tint was seen on the inner NW wall light terraces - this was immediately obvious when first looking at the crater, but as time progressed the effect became less bright. Other craters were checked for similar coloured tints, but none were seen elsewhere on the Moon. UAI observers in Italy (F. Taggogna & A. Tonon) had been imaging the region in colour 17:57-21:47, but their images do not show any colour on the inner NW rim terraces, the their last image is 3 min before Longshaw saw the colour. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1989 Dec 06 at 23:09-23:34UT D. Darling of Sun Praire, WI, USA (3" refractor x36 and x90, and then a 12.5" reflector at x64, S=7/10 and T= 4, saw dark spots in Proclus (not as dark as those from 5th Dec 1989). Two telescopes were used and the bigger of these revealed some shading on the floor of Proclus approximately a third as intense as he had seen the previous night. A sketch was made. The TLP finished by 22:34UT. Cameron comments that the dark patches could not be due to shadow as the altitude of the Sun was too high at proclus. The Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=383 and the weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1981 May 12 UT 22:00? M.C. Cook (Frimley, UK and using a 12" reflector), noticed that Censorinus was very bright, fuzzy and occasionally brighter than Proclus. However both Foley (Kent, UK) and Amery (Reading, UK) using a C.E.D. found that Proclus was brighter than Censorinus as it had been during April and May 1981. However Chapman obtained the reverse of this. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=138 and weught=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
1996 Apr 27 UTC 02:26-03:14 Observed by Spellman (Los Angeles, CA, USA) " 02:26 U.T. Sunrise on Tycho 3/4 of the crater was in shadow, topmost section of the central peak was in sunlight. In white light brightness of the central peak rivaled the brightness of the Eastern (sunlit) wall. No change was detected in red light, however in blue light definite strong darkening was observed. Blink obtained when viewing thru 25A and 38 filters. At 2:52 U.T. in the poor to fair seeing the apparent size of the central peak in white and red light was the same, in blue light the central peak in white and red light was the same, in blue light the central peak size shrank to 1/2 white and red size (and brightness). Also appearing sharper. Comparison was made also with the central peak of Alphonsus, no changes were observed. The significant part of the observation was the relative brightness of the central peak to the sunlit rim in white and red light, they appeared almost identical with the crater rim, being just slightly brighter. In blue light the brightness of the central peak was reduced by at least half while the rim brightness was not, (relative to one another). I strongly believe that this was a real event. The shadow filled portion of Tycho was examined for any abnormalities but none were observed. Observations were ended shortly after 3:14 U.T. due to clouds. I also conducted about 20 Moon blink observations during this observing run and got the same strong reaction each time." ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1981 May 12 UT 22:45-2325 M.C. Cook (Frimley, UK and using a 12" reflector), noticed that Censorinus was very bright, fuzzy and occasionally brighter than Proclus. However both Foley (Kent, UK) and Amery (Reading, UK) using a C.E.D. found that Proclus was brighter than Censorinus as it had been during April and May 1981. However Chapman obtained the reverse of this. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=138 and weught=3. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Proclus 1976 Jul 06 UT 01:35 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 3" refractor, 40-450x, S=6, T=3) "Nothing vis. on floor (albedo=2 deg?) (usually features are vis.)" NASA catalog weight=4 (high).NASA catalog ID #1437.
In 1952 Nov 26 at UT 01:00? Carle (USa, 8" reflector, x700, seeing = excellent) observed the following in Plato: "Sketch shows 8 spots -- 5 craters showed interior shad., 1 completely filled, but no others seen despite several hrs. of study. Spots that should have been seen were missing. poor seeing converts floor into shimmering shapeless blob. Has observed it under good seeing & seen nothing on fl. as others have noted". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=555 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1955 Aug 27 at UT 01:51 McCorkle (Memphis, Tennessee, USA, 6.5" reflector, x200) observed a 2nd magnitude bright flare on the dark side of the Moon. This remained steady, fading slightly before abruptly disappearing. Cameron suggests that this might have been a meteor. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=604 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Although the crater was on the night side, a small bright spot was seen. This was blue, almost UV, and equivalent to a star of magnitude 2. It flashed over intervals of about 30 seconds and changed in colour from UV to blue. The BAA Lunar Section TLP network was alerted. Mobberly and J.Cook did not see much although J. Cook may have seen something, but located else where? Cameron lists this as a confirmed? observation? The Cameron 2006 TLP xtension catalog has this TLP with an ID No. of 258 and a weight of 4. The ALPO/BAA weight is 2.
On 1936 Oct 25 at 01:35 UT W. Haas (Alliance, OH, USA, 12" reflector) saw small bright spots on the floor of Eratosthenes, (Pickering's atlas 9A, col. 30deg, shows no spots - according to Cameron). Cameron 1978 catalog TLP=417 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Alphonsus 1969 Nov 19 UT 03:30 Observed by Argus/Astronet (CA?, USA) Brightening in W. rim & S. central floor, seen by 2 obs. (Apollo 12 watch)" NASA catalog weight 3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1219.
Plato 2005 Dec 10 UT 20:46 Observed by Brook (Plymouth, UK, 4" refractor. Conditions excellent with the Moon at a high altitude) "2 second duration white flash seen on the floor of the crater" - BAA Lunar Section Report.
Piton 1958 Sep 23 UT 00:00? Observed by Moore? (UK?) "Enveloped in an obscuring cloud-like mist" NASA catalog ID 697. NASA catalog weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Messier and A 1966 Dec 22 UT 06:00-06:30 Observed by Kelsey (Riverside, CA, USA, 8" reflector, x200, S=G, T=P) "Blinks on floors of both craters (blink device not stated)" NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalaog ID #1004.
On 1980 Apr 24 at 23:35UT Marco Petek (Porto Alegre, Brazil, using a 7.5" refractor noticed that the center of Plato was bright and opaque and the observer thought it was similar in appearance to Linne. A sketch was made and two other observers confirmed the appearance. Cameron mentions that Petek is an experienced observer. Cameron 2006 catalog extension TLP ID=91 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Cichus 1975 Sep 15 UT 11:15-11:30 G.Ryder (Corinda, Australia, 25cm reflector, x250 & x380, seeing good but with some cloud) The interior W. wall of this crater (on the lip) appeared hazy - difficulkt to bring detail into focus. Neighbouring craters/detail were sharp. Details in the crater wall interior were starting to become visible as time went on, but it had clouded over by 11:30. A Moon Blink was used but no colour was detected. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1985 mar 01 at 20:00UT? Moseley noticed a violet band (tapering to an apex close to the crater centre and merged with the eastern exterior) around Toricelli B, however M. Cook (Frimley, UK) had seen a dusky band(England, UK) on an earlier photo. There was no terminator shadow in the crater. Cameron 2006 Catalog Extension TLP ID=260 aqnd weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Censorinus-Maskelyne 1927 Apr 11/12 UT 23:00-01:00? Observed by Druzdov (Russia) "2 luminescent pts. observed. Not vis. at same Sun angle on May 7 & 12th. Not vis. on photos of Barn in 5/23/63" NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #393. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
2004 Jan 02 UT 09:05 (approx) M. Collins (Palmeston North, New Zealand, ETX 90, seeing 3, clear) saw a possible(?) flash north of Carlini D at about 16W, 35N in adverted vision. It lasted only a split second. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
A region of the Mare Imbrium was extremely bright, giving a reading of 8 out of 10 on the Elger scale. Cameron notes that from photos of the Full Moon, the area appears to normally be the brightness of Archimedes floor i.e. 3.5 out of 10 on the Elger scale. Atmospheric seeing was excellent and the observer could see a lot of fine detail with their 2.4" and 3" refractors. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=62 and weight=3.
The UT given in the Cameron 2006 extension catalog are: 20:58, 23:25- 02:20 and 01:40-04:00, however it is not clear what UT applies to which of the observers or the two features reported as having TLP on that night. On 1984 Feb 12-13 Marshall (South Anerica, seeing=III-II) noticed that Moltke was very bright with a fuzzy violet hue - he had never seen it like this before. Cameron 2006 catalog extension TLP ID= 240 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
The UT given in the Cameron 2006 extension catalog are: 20:58, 23:25- 02:20 and 01:40-04:00, however it is not clerr what UT applies to which of the observers or the two features reported as having TLP on that night. On 1984 Feb 12-13 Marshall (South Anerica, seeing=III-II) saw initially no craterlets in Plato, despite the Moon being at a high altitude. At 01:45UT the northwest corner of Plato was red. Again no other craterlets showed. He found the surrounding wall to be too bright and this was confirmed by Crater Extenction Device readings and had problems focussing on the crater. By 02:00-02:50UT he noticed variability in the visibility of the craterlets. By 03:48UT the central craterlet was much brighter than before and the crater doublet had brightened but the southern craterlet was still invisible. Cameron comments that Marshall was a very experienced observer. A. Cook (of Frimley, UK) obtained a photodiode line scan image of Plato. The brightness of the north west wall was brighter than the bright area on the west wall. Marshall and Mosely both saw a dark area on the floor of Plato close to the south wall (from clock position of 11 o'clock. There was a prominent white spot on the floor and the central craterlet was seen, but only under good conditions. Mosely does not discuss the west and north west wall brughtnesses that were seen earlier by Cook and Marshall. Cameron 2006 catalog extension TLP ID=240 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
M.C. Cook (Frimley, UK) got an abnormally low brightness reading for Proclus, despite nearby Censorinus being normal. Crater Extinction Device used. The Cameron 2006 Extension catalog ID was 163 and the weight was 3. The ALPO/BAA weight was 2 too.
Arsyukhin and others (Moscow, USSR), with naked eye and binouculars saw three dark spots suddenly appear on Mare Crisium and disappear approximately 30 minutes later. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=145 and catalog weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Arsyukhin and others (Moscow, USSR), with naked eye and binouculars saw TLP activity in Plato that Cameron thinks confirms what UK observers saw later. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=145 and catalog weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato. 2024 Nov 11 UT 20:33-20:52. T.Smith (Codnor, UK - 16 inch Newtonian, seeing IV) the inner northern rim was an orange-white colour and this faded, and had vanished by 20:52. Observation ceased at 20:56. the effect was not present earlier at 17:49-18:04, nor during a visual check at 23:14-23:24. No other features on the Moon exhibited this effect at the time. Colour imagery by C.Longthorn at 20:14 and A.Cook at 20:54 failed to detect any colour in this region, but these lay outside Smith's observing window. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato. 2024 Nov 11 UT 20:33-20:52. T.Smith (Codnor, UK - 16 inch Newtonian, seeing IV) the inner northern rim was an orange-white colour and this faded, and had vanished by 20:52. Observation ceased at 20:56. the effect was not present earlier at 17:49-18:04, nor during a visual check at 23:14-23:24. No other features on the Moon exhibited this effect at the time. Colour imagery by C.Longthorn at 20:14 and A.Cook at 20:54 failed to detect any colour in this region, but these lay outside Smith's observing window. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Bulialdus 1979 Aug 03 UT 21:36-21:48 Observed by Cook (Frimley, UK, seeing III, Moonblink device) "Bullialdus eastern side of the crater looked brighter in red i.e. rim and exterior, extending to the south slightly and this reddish areas was slightly hazy. At 21:41 it clouded over but at 21:47-21:48 it cleared briefly and effect was noted again. Also Darney appeared very visible through the red filter. Probably spurious colour as the Moon was -18 deg in declination and the whole Moon had a slight brownish tinge" ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Darney observed by Cook (Frimley, UK, seeing III, Moonblink device) See TLP report for Bullialdus (eastern side) concerning reddish areas. At 21:41 it clouded over but at 21:47-21:48 it cleared briefly and the effect was noted on Bulialdus again. Also Darney appeared very visible through the red filter. Probably both effects were spurious colour related as the Moon was -18 deg in declination and the whole Moon had a slight brownish tinge. An ALPO/BAA weight of 1 is assigned to this TLP."
Alphonsus 1969 Nov 20 05:27 (UT)? Observed by Argus/Astronet (San Diego, Sacramento, CA, USA) "Brightening in crater. (San Diego & Sacramento obs. confirmed, but astronauts did not see anything. Apollo 12 watch)." NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1222.
In 1820 Oct 17 at UT 20:00 an unkown observer reported in Mare Imbrium, south of Sinus Iridum (30W, 40N) some brilliant spots. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=80 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1966 Dec 23 UT 06:15-07:10 Observed by Kelsey (Riverside, CA, USA, 6" reflector, S=P, T=G) and Coralitos Observatory (Organ Pass, NM, USA, 24" reflector +Moonblink) "3 brilliant spots on floor, all showed blinks, (permanent colored Ground features ?). Not confirmed by Corralitos MB." NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #1005.
Gassendi 1977 May 28/29 UT 20:45-21:15 Observed by D. Sims (Dawlish, Devon, UK) saw a hazy area on the south east floor that was normal in red and white light but darker in blue. This was partly confirmed by J-H Robinson (Devon, England, 10" reflector) 21:24-23:12 who saw the south east floor of Gassendi to have a loss of detail - but no colour seen, although at 21:57-21:58 it was slightly brighter in red than in blue briefly. P. Doherty (22:45-23:15) did not see anything ususual. D. Jewitt (22:22-22:55) did not reveal anything ususual, apart from spurious colour. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=3 and ID=1463. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1990 Sep 30 at D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 12.5" reflector, x150) observed a red spot on the west wall (bright in red filter and faint in the blue filter. No filter reactions were found elsewhere. Gassendi had much detail visible. A sketch was made. BAA observers in the UK were alerted but they could not observe due to cloud. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=411 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus, Schroter's Valley, Herodotus 1881 Aug 06 UT 00:00? Observed by Klein (Cologne, Germany, 6" refractor, 5" reflector) "Whole region between these features appeared in strong violet light as if covered by a fog spreading further on 7th. Examined others around & none showed effect. Intensity not altered if Aris. placed out of view." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #224. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Plato 1982 Jun 02 UT 22:00. Mobberley could not see the central craterlet on the floor of Plato tonight. Foley notes that he could only just see the central craterlet on nights of 2-5th Jun and it was of reduced in brightness from normal. North reported that the floor seemed nearly black, but brighter in a green filter (x144 magnification used). All three observers compared the Plato area to other areas for reference. All the above seems normal, apart from the floor being brighter in the green filter. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID 170 and weight=5. BAA/ALPO weight=1.
On 1985 Mar 02 at 20:00UT? Marshall (Medeline, Colombia, South America) measured some very low Crater Extinction Device brightness readings of Censorinus compared to Proclus. The Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID= 261 and the weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
A blue tinge was seen inside and outside the crater perimeter. The surrounding halo lost brightness that was observed on 1993 Jan 29. Observed on Apr 19, 20 and 28th. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=213 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus 1975 Oct 16 UT 20:00? Observed by Foley (Kent, England, 12" reflector) "Deep blue-viol. spot in NW (IAU?) interior corner." NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID # 1413. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1989 Sep 12 at UT00:58-02:25 D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA, 12.5" reflector, x159, S=7/10) observed similar light conditions to 1989 Jul 15. At 02:00 he observed pink on the south west wall of Aristarchus crater. At 01:24UT the Aristarchus ray was yellowish, however the entire Moon had a grey-yellow tinge of colour. Chromatic aberation was observed at 01:56UT. By comparison Gassendi was checked and had no colour. At 02:10 the crater wall of Aristarchus was unusual and was quite different in appearance to rims of other craters. The cameron 2006 catalog ID=375 and the weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
G. Ward (a lunar observer for 15 years) observed an area just south west of Mersenius C to be blurred and in a greenish cloud. The green colour was more like that of dead grass than one gets from a neon bulb. The effect was seen from 04:50-04:57UT, but could have been going on before it was first noted at 04:50-UT. Seeing was 6-7/10 4" Refractor (2 element). refractor had been used hundreds of hours before (over a 10 year period) with no similar colour was seen. The observer checked other areas but did not see any similar effects. They also rotated and changed eyepieces, but this made no difference to the TLP. The TLP site seen was picked up on an image taken earlier at 04:47UT by W. Bailley, from Sewell, NJ, USA. Unfortunately the area concerned, a mountain on the image, was saturated and so we cannot tell if a colour was present there and the seeing was poor.
On 1889 May 11 at 22:00? UT an unknown observer saw an ink black spot on the rampart of Gassendi. It had not been seen before ar at the next lunation or indeed ever again. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=261 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Cobra Head 1949 Feb 10 UT 00:00? Observed by Thorton (Northwich, England, 18" reflector) "I was examining the Cobra Head of the Schroter Valley, when I noticed what seemed to be a diffuseed patch of thin smoke or vapour, apparently originating from the valley on the E. Side where the landslip is, and spread over the edge on to the plain for a short distance. Every detail of the edge of the valley was perfectly clear and distinct except where this patch occurred, but there the definition was poor and very blurred" NASA catalog weight=4 and catalog ID #515. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Bullialdus 1974 Sep 27 UT 22:45-23:40 Observed by Findlay, Ford (Dundee, Scotland, 10" refractor, 150x, 180x, filters) "Saw yellowish- orange color in crater. After clouds passed at 2300h color still there & gave a slight blink which no other craters did. Not seen in red filter, dark in blue. Ford saw it along ridge fr. c.p. to SW wall. Alert did not bring confirm. as clouds intervened for all others." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #1394. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus 1976 Sep 05/06 UT 18:45-01:35 Observed by Prout (England?, 12" reflector, S=III-II), Foley (England, 12" reflector), Moore and Spry (Sussex, England, 12" reflector) "Viol. hue on crater on W. wall, especially NW corner seen by Prout & 2 Foleys. Moore & Spry did not see color. All obs. noted that the crater was dull
On 1990 Oct 1st at 00:44-01:24UT D Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA) observed that Gassendi still had a blink effect when viewed through blue (Wratten 38A) and red (Wratten 25A) filters. No effect was seen on Aristarchus. Gassendi was brighter in the red filter and this was confirmed by Weier. Sketches were made and brightness measurements taken. Both observers used a 12.5" reflector x159. At 01:00UT the NW wall was 7.5, the SW wall 8.0, the S. wall 7.5, the floor 6.0, the outer E. wall 8.0, the N. floor 5.5. Gassendi A W. wall was 9.5,l Aristarchus W. floor was 8.0, NW wall 8.0, shadowed floor 0.0, E. outer wall 7.0, NBP 5.5, area between Aristarchus and Herodotus 6.0, and the comet like tail: 8.2 on the E. and 8.5 on the W. The Cameron 2006 catalog extension TLP ID=412 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=4.
Aristarchus 1971 Sep 01 UT 20:45-21:05 Observed by Neville, Cunnington (Nottingham, UK, 4" refractor x180, altitude, low) "Saw a bright glow, especially in E. wall (Confirm. but not indep.?)" NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #1310. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Deslandre - 1965 May 12 at UT 19:10 E. Penzel (Rodewisch, East Germany) was taking a sequence of images during the impact of the Soviet Lunik 5 (upper stage of the carier rocket?). He detected a tens of km scale elongated cloud after the impact over a duration of 9.5 minutes. This was near to Deslandre crater. However there are differences between the images elsewhere on the Moon, possibly due to different exposures or some other effects and it is not 100% sure that what he detected was impact debris/cloud?. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Proclus 1970 Oct 12 UT 00:54 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 4" reflector, 51x-181x) "Floor darkened to intensity 1.5 deg (albedo) & c.p. became invis. Next day c.p. reappared & was 5 deg bright & 6deg bright on 15th" NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #1277.
Herodotus 1957 Sep 05 UT 02:55-03:24 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" reflector x180, S=1-5, T=5) Pseudo peak visible within floor shadow at 03:10h" NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #671. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Schickard 1972 Sep 19 UT 19:45-20:25, 20:00-23:30 Observed by Watkins (Herts., Eng. 4.5" reflector, x225, S=G) Amery (Reading, Eng.m 12" reflector?), Fitton (Lancashire, Emg., 8.5" reflector) and Moore (Selsey, Eng., 12.5" reflector?, 4.5" refractor 45-225x, S=P) "Luminous, nebulous spot attracted Watkin's att'n. Got brighter. Checked 'scope--not instru. Obj. had greenish-gray color, size @ 15km. Amery & Fitton with blink devices noted nothing unusual at later times (2000-2330h). Aris., Plato, Gass. were neg. at 1930-2025h (date not given, guessed at fr. available info.). Turbulence, lasting secs. at a time." NASA catalog weight=2. NASA catalog ID # 1344. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1933 Oct 01 at UT 03:00 Rawstron (USA, 4" refractor, x330) observed the following in Mons Pico B: "Haze -- much narrower & elongated than on Sep. 1". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=407 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1955 Oct 28 at UT00:00? Kozyrev (Crimea, Soviet Union, 50" reflector) detected in Aristarchus Fraunhofer lines in UV spectra that were much narrower than in the solar spectrum. This indicated luminescent glow which overlapped contour(?) lines. Greatest after Full Moon, but fluctuated monthly with no indication of solar activity effect. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=621 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=5.
Observed by Haas (Las Cruces, NM, USA) "Temporary greyness seen in interior shadow." ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1955 Oct 28 at UT 00:06 W. Taylor saw a naked eye flash on the Moon in the north east area, on the edge of Mare Vaporum. The flash was intense and radiated to a large area. The duration was 1/4 seconds.
Aristarchus, Schroter's Valley, Herodotus 1881 Aug 07 UT 00:00? Observed by Klein (Cologne, Germany, 6" refractor, 5" reflector) "Whole region between these features appeared in strong violet light as if covered by a fog spreading further on 7th. Examined others around & none showed effect. Intensity not altered if Aris. placed out of view." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #224.
Aristarchus 1981 Mar 17 UT 22:40-23:25 Observed by Moore (Selsey, England, 15" reflector, seeing III) "Aristarchus very bright according to Crater Extinction Device and a coloured blink detected" BAA Lunar Section TLP report. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1965 May 12 at UT 22:20 H. Miles (UK) found a possible obscuration in Bailly crater. Most of the region was as sharp as normal, but the central area was greyish and blurred. Although the observer concerned considered themselves a non-experienced observer, another BAA Lunar Section observer saw the same effect. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Aristarchus Area 2004 Nov 22 UT 04:58-05:49 Observed by Gray (Winemucca, NV, USA, 152mm f/9 refractor, seeing 4-5, trasparency 4-5, x114, x228) "Blinked Herodotus with Wratten filters Blue 38A and Red 25. The illuminated west crater wall stood out brilliantly in blue light, much more so than in white light. This was true also of Aristarchus. Red light did not increase contrasts in Herodotus any more than they were in white light. Shadows in Herodotus appeared as black as the night west of the terminator and remained that way throughout the observing period. No TLP seen in Herodotus tonight. A possible TLP was seen to the west of Herodotus near the terminus of Schroters Valley. It was noted at the beginning of the observing period that there were four very bright spots of light, one near the end of Schroters Valley, the other three grouped together a little farther north. Although not far from the terminator they were definitely east of it. It was noted that all of them nearly vanished in the Blue 38A filter while Aristarchus and the rim of Herodotus gleamed brilliantly. At 5:19UT it was noted that the most brilliant of the four lights, the one near the terminus of Schroters Valley, had faded almost to invisibility in white light. When first seen it had been brighter than Aristarchus. It remained very dim after this through the remainder of the observing period, and was unchanged at 7:35-7:49UT when I again examined the area. The other three bright spots remained brilliant and unchanged."
Aristarchus 1973 Aug 10 UTC 20:14 observed by Baumeister (48.63N, 9.25E, 110mm reflector, T=2, S=2) "Orange to red colours at the crater floor disappeared until 21:04" - Hilbrecht and Kuveler, Earth, Moon & Planets, 30 (1984), p53-61. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
All observers saw a blue tinge seen inside and outside the crater. Marshall observed a bright spot in the middle of the crater floor and thought perhaps that it was a central peak. No central peak can be found on Lunar Orbiter images. Cameron 2006 Catalog extension ID=214 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=4.
Proclus 1976 Sep 06 UT 02:00 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 4.5" reflector 45-300x, S=3, T=5) "Nothing vis. on floor of 2deg brightness. Usually floor ray & Proc. A are vis. at this col. & c.p. is 5 deg bright. (must have been 2 deg tonite)." NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #1450.
Plato 1973 Aug 10 UT 22:45 observed by Robinson (Devon, UK). Observer noticed that the lighter areas on the floor were more distinct in red than in the blue filter. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Proclus 1972 Dec 17 UTC 18:30 Observed by Farrant (Cambridge, England, 8.5" reflector) "Crater appeared very bright (Apollo 17 Watch)." NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #1359.
Gassendi 1939 Aug 27 UT 02:00 Observed by Haas? (NM? USA, 12" reflector?) "NE part of c.p. was I=6.4, compared with I=9.4 on 9/28/39 (see #462) under similar cond.@ NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID# 458.
Cobra Head, Aristarchus 1964 Feb 25 UT 02:37-02:38, 02:39-02:42 Observed by Budine (Binghamton, New York, USA, 4" refractor, x250, S=6, T=4) "Red flashes" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID # 802.
Blanco, J. Vidal, of Gijon, Spain (3" refractor x72) noticed an unfamiliar very bright center near to Encke. Cameron suspects that this was Encke B crater on the basis that it is a prominent small crater near to Encke. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=410 and weight=2. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Rays of(?) (in?) Herodotus 1955 Oct 28 UTC 18:30 Observed by Kozyrev (Crimea, Russia, 50" reflector, spectragraph) "Spectrum 3934A (K of Ca). 3964 (H of Ca) change in luminosity. 13% in H, 19% in K, 2% in H, 3% in K. in photo-line-depth method" NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #622. ALPO/BAA weight=5.
Mersenius 1975 Jun 21 UT 21:50-22:45 Observed by McConnell (Northern Ireland, 6" reflector) Moore? (Sussex, Enland, 15" reflector, 5" refractor, S=F), Reading (Rushden, England, ? 14" reflector) and Foley (Kent, England, 12" reflector, S=P) "McConnell saw an obscur. starting at 2150h which disappeared at 2245h. Moore(?) alreted, saw no anomaly in 15 in refl. & 5-in refr. under fair conditions from 2209-2228h. Reading reported neg. fr. 2250-2345h (after phenom.). Foley reported color in it but also a crater to S. of it & Aris., prob. due to seeing conditions." NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID#1408. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
1954 Aug 11 observed by Firsoff (Somerset, UK, 6.5" reflector, x200) "Brilliant in red filter, variable)" NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #570. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus-Herodotus 1971 Sep 02 UTC 20:00 Observed by Ayeau (Paris, France, 12" reflector, x100) "Brownish-red or maroon seen on Aris. W.wall ridge to Herod. on S.wall of Herodotus" NASA catalog weight=2. NASA catalog ID #1311. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Ross D 1965 Apr 14 UT 06:03-06:22 Observed by Harris (Whittier?, CA?, USA, 19"? reflector) "Phenomenon description unavailable. Given at an ALPO meeting" NASA catalog weight=0 (very unreliable). NASA catalog ID #874.
Schroter's Valley 1897 Oct 08 UT 22:00 Observed by Pickering (Cambridge, Maas., USA, 15"? refractor) "Variations in vapor col. Tillsow, C was largest compared with D&E& most conspicuous 1.3 d after sunrise. Drawing. (time est. fr. given colon.)" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #291.
On 1988 Sep 23 at 19:40-19:55 & 20:36-20:41 G. North (760mm Coude Rrefractor, x250, Royal Grenwwich Observatory, Herstmonceux, UK, seeing V, Transparency: Fair). 19:40-19:55 image very unsteady. All seems normal in other crtaters with the exception of Arcimedes. Much of the rim seems indistinct apart from a 1/4 length of the west rim. Strongly suspected that this was due to a combination of seeing and illumination. UT 20:02-20:06 - checked the area with a lower magnification 10" Astrographic Refractor - the crater seems more normal, so suggesting that the theory was correct. 20:36-20:41 returned to the 30" reflector, and the crater appeared similar to the start of the session. This is almost certainly not a TLP, but it would be helpful to have some images or sketches to check this theory out. Weight=1.
On 1990 Oct 02 at 02:25-02:45UT D. Darling (Sun Praire, WI, USA using a 12.5" reflector at x159, with red and blue filters), saw a blink effect on the west wall of Plato i.e. brighter through a blue filter than through the red. No Colour blinks seen on Gassendi or Aristarchus. Cameron 2006 Catalog TLP=413 and weight=4.
On 1977 May 30 at 21:04-02:13UT J.H.-Robinson noted a loss of detail inside Gassendi, however he did not regard this as a TLP. The effect was also seen by P.W. Foley. Cameron 2006 extension catalog TLP ID=16 and weight=0 ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1987 Mar 13 at UT02:00-03:00 De Groof (Belgium, 8" reflector x150, seeing=clear) noted that the north west part of Aristarchus had a blood red shimmering filling the whole crater. A video by Mobberley some 18 hours later, shows variation in Aristarchus. Cameron 2006 catalog ID= 301 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Vallis Schroteri 1991 Aug 23 UT 02:19-02:49. Flashing spot at end of SV fluctuated. Herzog, Darling & Weier confirmed spot but not fluctuation. Spot brighter in red than blue, but Cobra Head was bright in blue. No other region was abnormal.
Amery (Reading, England) saw blue in Aristarchus but a photograph did not show the colour. Foley thinks this was spurious colour. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=27. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Promotorium Laplace: 1978 Apr 20 UT19:30-22:35 Peter Foley observed a tiny yellow-brown region close the tip of the cape, north east of the precipitous west edge, in the face of the north facing slope. The area concerned was diffuse and varied in density despite the surroundings not varying. Foley notcied no colour elsewhere on the Moon, though Amery thought that he saw some in Aristarchus, but Foley thinks this was spurious. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=27 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1821 Jan 16 at UT 21:00 S. Cooke (Stonehouse, UK) An effusion of smoke effect, which lasted about a minute, seen. It appeared like the fluttering of a bird and passed over the Moon before it evaporated, and must have been foreshortened, as it seemed in effect to have passed over the whole disc, starting from west of Menelaus, and near Plinius. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Aristarchus-Cobra Head, 1967 Nov 15 UT 05:40-06:00 Observed by Cross, Tombaugh (Las Cruces, NM, 12" reflector x800) and Harris (Tucson, AZ), and Dunlap (Organ Pass, NM, 24" reflector with Moonblink). "Obs. reddish color N. & E. of Aris. & more intense color nr. E.(IAU?) rim of Cobra Head. Red color nr.C.H. confirmed by Tombaugh. Obtained 10 photos between 0543-0549h in 3 spectral bands (blue, yellow, red, & integ. light). No change dur. obs. per. but spot got smaller at moments of good seeing. Isodensitometry of photos. At Corralitos 0152-0155 on 24- in image intensifier & filter sys. photoos at 0320-0330h. Harris at Tucson got spectra. Neither of latter 2 show anything unusual. Its edges were nebulous even at best seeing. Size @ that of Cobra's Head." NASA catalog weight=5 (very good). NASA catalog ID #1053.
Peter Foley (Kent, UK, 8" reflector, seeing=II) noticed that the floor beneath the north wall, and the area over the north wall were indistinct (almost out of focus). Despite looking elsewhere in the crater and surrounds, no other blurring (obscuration of detail) could be seen, indeed everywhere else was sharp and detailed. Foley tried several eyepieces but this made no difference. He used a crater extinction device but found no variations in brightness. There was a slight darkening when he used a red filter in the Moon Blink device. The obscuration effect weakened between UT20:56 and 21:10, was difficult to see at 21:13 and had finished by 00:15. Patrick Moore (12" reflector, Dublin, Ireland) saw nothing unusual when he started observing at UT 22:00. Cameron says "Photos marked at location of phenomenon". Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=37 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Aristarchus normal in red and blue filters however the Cobra Head part of Schroter's Valley was brighter in blue. Indeed it was very dull in red - Louderback says that this was not surprising as the whole areas around Aristarchus is brighter in blue. Louderback is an experienced observer of the Aristarchus area of more than 10 years. Cameron 2006 extended catalogID=63 and weight=1. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Louderback observed that the south west wall was a creamy deep yellow. There was also strong fluorescent blue on the west wall of the Cobra Head - Schroter's Valley area and this was similar to the violet glare seen on Aristarchus at times. Violet was seen between Aristarchus and the Cobra Head. Seeing coditions were poor. Brightening of a point near C occurred roughly every 10-15 seconds and lasted 0.5 sec - (Cameron concludes that this was not due to the Earth's atmosphere). A 0.2 step drop in brightness was seen on point A (twin spots). Point C had reduced by 0.6 steps. Elsewhere was stable in brightness. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=281 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Manilius 1939 Jun 30 UT 06:05 Observed by Haas (NM?, USA, 12"? reflector) "Dark area in S. part was I=2.0 but was I=3.7 on 7/30/39. Obs. conditions were very similar." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #449.
Aristarchus and Herodotus UT 20:00? Observed by Areau (Paris, France, 12" reflector x100) "Maroon color covering the ridge(?) E (ast. ?) & the ridge(?) S. of Herod. In 3 or 5 secs. Cloud disappeared after 10 min." NASA catalog weight=3 (average) NASA catalog ID #1312.
Aristarchus 1975 Oct 18 UTC 20:00? Observed by Foley (Kent, England, 12" reflector) "Deep blue-viol. spot in NW (IAU?) interior corner." NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1415.
On 1979 Aug 06 at 22:24-22:54 P.Madej (Hudersfield, UK, 6" reflector. Purple Wratten 35, and Yellow Wratten 15 filters used) Orange glow seen (at x73) on west side of crater, near the central peak. The central peak was coloured too at x110. At 22:32 (x75) the central peak was brighter than the rest of the area wrough the yellow filter. At 22:34UT at x73 everything looked OK through the purple filter. The TLP was still visible at 22:54. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1971 Jan 10 UTC 20:17-20:42 Observed by Taylor (Slough, England, 8.5" reflector) "Blink (dark gray to black), 13x3km diam. on E. wall & floor in indentation in wall. Smaller by 2028 h. gone at 2035h. Reappeared at 2028h & gone completely at 2042h)." NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1282.
Schickard 1940 May 20 UT 20:00 Observed by Moore (England, 12?" eflector) "Fog on floor -- milky appearance, less pronounced than on 8/2/39 (see #456)." NASA catalog ID #465. NASA catalog weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Mare Humboldtianum 1951 Jan 21 20:47-22:00 UT observed by Baum (Chester, England). The appearance of some mountains on the limb appeared to change over time, with some mistiness. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Madler 1940 Aug 17 UT 06:45 (Cameron gives 07:30 but Haas says this is wrong) Observed by Haas (New Mexico?, USA, 12" reflector?) Bright spot on S. rim had I=5.8 on this date but 8.9 on Aug. 17, when observing conditions were similar (see # 473). NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #470. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
The area west of Helicon not visible despite the area being fairly bright at Full Moon time. This area was a very bright patch one night. Cameron notes: comensurability of Full Moon & Perigee. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID=64 and weight=3. Seeing=7 and transparency=4. 2.4" refractor used. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Aristarchus 1989 Oct 13 UTC 21:00 Observed by Cook (Frimley, Surrey, UK, 20cm reflector (visual and video)) "Aristarchus had what appeared to be a outline of a ghost crater on it's eastern side - quite large and bright". Cameron 2006 extended catalog TLP ID No=378 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=4.
Plato 1937 Jul 22 UT 06:20 Observed by Haas (Alliance, Ohio, USA, 12" reflector?) "Floor distinctly greenish, but was gray on June 23, 1937 at 0430 & col.84 (normal?)" NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #421. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1982 Jun 05 at 22:00? UT, Chapman (UK, using a 12" reflector), again using a x2 yellow filter, noticed that the central craterlet detectabilty changed such that sometimes it was visible and sometimes not. Foley (Kent, UK)noticed that the central craterlet could only just be seen between June 2 to June 5 and was much less discernable than during the previous lunation. No CED brightness measurements made. The floor of Plato was noted to be very dark though. Cameron 2006 catalog ID=172 and weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Aristarchus. 2024 Feb 23 UT 19:22. A.Conway (Bootle, UK - 20cm Newtonian (dobsonian), 9mm Plossl eyepiece, Samsung A33 mobile phone camera, 36 sec AVI file at 30fps, seeing probably average-good). Noticed a blue tinge on northern rim of the crater. This is probably normal, but we are flagging this up as a weight 1 TLP, in order to obtain some repeat illumination observations and confirm that the strength of the blueness is normal.
Aristarchus 1965 May 15 UTC 01:40-02:15 Observed by Weresuik, McClench, Johnson (Pt. Tobacco, MD, USA, 16" reflector x240, S=F, T=G) and Delano (Massachusetts, USA, 12" reflector). "Crater had color(red?) detected by Trident MB & photos were obtained. There were pulsations. Delano saw E. wall of crater unusually bright (confirm. if at same time)." NASA catalog weight=5 (very good). NASA catalog ID #876.
Eratosthenes 1976 Sep 08 UTC 04:29 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 4.5" reflector 45-225x, S=5-4, T=5) "Psuedo-shadow X3 was present but X disappeared from wall(same intensity?) which was rated 4 deg. Disappearance of X so unexpected that he examined inner S wall very carefully & was certain it was free from psuedo-shad. Had vanished within 24h. Other pseudo-shadows showed no change. X reappeared next nite. (X must have been 4deg; &this is much higher than any other meas.). Variability of wall shadows may habe been what Pickering saw, suggests Bartlett." Cameron 1978 TLP catalog weight=4 and catalog ID 1452. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Archimedes 1940 Aug 18 UT 03:25 Observed by Haas (NM?, USA, 12" reflector?) NE outer wall had I=5.0, but was I=2.5 on June 20 (see #467) (similar colong.)" NASA catalog weight=4. NASA catalog ID #471. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Lichtenberg 1951 Jan 22 18:19.2-18:38.5 UT observed by Baum (Chester, England). Tiny red spot noticed initially and then faded. Location of spot 31.403N 66.167W. 20cm refractor x90- x100. Seeing fair-extremely good. NASA catalog assigns a weight of 3. NASA TLP ID No. #542. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Proclus 1972 Nov 20 UT 20:20 Observed by Farrant (Cambridge, England, 8.5" reflector, x178) "Dark patch in crater. Disappeared by next nite. The normal ring seemed thickened. On Dec. 7. the crater appeared bright. Drawings. (prob. real LTP, nr. FM)" NASA catalog weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1350.
Gassendi 1966 Dec 27 UTC 06:30-07:05 Observed by Kelsey (Riverside, CA, USA, 6" reflector?) "Very faint blink on SW (ast. ?) floor & on another N. of it on NW floor. Obs. considers obs. very suspect" NASA catalog weight=1 (very poor). NASA catalog ID #1006.
On 1989 Oct 14 UT 19:00?, 22:00? P.W. Foley (Kent, U.K., using a 12" reflector) noted that although the brightness of Aristarchus crater seemed steady, that there was just too much detil to see inside the crater than one would expect. Appeared as two craters - Cameron commented that this was often seen by Bartlett. Several observers apparently confirmed this TLP? Cameron 1978 catalog extension ID=379 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Aristarchus 1973 Feb 15 UTC 17:07-19:31 Observed by Theiss (located at 51N 5.67E) "area 4-5 diameters of Aristarchus were coloured clearly yellow-red" 120mm reflector used. Ref Hilbrecht & Kuveler (1984) Moon and Planets Vol 30 p53-61. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1973 Aug 13 UT 22:25-22:35 observed by Pedler (Devon, UK). Observer noticed a slight blink on a lighter patch on the floor just beneath the south(?) rim using Moon blink filters. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Kepler 1962 Jul 17 UTC 06:24,08:36 Observed by Wildey, Pohn (Mt Wilson, CA, USA, 60" reflector+photometer) "Crater was at Vmag 2.68 at earlier obs. which was .47 mag brighter than av. mag. at 15d & it faded to near normal at later time to V=3.10(photom. measures), a change of 1/2 mag. or @1.5 times in brightness" NASA catalog weight=5 (very good). NASA catalog ID #761.
On 1978 Aug 18 at UT 22:00 Coates (England?, UK, 3" refractor, seeing=II) found that the inner bands of Aristarchus were hard to see, this was odd because the seeing conditions were good and he usually sees them? However he did not believe that there was any obscuration going on. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=37 and weight=0. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
David Darling observed bright glittering on Aristarchus. This was followed by a flare up in brightness at 00:38:05 UT in the comet-like ray area of the crater equivalent in intensity to the central peak. Then he saw another one on the north east rim of Aristarchus of the same brightness. A third flare was seen at 00:49UT in south of Herodotus, on the comet-like ray. Another two flares were observed at 00:56UT on the north west rim of Aristarchus. Darling suspects that these effects were due to seeing effects and Cameron agrees. However Weier suspects that they were TLP? Brightness measurements by Weier were for the south west rim of Herodotus 8.0, for a spot at the Cobra's Head 9.0 and 7.5 for C.H. Cameron apparently did not see the flashes but did suspect that the interior of Aristarchus was a bit unusual. Don Spain did not see anything unsual at all. Cameron 2006 extended catalog ID=380 and the observation weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Kepler 1962 Jul 17 UTC 06:24,08:36 Observed by Wildey, Pohn (Mt Wilson, CA, USA, 60" reflector+photometer) "Crater was at Vmag 2.68 at earlier obs. which was .47 mag brighter than av. mag. at 15d & it faded to near normal at later time to V=3.10(photom. measures), a change of 1/2 mag. or @1.5 times in brightness" NASA catalog weight=5 (very good). NASA catalog ID #761.
Aristarchus 1967 Dec 16 UTC 22:00? Observed by Farrant (Cambridge, England, 8" reflector) "Crater took on an unusual appearance on inner NE (ast. ?) wall. Showed a very pale blue & the opposite wall a pale red color seen in no other features. Lasted only 10m & survived a change of eyepieces." Seeing=I (Antoniadi). NASA catalof weight=3 (average). NASA catalog ID #1056.
On 1893 Apr 01 at UT 22:00 deMoraes of the Azores, Portugal, saw a shaft of light projecting from the Moon. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=280 and weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Proclus 1972 Nov 21 UT 21:30 Observed by Farrant (Cambridge, England, 8.5" reflector, x130) "Thickened bright ring remained, but the dark patch had disappeared. (dark patch prob. real temporary phenom. as it was seen nr. FM when contrasts are strongest, yet disappeared" NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1351.
On 1983 Jan 29 at UT22:09 M.Mobberley (Sulfolk, UK, 14" reflector) noted that Arago B had a slight tinge of violet colour, and was a lot less (bright?) than Torricelli B's blueness. Other craters checked but were not showing any blue colour. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=198 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1983 May 28 at UT 01:50-03:00 K. Marshall (Medellin, Columbia) observed the whole region of Aristarchus, Herodotus and Shroter's Valley all to have a brightness of 3 and all blue and impossible to focus on (he had never seen it like this before). Also the interior of Aristarchus was invisible. Brightness measurement taken and a sketch was made. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=222 and the weight=3. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1983 Jan 29 at UT22:09 M. Mobberley (Suffolk, UK), found that Moltke crater was "exceptionally bright". Other craters (apart from Arago B Torricelli B etc) appeared normal. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=198 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
CCD images taken through Wratten 25 (red+near IR) and 87 (near IR only) filters. Between 00:02 and 00:25UT there was some slight evidence that a fade may have taken place however careful analysis by Cook casts doubt on this. Probably it was more related to a degradation in image quality due to seeing than a true TLP. An ALPO/BAA weight of 1 has been assigned.
On 1978 Apr 23 at UT20:35 (Rawlings, UK, finderscope, x50) observed a bright flash (~0.3 sec duration) near to Copernicus (20W, 9N) with rays to the south east whilst he looked through a finder scope. Moore, who studied the drawing, suggests that the area of the flash was near Copernicus. However Cameron says this cannot be the case if the flash was in darkness as mentioned in the BAA Lunar Section circular. She comments that it might have been a meteor? The Cameron 2005 catalog ID=28 and weight=1. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Proclus 1955 Nov 01 UTC 02:50-03:05 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 3.5" reflector x100, S=6, T=5) "Proc. D normally 5 deg bright was vis. tonite only in blue light, whereas usually is vis. in integrated light. However at col. 110.5 deg it was a dark spot (see # 816) C.p. tonite was normal 5 deg bright but in Oct. lun. was dark". NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #625. Note Proclus D does not refer to the crater Proclus D as defined by the IAU, but probably to a spot inside the crater that Bartlett designated D!
Littrow 1915 Jan 31 UTC 22:00? Observer: unknown (England?) "6 to 7 spots arranged like a gamma first seen on this nite. (Kuiper atlas. Rect. 14-c shows spots in form of a 7 or a cap. gamma backwards, but not l.c. gamma)". NASA catalog weight=0 (almost certainly not a TLP). NASA catalog ID #349. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Mare Crisium 1962 Jul 18 UTC 09:54 Observed by Wildey & Pohn (Mt Wilson, CA, USA, 60" reflector + Photometer) "Photometric meas. showed change in brightness of the area of over a mag. during the nite. Recorded at Vmag=3.56 first, & a few min(?) later at 4.62. It was .95 mag. brighter (@2.5x) than av. for that age & then returned to normal." NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #762.
1824 Dec 08 UTC 00:00? Observed by Gruithuisen (Munich, Germany) "Bright fleck in SE part of crater" NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID #104. ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Aristarchus 1947 Nov 30 UTC 00:00? Observed by Favarger (France?) "3 bright points on inner w. slopes." NASA catalog weight=2. NASA catalog ID #499. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1983 Jan 30 at UT 23:45 Chapman (England, UK) observed that Censorinus was low in brightness. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=199 and the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1983 Jan 30 at UT 23:45 P.W. Foley (Kent, UK, 12" reflector) measured that the brightness of the region around Toricelli B was 2.3 (high) and there was a slight blue colour. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID= 199 and the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
On 1986 Feb 26 at 05:00UT a photograph was obtained by T. Kohman of Pittsburgh, PA, USA (3.5" Questar and 0.25 sec exposure) that had two bands above the limb, resembling ejecta plumes. Cameron suspects that these are probably flare from the eyepiece optics. Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=282 and weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Plato 1870 Feb 18 UTC 00:00? Observed by Gledhill (Halifax, England, 9" refractor) "Illum. of another group of craters different from group in Aug. & Sep. obs. (date is F18 if phase is similar to Ap 1870) NASA catalog weight=2 (low). NASA catalog ID #164.
Mare Crisium 1962 Jul 19 UTC 07:30 Observed by Wildey & Pohn (Mt Wilson, CA, USA, 60" reflector + Photometer) "Photometric meas. showed change in brightness from Vmag=3.46 to V=3.07, where av. mag. for that age=3.26, or a brightening of .58 mag." NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #763.
Plato 1938 Jun 15 UTC 08:00 Observed by Haas? (New Mexico?, 12?" reflector) "NW. end of floor had intensity I=2.0, but on 7/15/38, I= 3.7, conditions similar." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #439.
Plato 1971 Dec 04 UT21:00-21:10 D.B.Taylor (Dundee, UK, 10" refractor, conditions poor and turbulent). Observer suspected colour orange colour near bright spot on north wall. Observation ceased due to being clouded out. ALPO/BAA weight=1.
On 1965 May 18 at UT 03:00-03:30 Cragg (Mt Wilson?, CA, USA, 6" refractor?) observed a TLP (no feature nor description given in the Cameron 1978 catalog) on the Moon. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=877 and weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=1.
Mare Crisium 1962 Jul 19 UTC 09:48 Observed by Wildey & Pohn (Mt Wilson, CA, USA, 60" reflector + Photometer) "Photometric meas. showed change in brightness from Vmag=3.46 to V=3.07, where av. mag. for that age=3.26, or a brightening of .58 mag." NASA catalog weight=5 (very high). NASA catalog ID #763.
On 1990 Jan 13 at UT 22:15-23:05 J. Pedler (Bristol, UK, seeing=III and transparency=excellent, no spurious colour) detected a blue region on the north of Aristarchus, varying in sharpness/diffuseness. The crater rim in this region could not be descerned. Eleswhere the crater rim was normal as too were other features. When a Moon blink device was used, no colour blink was detected, however through the blue filter the suspected area was bright and the crater rim indistinct. Whereas through the red filter the area looked perfectly normal. At 22:30UT the effect had vanished and everywhere was normal. The Cameron 2006 catalog ID=388 and the weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=3.
Messier & A 1972 Aug 27 UT 08:51-09:21 Observed by Hansen (LeMoore, CA, USA, 6" reflector, x200) "Perculiar thread of shadow connecting the 2 craters. Sun's elev. @ 6deg. Drawing (possibly a high peak on E.wall of A casting a shadow?)" NASA catalog weight=1 (very low). NASA catalog ID #1342.
On 1944 Mar 12 at UT 23:00 H.P. Wilkins (Kent, UK, 8.5" reflector) observed that Plato appeared incomplete - the central crater had it's north wall obscured. cameron comments that maybe this was due to the low altitude of the Moon? The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=491 and the weight=4. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Darling, alerted by Keyes saw Aris >> brighter obj on moon (as it normally is) Comet ray & N rim of Herod. >> could see no detail - Aris. except two bands, moon was pale yellow (low alt.) with halo around it. Nothing unusual elsewhere. Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID #384 and weight=0. ALPO/BAA weight=1, just in case there is some merit in this report?
Observed by Bartlett (Baltimire, MD, USA, 5" reflector, x150) "N. half of crater hazy & ill-defined". S=5, T=4. NASA catalog weight=4 (good). NASA catalog ID 571.
Alphonsus 1972 Jul 30 UT 00:30-03:30 Observed by Morgan (UK using a reflector) "Orange glow, brighter this nite than last nite. Following nites were cloudy. Aristarchus and Gassendi were negative." NASA catalog weight=3. NASA catalog ID #1338. ALPO/BAA weight=3.
On 1979 Aug 12 at UT07:00-10:35 D. Darling and wife (Sun Prarie, WI, USA, 12.5" reflector, x342, photos, S=9/10) observed a cigar shaped protruberance in Romer crater that cast a 32km long shadow, nestled in a valley rille next to Romer. This was a confirmed observation. The effect persisted intil sunset. The top of the object and two points on the crater rim were reflecting the Sun's rays. "Top of obj. & 2 pts on crater rim reflected suns rays. It was as high as the crater rim whereas the rill wall was not. Took photos. he has studied this area and never saw such a phenom before. Photos did not show it". The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=65 and weight=5. The ALPO/BAA weight=2.
Theophilus 1971 Dec 06 UT 21:35-23:20 Observed by Findlay, Ford, Taylor, Robbie (Dundee, Scotland, 10" reflector x180), Bolger (Chester, England), Fitton (Lancashire, England, 8" reflector). "Red-orange patch on E. (IAU?) floor even without a blink. Others confirmed. Dimmed by 2105h but still seen. Dimmer yet at 2230h & gone at 2300h. Baum saw brownish-red patch at 25.5E, 12.5S. Taylor saw reddish patch SE of crater, fainter at 2220h, gone at 2300h. Fitton saw image very dull,yellow & steady. Filters showed nothing unusual, & nothing seen at 2320h." NASA catalog weight=5. NASA catalog ID #1320. ALPO/BAA weight=3.