Lunar Observing Schedule for: Poland - Warsaw

Produced by the Department of Physics at Aberystwyth University, UK
Ill is percentage illumination of the Moon

2024-Jul-01 UT 01:10-01:32 Ill=26% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m

2024-Jul-05 UT 01:06-01:44 Ill=1% Moon

     BAA Request: Please try to image the Moon as a very thin 
     crescent, tryimg to detect Earthshine. A good telephoto lens 
     will do on a DSLR, or a camera on a small scope. We are 
     attempting to monitor the brightness of the edge of the 
     earthshine limb in order to follow up a project suggested by 
     Dr Martin Hoffmann at the 2017 EPSC Conference in Riga, 
     Latvia. This is quite a challenging project due to the sky 
     brightness and the low altitude of the Moon. Please be very 
     careful around sunrise so as not to be observing once the Sun 
     has risen. Do not bother observing if the sky conditions are 
     hazy. Any images should be emailed to: 
     a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k

2024-Jul-07 UT 19:35-20:20 Ill=4% Moon

     BAA Request: Please try to image the Moon as a very thin 
     crescent, tryimg to detect Earthshine. A good telephoto lens 
     will do on a DSLR, or a camera on a small scope. We are 
     attempting to monitor the brightness of the edge of the 
     earthshine limb in order to follow up a project suggested by 
     Dr Martin Hoffmann at the 2017 EPSC Conference in Riga, 
     Latvia. This is quite a challenging project due to the sky 
     brightness and the low altitude of the Moon. Please do not 
     attempt if the Sun is still above the horizon. Do not bother 
     observing if the sky conditions are hazy. Any images 
     should be emailed to: 
     a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k

2024-Jul-13 UT 18:46-19:38 Ill=49% Eudoxus

     BAA Request: Eudoxus - please try to image or skecth the 
     crater. This is to try to explain a line of light effect seen 
     inside this crater by French astronomer Trouvelot back in 
     Victorian times. The BAAs Nigel Longshaw says that this may be 
     seen between colongitudes of 0.3 to 1.2 degrees. Please send 
     any images or sketches to: a t c @ a b e r . a c. u k .

2024-Jul-13 UT 18:46-19:28 Ill=49% Eudoxus

     BAA Request: Eudoxus - please try to image the interior of 
     this crater. We are trying to detect bright spots and a linear 
     features within the shadow of the east wall at sunrise. Nigel 
     Longshaw (BAA) suspects that this might explain Trouvelot's 
     obsevation in 1877 of a luminous rope-like feature.
     Please send any images to: a t c @ a b e r . a c. u k .

2024-Jul-13 UT 19:02-19:38 Ill=49% Ptolemaeus

     BAA Request: Examine the floor visually, sketch, or image to 
     show the progression of the shadow spires across floor. If 
     observing visually, how would you describe the appearance of 
     the central lit area on the floor? If imaging, do a time lapse 
     e.g. 1 image per minute to show the progression of the shadow 
     spires. We are asking for these observations following an 
     observation by N. Travnok (Brazil) on 2020 Jul 27 UT 23:00 who 
     commented on an unusual appearance to the floor. It would be 
     really useful to have visual observing of the appearance and 
     please note down what the seeing conditions are like. If you 
     want to image it at high resolution, please go ahead but 
     remember that any image stacking should not be from sections 
     of video of longer than 1 min duration as the shadows change 
     in length rather quickly at sunrise. Any sketches, visual  
     descriptions, or images taken, should be emailed to: 
     a t c @ a b e r . a c. u k 

2024-Jul-24 UT 22:10-22:38 Ill=84% Cyrillus

     BAA Request: Cyrillus. There is a small white craterlet just 
     north of the three central peaks. We are interested to receive 
     high resolution images of this in order to find out at what 
     selenographic colongitude, in the lunar evening, that it loses 
     it's white spot appearence. Please use scopes largher than 6 
     inches in diameter. 
     Please email these to: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k

2024-Jul-27 UT 23:15-02:10 Ill=50% Earthshine: Jul Zeta Draconids + S.Delta Aquarids + Alpha Capricornids

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m

2024-Jul-28 UT 23:05-23:08 Ill=40% Tycho

     ALPO Request: What we are interested in here is time sequences 
     sketches or images of the central peak and shadowed interior 
     of the floor of this crater. Can you see any detail inside the 
     shadow? Is the shadow completely black in colour or is there 
     some greyness? How does the brightness of the central peak 
     change over time? All visual reports, sketches or colour 
     images should be emailed to: 
     t o n y . c o o k @ a l p o - a s t r o n o m y . o r g

2024-Jul-28 UT 23:38-02:12 Ill=39% Earthshine: Jul Zeta Draconids + S.Delta Aquarids + Alpha Capricornids

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m

2024-Jul-29 UT 02:53-02:59 Ill=39% Plato

     BAA Request: Its around this Co-Longitude that some observers 
     have reported seeing an Ashen Light effect on the shadowed floor 
     of Plato, caused by scattered light off of an illuminated peak 
     on the rim. Please have a go either visually, or with long 
     exposure time lapse imagery to see if you can pick up the 
     development of this weak illumination effect on the floor. 
     Please send any sketches or images to: 
     a t c @ a b e r . a c. u k .

2024-Jul-30 UT 00:10-02:14 Ill=29% Earthshine: Jul Zeta Draconids + S.Delta Aquarids + Alpha Capricornids

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m

2024-Jul-31 UT 00:52-02:16 Ill=19% Earthshine: Jul Zeta Draconids + S.Delta Aquarids + Alpha Capricornids

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m