Lunar Observing Schedule for: Iceland - Reykjavik

Produced by the Department of Physics at Aberystwyth University, UK
Ill is percentage illumination of the Moon

2024-Jun-12 UT 23:37-23:50 Ill=38% Eudoxus

     BAA Request: Eudoxus - please try to image the shadow filled 
     interior of this crater. We are trying to explain an 
     observation from Meudon Observatory in France made in 1881 for 
     which we don't have the precise UT for. You may or may not 
     need to over-expose the image - it is not clear from the 
     original report whether it was faint light inside the shadow 
     filled interior, or sunlit highland emerging from the shadow?. 
     Please send any images to: a t c @ a b e r . a c. u k .