Lunar Observing Schedule for: USA MT Helena

Produced by the Department of Physics at Aberystwyth University, UK
Ill is percentage illumination of the Moon

2024-Aug-01 UT 11:10-11:36 Ill=9% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m

2024-Aug-03 UT 11:01-11:44 Ill=1% Moon

     BAA Request: Please try to image the Moon as a very thin 
     crescent, tryimg to detect Earthshine. A good telephoto lens 
     will do on a DSLR, or a camera on a small scope. We are 
     attempting to monitor the brightness of the edge of the 
     earthshine limb in order to follow up a project suggested by 
     Dr Martin Hoffmann at the 2017 EPSC Conference in Riga, 
     Latvia. This is quite a challenging project due to the sky 
     brightness and the low altitude of the Moon. Please be very 
     careful around sunrise so as not to be observing once the Sun 
     has risen. Do not bother observing if the sky conditions are 
     hazy. Any images should be emailed to: 
     a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k

2024-Aug-06 UT 03:21-03:43 Ill=3% Moon

     BAA Request: Please try to image the Moon as a very thin 
     crescent, tryimg to detect Earthshine. A good telephoto lens 
     will do on a DSLR, or a camera on a small scope. We are 
     attempting to monitor the brightness of the edge of the 
     earthshine limb in order to follow up a project suggested by 
     Dr Martin Hoffmann at the 2017 EPSC Conference in Riga, 
     Latvia. This is quite a challenging project due to the sky 
     brightness and the low altitude of the Moon. Please do not 
     attempt if the Sun is still above the horizon. Do not bother 
     observing if the sky conditions are hazy. Any images 
     should be emailed to: 
     a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k

2024-Aug-11 UT 02:47-03:13 Ill=36% Apollo_11

     BAA Request: Take high resolution images of the area to the 
     north of Moltke to capture a view of what the lunar surface 
     would have looked like from Earth at the moment Apollo 11 
     touched down on the Moon. Minimum diameter scope 20cm, larger 
     apertures preferred: 
     a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k

2024-Aug-13 UT 02:43-03:23 Ill=55% Lassell

     BAA Request: Lassell - we are trying to compare a sketch made 
     by T.G. Elger (1883 Jan 13 UT 19:40), that appeared on the 
     front cover of the BAA's The Moon publication from 1956 Vol 5 
     No. 2, to what can be captured with modern day imagery. This 
     is a good way to compare and contrast observations made by eye 
     with CCD imagery.Telescopes of aperture 8", or larger, should 
     be used. Please send any images to: 
     a t c @ a b e r . a c. u k .

2024-Aug-19 UT 08:09-10:00 Ill=100% Full_Moon

     ALPO Request: Please take images of the Full Moon, but make 
     sure you under expose as we want to avoid bright ray craters 
     like Aristarchus, Tycho, Proclus etc from saturating. The 
     purpose behind this is we want to compare with images of 
     Earthshine which are essentially zero phase illumination 
     images, like at Full Moon. There have been reports in the past 
     that Aristarchus varies greatly in brightness compared to 
     other features. David Darling (a past TLP coordinator) has 
     suggested this was simply due to libration effects, i.e. 
     viewing angles, so we would naturally like to test this 
     theory out. Also if you have any past images of close to Full 
     Moon, please send these in too if the above mentioned craters 
     are not saturated. Pretty much any size telescope can be used 
     to take these images so long as we can clearly see the above 
     craters. Obviously do not attempt this if the sky is cloudy or 
     hazy. Observations will be presented in the "Lunar Observer" 
     - a monthly publication of the Lunar Section of ALPO. All 
     reports should be emailed to: 
     a t c @ a b e r . a c . uk

2024-Aug-22 UT 06:17-07:39 Ill=91% Torricelli_B

     BAA Request: Sketches or images needed of Toricelli B - of 
     sufficient resolution to reveal shadow. All observations, 
     including sketches or images shouild be emailed to: 
     a t c @ a b e r . a c. u k .

2024-Aug-23 UT 05:26-09:50 Ill=83% Cyrillus

     BAA Request: Cyrillus. There is a small white craterlet just 
     north of the three central peaks. We are interested to receive 
     high resolution images of this in order to find out at what 
     selenographic colongitude, in the lunar evening, that it loses 
     it's white spot appearence. Please use scopes largher than 6 
     inches in diameter. 
     Please email these to: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k

2024-Aug-26 UT 08:40-09:03 Ill=50% Vallis_Schroteri

     ALPO Request: We need observations of this region to see if you 
     can detect a darkening effect that was seen in 1994. Please 
     observe at regular intervals e.g. every 10 minutes. You need a 
     telescope of aperture 3.5 inches or above in diameter to take 
     part. Please send any sketches, images captured, or even visual 
     descriptions  to: a t c @ a b e r . a c. u k .

2024-Aug-26 UT 07:25-12:11 Ill=49% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m

2024-Aug-27 UT 08:11-12:12 Ill=38% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m

2024-Aug-28 UT 09:04-12:14 Ill=28% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m

2024-Aug-29 UT 10:04-12:15 Ill=19% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m

2024-Aug-30 UT 11:07-12:16 Ill=12% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m

2024-Aug-31 UT 12:13-12:18 Ill=6% Earthshine: sporadic meteors

     These can only be observed using low-light level cameras running at 25 frames per sec,
     or faster, and capable of recording 9th or 10th magnitude stars in real time.
     Dates/UTs of observing runs, or detections of impacts, should be emailed to:
     ALPO - email: c u d n i k @ s b c g l o b a l . n e t
     BAA - email: a t c @ a b e r . a c . u k
     UAI - email: a m . 5 4 8 5 2 @ g m a i l . c o m