International Politics · Gwleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol

Britain and Ireland in War and Peace since 1800 · IP38820

Prydain Ac Iwerddon Mewn Rhyfel A Heddwch Ers 1800 · GW38820






Sir Edward Carson signs the Ulster Covenant, 1912



       Act of Union VL         

       Northern Ireland Parliament (Stormont) debates

     Public Record Office of Northern Ireland

        WW-VL: Irish history                  

       WWW-VL: UK history

       National Archives

       Conflict and Politics in Northern Ireland 

             British History Online  

       National Museum of Ireland

       Dáil Éireann debates

       Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Irish History Online

Information Dublin History of Ireland Bibliography

  Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921

Ireland: primary documents Documents of Ireland

Ulster Museum


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