Professor Manuel Grande
Postal Address
Head of Solar System Physics Institute of
Mathematical and Physical Sciences University of Wales Aberystwyth
Ceredigion SY23 3BZ Wales UK
Telephone UK: (0)1970-622624 Fax UK:
(0)1970-622826 Email: Room
Number 306 |
Personal Profile
Head of Solar
Systems Physics in Aberystwyth Visiting Research Professor:
Plantetary and Space
Sciences Research Institue, Open University Honarary Professor,
Astrophysics Group, University of Warwick
Research interests
- Lunar and Martian exploration
- Planetary Magnetospheres
- Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms
- Principal Investigator of C1XS on Chandrayaan-1 and D-CIXS on
- Co-PI of the SIXS solar monitor on the BepiColombo Mercury
Planetary Orbiter
- Co-I on Cassini, Huygens, Rosetta, Mars Express, Venus
Express, Selene, BepiColombo, Cluster, Polar and others
Recent Lectures Aberystwyth in Space - The Moon
Physical Optics 2008 1
Physical Optics 2008
2 Physical Optics
2008 3 Physical
Optics 2008 4 Physical Optics 2008 5 Physical Optics 2008 6 Physical Optics 2008 7 Physical Optics Assesed Problems 2008
1 Magnetospheres 2 Magnetospheres
Astronomy 1 Introduction Astronomy 2
Framework Planets 1 - Terrestrial Planets and Moons Planets 2 - Terrestrial
Planets - Atmospheres Planets 2 - Terrestrial Planets - Atmospheres- Venus Comet
movie Planets
3- Magnetospheres and Gas Giants Planets 4 - Outer Solar
System Planets
5 - Solar System Formation Planets 6 - Exoplanets Planets 7 -
Visualisation 1 Visualisation problems1 Visualisation
2 Visualisation problems2 Visualisation
3 Visualisation problems3
Material for
Visualisation Problems: Cloud
Movie 1 Cloud Movie 2 npole_aug01_32b.asc spole_sep01_32b.asc |