LTP Checklist for Moving Objects

The following are based upon advice the “Hatfield SCT Lunar Atlas – A digitally Re-mastered Edition”.

Definition: “Moving Object” style LTP are most likely explained by something in our atmosphere or telescope optics. These reports usually take the form of a moving white or dark dot, streaks or splodges. The most energetic processes that can be thought of on the lunar surface, meteorite impact ejecta clouds, or the spread of an energetic shallow quake, would have velocities of just a few km/s. Therefore for any motion involved in a LTP it must be very slow in angular motion and take the form or expansion or contraction from a source or a spread down a steep slope. As an example of the slowness of motion, even at a velocity of 2.5km/s an expanding cloud of dust would take just over 20 seconds to fill an area the size of Plato. Bearing in mind that this kind of velocity is just in excess of the lunar escape velocity, any faster motion LTP claims should never be taken seriously as being lunar in origin.

Checks to do: You should follow these steps to eliminate non-LTP causes:

1) If the LTP is moving across the Moon it is not of lunar origin. Especially a dark object as the size would be too large to be at the Moon’s distance. Even a lunar satellite which would be travelling at most 1km/s, would take nearly 2 min to cross an area as wide as Plato.

2) If an LTP is growing in size, or spreading, then the expansion rate must be similarly low otherwise it cannot be a LTP.

3) Check for satellites or aircraft passing across the Moon in the line of sight.


Observing “Motion”: If the above suggest it might be a LTP, then you should do as the following, to document fully the event:


1) Get a good estimate of the motion or expansion rate using crater diameters you know as yardstick measures.

2) Attempt to get a video if time allows.

3) Does it have color, and how bright or dark is it?

4) Write up your report, including images, video, or sketches and email to the LTP coordinator. Please try to write the report as quickly as possible in case you forget details.


ALPO LTP coordinator: Dr Anthony Cook. Tel/Text +44 798 5055 681. Email: atc @