Is Haskell's laziness actually a Good Thing? In writing code to process large data sets in Haskell I've come across more instances where laziness has been harmful than instances when it is beneficial. When everything needs processing and all calculations will be used, laziness just means that programs take up extortionate amounts of heap space while they delay all computation until the last minute. This is a review of some of the processes I've been using to deal with the problems caused by processing large amounts of data, for my own reference, and for anyone else who would like similar help, as this is not usually found in the Haskell textbooks.
First of all change the algorithm and/or data structure. Although obvious, it is worth restating since this is the solution that will usually give most benefit. This is not Haskell specific, though it could well be easier in Haskell than some other languages, given
Time and heap profiling are great for spotting which parts of your code need changing. Handy algorithms are available in Chris Okasaki's book (Okasaki1999), and from the Haskell web page ( The Haskell mailing lists ( sometimes carry solutions that people post for various problems, such as Ralf Hinze's collection of sorting algorithms (8/10/97, "Re: heap sort or the wonder of abstraction").
I've used the wrong type of sort and the wrong type of data structure (lists rather than prefix trees) before and getting this right speeds things up no end. Similarly, time profiling showed that one of my functions was taking up all the time not because it was slow but because it was being called so often. This pointed to using a screening function first, which did a less expensive test to work out whether the function really did need to be called, which saved half the time.
There are huge gains to be made by using better algorithms and data structures. Unfortunately, profiling can be slow (usually around 10 times slower in my experience) and it can take a long time to get all the information you need. And even then, the right choice of algorithm or data structure is not easy.
If a heap profile shows that code is being detrimentally lazy, Continuation Passing Style (CPS) is one purely functional way of forcing evaluation. Using CPS is a way of ensuring the evaluation order of functions. For example, consider the following code:
g a b c = let intermediate_result = f a in h intermediateresult b c f a = blah
As Haskell's evaluation order is outermost first, function f will not be applied until necessary, and will be saved as is without being reduced. If these unevaluated instances of f take up much more memory than the evaluated answer, this is wasteful. To force reduction, we need to bring f to the outside of the computation. This happens as follows:
We set f as the outermost function by introducing a new argument to f, and using a lambda expression as follows
g a b c = f a (\intermediateresult -> h intermediateresult b c)
Now f has to take an extra argument, say k, the "continuation function". This function is to be applied whenever f produces a result.
f a k = k blah
If the previous type of f was
f :: a -> b
then the new type of f with a continuation function will be
f :: a -> ( b -> c ) -> c
If f is recursive, say f was
f p [] = [] f p (x:xs) = if p x then x : f p xs else f p xs
then the continuation function and the result which is being built up must be passed through together. f always stays on the outside, even in the recusive call:
f p [] k = k [] f p (x:xs) k = if p x then f p xs ( k . (x:) ) else f p xs k
As an concrete example, here is some code which extracts particular parts of a parsed text file, building up a sorted list using insertion sort.
addElem position listSoFar (parsedLine:otherLines) = let valueWanted = extract position parsedLine newSoFar = insert valueWanted listSoFar in addElem position newSoFar otherLines insert x [] = [x] insert x l@(y:ys) = if x < y then x:l else y: insert x ys
As it is, the insert function will not be evaluated until the end, and all calls to this function will remain on the heap, wasting space. The code is rewritten so that the call to the "insert" function of the insertion sort is now on the outside, and takes a continuation function as argument.
addElem position listSoFar (parsedLine:otherLines) = let valueWanted = extract position parsedLine in insert valueWanted listSoFar $ (\newSoFar -> addElem position newSoFar otherLines) insert x [] k = k [x] insert x l@(y:ys) k = if x < y then k (x:l) else insert x ys (k . (y:))
Why does this work? Claus Reinke and Olaf Chitil pointed out that this works because we have been given a handle on "what comes next" (the continuation). So we can then move this around to control evaluation order. If we move it over some expression which forces evaluation such as a pattern match, a case expresion or the branches of a conditional, then we can control when the evaluation occurs. Of course, if you do not have some evaluation-forcing expression such as these, then the CPS code will be no more strict than the original.
On small examples such as this, CPS is ideal. But as code becomes larger and more complex, CPS can have its problems. Take the following example
main = do result <- foldM addDataFromFile initialData fileList prettyprint result addDataFromFile initialData fileName = do compiledFile <- compile fileName return (countData compiledFile initialData)
Both the file compilation and the counting process will be lazily deferred, and all the files will be read in before any calculation actually happens. This can be checked by forcing evaluation at each stage with a redundant "==", and comparing the heap profile with the original. If the last line of the addDataFromFile function is changed as follows:
addDataFromFile initialData fileName = do compiledFile <- compile fileName let newData = countData compiledFile initialData if (newData == newData) then return newData else return error ""
then everything runs beautifully and the heap stays small and constant from file to file. To convert to CPS the following would be necessary
addDataFromFile initialData fileName = do compiledFile <- compile filename countData compiledFile initialData (\newData -> return newData )
This means lifting the countData function into the IO monad. If countData then goes on to call several other functions, which themselves call other functions, this will require using CPS on these also, and hence lifting a lot of the program into the IO monad. Although possible, this begins to look untidy and begins to obscure the benefits of using Haskell in the first place.
The advantages of CPS are that it is still purely functional, standard Haskell. It stops laziness by changing the evaluation order, sometimes brilliantly reducing the memory overhead. The disadvantages are that it can make your code far less readable, and in some cases completely unintelligible. If a function is complicated, involving many sub functions then this can involve re-writing a large amount of code in CPS.
I've made use of a CPS version of fold which can help if you have a suitably evaluating f:
cpsfold f a [] = a cpsfold f a (x:xs) = f x a (\y -> cpsfold f y xs)Valery Trifonov emailed me to point out that
cpsfold f = flip (foldr (flip . f) id)
"so depending on how it appears in the program it may be easier to use (foldr f' id) instead of (cpsfold f), for f' defined appropriately and instead of f. For defining short-circuit computations I recall to have found useful the version:"
cpsfold' = flip . flip foldr id
Gertjan Kamsteeg also notes that:
cpsfold f a xs = foldr (\x k y -> f x y k) id xs a
and defines a version that 'consumes' elements from left to right:
cpsfold' f a xs = foldr (\x k y -> f y x k) id xs a
The Haskell language provides support for strictness annotations to data and functions. On offer are the datatype annotation !, and the strict sequencing operator `seq` and its often more useful form as the infix operator ($!).
The datatype annotation is used on user-defined datatypes as in the following example:
data Shape = Circle !Int !Int !Colour | Square !Int !Colour gives more detail on the usage of these. Each argument that has a ! will be evaluated when the constructor is applied. That is, it will be evaluated as if it had had ($!) applied to it (see following discussion on how much ($!) actually evaluates).
The seq operator is
seq :: a -> b -> b
x `seq` y will evaluate x, enough to check that it is not bottom, then discard the result and evaluate y. This might not seem useful, but it means that x is guaranteed to be evaluated before y is considered.
($!) is defined in terms of seq:
f $! x = x seq f x
This can then be used in a similar fashion to the ordinary function application operator ($). For example:
f x = g $! h $! x
This will evaluate x first, then h x, then apply g to the result. However both seq and ($!) evaluate their argument only enough to check that it is not bottom. If the argument is a list, this means it only has to check the first cons cell. If a complex datatype, it only has to check the topmost level, not the parts. So using seq and ($!) does not necessarily mean that anything will be fully evaluated. Using these combined with the strict datatype operator can help further but if this is not applicable to your code, then a deeper evaluation is needed.
DeepSeq is a module which provides operators `deepSeq` and ($!!). These are the equivalents of seq and ($!) in how they are used, but they force complete evaluation rather than the partial evaluation of seq and ($!). This module was posted by Dean Herington and posted to the Haskell mailing list on 21/8/00 (did he write it?). The module is included as Appendix A.
However, all such ways of enforcing evaluation and strictness are the users's responsibilty. DeepSeq is not yet deriveable, and instances must be written for all your datatypes (though John Meacham's DrIFT can now derive instances of rnf, which is equivalent, see Strategies below). Finding the correct places in the code to use ($!) or ($!!) is not always obvious, and code can still be lazy if any necessary places are overlooked. It can be an additional time overhead: if a computation is repeatedly carried out on an ever-growing datastructure, then it may be necessary to re-deepSeq the whole structure each iteration, even though most of it will have already been evaluated the previous time. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a place to put the ($!) or ($!!) operators and I end up writing extra redundant code such as the "do" and "return" in
tree1 <- readTreeFile file1 tree2 <- readTreeFile file2 m <- do return $!! (mergeTrees tree1 tree2) tree3 <- readTreeFile file3 prettyprint tree3 return (compareTrees m tree3)
in order to force the result of a pure function which would normally have been defined with a let statement, before continuing in an IO monad.
Scott Turner states on the haskell mailing list (17/6/04):
The concept of DeepSeq bothers me, because usually more limited use of strictness will do the job, and sometimes total strictness can't be used. Alternatives are strictList_ and strictList as defined in the "Prelude Extensions" at
strictList evaluates every element of the list when any part of the list is examined, and strictList_ evaluates the entire list, but not its elements, when the head is evaluated.
Strategies are another way of controlling evaluation and are available in the Strategies.lhs module distributed with GHC (just import Strategies). They're used in Glasgow parallel Haskell (GpH), but can be used in ordinary Haskell too, and are used in a similar fasion to deepSeq et al.
r0, rwhnf, rnf :: Strategy a r0 - does no evaluation, rwhnf - reduces its argument to Weak Head Normal Form (WHNF). rnf - reduces its argument to normal form (i.e. containing no redexes).
See and for more info. rnf can be derived by DrIFT.
If Haskell is to be used in earnest for real-world programs it will have to have good methods of reading and writing persistent data. Using Read for complex data structures (for example large trees) is not an option. Apart from being slow, it is also difficult to force code using Read to be strict. Ints will take less space than the Strings which represent them, but Haskell will be lazy and leave them as Strings until they are required.
Happy ( is a parser generator tool for Haskell. It is suprisingly easy to use. Simply write a grammar for the data you want to parse, in the Happy format, use Happy to convert the file into a Standard Haskell module, then the module can be used as ordinary code. This gives enormous speed-ups over using Read, and once you've written one Happy parser, all others are much the same, so parsing data will be simple in future. The disadvantages are the slight initial learning curve (in my opinion well worth the investment) and the difficulty in tracking down the source of type errors in generated code (Happy itself provides little in the way of error checking, and type errors come to light only when using the generated Haskell). The advantages are a large speed increase in reading files, and also some memory reduction. As arbitrary Haskell code can be included in the parser, sequencing operators and strictness annotations can be added where needed.
I have found in the past that Happy can still leave unwanted "read"s and "span"s on the heap. I haven't used Happy for several years now and it's probably much better now. Simon Marlow said several years ago:
"I've looked a little at making Happy more strict recently, because it turns out that it always returns the parse tree as a huge tree of thunks to the caller - this wouldn't be so bad if it was actually lazy, but it's not! It doesn't return anything until the whole input is parsed, and then it returns a huge wad of thunks. If you compile up a recent Happy from CVS (see GHC's building guide for info on setting up CVS), then you can use the --strict flag in conjunction with -agc to make all the productions strict."
If stricter, faster data I/O is needed then use a Binary library. See for example Malcolm Wallace and Colin Runciman's Binary library (Wallace1998) (, only available for the nhc compiler), or Bulat Ziganshin's ( Data can be read and written to file or to memory, and due to the compression used, the amount of data stored will generally be an order of magnitude smaller than if it were stored as text. I've found that this also means an order of magnitude saving in memory costs too, as there are no strings to remain on the heap, because the data is read in directly. The single disadvantage of Binary at the moment is that it is not Standard Haskell. However the support is good: instances of Binary are derivable automatically for any user defined data type, or if better compression is needed, the instances can be hand-written.
Discussions were taking place in 2003 on the libraries mailing list to devise a general Binary library. I haven't kept up with the status of this now. If you can provide a summary, please do.
Another alternative to Binary is Julian Seward's Sequential code, which provides a simple Standard Haskell module for strict data I/O to files. This module is included as Appendix B. This does not give as good compression as Binary, and instances are not deriveable, and must be hand-written for all user datatypes. But it does provide simple strict reading of Haskell data.
Some time ago there was an interesting discussion on the Haskell mailing list (21/5/03) of hGetContents and hClose which again relates to laziness not behaving as you might like. This has come up on the mailing list a few times now, and questioners have been referred to read about semi-closed handles (see IO library report, section 21.2.2
If you open a file, and do some reading from the file, then close the file, how do you guarantee that the reading and closing of the file happens in the order you require?
Edward Z. Yang points out that there is now (since at least 2008) a package available on hackage called strict that provides strict versions of hGetContents, getContents, readfile and interact (author Roman Leshchinskiy, maintainer Don Stewart). This is surely the easiest way to deal with the problem.
For historical record, understanding of the problem that the strict package solves, convenience and easy reading I include here three of the emails to the haskell mailing list. These postings can be found in the thread that starts here.
Graham Klyne wrote:
There seems to be a difficult-to-justify interaction between lazy evaluation and monadic I/O:[[ -- file: SpikeIOMonadCloseHandle.hs -- Does hClose force completion of lazy I/O? import IO showFile fnam = do { fh <- openFile fnam ReadMode ; fc <- hGetContents fh ; hClose fh ; putStr fc } test = showFile "SpikeIOMonadCloseHandle.hs" ]]If I load this into Hugs and run it, the output is a single blank line. If I reverse the order of hClose and putStr, the source code is displayed.
Ketil Z. Malde wrote
hClose is a strict operation, hGetContents is a lazy one. You want hClose to be strict, since the next action may be writing to the same file; having an unevaluated hGetContents around to be evaluated after other operations may not give you the result you expect.For a simple example like the above, use readFile, which reads lazily and closes the file when it's done. For complex examples, use handles with strict IO operations (but be prepared for high memory cost for those lists of chars)
Hal Daume III wrote:
Yes. This is because hGetContents (and hence readFile, etc.) use lazy IO. Just as in this case you might want hClose to force the file to be read, in a case like:
> do h <- openFile "really_large_file" ReadMode > c <- hGetContents h >>= return . head > hClose h > return cyou probably don't want the close to read the whole file. I'd argue that that problem is not with hClose, but with hGetContents. Really, a strict version should be used in most situations. Something like:
> hGetContentsStrict h = do > b <- hIsEOF h > if b then return [] else do > c <- hGetChar h > r <- hGetContentsStrict h > return (c:r)of course, you could be smarter with buffering, etc. Another way would be to do something using seq/deepSeq.
See also (the HTML is rather broken and doesn't display well on Firefox but it's a short piece so it's possible to read it anyway).
This subject reappeared when another person asked about the same issue. Various responses appeared. I include here one from Cale Gibbard and a followup from Simon Marlow. (2/Aug/05)
Cale Gibbard wrote:Your problem is, as you pointed out, that readFile does lazy IO. Although the semantics of it can be a bit confusing at times, it is useful for applications where you have a large file which is being consumed, and you don't want to allocate all of the memory for it before doing any processing. Laziness lets you read the file as needed -- you may not even need it all, depending on what is being done. This is quite helpful when you have something like a couple gigabytes of data on disk which needs processing. It can however be confusing at first that it may not finish reading the file before the file is altered, or, in situations involving handles, before the handle is closed.
You can write a strict IO version of readFile in Haskell as follows:
import IO hGetContents' hdl = do e <- hIsEOF hdl if e then return [] else do c <- hGetChar hdl cs <- hGetContents' hdl return (c:cs) readFile' fn = do hdl <- openFile fn ReadMode xs <- hGetContents' hdl hClose hdl return xsIf you use readFile', it will ensure that the entire file is read and memory for the string is allocated before continuing. This ought to solve your problem.
Simon Marlow added the following response:
Note that hGetContents' is likely to be slow, because it does repeated hGetChar. Also it is not tail-recursive, so it will run out of stack for a large file. It would be better to read the whole file into memory but lazilly convert it to a String, like so:
import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe import Foreign import Data.Char readFile' f = do h <- openFile f ReadMode s <- hFileSize h fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (fromIntegral s) len <- withForeignPtr fp $ \buf -> hGetBuf h buf (fromIntegral s) lazySlurp fp 0 len lazySlurp :: ForeignPtr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO String lazySlurp fp ix len | ix == len = return [] | otherwise = do c <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> peekElemOff p ix cs <- unsafeInterleaveIO (lazySlurp fp (ix+1) len) return (chr (fromIntegral c) : cs)Actually, I recommend always using this version unless you need to deal with really large files. Performance won't be quite as good as readFile, but I've attached a tweaked version that performs much better.
See Appendix C for Simon's tweaked code. See hackage for the strict package that provides strict versions of hGetContents, getContents, readfile and interact.
In practice, I've needed all of the above, and wrestling with laziness is something that happens with every serious Haskell program I write. There must be many more useful techniques. Thanks to all who've pointed out mistakes, and useful additions. Further tips and suggestions are extremely welcome, please email if you can add to this list.
Subject: DeepSeq.lhs [was: Re: [Haskell] Force evaluation] Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 01:25:15 -0500 From: Dean HeringtonDeepSeq.lhs -- deep strict evaluation support The `DeepSeq` class provides a method `deepSeq` that is similar to `seq` except that it forces deep evaluation of its first argument before returning its second argument. Instances of `DeepSeq` are provided for Prelude types. Other instances must be supplied by users of this module. $Id: DeepSeq.lhs,v 1.5 2002/04/01 20:58:24 heringto Exp $ > module DeepSeq where > class DeepSeq a where deepSeq :: a -> b -> b > infixr 0 `deepSeq`, $!! > ($!!) :: (DeepSeq a) => (a -> b) -> a -> b > f $!! x = x `deepSeq` f x > instance DeepSeq () where deepSeq = seq > instance DeepSeq Bool where deepSeq = seq > instance DeepSeq Char where deepSeq = seq > instance (DeepSeq a) => DeepSeq (Maybe a) where > deepSeq Nothing y = y > deepSeq (Just x) y = deepSeq x y > instance (DeepSeq a, DeepSeq b) => DeepSeq (Either a b) where > deepSeq (Left a) y = deepSeq a y > deepSeq (Right b) y = deepSeq b y > instance DeepSeq Ordering where deepSeq = seq > instance DeepSeq Int where deepSeq = seq > instance DeepSeq Integer where deepSeq = seq > instance DeepSeq Float where deepSeq = seq > instance DeepSeq Double where deepSeq = seq > instance DeepSeq (a -> b) where deepSeq = seq > instance DeepSeq (IO a) where deepSeq = seq > instance (DeepSeq a) => DeepSeq [a] where > deepSeq [] y = y > deepSeq (x:xs) y = deepSeq x $ deepSeq xs y > instance (DeepSeq a,DeepSeq b) => DeepSeq (a,b) where > deepSeq (a,b) y = deepSeq a $ deepSeq b y > instance (DeepSeq a,DeepSeq b,DeepSeq c) => DeepSeq (a,b,c) where > deepSeq (a,b,c) y = deepSeq a $ deepSeq b $ deepSeq c y > instance (DeepSeq a,DeepSeq b,DeepSeq c,DeepSeq d) => DeepSeq (a,b,c,d) where > deepSeq (a,b,c,d) y = deepSeq a $ deepSeq b $ deepSeq c $ deepSeq d y > instance (DeepSeq a,DeepSeq b,DeepSeq c,DeepSeq d,DeepSeq e) => DeepSeq (a,b,c,d,e) where > deepSeq (a,b,c,d,e) y = deepSeq a $ deepSeq b $ deepSeq c $ deepSeq d $ deepSeq e y > instance (DeepSeq a,DeepSeq b,DeepSeq c,DeepSeq d,DeepSeq e,DeepSeq f) => DeepSeq (a,b,c,d,e,f) where > deepSeq (a,b,c,d,e,f) y = deepSeq a $ deepSeq b $ deepSeq c $ deepSeq d $ deepSeq e $ deepSeq f y > instance (DeepSeq a,DeepSeq b,DeepSeq c,DeepSeq d,DeepSeq e,DeepSeq f,DeepSeq g) => DeepSeq (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) where > deepSeq (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) y = deepSeq a $ deepSeq b $ deepSeq c $ deepSeq d $ deepSeq e $ deepSeq f $ deepSeq g y
module Sequential where -- Author: Julian Seward, 2002 -- Module providing strict file I/O for Haskell datatypes -- Comment by Amanda Clare - Be careful with types that use Strings, there's -- a separate instance for them. import IO import Char ( chr, ord ) import ADT panic msg = error ("panic: " ++ msg) putC :: Handle -> Char -> IO () putC = hPutChar putS :: Handle -> String -> IO () putS = hPutStr getC :: Handle -> IO Char getC = hGetChar getS :: Handle -> Int -> IO String getS h n | n < 0 = panic "getS: negative" | n == 0 = return [] | otherwise = do c <- getC h cs <- getS h (n-1) return (c:cs) -- write the length of an item using an expanding code. This makes -- it possible to implement a reader with zero lookahead. 0-9 are -- emitted as-is. Otherwise emit 'A' + length (show n) ++ show n emitLen :: Handle -> Int -> IO () emitLen h n | n < 0 = panic "emitLen" | n < 10 = putC h (chr (n + ord '0')) | otherwise = let ns = show n nd = length ns in putC h (chr (nd + ord 'A')) >> putS h ns -- read a len. Take care to force the returned Int before returning it. readLen :: Handle -> IO Int readLen h = do c1 <- getC h if c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9' then do let n = ord c1 - ord '0' n `seq` return n else do let nd = ord c1 - ord 'A' str <- getS h nd let n = read str n `seq` return n class Sequential t where toSeq :: Handle -> t -> IO () fromSeq :: Handle -> IO t -- Alas, this encompasses String == [Char] in a way we don't want -- so use toSeqString and fromSeqString for String instance Sequential a => Sequential [a] where toSeq h xs = let n = length xs in -- just wop 'em in back-to-back, since the reader knows -- how many to expect emitLen h n >> mapM_ (toSeq h) xs fromSeq h = do nxs <- readLen h loop nxs where loop :: Int -> IO [a] loop 0 = return [] loop n = do x <- fromSeq h xs <- loop (n-1) return (x:xs) instance Sequential Int where toSeq h i = let str = show i in emitLen h (length str) >> putS h str fromSeq h = do nd <- readLen h str <- getS h nd let n = read str n `seq` return n instance Sequential Integer where toSeq h i = let str = show i in emitLen h (length str) >> putS h str fromSeq h = do nd <- readLen h str <- getS h nd let n = read str n `seq` return n instance (Sequential a, Sequential b) => Sequential (a,b) where toSeq h (x,y) = toSeq h x >> toSeq h y fromSeq h = do x <- fromSeq h y <- fromSeq h return (x,y) --instance Sequential String where {- see comment above -} toSeqString h str = emitLen h (length str) >> putS h str fromSeqString h = do nd <- readLen h str <- getS h nd return str -- [String] must also be special case -- instance Sequential [String] where toSeqSS :: Handle -> [String] -> IO() fromSeqSS :: Handle -> IO [String] toSeqSS h xs = let n = length xs in -- just wop 'em in back-to-back, since the reader knows -- how many to expect emitLen h n >> mapM_ (toSeqString h) xs fromSeqSS h = do nxs <- readLen h loop nxs where loop :: Int -> IO [String] loop 0 = return [] loop n = do x <- fromSeqString h xs <- loop (n-1) return (x:xs) {- data T = L | N Int T T deriving (Show, Eq) -- just for testing instance Sequential T where toSeq h L = putC h 'L' toSeq h (N n l r) = do putC h 'N' toSeq h n toSeq h l toSeq h r fromSeq h = do what <- getC h case what of 'L' -> return L 'N' -> do n <- fromSeq h l <- fromSeq h r <- fromSeq h return (N n l r) mkHugeTree :: Int -> T mkHugeTree n | n == 0 = L | n == 1 = N 1 L L | n > 0 = let half = n `div` 2 in N n (mkHugeTree half) (mkHugeTree (n - half)) -- just to force the read thing into memory countNodes :: T -> Int countNodes L = 0 countNodes (N _ l r) = 1 + countNodes l + countNodes r test = do let tree_orig = mkHugeTree 500000 -- putStrLn (show (countNodes tree_orig)) h_out <- openFile "testfile2" WriteMode toSeq h_out tree_orig hClose h_out h_in <- openFile "testfile2" ReadMode tree_read <- (fromSeq h_in) :: IO T let n_nodes_read = countNodes tree_read putStrLn ("read tree has " ++ show n_nodes_read ++ " nodes") putStrLn ("is it same as original?: " ++ show (tree_orig == tree_read)) main = test -}
Simon Marlow's readfile.hs
import System.IO import System.IO.Unsafe import Foreign import Data.Char main = do str <- readFile' "/usr/share/dict/words" putStr str readFile' f = do h <- openFile f ReadMode s <- hFileSize h fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (fromIntegral s) len <- withForeignPtr fp $ \buf -> hGetBuf h buf (fromIntegral s) lazySlurp fp 0 len buf_size = 4096 :: Int lazySlurp :: ForeignPtr Word8 -> Int -> Int -> IO String lazySlurp fp ix len | fp `seq` False = undefined | ix >= len = return [] | otherwise = do cs <- unsafeInterleaveIO (lazySlurp fp (ix + buf_size) len) ws <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> loop (min (len-ix) buf_size - 1) ((p :: Ptr Word8) `plusPtr` ix) cs return ws where loop :: Int -> Ptr Word8 -> String -> IO String loop len p acc | len `seq` p `seq` False = undefined | len < 0 = return acc | otherwise = do w <- peekElemOff p len loop (len-1) p (chr (fromIntegral w):acc)